View Full Version : Military aircraft at “window height”

13th May 2022, 09:11
Reported by a friend in the southern suburbs of Cape Town yesterday. Small planes. Any offers?

13th May 2022, 10:07
Reported by a friend in the southern suburbs of Cape Town yesterday. Small planes. Any offers?

No idea, but some of the buildings in Cape Town are 400+ ft high

13th May 2022, 10:18
My informant says 6th floor. Madness in a built-up area!

13th May 2022, 10:23
No idea, but some of the buildings in Cape Town are 400+ ft high
Others are in the surrounding hills. Aircraft also have to go very close to the ground when they're taking off and landing. More information needed.

13th May 2022, 10:51
Is Thunder City still going?

13th May 2022, 10:56
Surely what matters is the interval between the aircraft and the ground underneath it and the ground immediately ahead of it.

13th May 2022, 12:46
"A Friend"...surely the most knowledgeable and un-challengeable source of information on the planet.

Nothing like an evidence based allegation is. there.

Jolley Roger
13th May 2022, 12:46
Why were they flying so high?

13th May 2022, 13:06
We were below the third floor of the flats at Templehof.

Sue Vętements
13th May 2022, 14:39
Here's a picture of aircraft at "window height"

https://cimg5.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/800x464/window_lancaster_dropping_window_dee45dfeaeeb0b5c28ab672bede a84f61416886e.jpg

13th May 2022, 21:30
Clever tangent.

I shall play my Oboe by the Waterfall which feeds into the Fishpond, which unfortunately reeks of H2S

Captain Dart
14th May 2022, 05:24
Would that be the one at Newhaven, Parramatta or Whanganui?

14th May 2022, 05:32
I made the front page of a local rag in Gloucestershire a few years back for a particularly exaggerated low flying complaint. The lady who called it in said I crossed in front of her car at “grass top height” and “half a Fiat Uno bonnet length” in front of her. When the RAF police came to investigate I told them it was one of the most routine low level flights I’d ever done and I genuinely wished I could fly a 70 foot long helicopter at 2 inches above the ground, 150kts and about 18 inches in front of a car :)

14th May 2022, 11:06
Simon......dear boy you just stated "Intent" to the RAF Plod. Now all they have to do is some field trials to gather the evidence that proves you in fact did as accused.

Remember...when a Woman makes a complaint about being done un-nicely by a Male of the Human Species....."She must be believed!".

Is the Two Inch thing the real cause for her angst perhaps?

Sue Vętements
14th May 2022, 13:05
Clever tangent.

I shall play my Oboe by the Waterfall which feeds into the Fishpond, which unfortunately reeks of H2S

Gee that was clever

14th May 2022, 13:34
Gee that was clever
pop down to the Village Inn to reward yourself

14th May 2022, 13:50

14th May 2022, 13:52

14th May 2022, 14:46
I was going to post a picture of the Tower Bridge Hunter incident, but the only ones I can find appear to be Photoshop jobs; maybe there are no real ones.

14th May 2022, 22:27
I made the front page of a local rag in Gloucestershire a few years back for a particularly exaggerated low flying complaint. The lady who called it in said I crossed in front of her car at “grass top height” and “half a Fiat Uno bonnet length” in front of her. When the RAF police came to investigate I told them it was one of the most routine low level flights I’d ever done and I genuinely wished I could fly a 70 foot long helicopter at 2 inches above the ground, 150kts and about 18 inches in front of a car :)

Reminds me of the low fly complaint I dealt with at Boscombe mid-90s.
Lady said a big helicopter was in her back garden and making such a racket. I asked if she could see any writing on it and her reply was "Yes, it says NO STEP ".

15th May 2022, 00:03
So if the aircraft was flying at 'window height', was the fuselage half-buried in the ground?

El Grifo
15th May 2022, 01:03
Just had Formby on the phone !
Not happy !

15th May 2022, 06:13
I bet MONICA, that works next to the PIPERACK at the aforementioned VILLAGE INN BOOZER would have a tale or 2 to recall....

15th May 2022, 08:42
I was going to post a picture of the Tower Bridge Hunter incident, but the only ones I can find appear to be Photoshop jobs; maybe there are no real ones. I think there's a painting.....

15th May 2022, 09:24
A friend who was an RAF Hunter Pilot noted his denial of having done a bit of low flying arrived upon the rocks of reality when the person complaining correctly reported the serial number of a wing store for his aircraft.

If true...she must have had some very good eyes and an excellent memory.

Knowing the old Sod....my money is on the Lady's account.

15th May 2022, 10:20
I was going to post a picture of the Tower Bridge Hunter incident, but the only ones I can find appear to be Photoshop jobs; maybe there are no real ones.
Hunter Tower Bridge fly-through.
Flt. Lt. Alan Richard Pollock the pilot of the Hunter that flew through Tower Bridge in April 1968 wrote an article " Why I Flew my Hunter Through Tower Bridge - 5th April 1968" for "Flypast" magazine.

His article can be seen here: https://www.jeversteamlaundry.org/4sqnper004.htm

18th May 2022, 13:57

I also recall handing a low-flying complaint at Boscombe (probably in the late 90s)…

The complainant declared that an Andover had flown so low that she could read the serial number under the wing.

However, it couldn’t have been ours, because we didn’t have one registered 909SX.

18th May 2022, 14:23
https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1530x916/ecd8e874_af01_4f62_a3a4_27b4462f2e7a_a6f5c914056ce37edd44d1d 8bb75dca745207dce.jpeg

18th May 2022, 15:03
Or, as ICAO succinctly puts it, "The difference between an accident and a serious incident lies only in the result".

18th May 2022, 16:54

I also recall handing a low-flying complaint at Boscombe (probably in the late 90s)…

The complainant declared that an Andover had flown so low that she could read the serial number under the wing.

However, it couldn’t have been ours, because we didn’t have one registered 909SX.

So not only was he low flying, he was inverted!

18th May 2022, 17:08
So not only was he low flying, he was inverted!
No reg on the upper side of the wings; must have been flying backwards...

18th May 2022, 18:18

I also recall handing a low-flying complaint at Boscombe (probably in the late 90s)…

The complainant declared that an Andover had flown so low that she could read the serial number under the wing.

However, it couldn’t have been ours, because we didn’t have one registered 909SX.


18th May 2022, 19:06
excellent … 😎

18th May 2022, 19:52
excellent … 😎
if ever a like button was merited, the post to which you refer deserves it! :ok:

The Nr Fairy
19th May 2022, 06:11
When I lived in Malmesbury, many years ago when Lightnings, F4s and Buccaneers were the established RAF FW fleet, and Tornadoes were relatively new in service, I was walking along Abbey Row ( https://goo.gl/maps/WhxagTdu3akDrZH97 for reference ) and saw a Buccaneer heading westwards using the valley. Below me. Well below window height!

19th May 2022, 06:33
nonsence, #32, an invalid contribution. The wheels are down!

Anyone from the ancient Valley Hawk era, who met an ‘experimental’ HS 748 in mid Wales - at (very) low level?