View Full Version : Penny's Bay is back!

28th May 2022, 14:13
For you AND your family. No more home isolation if you test positive.
Compulsory, uncompensated mini closed loops. An activity tracking up that is probably illegal in most countries.


28th May 2022, 17:37
Forgive me for my Ignorance, but didn’t they send infected people to isolation hotels? Why penny bay in this case?

28th May 2022, 21:59
Doesn’t surprise me.

Sadly with the new leader in July, I see more of this covid zero rhetoric taking place, any talk of a roadmap to reopening is contingent on a mainland border open first which is a pipe dream.

28th May 2022, 23:25
Isolation hotels are for quarantine. If you test positive then Gulag at Penny's Bay, Kai Tak, Shueng Shui, Tsing Yi, etc. In addition Close Contact tracing is now back so Gulag for your family too.

29th May 2022, 01:14
I understand from a colleague that you are now not allowed to receive parcels from outside into Pennys bay except for medicines. Mind you she is Philippina so they may have different regulations for different nationalities.

So pack a big case with supplies for 14 days. If the quarantine hotels are anything to go by the food at PB will be inedible. The woman above reported PB meals of fried mushroom and baak choi. Go vegan or go home.

29th May 2022, 06:44
Doesn’t surprise me.

Sadly with the new leader in July, I see more of this covid zero rhetoric taking place, any talk of a roadmap to reopening is contingent on a mainland border open first which is a pipe dream.

Restrictions are lifting though with rumours of more relaxations coming in August.

29th May 2022, 08:12
Before August.

29th May 2022, 08:50
Restrictions are lifting though with rumours of more relaxations coming in August.
I truly believe the ship has sailed. If these rumours are true (and I’m very doubtful they are given the incoming CE’s background and political stance), how will Cx fill the flight deck? Last I checked the captain numbers on the 777 were eerily close to double digits. Won’t be long until they all have an aircraft each.

Glad it’s not my problem anymore…

29th May 2022, 14:42
There may be Relaxations for passengers. But there will be no Relaxations for Crew for the foreseeable future certainly. Crew are the enemy and the sole cause of the 5th Wave so they need to be punished. Clearly Crew are not Patriots. Please be guided accordingly.

404 Titan
30th May 2022, 11:15
1200firm (https://www.pprune.org/members/231506-1200firm)

The CHP and Hong Kong government have already stated numerous times it was a person in quarantine that caused the 5th wave, not CX crew.

30th May 2022, 12:42
Compulsory Closed Loops. It used to be voluntary.
So, you see, things have got MUCH worse. Much, much worse.
AND, in addition, there is no longer a post Closed Loop quarantine allowance because there is no longer a requirement to provide an incentive to volunteer for Closed Loops. Because they are now compulsory.
I think this would be described as a Win/Win for the company.

30th May 2022, 12:52
404, Sadly, it doesn't matter whether it is Crew or Foreigners in quarantine, we're all the same. Someone needs to be blamed. We're it.

404 Titan
30th May 2022, 14:43

It actually was a local but yes, the ignorant will believe what they like.

31st May 2022, 01:49
1200firm (https://www.pprune.org/members/231506-1200firm)

The CHP and Hong Kong government have already stated numerous times it was a person in quarantine that caused the 5th wave, not CX crew.
Never seen it on the Papers though, not a press release from cx or the AOA, the public perception is very different, taxi drivers still refusing me a ride when in uniform sometimes.

404 Titan
31st May 2022, 07:51

Well if you read Dim Sum Daily or such trash, sure. I've actually seen the SCMP state it a few times now that it was a local woman in 21 days quarantine that started the latest wave, not that I'd call the SCMP the bastion of truth either. As for taxi drivers refusing to pick you up? I personally haven't had any issues with either taxis or Uber. Personally if a taxi driver did do that to me, I'd at least take a photo of his taxi and if posible his taxi driver ID and report him to the Transport Department. Might make life difficult for him for a while and make him think twice before doing that again. At the end of the day though, I really don't care what people think. I know what the truth is and that's what counts.

1st Jun 2022, 10:36
Pennys bay back for the public (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-06-01/hong-kong-backpedals-on-home-quarantine-as-covid-variants-flare)

just putting this here from today..
If anyone actually thought a return to normal was possible..