View Full Version : EASA and ICAO Licence

15th May 2022, 22:01
Hello eryone,
I have and EASA CPL(A) with MEP/IR. Recently I had and opportunity to fly in an ICAO country. From what I understood, I just need to contact the local authority and they will issue a local ICAO licence and I can mantain both EASA and ICAO licence.
My question, is that after and during taking my type rating can I log my hours in my EASA log book or do I need to have another for my ICAO hours?
Thank you

16th May 2022, 14:58
Is this a serious question? How can you have a CPL/IR and not know what ICAO is? I mean - what the hell are ICAO hours? 🤣

16th May 2022, 15:01
yes, it is,
I mean hours flying with ICAO Licence.
I just want to know because if I return to Europe I do not want problems with EASA.

17th May 2022, 09:51
They should recognize the hours.

I have been flying for 30 years on an ICAO ATPL and I am working on an EASA license based on my previous experience(all ICAO). The Regulator has authorized me to write exams and do a flight test based on my experience. Presumably they would not have done this if they had a problem with the hours.

17th May 2022, 10:39
yes, it is,
I mean hours flying with ICAO Licence.
I just want to know because if I return to Europe I do not want problems with EASA.
By "ICAO licence" do you mean Non-EASA licence? Because an EASA license is an ICAO licence.

No one cares what the aircraft registration is or what licence you're flying on, an hour in the logbook is an hour in the logbook. If you continue to log as per EASA rules then you will have no problems.

17th May 2022, 21:29
I am going to work in ICAO country, and the companny told me to have their local ICAO licence. So I ll have both licence EASA and the local ICAO.
Thank you for the information.

18th May 2022, 05:08
Okay, just FYI: I also have been flying many years in an ICAO country and I keep 2 logbooks, one EASA and one ICAO, specifical for the country CAA. Both logbooks have the same hours, BUT all the EASA sims are only in the EASA logbook, not in the ICAO. The local CAA doesn't really need to know what I do in my spare time.

Keep in mind as well that, if you fly on a validation of an EASA license, the FTL that regulates your duty time is the EASA ones, NOT the local CAA ones. That could land you some trouble with EASA.

As a good habit, stick a copy of your local ICAO license on your EASA logbook to make sure any EASA inspector knows that you'll flew under another set of FTL rules.

19th May 2022, 00:20
Probably better in questions rather than tech log.

29th May 2022, 15:51
Greetings all, first time posting on this forum and I have some bad news to tell y'all.

I have completed my ICAO ATPL theory in Serbia by the old 2016 syllabus, about two months ago. It went pretty well, had about an 88% average, did my distance learning while COVID-19 was shutting everything down, hit the question banks (AE and ATPLQ) after that and completed it without too much trouble. Now, the Serbian CAA does everything by the same standards as EASA but isn't actually EASA since we aren't a part of the European Union. No biggie, I can easily complete the EASA ATPL exams again and in the future when I unfreeze my license EASA will grant me an EASA license. Preety good, right? I signed up for distance learning in Hungary (since it's the closest EASA state to me) and they even accepted my theory from Serbia and all I had to do was complete a few mandatory progress tests and I'm ready to go to their CAA for the official exams.

Let me note that EASA adopted the new 2020 syllabus since January 1st 2022 and everyone who started their exams after that date will be doing them by the new syllabus. No problem, I already have a decent amount of knowledge, I just need to hit the banks to revise the flight computer and calculation questions etc. How hard can it be? Jesus Christ... There is literally less than 20% similarities between the two syllabuses, it was like I'm going through the question banks for the first time. Okay, I did it once I can do it again, I prepared four exams for my first sitting, scored 90+% on both question banks I used for preparation, felt confident and sure in my knowledge. Well I went to my first sitting and passed only one of the four exams, barely. What made me very angry is that the questions in the official exams were literally NOTHING like in Aviation Exam or ATPL Questions...

I emailed both banks with the "what is wrong with your questions" mood, and they explained to me that the 2020 syllabus is too new and too shortly in use that they don't yet have the required feedback from students to make the questions be reliable and relevant to the official exams. So they made an improvised bank that they think will help students prepare for the exams based on some predictions they have? Total nonsense.

I know there's gonna be someone in the comments going "but you should study the material not the question banks"... Listen, buddy, I already studied the course and if I didn't do the banks I would never have passed the 14 exams in Serbia, that's just facts and everyone knows it. Long gone are the days where you could just listen the course and go straight to the exams. The problem is that there isn't a reliable question bank to prepare for the new syllabus, which is VERY different from the old one.

What will I do now? Well, I'm not sure. I don't really need the EASA license, I was more like "why not?". I'm perfectly fine with working in Serbia and I've already kind of wasted one sitting here in Hungary. I guess I'll just get over the money spent on the theory course and forget about it, or maybe try again in about a year or two from now when the banks are more up to date. We will see.

TLDR: So to sum it up, the new syllabus is too new and the available question banks don't yet have the required feedback to make their questions relevant and realistic. There's not a reliable source to prepare for the exams, not yet at least.

Cheers all!