View Full Version : Pondering leaving BA

Jack the rabbit
14th Jul 2022, 09:34
Promise not trolling. I’m querying my choice and wondering about leaving.

Prior to cov was unsettled and on the fence. I’ve been there a few years. Then cov came along.

We have our er - challenges - currently going on. Sure when it blows over there’ll be the next time

I’m braced for a flame. Anyone else who works there feeling like this who will admit under the cover of darkness? I feel guilty for thinking of options outside. Not sure why.

14th Jul 2022, 10:21
Can’t answer this for you, and wouldn’t want to. I’ve worked at BA in the past and now have other operators to compare it to. It comes down to what you want out of flying.

The only thing I can suggest is that you pause for thought, and perhaps determine whether it’s worth sitting it out.

There’s an old saying about grass isn’t there ? I think everyone is struggling at the moment…

14th Jul 2022, 10:56
If it is airline flying you want, a lot will depend on your age and your position on the seniority list. Remember, there are many things which affect the quality of life than just the flying.

14th Jul 2022, 15:03
I think I'm on record as looking elsewhere (SH BA isn't as much fun as it was advertised). However at my age I really need to go in the next 18 months else there's not much point. I've got my CV in a few places, but as others have said there's not a lot out there.

For me I always thought BA would be corporate and somewhat uncaring, I just didn't quite realise how uncaring. I also didn't realise how uncaring the union would be, but that's perhaps for a different thread.

hans brinker
14th Jul 2022, 16:00
What are your options?

14th Jul 2022, 17:28
Out of the frying pan into the fire is what springs to mind…..we have all been searching the unicorn job of amazing salary, low caps, gorgeous single hosties, free house and company car . Where were you looking to go?

Jack the rabbit
14th Jul 2022, 18:02
Out of the frying pan into the fire is what springs to mind…..we have all been searching the unicorn job of amazing salary, low caps, gorgeous single hosties, free house and company car . Where were you looking to go?

No none of those reasons. I’ve a couple of apps in. Jet2 etc. No offers, so no options really.

Jack the rabbit
14th Jul 2022, 18:12
I think I'm on record as looking elsewhere (SH BA isn't as much fun as it was advertised). However at my age I really need to go in the next 18 months else there's not much point. I've got my CV in a few places, but as others have said there's not a lot out there.

For me I always thought BA would be corporate and somewhat uncaring, I just didn't quite realise how uncaring. I also didn't realise how uncaring the union would be, but that's perhaps for a different thread.

I feel what you’re saying there.

There’s not a lot out there. Moving is academic for me until I had any kind offer. I don’t know. It’s not been a sudden arrival to considering it. Wish I didn’t but is what it is.

14th Jul 2022, 19:20
I think many folks are disenchanted with Big Airlines. The opportunist grab on terms and conditions during Covid was the icing on the cake. The difficulty is that the same rush to the bottom has been widespread in the industry and most companies have stuffed their staff (not just pilots).
The result of course is the total chaos at airports this Summer which the Airlines and Airport owners are trying to blame on anyone except themselves.
I therefore understand your urge to move, if only 'to shove it to the man!'
That said the economy looks like tanking and once this Summer is over the customers may decide their fuel bills are more of a priority than their holidays so it may not be a good time to be at the bottom of a new jobs seniority list, and I suspect the grass will be brown on BOTH sides of the fence!

14th Jul 2022, 20:40
It’s a hard topic. COVID and connected measures have left a huge amount of bitterness. I am personally aware of high single figures short haul P1s applying to Jet2. Should EZY start looking for DECs at LGW I suspect that will increase markedly. The fact that pre COVID Heathrow Airbus commands hit 3800 on the MSL and Airbus P1s were bidding P2 LH was a red flag regarding QOL.

The big problem is after a few years, you’re committed to the seniority system and have invested in the future - it’s a very hard conversation with the family to walk away after putting up with juniority with the promised land in sight. I personally think it’s still worth sticking it out as the ultimate reward of a P1 long haul seat is still better than on offer anywhere else if that’s the destination you want. If you want to drive to work in under an hour from a decent sized house and be home every night, another airline might be for you.

For me the big problem is there are much more interesting jobs out there but none are well enough remunerated once you have the golden handcuffs on.

14th Jul 2022, 21:44
It’s horses for courses and you don’t give much away about your personal circumstances, but unless you live significantly closer to a Jet2 base than LHR, I don’t think it would be wise to give up (I assume, as you’re still there) a safe place on the BA seniority list to join an airline completely exposed at the lower end of the U.K. outbound leisure market going into a cost of living squeeze, flying an old, thirsty fleet of aircraft around during a period of fuel price volatility.

As mentioned above, there are very few unicorn jobs around and those that have them don’t give them up. I’d ride it out if I were you, at least for another year or so. But as I said, horses for courses.

Jack the rabbit
14th Jul 2022, 22:16
Fantastic posts thanks..

I’m single simplifies family side. I’ve found it a very “intense” experience. I identified about 5 major points that I struggle with ..a lot. And most won’t ever change and I battle with trying to make myself work jelly mould like with these aspects. Might be I don’t sit with it. Stickle brick and lego. Good point vs handcuffs. I have and continue to ruminate on it. Very good points.

There’s other recent factors apart from the industrial er “troubles”, I won’t go into, amplifying things making it worse. It’s not about finding a unicorn job

Sorry I don’t give much away it’s just you can tell I’m not mega comfortable about putting too much info on

14th Jul 2022, 22:45
Twice in my life I have made a move from what were perceived as great (flying) jobs. Best decisions I’ve ever made. No regrets when (if) I am 80 and look back. Only life and experience

15th Jul 2022, 05:42
It's a tough call, I have my gripes like everyone else but can put up with the BS as being based at Heathrow on whatever fleet suits my family circumstances and I live close by. Saying that I jacked in two previous careers to get here, both seen as a safe(ish) option with pension etc at the end so I know where you're coming from.

If I was single and didnt have a family I'd have a different perspective.

Try going part time and do something else on the side?

Edited to add: in no way should you feel guilty about considering leaving. It's just a job, if its not working looking for other options is exactly what you should be doing.

Mister Geezer
15th Jul 2022, 09:08
I don't want to be seen to be preaching from the pulpit but I have had similar thoughts (non BA but fly for a legacy carrier) but disconnecting from work when the parking brake is set is paramount. Whilst feeling fulfilled at work certainly helps, it is not the key to overall fulfillment and populating your spare time with meaningful tasks that make you happy, can go a long way to offsetting any grumbles at work. As pilots, we still love flying but it is very easy to let workplace politics affect our enjoyment. If you can afford to go part-time then grab it with both hands.

15th Jul 2022, 09:56
You may know Simon:


He took the leap. I left two well established and desirable airlines because they weren’t for me and people there thought I was mad. But it did work out very well for me. If you aren’t happy now; do something about it - how do you think you will feel in a year if you don’t do something? The same, better or worse?


Whitemonk Returns
15th Jul 2022, 14:22
It’s horses for courses and you don’t give much away about your personal circumstances, but unless you live significantly closer to a Jet2 base than LHR, I don’t think it would be wise to give up (I assume, as you’re still there) a safe place on the BA seniority list to join an airline completely exposed at the lower end of the U.K. outbound leisure market going into a cost of living squeeze, flying an old, thirsty fleet of aircraft around during a period of fuel price volatility.

As mentioned above, there are very few unicorn jobs around and those that have them don’t give them up. I’d ride it out if I were you, at least for another year or so. But as I said, horses for courses.

I've never worked for BA but this is such a bad take I had to interject. If we hit the mother of all recessions in a year or two, given the level of debt and poor management at all levels of BA and how badly they treated everyone during Covid, I would wager there isn't a pilot in the country who would pick BA over Jet2 right now.

As for this guys place on the seniority list, plenty of pilots at TCX, Flybe and now Tui UK would trade their number for a spot in a well run airline

15th Jul 2022, 15:05
As many have done in an airline that specialises in not flying any passengers at all.

15th Jul 2022, 15:20
Is your salary at BA reasonably higher than at possible other options? And if yes, could you invest that salary in part-time? And if part-time and more time away from work, would that change the equation for you?

15th Jul 2022, 15:56
No firm views on this to a certain extent. I have had a nomadic career that has generally worked out ok. It would appear that some have entrenched views on the airline based oop north. I am biased for obvious reasons but being as objective as I can I would not choose BA over Jet2. J2 is a well run airline with 2 pay increases in recent month plus a small bonus for getting through the summer. Admittedly a no nonsense boss with Thatcherite views on unions but Balpa is hardly covering itself in glory particularly with the excruciatingly stupid rules on licensing post Brexit. Many brand new Airbuses on the way to complement a newish fleet of B737s and an admittedly ageing fleet of B757s winding down. Bases not generally stretching to the south except BRS and strong LGW rumours. It would not be a disaster moving to J2 unless you pine for long haul, bigger aircraft and jet lag. Good luck with your choices. I was many years ago in the left seat on a B747 negotiating my way around cbs on the South China Sea and deeply miserable with a perceived glamorous employer and associated lifestyle. I left and it all worked out in the end.

Jack the rabbit
15th Jul 2022, 21:03
Is your salary at BA reasonably higher than at possible other options? And if yes, could you invest that salary in part-time? And if part-time and more time away from work, would that change the equation for you?

A great suggestion as yourself and a couple of other people suggested.. I actually did take PT at beginning of covid as found FT pre covid pretty dire (5/6 trips a month). Added issue is now with the pay cuts and being placed into SH costs a fortune commuting (I live a good few hours away) and eats a large fraction of extra time off PT generated. PT def was on my list to mitigate it all at least to buy some time and head space. I’ve developed a keen interest and have taken up something outside of flying I would love to do on the side.

15th Jul 2022, 21:06
As for this guys place on the seniority list, plenty of pilots at TCX, Flybe and now Tui UK would trade their number for a spot in a well run airline

I was giving the guy my opinion, but it wouldn’t be Pprune if there wasn’t a defensive Jet2 employee ready to jump in and make it a thread about how wonderful Jet2 is. I don’t know a single personal acquaintance in BA, Virgin or TUI who would rather be in Jet2 right now.

Jack the rabbit
15th Jul 2022, 21:09
It's a tough call, I have my gripes like everyone else but can put up with the BS as being based at Heathrow on whatever fleet suits my family circumstances and I live close by. Saying that I jacked in two previous careers to get here, both seen as a safe(ish) option with pension etc at the end so I know where you're coming from.

If I was single and didnt have a family I'd have a different perspective.

Try going part time and do something else on the side?

Edited to add: in no way should you feel guilty about considering leaving. It's just a job, if its not working looking for other options is exactly what you should be doing.

That so true, one of the good things about the last 2 years is I discovered things away from flying I really am into and I really do want to explore more. Cheers appreciate it.

15th Jul 2022, 22:10
A great suggestion as yourself and a couple of other people suggested.. I actually did take PT at beginning of covid as found FT pre covid pretty dire (5/6 trips a month). Added issue is now with the pay cuts and being placed into SH costs a fortune commuting (I live a good few hours away) and eats a large fraction of extra time off PT generated. PT def was on my list to mitigate it all at least to buy some time and head space. I’ve developed a keen interest and have taken up something outside of flying I would love to do on the side.

I went part time fairly early in my career and never looked back, for me it’s the difference between enjoying and not enjoying the job. Knowing you have that fixed firebreak coming up makes the early starts/late finishes/jetlag bearable, and I usually find at the end of my part time periods that I’m looking forward to going back to work. The pay cut will almost certainly fall entirely within the 40% tax bracket, so your take home will go down less than you think, and you will still be on a relatively good salary. Your body will thank you for it too.

15th Jul 2022, 23:04
I've never worked for BA but this is such a bad take I had to interject. If we hit the mother of all recessions in a year or two, given the level of debt and poor management at all levels of BA and how badly they treated everyone during Covid, I would wager there isn't a pilot in the country who would pick BA over Jet2 right now.

As for this guys place on the seniority list, plenty of pilots at TCX, Flybe and now Tui UK would trade their number for a spot in a well run airline

If you wouldnt wager any pilot choosing BA over Jet2 then you are as delusional as I thought. I know plenty of guys that joined Jet2 and absolutely hate it- particularly in the summer. But their locked in to a northern base for family reasons. They can keep the variable rosters the RDOs, the endless name tags, the “Deputy Base Captains” (WTF is that) , the endless sandbagging/assessing in the sim at LBA. No thanks.

16th Jul 2022, 07:15
Many years ago my opportunity to be join BA slipped away due to external factors beyond my control. I ended up in a decent leisure carrier that was unfortunately run into the ground and had a checkered flying career since financially but actually look back on it and can not complain because despite the much better financial stability I would have had in BA, I've had a far more interesting career and life experiences than BA would allow. On saying this, I would not move from BA with some seniority to work for Jet2 or the likes, rather I would only make a radical move if you decide to jump or stick with what you have and make it work as best you can.

16th Jul 2022, 10:50
I was giving the guy my opinion, but it wouldn’t be Pprune if there wasn’t a defensive Jet2 employee ready to jump in and make it a thread about how wonderful Jet2 is. I don’t know a single personal acquaintance in BA, Virgin or TUI who would rather be in Jet2 right now.

Exactly. These guys simply cannot resist shouting about how brilliant they are - be it on Linkedin, PPRUNE, Internal memos and even my local. There is literally no end to it. Its pathetic and quite frankly boring.
Could the Jet2 guys possibly start their own thread in order to feel all “warm and fuzzy” so that the original poster can get some sensible input on whether to leave BA or not?

16th Jul 2022, 11:20
I don't want to be seen to be preaching from the pulpit but I have had similar thoughts (non BA but fly for a legacy carrier) but disconnecting from work when the parking brake is set is paramount. Whilst feeling fulfilled at work certainly helps, it is not the key to overall fulfillment and populating your spare time with meaningful tasks that make you happy, can go a long way to offsetting any grumbles at work. As pilots, we still love flying but it is very easy to let workplace politics affect our enjoyment. If you can afford to go part-time then grab it with both hands.

I don’t want to preach or tell you what to do either…but I really liked this post. I can identify with it myself.

16th Jul 2022, 11:33
I don’t know anyone in Jet2 who thinks that they are ‘better’ than anyone else. Personally just trying to gently suggest an option to the thread starter; advice he can take or leave as he wishes. I wish him luck however as I have also been in big airlines and not terribly happy. No one needs to be ‘ defensive’ about J2 . I like it and I am sorry some posters disapprove with strange and vituperative enthusiasm. Gotta love pprune and the keyboard warriors that wouldn’t say the same to your face. In the same vein if the existence of deputy base managers, name tags and anecdotal tales of woe from the line cause anxiety then the airline business is obviously too stressful. The northern and Scottish bases also suit some and are a realistic alternative to commuting to LHR. I will make no further comment on this thread as I can’t be @rsed with childish squabbling.

16th Jul 2022, 12:10
I certainly don’t think that you should feel guilty if you choose to leave.

I wonder whether loneliness plays a part in your unhappiness? I have never worked for BA but as an outsider looking in, my friends who work there give me the impression it can sometimes be a solitary place to work. Being away for large periods of your life with different groups of people is not for everyone and it’s important that you feel you have people to connect and enjoy yourself with. For historical reasons I believe that the BA cabin crew might not always want to spend time with the pilots and this must be difficult.

I’m fortunate to work for an airline where the crew relationships are generally very cohesive, but I very occasionally come across a group which doesn’t want to socialise with me or each other and this can be isolating.

The best advice I can offer is to look at your pilot friends who are happiest. What are they doing differently? Who do they work for? What are they prioritising in their careers?

I hope this helps and I wish you all the best.

16th Jul 2022, 13:54
A great suggestion as yourself and a couple of other people suggested.. I actually did take PT at beginning of covid as found FT pre covid pretty dire (5/6 trips a month). Added issue is now with the pay cuts and being placed into SH costs a fortune commuting (I live a good few hours away) and eats a large fraction of extra time off PT generated. PT def was on my list to mitigate it all at least to buy some time and head space. I’ve developed a keen interest and have taken up something outside of flying I would love to do on the side.

I think it is a good point what another contributor was mentioning. Part time in the highest tax bracket does not lower your NET salary as much as you reduce your work percentage.

Part time also saves on commuting, or does BA have a lot of day trips on SH? When would you be able to go back longhaul?

Is there anything you could do in your free time that you enjoy, can be done around or even from home or while commuting (remote work), and pays money? And are you commuting from abroad (you mention a good few hours of commute) so double taxation could work in your favor if having a second income in another country?

Anyways, all the best.

16th Jul 2022, 17:20
If you wouldnt wager any pilot choosing BA over Jet2 then you are as delusional as I thought. I know plenty of guys that joined Jet2 and absolutely hate it- particularly in the summer. But their locked in to a northern base for family reasons. They can keep the variable rosters the RDOs, the endless name tags, the “Deputy Base Captains” (WTF is that) , the endless sandbagging/assessing in the sim at LBA. No thanks.

The thread starts as a Pilot unhappy at BA and ends as a Jet 2 slag off...........

16th Jul 2022, 17:23
I've never worked for BA but this is such a bad take I had to interject. If we hit the mother of all recessions in a year or two, given the level of debt and poor management at all levels of BA and how badly they treated everyone during Covid, I would wager there isn't a pilot in the country who would pick BA over Jet2 right now.

As for this guys place on the seniority list, plenty of pilots at TCX, Flybe and now Tui UK would trade their number for a spot in a well run airline

Noting that TUI UK are having a hard time currently, If they were not a well run airline they would have gone bust by now.
I guess a few remember Britannia, Thompson before TUI. Can't be that bad surely>>>??

16th Jul 2022, 18:27
Noting that TUI UK are having a hard time currently, If they were not a well run airline they would have gone bust by now.
I guess a few remember Britannia, Thompson before TUI. Can't be that bad surely>>>??

Thomson were a right mess when they ‘merged’ with FIrst Choice who had themselves just been jilted at the last moment in a different coming together.

16th Jul 2022, 21:00
What have TUI got to do with somebody thinking about leaving BA?

17th Jul 2022, 06:39
Well to be fair I actually do get where the Jet2 bashing comes from but it is a bit weird how quick people on here go mental about any pro Jet2 posts... However, back on thread, if you are going to leave BA and remain a pilot living in the UK you only really have maybe 5 options that I can think of and I'll give you my take, assuming you are an FO:

Virgin - long haul obviously attracts, London base makes the swap easier from BA but from what I have heard I believe they are cutting all of the good stuff, bullets etc and not what it once was, second hand info though. Swapping one seniority list for another.

TUI - same as Virgin with more base options. Very precarious financial situation and would take a brave man to swap BA for TUI right now. Salaries are probably equivalent, a friend has earned close to 100k as an FO doing day offs etc. Seniority list again though and that stupid 7k a year for the TR if you don't have the rating has put most people off, part time contract aswell.

Easyjet: Good salaries for Captain although I don't know the exact figures. European bases, quicker command, if you are already Airbus this is going to be a quick transfer. High workload, don't know what you fly at BA but if I wanted to fly 800 hrs a year i would just go to the desert

Jet2: Growing company. Not top level salaries but 85k+ for an SFO and 130k+ for a Captain is competitive. Probably the lightest workload of the lot if you can survive the random roster. Like night flying it won't suit everyone. Good choice of bases. Summers are busy busy and fatiguing, normally you have the winter to recover but with the growth of the business that may not last forever. Long haul is inevitable in my opinion if that's what you want but TUI or Virgin will. Offer this quicker. Brexit seems to have killed the European bases for now unfortunately.

DHL: safe. Cargo is literally flying and will most likely continue to grow. Night flying is tough, FO salary isn't great. Relatively long time to command but I think its worth it when you get there.

Whitemonk obviously you are favouring J2 as it’s your place.

Im at none of these know enough in each to get a picture bar DHL.

From Jet2 Salaries you quote are the very top end. I was told at recruitment that SFO pay wouldn’t be until at least 6 months post final line check and it wasn’t quite that figure. Summer is what 6 on 2 off? Savage man!! Even with winter off that is bloody hard.

Virgin on paper and what people have said is amazing but the hint of a wobble and they make redundancies. I know a guy who has been made redundant twice with them so be aware of that.

OP I think you should go part time and ride it out. Enjoy time off or if you want set yourself up to leave if that’s what you want. Maybe you have a business you want to start.
Can’t predict the future with any airline but BA is not the worst place. Not the best to start with but 10 years in I would put it at the top of the pile for UK airlines to work for.
I thrashed out with my mate who went from J2 to BA. He was close to command at J2 but said he has never been happier at BA and much less tired. More options, pensions is amazing and travel perks are great.
Grass isn’t always greener.

17th Jul 2022, 08:27
I agree that the grass is unlikely to be greener elsewhere BUT I hear what the OP is saying – I too (definitely NOT trolling either) am at a loss of what to do. It is certainly not a pleasant place to work at the moment. The blatant dishonesty from the management is staggering. In short, they are liars with no morality. The on-going “Delta” saga is simply and clearly punishment for daring to stand up for our rights during the strikes. They have made it personal, under the guise of “supporting the business”. Morale on the line is at the lowest I have ever known since I joined (a fair few years ago now). The press are rightly focussed on the airports being understaffed but are missing the fact the airline sacked too many people because they thought it was a great opportunity to create new contracts with lower pay and conditions. What a gross misjudgement – one that literally no one had been held to account over. It is because no one in a senior position has been held liable for the state of the operation, so now staff have no respect for the management.

Equally, there is no respect for us (pilots) and what we actually do. Thanks to the weak and ineffective association that is BALPA, the perception of our role has been dumbed down so much that ops staff actually believe that the airplanes “fly themselves” and that “anyone can be a pilot”. Our agreements are routinely ignored because the majority are afraid to question or don’t know what ops are allowed to do. Add to that fact the BALPA and the senior (LH pilots) essentially apologise for those agreements and make out that we are privileged and lucky to have the “best job in the world”. They argue that they are being realistic, but they just don’t want to rock the boat

JSS has proven to be an unmitigated disaster for anyone other the top 10% on each fleet. The short reserves are well-intentioned but, now with such a large number of short reserves used on each (SH) status each month, JSS is even less likely to work.

I was told that worst kept secret is that the new LGW EF commands are all discussing hours-building to then apply for command elsewhere. True or not, I guess we’ll all find out soon.

17th Jul 2022, 09:56
We’ll find out when Jet2 start making Airbus offers. For airline jobs, BA is still in my view as good as it gets. If you are after a more friendly and personal environment, historically Gatwick was a wonderful base to be at and a well kept secret, though very much depends on you living within 45 minutes or so of the airport. However, since the fire and rehire of all Gatwick based pilots (even those not made redundant are on worse T&Cs should they wish to move back to the base close to where they live) confidence in fair treatment is nonexistent and for anyone with >8 years in is financially penalising.

I agree with the suggestions of finding outside activities - I have several things outside the family keeping me busy and I turn up, fly and have fun with colleagues then disappear home and try to forget about it. I’m aware I’m on PPRuNe talking about it but the best thing I did was to get my wife to change my BALPA forum password to stop any temptation of going on there. Trying to keep away from the politics makes a big different, even if they are ultimately inescapable when looking at the payslip every month.

17th Jul 2022, 09:59
SunSmith……if I may offer an insight? I think to survive in BA it is necessary to grow a “shell”. We all go through your doubts. As someone that started off in BA in the regions, and then transferred to Gatwick onto another small fleet, it came as a big shock to go to big,bad LHR after several years. It was like joining a different airline. All of your previous comments and observations were the same 30 years ago. I think many BA pilots (and cabin crew) go through these doubts as many lose their passion for the job. However, once you take a look around (depending on personal circumstances) , and work out that, actually, the grass may not be greener, and that life generally improves as you progress in BA, people tend to stay, trapped by the (tarnished) golden handcuffs.
As previous posters mentioned, applying for part time , developing hobbies/interests outside of work, even getting married/starting a family mean that one’s focus is away from work and the awful CRC. The vast majority of people I work with at BA are great people trying to do their best under trying circumstances. I know certain work groups can be a bit awkward, however, I don’t think anybody blames them for walking off the job the moment their shift ends, even if mid way through a job.
‘There is a reason BA pilots say “Happiness is V1 at LHR” 😊

17th Jul 2022, 11:01
This isn't intended as a personal attack, as we are all trying to provide advice based on our own past experiences, both within and outside of BA.

I've been on the receiving end of the "it's not so bad being junior, we've all been there, you only have to be junior once, it gets better" chat from those I fly with. You then probe a bit deeper and out come stories of Bid Line, Clash and Protect, 600 hours per year and rapid movement up the seniority list (in one instance caused by c. 300 BMI pilots being added to the bottom of the list - let's leave those worms firmly in the can!)

We're the first pilots in what, 20/30 years? to be junior under a new bidding system. We're working under a new ruleset (EASA FTL) that is generally regarded as having much less fatigue protection than the old CAP FTL. Many on P32L have lost seniority, some significantly, as CRS pilots were pushed / parachuted onto the airbus fleet (I've not yet met one of them who wanted to be on SH). We've seen what career progression we might have expected (LH, Left Seat Airbus) pushed further away by those same ex CRS pilots who are (and I'm happy to be corrected) unfrozen for any other fleet they wish to move to in the next PRIAM bid. And we have a union that has (in practice, even if not intentionally) abandoned junior pilots as collateral damage).

I struggle to think of a reason to stay other than blind hope that it has to get better as other contributors have said it does, and the thought that after nearly 5 years of promising my family "it gets better, its a long term game at BA" it would be a hard sell to them to move. Again.

White Van Driver
17th Jul 2022, 11:47
There was a pprune user Tricia Takanawa who had similar thoughts a few years ago when i was joining. We exchanged a few PMs but I'm
not sure what happened in the end, I lost the password to that account. But you might have luck looking them up to see how it went.
From my side, BA isn't the be all and end all, if you aren't fulfilled here now it's unlikely you will be in the future, and is that possibly more a function of airline flying than the particular airline? In that case I doubt moving to VS/J2/EZ/RYR etc would solve that for you. But aviation is big and there are many different roles around the world that have different challenges, so if you are in the position to go seek these out give it a go!
I'm staying at ba myself because i still enjoy it, and I am supporting a young family so i value the regular paycheck and plenty of time off at home.
If I had got into BA at a young age, I think I'd be itching for an adventure. However I did my adventuring earlier in my career so a nice easy stable airline job suits me down to the ground.

17th Jul 2022, 13:33
There's a guy in our company who was in BA for about 13 years. He was disillusioned with it and jumped ship to the US. After 2 years of fun over there he returned to the UK. He's been with us for 16 years.
Sure, some days are tough, in fact, this Summer is brutal. We're significantly busier than we were in 2019. Only catch, you need to have an EASA licence.
(Large Fractional business jet company).

speed freek
17th Jul 2022, 16:43
Many on P32L have lost seniority, some significantly, as CRS pilots were pushed / parachuted onto the airbus fleet (I've not yet met one of them who wanted to be on SH). We've seen what career progression we might have expected (LH, Left Seat Airbus) pushed further away by those same ex CRS pilots who are (and I'm happy to be corrected) unfrozen for any other fleet they wish to move to in the next PRIAM bid. And we have a union that has (in practice, even if not intentionally) abandoned junior pilots as collateral damage).

This for me is the one of the biggest reasons why there is unhappiness and discontent on the line, we’re still picking on each other instead of supporting each other. Had the union truly abandoned junior pilots, then those same CRS pilots would have never been in the CRS and instead taken the place of the junior pilots as the lower ranks were made redundant - LIFO.

I would advise you timesreader to take the time to speak to the CRS pilots who have come back and ask them about their experiences. Many are divorced, most are scarred, some financially broken. If they are unfrozen it is because the company and the union are finally adhering to our agreements. Something to be applauded. If they move to LH or left seat SH, it is in line with seniority. Again something to be applauded after the massive upset of the last couple of years.

Your frustrations are better aimed at the company than your colleagues who are rightfully returning to the job they should never have lost.

I too have been asking myself similar questions as the OP. The best advice I’ve been given is “we’re still recovering from the pandemic. Sit on your hands and see what it looks like next year. There will always be new opportunities and other jobs.”, and that is what I intend to do. I hope it helps the OP.

Mr Angry from Purley
17th Jul 2022, 17:27
Well to be fair I actually do get where the Jet2 bashing comes from but it is a bit weird how quick people on here go mental about any pro Jet2 posts... However, back on thread, if you are going to leave BA and remain a pilot living in the UK you only really have maybe 5 options that I can think of and I'll give you my take, assuming you are an FO:

Virgin - long haul obviously attracts, London base makes the swap easier from BA but from what I have heard I believe they are cutting all of the good stuff, bullets etc and not what it once was, second hand info though. Swapping one seniority list for another.

TUI - same as Virgin with more base options. Very precarious financial situation and would take a brave man to swap BA for TUI right now. Salaries are probably equivalent, a friend has earned close to 100k as an FO doing day offs etc. Seniority list again though and that stupid 7k a year for the TR if you don't have the rating has put most people off, part time contract aswell.

Easyjet: Good salaries for Captain although I don't know the exact figures. European bases, quicker command, if you are already Airbus this is going to be a quick transfer. High workload, don't know what you fly at BA but if I wanted to fly 800 hrs a year i would just go to the desert

Jet2: Growing company. Not top level salaries but 85k+ for an SFO and 130k+ for a Captain is competitive. Probably the lightest workload of the lot if you can survive the random roster. Like night flying it won't suit everyone. Good choice of bases. Summers are busy busy and fatiguing, normally you have the winter to recover but with the growth of the business that may not last forever. Long haul is inevitable in my opinion if that's what you want but TUI or Virgin will. Offer this quicker. Brexit seems to have killed the European bases for now unfortunately.

DHL: safe. Cargo is literally flying and will most likely continue to grow. Night flying is tough, FO salary isn't great. Relatively long time to command but I think its worth it when you get there.
DHL night flying is now the same as any other LH Airline, if you fly at night you normally follow by day, and if you start in the day you'll end at night.
DHL also has a wide range of part time positions probably triple the number of UK AOC's left these days. And time to Command seems to be very quick due to recent expansion albeit at the loss of xx 757's to DHL Austria - blame Brexit for that...

17th Jul 2022, 17:38
I have pondered about my employment by BA for quite some time. The way the company is treating it's pilots is a major, but not the only, factor in my decision to now leave - I have submitted my resignation.

I am tired of metaphorically being trampled on. I am also fed up with the chaotic, feels-like-it-is-balanced-on-a-knife-edge operation where the 'supporting operational services' don't seem to do their damn jobs. The result is that this pilot has become weary of fielding the ever-increasing errors being thrown into the operational mix - it is an overload of Swiss cheese slices aligning themselves, and I don't want to be around for the accident.

Sadly, I also feel the BA Company Council (BALPA) have been ineffective in dealing with the big-ticket items, like the pay deduction chaos. I gain no pleasure from stating that, it just is what it is.

I am in the Defined Contribution pension scheme BARP/BAPP, so exiting into the lousy economic forecast is going to be damn tough. I will likely never work in professional aviation again, due age, but I am firm in my position that I no longer wish to be treated by BA as something that shoes are wiped on.

So, I depart shortly! Good luck to my fellow pilots, you are going to need it.

19th Jul 2022, 08:47
Enjoy your next stage in life MrBernoulli. :)

19th Jul 2022, 09:38
I have to say, sometimes this job just grinds you down.

I have seen it happen to many many pilots. People who would come to work and absolutely hate it. They had lost all enjoyment of it, could see nothing positive in the daily grind of line flying.

The flip side is that I have also seen pilots, forced to retire, dragged kicking and screaming, out of the crew room. These are the guys that loved every second of it. Every thunderstorm, every visual approach, every touchdown.

It’s horses for courses, some love it, some hate it.
most of us are somewhere on a scale in between.

Good luck with your decision, given you have grown to hate it, it’s probably for the best.

19th Jul 2022, 09:53
I have to say, sometimes this job just grinds you down.

I have seen it happen to many many pilots. People who would come to work and absolutely hate it. They had lost all enjoyment of it, could see nothing positive in the daily grind of line flying.

The flip side is that I have also seen pilots, forced to retire, dragged kicking and screaming, out of the crew room. These are the guys that loved every second of it. Every thunderstorm, every visual approach, every touchdown.

It’s horses for courses, some love it, some hate it.
most of us are somewhere on a scale in between.

Good luck with your decision, given you have grown to hate it, it’s probably for the best.

Couldnt agree more. Once you start to hate it add in the unsociable hours and it will be a drag. I remember a Captain at my previous outfit who had a year left before he would have had to retire. Full time for over 40 years. At 64 he was like an energiser bunny even at 4am. Absolutely loved everything about aviation.

19th Jul 2022, 10:42
Agree with all the above tbh. Just ensure that you have something to go to before you make the big move that excites you just like aviation did. I know a couple who have up at covid and have become project managers and love their new life. Best of luck

19th Jul 2022, 18:06
Easyjet: Good salaries for Captain although I don't know the exact figures. European bases, quicker command, if you are already Airbus this is going to be a quick transfer. High workload, don't know what you fly at BA but if I wanted to fly 800 hrs a year i would just go to the desert

Captain pay is currently £108k + approx £15k sector pay and once you've been in the company 2+/5+/10+ years you receive a loyalty payment of 5%/10%/15% of your basic accordingly. That's before any rise our union is currently bargaining with the company for.

Is easyJet perfect? No. The things I happen to like...Fixed roster pattern (SFO and CPT), home each night from most bases (odd layovers ex-LGW), decent pay (SFO and CPT), decent colleagues, most of the flying isn't too challenging, part-time options-a-plenty, able to report sick/fatigued when enough is enough. Yes there are plenty of things to moan about, things that could easily be improved by the company and the rosters can be challenging sometimes, but ON THE WHOLE, I wouldn't work anywhere else. For me, the good bits outweigh the crap bits. If you don't take company politics too much to heart and stress yourself about the bonuses management get for cocking it up, then it's a decent company to pay your mortgage and enjoy your time off from!

Good luck with whatever decision you make!

19th Jul 2022, 20:20
OP, if it makes you feel any better, there are plenty who were in the PRP (the c.250 that got made redundant) who are now back at BA, staring down the barrel of a 25-40 year career at an airline they feel incredibly detached from and disillusioned with, and whilst your average nigel had nothing to do with how it all went down, being asked every day 'so what did you get up to during covid' or hearing 'it was hard for everyone' is a difficult one to deal with. All this to say, if you truly think you need to move, BA isn't the be all and end all some would have you believe and a fair few of your colleagues would agree with you. Just prepare yourself for it not being much better elsewhere and make sure whatever it is you specifically don't think you can deal with at BA isn't going to be an issue at the next place, or you'll never be happy. Good luck!

22nd Nov 2022, 07:45
Just found this thread and it has been very interesting reading !
After 9 years I have thrown in the glove (B777) ! Just can’t take the C@£P anymore….
I just hope Jet2 lives up to the expectations.
Good luck everyone

23rd Nov 2022, 11:45
Interesting ! What was the final straw? I gather the 777 is one of the better fleets in BA. Let us know how you get on and if the grass is any greener……

23rd Nov 2022, 12:30
Interesting ! What was the final straw? I gather the 777 is one of the better fleets in BA. Let us know how you get on and if the grass is any greener……
It has been on my mind for a while , especially after recent events ….
The toxic culture is just not for me.
According to friends at Jet2 the management are much more grown up and do not have legacy problems.
Command should arrive quickly especially with the expansion plans so it will be a pay rise in a short time realistically (hopefully the command process is not as opaque as others have mentioned) .
Supposedly LH could be on the horizon…. But I shall leave that to the guys who are desperate for the Jet lag.
I promise I’m not a bitter person , more of a realist

23rd Nov 2022, 14:23
My experience...

I joined BA on the 320 post redundancy elsewhere. Before that I had the privilege of a decade working for a couple of really decent operators between scheduled/charters, SH/LH.

My opinion- overly corporate, impersonal and being junior the rosters were totally unworkable unless you lived at the end of the runway and/or hate your kids. The whole place just lacks any soul or enjoyment.

Out of 5 flying jobs so far it was my least favourite by a distance and I would never consider the 320 again for any amount of money. SH is likely not even close to being the airline you probably think it is. And as somebody has put above re: the whole "You're only junior once..." Lolz- not quite. Try pretty much every time you change seat/fleet.

Fortunately... being binned due Covid gave me the kick up the arse to turn a little side business into a proper one. I now do that plus a bit of freelance flying and have a lifestyle I'd never have in a million years in BA.

So yes, the grass is potentially greener outside BA, certainly was for me.

All the best with it.

23rd Nov 2022, 15:40
My experience...

I joined BA on the 320 post redundancy elsewhere. Before that I had the privilege of a decade working for a couple of really decent operators between scheduled/charters, SH/LH.

My opinion- overly corporate, impersonal and being junior the rosters were totally unworkable unless you lived at the end of the runway and/or hate your kids. The whole place just lacks any soul or enjoyment.

Out of 5 flying jobs so far it was my least favourite by a distance and I would never consider the 320 again for any amount of money. SH is likely not even close to being the airline you probably think it is. And as somebody has put above re: the whole "You're only junior once..." Lolz- not quite. Try pretty much every time you change seat/fleet.

Fortunately... being binned due Covid gave me the kick up the arse to turn a little side business into a proper one. I now do that plus a bit of freelance flying and have a lifestyle I'd never have in a million years in BA.

So yes, the grass is potentially greener outside BA, certainly was for me.

All the best with it.

Covid certainly gave me a bit of a wake-up call that although I love flying and seeing new places, I achieve the majority of my happiness/life satisfaction etc by spending time with my friends and family, and that's usually done at the weekend, or after work (which is troublesome if you're in bed ready for a 3am alarm, or you're in a different country entirely with a group of admittedly lovely people but who aren't actually *friends* with).

Bills need to be paid and i'm not one for sitting in an office so remaining in my current flying job is the best option at the moment, but investing some of my salary into part time and cutting my cloth accordingly, in order to achieve a better work/life balance is high on the agenda.

Also, the triple is no place to be if you're junior, either, from a quick glance at some of the rosters...!

24th Nov 2022, 04:36
I am replying to this from the other side of the pond, but I have some experience. I was at one US legacy carrier that was not financially stable and so I left for another legacy carrier. That airline (Northwest) eventually entered bankruptcy and I could not imagine a good long-term outcome and so I moved to the cargo side. Had I stayed, I would have been fine (and very senior at Delta). I’ve had 5 airlines in my past.

what I will say is that there is no sharpshooting the system. Sometimes you need to have the long view and realize that company leaders change and union leaders change. Who is the financially most stable today may not be tomorrow. I have enjoyed my journey, but it seems a little bit neurotic to many.

You won’t know if you made the right decisions until the end of your career and you look back. There are some priorities that you can identify, such as long-haul flying or living in base. I think those reasons always merit consideration when thinking about moving to another airline.

As somebody else pointed out, there is no wrong decision, it will just result in a different experience. Only you know what it is that is creating your dissatisfaction, and if it rises to the level that you will do something about it, but sometimes a bit of patience, and the long view can help. No rash decisions.

good luck in whatever you decide!