View Full Version : Ryanair MCC APS Mentored

12th Jun 2022, 20:14
Hello everyone,

I'm looking for feedbacks regarding the AFA RYR mentored online assessment.
If anyone here passed it recently I would love to hear more about it (how did you prepare for it).

thank you :)

pilot freak
15th Jun 2022, 09:58
Anyone who can share information?

15th Jun 2022, 13:41
Ask Sky4U directly maybe ?

If it's the same as for the AFA TR = CUT-E + ATPL questions + personnal questions.

11th Jan 2023, 08:44
Hello fellow pilots,

I have completed the Mentored APS. Don't do it. the course itself is challenging and you will learn a lot, they will treat you like you are already a ryanair pilot. the 3 weeks are very intense believe me... and that fine, we are all used to hard work. However, what i want to get across is that this MCC does NOT prepare you for the ryanair assessment. You will complete the 40H on the max 737, and afterwards they will offer you to do a sim prep for the assessment which is 600 euro extra or more... and some of us after investing the 6000 for the course just couldn't afford to pay more.

There were 12 of us in my course, only 4 got in to ryanair after they passes the assessment. The rest of us that didn't pass... well, no words to describe it. They sent us a copy pasted email saying we MIGHT get to repeat the assessment but it is not guaranteed and we cannot apply again . And thats the last you hear from them. It has been now nearly two months and we are still waiting to know what happens next.

On my assessment day, there were 4 mentored students and 4 non mentored... who do you think got through? the Non Aps mcc mentored students. Maybe when they began this course all got in but now i don't recommend doing this course. I feel they don't want you if you have the aps mcc.

To recap!!
- If you don't have a mcc, then go ahead and do this one, you will learn a lot! very strict SOPS , its basically type rating standard. You will also get an interview the day after or a few days after you finish (remember this course does NOT prepare you for the sim assessment)
-If you DO have a MCC and are considering doing the mentored to try and get into ryanair faster... DONT DO IT. just be patient and book a 2h sim prep somewhere. I wish i had done that and saved myself 6000 euro.
- pass rate is not 97 %... Its much lower.

12th Jan 2023, 06:22
Hello fellow pilots,

I have completed the Mentored APS. Don't do it. the course itself is challenging and you will learn a lot, they will treat you like you are already a ryanair pilot. the 3 weeks are very intense believe me... and that fine, we are all used to hard work. However, what i want to get across is that this MCC does NOT prepare you for the ryanair assessment. You will complete the 40H on the max 737, and afterwards they will offer you to do a sim prep for the assessment which is 600 euro extra or more... and some of us after investing the 6000 for the course just couldn't afford to pay more.

There were 12 of us in my course, only 4 got in to ryanair after they passes the assessment. The rest of us that didn't pass... well, no words to describe it. They sent us a copy pasted email saying we MIGHT get to repeat the assessment but it is not guaranteed and we cannot apply again . And thats the last you hear from them. It has been now nearly two months and we are still waiting to know what happens next.

On my assessment day, there were 4 mentored students and 4 non mentored... who do you think got through? the Non Aps mcc mentored students. Maybe when they began this course all got in but now i don't recommend doing this course. I feel they don't want you if you have the aps mcc.

To recap!!
- If you don't have a mcc, then go ahead and do this one, you will learn a lot! very strict SOPS , its basically type rating standard. You will also get an interview the day after or a few days after you finish (remember this course does NOT prepare you for the sim assessment)
-If you DO have a MCC and are considering doing the mentored to try and get into ryanair faster... DONT DO IT. just be patient and book a 2h sim prep somewhere. I wish i had done that and saved myself 6000 euro.
- pass rate is not 97 %... Its much lower.

On what part did they fail? Surely the RYR mentored mcc should provide the right hardskills to pass the sim check? Soft-skills however ...

12th Jan 2023, 07:49
On what part did they fail? Surely the RYR mentored mcc should provide the right hardskills to pass the sim check? Soft-skills however ...

In general, it's just easier to blame others

12th Jan 2023, 07:58
In general, it's just easier to blame others

What do you mean?

12th Jan 2023, 08:14
What do you mean?

when people are unsuccessful they rarely look at themselves but just start blaming others

12th Jan 2023, 18:28
Hello fellow pilots,

I have completed the Mentored APS. Don't do it. the course itself is challenging and you will learn a lot, they will treat you like you are already a ryanair pilot. the 3 weeks are very intense believe me... and that fine, we are all used to hard work. However, what i want to get across is that this MCC does NOT prepare you for the ryanair assessment. You will complete the 40H on the max 737, and afterwards they will offer you to do a sim prep for the assessment which is 600 euro extra or more... and some of us after investing the 6000 for the course just couldn't afford to pay more.

There were 12 of us in my course, only 4 got in to ryanair after they passes the assessment. The rest of us that didn't pass... well, no words to describe it. They sent us a copy pasted email saying we MIGHT get to repeat the assessment but it is not guaranteed and we cannot apply again . And thats the last you hear from them. It has been now nearly two months and we are still waiting to know what happens next.

On my assessment day, there were 4 mentored students and 4 non mentored... who do you think got through? the Non Aps mcc mentored students. Maybe when they began this course all got in but now i don't recommend doing this course. I feel they don't want you if you have the aps mcc.

To recap!!
- If you don't have a mcc, then go ahead and do this one, you will learn a lot! very strict SOPS , its basically type rating standard. You will also get an interview the day after or a few days after you finish (remember this course does NOT prepare you for the sim assessment)
-If you DO have a MCC and are considering doing the mentored to try and get into ryanair faster... DONT DO IT. just be patient and book a 2h sim prep somewhere. I wish i had done that and saved myself 6000 euro.
- pass rate is not 97 %... Its much lower.

To summarise, if you’ve already done an MCC, don’t spend 6K on another one as it won’t guarantee a pass. If, however, you haven’t done one already, then you may as well do the Ryanair one as it’ll help you and at least guarantee an interview.

Pretty fair, I can’t see that their scheme is a particularly outrageous con by any means.

13th Jan 2023, 17:09
As someone who has done the Ryanair Mentored APS in August and passed the selection (even though I then chose Wizz), I can tell you my experience.

RYR APS is a very intense and tough course designed to facilitate the type rating. Let me explain: the first 8-10 missions are going to be almost exactly the same, that helps a lot for someone who wants to end up working there.
The instructors are very well prepared and mostly very nice and available. RYR SOPs are a pain in the arse, very strict and sometimes they feel exaggerated.. but they are top of the industry and recognised everywhere, so once you understand them, it gets much easier.

I heard that recently A LOT of mentored students failed the assessment. As mentioned above, APS and sim assessment are completely different. To pass, you will have to attend at least 2 hours sim session in AFA (600€) and probably an online course (100€).

If they haven't changed it, the interview is quite straight forward. Sim part si much tougher, the SIM is very old and difficult to fly precisely (at least it was for me, compared to the 8200 sim in AFA). Final outcome depends a bit on your sim partner too, at the end of the day it's a Multi pilot aircraft for a reason..

13th Jan 2023, 21:08
As someone who has done the Ryanair Mentored APS in August and passed the selection (even though I then chose Wizz)

You did what now?

13th Jan 2023, 21:44
VariablePitchP made my choice and I'm happy with it :)

14th Jan 2023, 01:42
VariablePitchP made my choice and I'm happy with it :)

What was the reasoning if you don’t mind me asking? Just the TR cost?

14th Jan 2023, 08:20
852 TR cost was a huge factor, wanted to avoid my parents shelling out another 35k after all they have done for me, preferred to take some of that cost myself, diluted in 4 years (20k bond). Also I'm very interested in the ME/Asia area and wanted to fly there as a job while still flying in Europe. Personally prefer the A320F even though 737-8200 was very good (at least in the SIM). Salary isn't as high as RYR but it's still close enough and very good to keep a very comfortable life.

14th Jan 2023, 12:35
You're getting 50% of the bond paid after the bond term is over as a "loyalty bonus".

So yes, costs are quite a bit lower considering that accommodation during training and line training is provided and travel arrangements are sorted by the company.

17th Jan 2023, 02:23
852 TR cost was a huge factor, wanted to avoid my parents shelling out another 35k after all they have done for me, preferred to take some of that cost myself, diluted in 4 years (20k bond). Also I'm very interested in the ME/Asia area and wanted to fly there as a job while still flying in Europe. Personally prefer the A320F even though 737-8200 was very good (at least in the SIM). Salary isn't as high as RYR but it's still close enough and very good to keep a very comfortable life.

Nice, best of luck at Wizz :)

28th Feb 2023, 14:02
I also did the APS MCC training at Dublin and the assesmt back in December.
Its not vey fair the information you are giving. I also failed but at the end of the day its up to us. There are areas like in my cse, manual handling that i have to improve. As mentored you get a second opportunity fairly quickly.Plus youdont have to pay for the assestment again. Just 2h of simulators which you would pay anaways to practice.
And the instructors and everyone are very nice and helpfull.
I have my second chance soon, wish me luck! if anyone has any questions feel free to message me :)
ps... anyone going on the 21st of march?


9th Mar 2023, 09:52
I also did the APS MCC training at Dublin and the assesmt back in December.
Its not vey fair the information you are giving. I also failed but at the end of the day its up to us. There are areas like in my cse, manual handling that i have to improve. As mentored you get a second opportunity fairly quickly.Plus youdont have to pay for the assestment again. Just 2h of simulators which you would pay anaways to practice.
And the instructors and everyone are very nice and helpfull.
I have my second chance soon, wish me luck! if anyone has any questions feel free to message me :)
ps... anyone going on the 21st of march?


Hi, I sent you a message!

6th Nov 2023, 19:33
I also did the APS MCC training at Dublin and the assesmt back in December.
Its not vey fair the information you are giving. I also failed but at the end of the day its up to us. There are areas like in my cse, manual handling that i have to improve. As mentored you get a second opportunity fairly quickly.Plus youdont have to pay for the assestment again. Just 2h of simulators which you would pay anaways to practice.
And the instructors and everyone are very nice and helpfull.
I have my second chance soon, wish me luck! if anyone has any questions feel free to message me :)
ps... anyone going on the 21st of march?


Hi there,
how did you menage to get the second attempt?
Did you get in touch with Afa by yourseft? Or your school did it for you?
In my case I did my aps mcc in ryr approved ato.
I couldn't send you a private message because your inbox is full.
kind regards,

16th Dec 2023, 19:30
Hi does any did APS MCC and pass ?

8th Jan 2024, 20:32
Hi does any did APS MCC and pass ?

Of course!!! Majority of the people pass. I passed the Mentored MCC 6 months with AFA and today I am fly for Ryanair. AFA mentored APS MCC was literally 100% TR which make my TR super easy with very little preparation

30th Jan 2024, 21:54
Have anyone recently finished RYR mentored APS MCC Course? Any feedback?

31st Jan 2024, 07:07
Have anyone recently finished RYR mentored APS MCC Course? Any feedback?

It doesn’t matter when you do it..it’s always the same feedback. What you want to know? Feedback about the course? Feedback about the assessment? Feedback about the online assessment ?

31st Jan 2024, 07:08
Hello fellow pilots,

I have completed the Mentored APS. Don't do it. the course itself is challenging and you will learn a lot, they will treat you like you are already a ryanair pilot. the 3 weeks are very intense believe me... and that fine, we are all used to hard work. However, what i want to get across is that this MCC does NOT prepare you for the ryanair assessment. You will complete the 40H on the max 737, and afterwards they will offer you to do a sim prep for the assessment which is 600 euro extra or more... and some of us after investing the 6000 for the course just couldn't afford to pay more.

There were 12 of us in my course, only 4 got in to ryanair after they passes the assessment. The rest of us that didn't pass... well, no words to describe it. They sent us a copy pasted email saying we MIGHT get to repeat the assessment but it is not guaranteed and we cannot apply again . And thats the last you hear from them. It has been now nearly two months and we are still waiting to know what happens next.

On my assessment day, there were 4 mentored students and 4 non mentored... who do you think got through? the Non Aps mcc mentored students. Maybe when they began this course all got in but now i don't recommend doing this course. I feel they don't want you if you have the aps mcc.

To recap!!
- If you don't have a mcc, then go ahead and do this one, you will learn a lot! very strict SOPS , its basically type rating standard. You will also get an interview the day after or a few days after you finish (remember this course does NOT prepare you for the sim assessment)
-If you DO have a MCC and are considering doing the mentored to try and get into ryanair faster... DONT DO IT. just be patient and book a 2h sim prep somewhere. I wish i had done that and saved myself 6000 euro.
- pass rate is not 97 %... Its much lower.

Loads of bs it’s unbelievable. There is a reason why you guys didn’t go through. We were 12 we all got in and we all fly for Ryanair. When you do something not right you always blame someone else. Stop that

31st Jan 2024, 07:59
Can someone send me some of the material for the Ryanair APS MCC? I want to see what I might need to study. Is the Ryanair APS mcc similar to the Easyjet AQC???

1st Feb 2024, 16:08
Hi pilot2021, could you send me a pm, i would like you to ask some questions about the MCC APS.