View Full Version : Drink driving

one dot right
30th Jun 2022, 02:59
Just a quick quiz.
if you are banned from driving due to excess alcohol does that affect ones legal right to command an aircraft?
Notwithstanding the should they, shouldnt they argument.
many thanks, ODR.

Bull at a Gate
30th Jun 2022, 07:35
What’s your location? How much over the limit? Is it a criminal offence in your jurisdiction​​​​​​? What penalty was imposed? Did you go before a court?

We need much more information.

Or you could try the search function. Not surprisingly, this topic has come up before.

30th Jun 2022, 07:45
While it may or may not directly effect your ability to hold a licence, you might find it stops you getting an airside pass or getting through a vetting process.

Less Hair
30th Jun 2022, 10:04
In the US every single FAA medical will ask you to formally state if you had any DUI history ever - and more. Better be honest.
In Germany, a lost driving permit due to alcohol might be enough to void any pilot privileges as you are not considered "reliable" and "trustworthy" enough to fly anymore if you can't respect the bottle to throttle limits.

1st Jul 2022, 02:07
Any alcohol consumption in Europe or even thoughts of alcohol are strictly verboten, you should retain the right to pass judgement on others as is so blatant on these “hallowed” forums.

4th Jul 2022, 12:08
I know of a uk Drink driver who continued to fly professionally. The CAA had/may still have a special clinic for such alcohol related problems, with referrals from courts, ame, companies, self referrals etc to supervise any rehab needs or perhaps make a call on licence suspension. I would expect other countries run similar schemes.

Again a conviction in UK doesn't automatically stop an airside pass. Certain types of offence might do, others are looked at on a case by case basis by the DOT I believe.

12th Jul 2022, 13:44
Any alcohol consumption in Europe or even thoughts of alcohol are strictly verboten, you should retain the right to pass judgement on others as is so blatant on these “hallowed” forums.
And you should read before answering, he had a problem with THE CAR not with an airplane and he is asking whether that would be a problem in aviation or not.

About the topic, as they said before, if nothing major you won't have much trouble, if major = 5 years or depending on your country of residence everything will be dismissed/"forgotten" and airlines/medical/airside passes won't know or don't necessarily need to know.