View Full Version : Dornier Do28 A-1. G-ASUR...

Flugzeug A
2nd Jul 2022, 22:48
Anyone out there who flew this aircraft or has knowledge of it?
Am I correct in thinking that it used to belong to Mr Harry Camm?
Aircraft now N-123CA in the ‘States?

3rd Jul 2022, 18:57
Aircraft registry shows held in trust so not easy to find the actual owners..


Flugzeug A
3rd Jul 2022, 19:18
Thanks ETOPS.
I gathered that’s now across the Atlantic , from Google.
I believe that is the only ‘A1 ever registered in Britain but I’m keen to find out more about the aircraft when it was in the UK.
Unfortunately it seems that no-one here knows much but , without boring everyone with the whole story , I flew A Do28 A1 for an hour , in 1975 , when I was 14!
I think it must have been this one but...
Thanks again.

3rd Jul 2022, 21:21
Although registered in the USA, the aircraft remains based in the UK
Flight radar sites show that it's most recent flight was on June 25th 2022 when it flew from Old Warden to Turweston and back. It appears to be based at Old Warden but is not on public display

Flugzeug A
3rd Jul 2022, 21:51
Thanks Horatio.
It being registered over yonder, I assumed that it WAS there.
I think it was red & white when Mr Camm let me fly it.
A great day for an aviation minded young man, though the gulls at Dundee both above & below us for landing , made Harry grin!

3rd Jul 2022, 22:05
Yes it was red but repainted in blue around 10 years ago



4th Jul 2022, 08:09
G-ASUR was owned by Sheffair in 1975 (the company had it between 1965 and 1996!)

Also G-ATAL owned by Richard Hayes Investments Ltd in 1975...


1st Jul 2023, 19:54
I first saw G-ASUR when I was a BOAC F/O at Netherthorpe when she was owned by Harry Camm( h had her from new He was kind enough to take me for a trip and let me do most of the flying . It was a delight to fly and I never quite got the memory out of my head. Close to retirement in BA I found her again in Jersey where Harry had retired .. I did several flights with him to France as Harry had just lost his licence and about a year later he sold her to me.12 years of fun and near bankruptcy followed .. you could land and takeoff in 300M and stall speed was 30 kts. When we parted company the restrictive rules applicable to vintage aircraft maintenance meant she went on the US `register, but is still in UK hangared at Old Warden.

2nd Jul 2023, 16:43
Anyone out there who flew this aircraft or has knowledge of it?
Am I correct in thinking that it used to belong to Mr Harry Camm?
Aircraft now N-123CA in the ‘States?
I can vaguely recall it living at Blackbushe in the '60s.

3rd Jul 2023, 15:59
I flew G-ASUR a couple of times in mid 1998. It was owned then by a fellow BA B744 Captain and based at Thruxton. Great fun to fly, with its short field performance and cavernous cabin. Huge maintenance bills and spare part problems led him to pass it on to an American I believe.
I saw it again recently at Turweston, N Reg. repainted in a smart blue scheme.

3rd Jul 2023, 23:12
... owned then by a fellow BA B744 Captain and based at Thruxton. Great fun to fly, with its short field performance and cavernous cabin. Huge maintenance bills and spare part problems led him to pass it on to an American...

Well that fits with Peterd28 's post above, you might want to send him a PM :)

Thanks to you both for the description of this machine, I've never seen one in real life, but feel I know a little more about them now...


10th Jul 2023, 12:04
If anyone is still interested in G-ASUR’s history I’ve attached a link which will lead you to an unpublished article I wrote some 20 years ago about a trip round Scotland the year after I retired in 1999.. my last “adventure”. I was very sorry to let her go but she is owned by a very knowledgeable guy and still flying regularly fromOld Warden.. btw G-ATAL was a Dornier28A-B1 bigger engines and three bladed props

see here


12th Jul 2023, 12:56
A very good article Peterd28! Why is it unpublished... it appears to be something that would fit in a GA magazine if you ask me. :)