View Full Version : Wycombe Air Park

25th May 2022, 17:33
What's happening down at Booker? Looks a little empty and unfriendly? Lots of fencing. The old club house empty. Trucks everywhere? I think at least one historic small building gone?

26th May 2022, 11:13
Quite a lot of information on the Gliding Club Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/bookerglidingclub
It's obviously just one side of the story, but having spoken to a number of members I have no reason to doubt a word of it.

Genghis the Engineer
26th May 2022, 13:55
I was there last week doing a Permit inspection.

Firstly, the demise of The Hub, which frankly was dire, is really nothing to be complained about. The new cafe facilities within the terminal building are rather pleasant, and I can't fault them.

As a pure airfield, it remains pretty reasonable when open.

As a place for a club environment, it's not a patch on nearby White Waltham - and that's the reason personally I stopped going there much several years ago. However, as a place to fly in and out of, not at all bad.

The rift with the gliding community is pretty well documented. I've considerable sympathy for both sides to be honest - the gliders were always an awkward fit with the considerable powered and rotary traffic, which made everybody nervous - on the other hand, it was achieved pretty well and so far as I recall to high standards of safety. For the gliding club to lose their ancestral home like that was certainly pretty rotten, and I'm not surprised they're very upset about that.

Regarding all the vehicles parked up and the new high security fencing? Goodness knows, it all has a very strange sense to it, I agree.


Jan Olieslagers
26th May 2022, 14:16
the gliders were always an awkward fit with the considerable powered and rotary traffic
That phenomenon is well known at many a recreational aerodrome. The interests are quite different, sometimes outright contrary.

In my experience (limited both in time and in area) rotary pilots are more difficult and more dangerous to deal with than gliders.

Hants Eaglet
28th May 2022, 17:19
Some information here in Martin Kempton's excellent TV/Film studios website (well worth a peruse if you're a techie).


Hopefully the gliders will be back on the N side before too long. I blame Netflix subscribers for all these filmic threats to airfields!

30th May 2022, 09:13
A long time ago, I recall gliders operating on the south side of the runways (grass and hard), powered aircraft circuits to the north and a formation of four Stampes /Pitts practicing inside the power square circuit!
It was a 'live and let live' culture that worked well

30th May 2022, 23:56
A long time ago, I recall gliders operating on the south side of the runways (grass and hard), powered aircraft circuits to the north and a formation of four Stampes /Pitts practicing inside the power square circuit!
It was a 'live and let live' culture that worked wellDid many hours instructing at Booker in the 1970s. By and large pilots were happy with the glider and powered aircraft opposing circuit directions.

A post-Covid visit wasn’t as relaxed as the ‘good old days’: security fencing, people walking around in uniforms. I had to book arrival and departure slots.

The Stampes and Pitts were operated by the Rothmans aerobatic team. (https://www.steemrok.com/nw%20san/znwsanvol2v12.html#rothman)

31st May 2022, 06:41
I learned to glide at Booker starting May 79, my instructor the one legged Adrian Wright with his dog Mouse, with no previous experience I accepted the circuit procedure as being the norm. The grass was shared with any powered that preferred/needed it, Tiger Moth's a Comper Swift and the most memorable Spitfire MH434. I had just landed my K13 and while leaning on the wing listening to the Skylarks and awaiting a return to the launch point the Spit took off, the sound was glorious as it went past a wing span away.

6th Jun 2022, 16:48
it's not rocket science.....
Fence: to keep unwanted visitors out, we all know which visitors I mean. And also the kids/vandals who used to use the airpark as their playground at night. So the fence increased the safety and also the look of the airfield.

Parked trucks: Empty parts/spaces at the airpark is rented out to 2 companies. 1 company is storing their trucks, other company is a 2nd hand car dealer.

Gliders: only the gliding people are not happy rest of the aviators are happy with current operation, it was always awkward with the gliders at Wycombe, due to their position/location at the airpark. Not commenting about history etc,

Cafe: has changed owner during the covid pandemic and is now a good cafe, good food and prices.

Can Wycombe compete with White Waltham.... no.

9th Jun 2022, 17:11
Always sorry to see an airfield imperilled. If it's any consolation, it was announced today that a major sequel to Star Wars due to be filmed in the vast Belfast studios (where Game of Thrones was produced) has been cancelled. Maybe the streaming bubble has burst?