View Full Version : easyJet - BBVA - Pandemic Impact

7th Jul 2022, 16:22
Hi all,

I haven't been to these forums for ages and I swear there used to be airline specific forums but I can't seem to navigate anymore with what appears to be a new layout(!). Apologies if this is completely the wrong place for this question.

I'm an SO with EZJ with a BBVA loan. But for the pandemic, I would have been promoted to FO in March this year with an increase in base pay & sector pay. As we know, promotions are hours dependent and so that didn't happen (and likely won't for another 12 months). The loan with BBVA through the old EZJ bond scheme is structured in a way that your monthly payments increase by around £500 per month after two years to coincide with your promotion to FO. As a result, from the end of next month I will not be getting any additional pay but the bank will expect an additional £500 from me. The bank is not obligated to do anything to help me because the loan and employment contracts are legally separate. Not a great situation to be in. Legally, this is a "hard luck and tough s**t" situation.

Has anyone else found themselves in this situation? Was the bank receptive to extending the term of the loan to keep repayments the same until you get a promotion?


7th Jul 2022, 20:58
Hi all,

I haven't been to these forums for ages and I swear there used to be airline specific forums but I can't seem to navigate anymore with what appears to be a new layout(!). Apologies if this is completely the wrong place for this question.

I'm an SO with EZJ with a BBVA loan. But for the pandemic, I would have been promoted to FO in March this year with an increase in base pay & sector pay. As we know, promotions are hours dependent and so that didn't happen (and likely won't for another 12 months). The loan with BBVA through the old EZJ bond scheme is structured in a way that your monthly payments increase by around £500 per month after two years to coincide with your promotion to FO. As a result, from the end of next month I will not be getting any additional pay but the bank will expect an additional £500 from me. The bank is not obligated to do anything to help me because the loan and employment contracts are legally separate. Not a great situation to be in. Legally, this is a "hard luck and tough s**t" situation.

Has anyone else found themselves in this situation? Was the bank receptive to extending the term of the loan to keep repayments the same until you get a promotion?


Yes, more or less. The bank offered to pause repayments, but you of course continue to rack up interest so it’s in their best interest for that to happen. You may just want the term extending based on level repayments.

Ultimately it’s just a run of the mill bank loan so it just needs paying, even if that means going onto beans and rice, second job territory. I just worked a second job in covid whilst the hours were low. Delivering stuff in a van wasn’t great but it kept the loan ticking over!

8th Jul 2022, 07:57
The easyJet airline specific forum is at the bottom of the main PPrune page, you need to "sign up" via the link to prove your employment.