View Full Version : New EASA to UK Simplified Conversion

29th Jun 2022, 12:07
Anyone know what the requirements are? (Can't see past page 1 of SRG 2157 because it's online only!)

30th Jun 2022, 14:56
Anyone know what the requirements are? (Can't see past page 1 of SRG 2157 because it's online only!)
Are you sure about the form number? It's 2158.

Anyway, it completely depends on your circumstances (that's why the form doesn't say up front but will likely be copy of licence, certificate, EASA medical all certified in accordance with CAA rules.

30th Jun 2022, 15:55
Have you looked here (https://www.caa.co.uk/commercial-industry/pilot-licences/non-uk-licences/conversion-of-an-easa-flight-crew-licence-to-a-uk-part-equivalent-licence/)?

1st Jul 2022, 07:37
I was led there by the website but, as soon as I saw it was the document dated April '21, I didn't bother with it because I already knew that it was neither new nor simplified. If it has been updated surely they would change the date?

1st Jul 2022, 07:49
Skywise email link is numbered 2157. I've just hit it again and found the link is actually to 2158. Since there was a glaring error on the Skywise email (It says in bold "conversation" when it should say "conversion") I should have guessed there were other errors.........................

1st Jul 2022, 11:04
I don't think it's simplified at all...it's just you now pay a deposit instead of the full amount up front. My process took no less than 9 months with my original UK licence and medical still being in date (including all the ratings and certificates) during that time. There was nothing for them to check with the EASA state!