View Full Version : Expired ATPL

7th Jun 2022, 08:35
I was wondering if anyone had any advice or experiences similar to this. I am in the notice period of leaving my job in Hong Kong and intend to return to the UK. I am operating under a Hong Kong ATPL and my instrument and aircraft rating are current along with my class one medical and my last flight was only a few days ago. The problem lies is that I previously had a UK issued JAA ATPL which expired on the 31/07/2016 and my 747 rating and class one medical expired in 2012. I didn’t really worry about it at the time as I didn’t have any real intention of using them in anger again……….how life can change !

I am getting conflicting messages in what I have to do to get my licence back up and running. The class one medical will have to an initial as it’s been over 10 years. I also am aware I will have to complete a check ride in the simulator to get the 747 rating current again, complete the forms and send the CAA some money. Does this sound accurate ? Has anyone been in a similar situation ?

Thanks in advance.

7th Jun 2022, 17:48
Been working through this and can’t get a clear answer. The following should help:


However this refers to an existing licence (JAR or UK national) and I can’t see that you have an existing licence - yours died in 2016. If this is the case then you may be a third country licence holder only and faced with the possibility of 14 exams. I’d be delighted to be wrong and hope you come back to tell me I am.

Whatever my opinion I think your first port of call has to be [email protected] to get an official pathway.

Good luck

7th Jun 2022, 18:41
Phone up UK CAA FCL, the people answering the phones, will steer you in the right direction.

Yes, Initial Class 1 (quite a queue).
If you are "Current" on a type, you can transfer that to the UK CAA ATPL, with a skills test. If its a lapsed/Parked rating, you have to approach an approved ATO.
You may need an English language test.
You would need to let the HK CAA, verify your ratings.
Some paperwork, is a pain, getting people to certify your passport, licence etc. Get that sorted before you leave HKG.


Dragon Baron
7th Jun 2022, 21:24
I was in similar situation but my UK JAA ATPL was valid although I hadn't done an IR in the UK for over 7 years. My UK medical was over 5 years expired. Getting it all sorted was a royal PITA. The CAA required me to get my HK licence certified (signed) and they requested a verification by the CAD which cost me and got lost in the CAA system for weeks. Much paperwork and forms required. From start to rating issue on my UK ATPL was 8 months. £5.5k on medicals, verifications and sims. Now I am trying to get an EASA ATPL on the basis of my UK one but its a similar story and some countries want the 14 exams.

It would have been so easy to keep all this going while employed and actively flying, but hindsight...

8th Jun 2022, 07:43
Definitely go through the Third Country Verification, need certified copies of licence, logbook, medical - Form SRG2142. https://www.caa.co.uk/general-aviation/pilot-licences/applications/verification-of-a-third-country-icao-licence/

Much easier to do whilst in HK as they can be signed by the fleet manager etc.

Talk to the help desk folks at FCL - I have found that they are normally very helpful - it is tho a long process especially if you need an initial Class One, so don’t delay…..