View Full Version : SAS pilots' strike thread

5th Jul 2022, 09:12
Where is it?

The norsemen and norsemenettes standing up for everyone's right to proper employment is surely one of the proving stones of at least a decade.

Despite having the unions scattered across national borders and leech companies setup by their bosses seated yet further abroad.


5th Jul 2022, 12:22
With about half the number of flights now operated by "agency workers" and wetlease partners, it's our last chance to preserve proper CBA negotiation. Starting in about 2017, accelerated by Covid, and with the help of an opportunistic union (FPU, which had no SAS representation) the management has used a sneaky way to build up a number of operating platforms under the SAS brand name. Bargaining power is reduced and proper discourse soon history.

Very sad for the customers; for them it's a holiday, for others it's a career.

5th Jul 2022, 13:03
Airline SAS files for U.S. bankruptcy protection as strike grounds flights