View Full Version : ATC Jobs 2022

1st May 2022, 16:29
There used to be a rolling thread on here with jobs but it seems to have disappeared. Now that the market is a bit more buoyant might as well start another one in case anyone wants a change!

Humberside ATCO (APS) https://www.humbersideairport.com/news/job-vacancy-air-traffic-controller/

Wick ATCO (ADI/APP Part qualified considered) https://hialcareers.co.uk/jobs/vacancy/-air-traffic-control-officer-wick-john-ogroats-0984-caithness/1002/description/

Leeds Bradford ATCO (ADI/APS Single ratings considered) https://www.leedsbradfordairport.co.uk/work-with-us/jobs

1st May 2022, 20:14
Liverpool John Lennon ATCO (ADI only and APS posts) https://liverpoolairport.current-vacancies.com/Jobs/Advert/2650806?cid=1823&s=False&t=Air-Traffic-Control-Officer--ADI-Only-&l=Liverpool

1st May 2022, 20:23
Woodvale ATCO (ADI)


4th May 2022, 11:12
Prestwick ATCOs


4th May 2022, 11:14
Southend ATCO


5th May 2022, 05:14
How might somebody with an ICAO licence, who wants to work as a controller in the UK, go about converting to a UKCAA approved licence? ie ADC -> ADI?

5th May 2022, 09:01
How might somebody with an ICAO licence, who wants to work as a controller in the UK, go about converting to a UKCAA approved licence? ie ADC -> ADI?

Have a look at CAP744 Air traffic controllers - licensing. That will tell you what is required. My understanding is that it's quite straight forward if you have a license issued by an EU member state. Bit more work to do if this isn't the case.

5th May 2022, 21:28
Both the Belgians and the Dutch are hiring:



6th May 2022, 00:35
Have a look at CAP744 Air traffic controllers - licensing. That will tell you what is required. My understanding is that it's quite straight forward if you have a license issued by an EU member state. Bit more work to do if this isn't the case.
You'll still need to undergo an APC.

9th May 2022, 07:34
Southend Air traffic assistant. Possible chance to train as a controller in the future. Good opportunity for someone


9th May 2022, 11:36
Hello, does anyone has applied with skeyes for experienced atco? If yes do you already have received any response?

12th May 2022, 07:00
Oxford ATCO and Assistant positions


12th May 2022, 07:05
Redhill looking for a deputy SATCO (ADV)

Redhill - ATC Vacancy (http://www.redhillaerodrome.com/atc-vacancy)

mike current
12th May 2022, 11:03
Redhill looking for a deputy SATCO (ADV)

Redhill - ATC Vacancy (http://www.redhillaerodrome.com/atc-vacancy)

I thought ANS were supplying ATCOs to Redhil..

12th May 2022, 16:13
Cayman Islands ATCOs


12th May 2022, 16:16
If anyone fancies perpetual darkness in a sub artic climate then Arvidsjaur airport in Sweden are looking for an ATCO (probably still sunnier than Wick)


14th May 2022, 16:57
I thought ANS were supplying ATCOs to Redhil..
Not sure what the situation is there at the moment. Judging by the notams they have been short for a while.

14th May 2022, 19:58
There used to be a rolling thread on here with jobs but it seems to have disappeared. Now that the market is a bit more buoyant might as well start another one in case anyone wants a change!

Humberside ATCO (APS) https://www.humbersideairport.com/news/job-vacancy-air-traffic-controller/

Wick ATCO (ADI/APP Part qualified considered) https://hialcareers.co.uk/jobs/vacancy/-air-traffic-control-officer-wick-john-ogroats-0984-caithness/1002/description/

Leeds Bradford ATCO (ADI/APS Single ratings considered) https://www.leedsbradfordairport.co.uk/work-with-us/jobs

Just wanted to say thank you for the new thread and the research. I believe the old thread is still lurking there somewhere however after a period of inactivity it gets buried and it's not that easy to bring it back up.

More on topic, Prestwick (Tower not Area Centre) seem to be advertising: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3058531839/?alternateChannel=search&refId=1lptA6hmAYfqU1IR%2BreEsA%3D%3D&trackingId=rjNz4E72v429KuU1zficyQ%3D%3D

15th May 2022, 07:41
Redhill or Gatwick, or both?.

15th May 2022, 08:38
Redhill or Gatwick, or both?.
Most likely Redhill; as soon as someone with a newly acquired rating (ie never validated) gets their MER, they bugger off to somewhere paying much more. Same thing kept happening at Wycombe.

15th May 2022, 09:03
Why does a small aerodrome as Redhill need ATC? Is the traffic level that high or complex? It’s in the LGW CTR but could this not be effectively managed with a LOA and AIP published operating procedures?

15th May 2022, 11:51
Why does a small aerodrome as Redhill need ATC? Is the traffic level that high or complex?
'Cos the CAA said they had to same as they did at Wycombe.

15th May 2022, 12:11
[QUOTE=chevvron;11230473]Most likely Redhill; maybe but probably wrong, the current staffing at Gatwick is, well let’s use the term interesting!!

15th May 2022, 12:22
'Cos the CAA said they had to same as they did at Wycombe.

Now is the time to challenge it and get SARG to justify their reasoning/logic? From recent experience with SARG this could be an interesting exercise with a justifiable response not forthcoming.

How come White Waltham get away with a LFA and A/G within the LHR CTR?

15th May 2022, 13:30
[QUOTE=chevvron;11230473]Most likely Redhill; maybe but probably wrong, the current staffing at Gatwick is, well let’s use the term interesting!!
ANS are thinking of bidding for ATC services at a remote location ie remote tower etc but I can't tell you where.

15th May 2022, 13:43
Now is the time to challenge it and get SARG to justify their reasoning/logic? From recent experience with SARG this could be an interesting exercise with a justifiable response not forthcoming.

How come White Waltham get away with a LFA and A/G within the LHR CTR?
SARG are entitled to require any level of service to be provided at any location (it's written in CAP 670); I don't know what criteria they apply but when I suggested a 'relaxation' of their rules to allow a form of 'land after' at a sometimes busy FISO location providing certain criteria were satisfied (so as to allow more flexible use of runway occupancy rather than have an unnecessary go around), I was told 'if your airfield is that busy, maybe we should look at upgrading you to ATC'.
So I shut up.

15th May 2022, 14:15
………..I don't know what criteria they apply but when I suggested a 'relaxation' of their rules to allow a form of 'land after' at a sometimes busy FISO location providing certain criteria were satisfied (so as to allow more flexible use of runway occupancy rather than have an unnecessary go around), I was told 'if your airfield is that busy, maybe we should look at upgrading you to ATC'.
So I shut up.

Think that sums up what we now have to deal with, ie the level of expertise/experience that is prevalent in SARG plus the low staff levels whereby they invariably just do not have time to get into discussions to improve day to day service provision.

We in the industry are expected to adopt a continuous improvement culture, from what I see it is rarely evident in SARG unless they are pushed or forced into it.

While not having a 100% success rate I’ve experienced far more wins than losses when challenging what was “The Authority”, either directly or indirectly.

15th May 2022, 14:42
ANS are thinking of bidding for ATC services at a remote location ie remote tower etc but I can't tell you where.

however ANS don’t have the Gatwick contract anymore!!

15th May 2022, 16:17

however ANS don’t have the Gatwick contract anymore!!
Sorry I'm a bit out of touch; I'm still marvelling at NATS getting the contract for St Athan, so who's got it now then?

15th May 2022, 17:22
Sorry I'm a bit out of touch; I'm still marvelling at NATS getting the contract for St Athan, so who's got it now then?
ANS until October, then NATS are back! Meet the new boss…same as the old boss…

15th May 2022, 17:56
Instructor job going with Micronav (ATC simulator supplier) in Bournemouth. Sounds like an interesting job in a nice part of the country


15th May 2022, 18:19
ANS until October, then NATS are back! Meet the new boss…same as the old boss…
Well its not actually NATS, but the subsidiary company NATS SOLUTIONS. Different T&C’s. Hence students at the college can’t be posted, but have to be ask if they are happy to leave NATS. (For the record, they weren’t ).

the staffing shortfall continues.

15th May 2022, 18:54
SERCO looking for ATCOs for Dubai DXB (Tower) and Dubai DWC (Approach)



15th May 2022, 21:02
Just wanted to say thank you for the new thread and the research. I believe the old thread is still lurking there somewhere however after a period of inactivity it gets buried and it's not that easy to bring it back up.

No problem at all 🙂

16th May 2022, 20:50
Now is the time to challenge it and get SARG to justify their reasoning/logic? From recent experience with SARG this could be an interesting exercise with a justifiable response not forthcoming.

How come White Waltham get away with a LFA and A/G within the LHR CTR?Slight thread drift but maybe of interest to some...

Some years ago - probably 20+ now - CAA SRG did research to try to determine metrics for where different levels of ATS were appropriate. They spent quite a lot of money with some external company as I recall, and the results were of little use, mainly because whatever the quantitative results that might be generated by the by the algorithms were said to have huge error bounds because of the variability of the subject. After that, there was some work done internally, using some of the ideas from the external study (perhaps to justify its cost), on an Excel spreadsheet - taking some of the variables such as total movements, busiest day, busiest hour, complexity (number of runways and taxiways), proximity of local airports and others which escape me after all this time - and applying factors to each element to try to rank all UK airports (above a certain size) to see whether there were any outliers in the data, unexpected FIS units amongst all the ATC units, for example. Again, not much of value came of it. Ultimately, the conclusion was that professional judgement was the best approach....although the judgement was to be that of the CAA inspectors - whether these were the best professionals I'll leave to you to decide.

All of this work was done around the time that formal requirements were being introduced for ATC, and to a lesser extent, FIS units - in reality, the work was driven by the introduction of these rules in order to justify their introduction - which made running either ATC or FIS a lot more involved (and arguably while offering no tangible benefits) and, certainly for smaller airports, way more expensive.

17th May 2022, 11:26
ATC instructor job in Saudi with BAE. Accommodation, expat package etc.


17th May 2022, 14:33
SERCO looking for a dual rated (ADI/APS) ATCO for Hawarden


18th May 2022, 08:19
I understand that Bahrain ACC is hiring. Does anybody have a contact email address?

18th May 2022, 09:24
Any contacts in the ME for Tower jobs would be greatly appreciated if it could be sent via PM.

Does anybody have general package ideas for Hamad, AUH, DWC, Bahrain, DXB etc?


18th May 2022, 12:55
Any contacts in the ME for Tower jobs would be greatly appreciated if it could be sent via PM.

Does anybody have general package ideas for Hamad, AUH, DWC, Bahrain, DXB etc?


I Would be quite interested to know too for DXB as well as what form the APC takes these days if anyone has any info.

18th May 2022, 21:17
I understand that Bahrain ACC is hiring. Does anybody have a contact email address?
Does anyone have some more info on what the working conditions, pay, etcetera are like in Bahrain? Also heard they were hiring.

19th May 2022, 14:32
any news from skeyes (belgium)? i applied but still nothing

19th May 2022, 19:20
any news from skeyes (belgium)? i applied but still nothing

Ditto. It is still being advertised on their website so they might still be collecting applications?

23rd May 2022, 10:28
has anyone heard from the company recruiting for Qatar?

26th May 2022, 08:05
Bournemouth looking for an ATCO

https://uk.indeed.com/m/viewjob?jk=fed5ff0b4e6c08d3&from=serp&prevUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fuk.indeed.com%2Fm%2Fjobs%3Fq%3DAir%2BT raffic%2BControl

30th May 2022, 13:15
East Midlands looking for an ATCO (ADI/APS)


30th May 2022, 13:19
Norwich looking for dual rated ATCO (ADI/APS) single ratings considered


31st May 2022, 10:43
East Midlands looking for an ATCO (ADI/APS)


I take it they couldn't fill all the vacancies they had a few months ago then..

1st Jun 2022, 15:46
any news from skeyes (belgium)? i applied but still nothing

any answer from skeyes yet?

2nd Jun 2022, 08:06
any answer from skeyes yet?

I just received an acknowledgement that they have received my application and that they will be reviewing it.

2nd Jun 2022, 09:20
I just received an acknowledgement that they have received my application and that they will be reviewing it.
did you send an email to ask confirmation or they just replied to your application?

2nd Jun 2022, 09:23
did you send an email to ask confirmation or they just replied to your application?

They e-mailed me...

2nd Jun 2022, 23:34
Does anyone have some more info on what the working conditions, pay, etcetera are like in Bahrain? Also heard they were hiring.

did anyone get back to you? Interested

3rd Jun 2022, 13:54
did anyone get back to you? Interested
Nope, no responses yet.

17th Jun 2022, 09:01
Brighton Shoreham looking for an ADI ATCO


25th Jun 2022, 07:49
Gibraltar hiring (again)


27th Jun 2022, 10:40
Blackbushe looking for a FISO. Will potentially take on a trainee

https://uk.indeed.com/m/viewjob?jk=a0dc2316f21d88a3&advn=1130345014633731&adid=392639838&ad=-6NYlbfkN0DqbDCJqbPxT2UkZH91lNePm834APIfzvf4ixAAY-OwPGHstno7XlzdiTgVZ3OaDTVX6KsrPTcxp3dfUKuWy6M8dhw8mLb4yXpA7w llLGu4KmCaJZG40QancHcnOZamfxd0k_skJ_xEcpnS8ob6ja5Zit_eNV6jwk iHBYSfT36Ymdmw_45Q4BjEJQQkDogbAPY5Tex1DLj7-SRm6gftSFXzqi8W-Nu7OP4W1BfYeCe5qZfvsyOqMaaQxmlo947tj_i0EGYtYMV-VQF80Qf3wokkvbZxi6LemWNrcMO8WL0hOQVHXD1PIthi3XPrTtIT3EQEaOFr FGFGhcYXzn_BbDCeDbKIM0rf3VXFm0b3TR2OzEBcMCb2ukbwKH8rKs47Z6H3 qyDAI-AeCQDvAeVqY_hG&from=hp&tk=1g6ib4araj9ii801

1st Jul 2022, 10:08
NATS looks for an ATCO APS for Aberporth


2nd Jul 2022, 08:48
NATS looks for an ATCO APS for Aberporth

Note this is only the range which is APS not the airfield callled 'West Wales Airport' which is only about a mile east of the airfield.
Funny I thought it had been operated by Newquay since they got the got the contract from NATS in about 2012 having been NATS for many years prior to that.

arthur j negus esq
2nd Jul 2022, 17:25
Note this is only the range which is APS not the airfield callled 'West Wales Airport' which is only about a mile east of the airfield.
Funny I thought it had been operated by Newquay since they got the got the contract from NATS in about 2012 having been NATS for many years prior to that.

NATS has been the ANSP at MOD Aberporth as long as NATS has existed. The contract was not lost to Newquay. Newquay provide ad-hoc radar for West Wales airport in support of the Watchkeeper project and other customer requirements.


3rd Jul 2022, 09:05
NATS has been the ANSP at MOD Aberporth as long as NATS has existed. The contract was not lost to Newquay. Newquay provide ad-hoc radar for West Wales airport in support of the Watchkeeper project and other customer requirements.

Ah I wasn't aware that Newquay operated from 'West Wales Airport' whilst Aberporth Range operated about a mile away; I thought NATS had lost the Aberporth Range contract to Newquay.
Certainly we operated Aberporth Range Control from the range head from about 1970 with a controller detached to the airfield and later supplemented by a 'radio operator' (later a FISO) providing leave relief from Farnborough although up to about 1978, Aberporth airfield had its own controller who, with much bitterness, was posted to Benbecula where I met him in 1979.

4th Jul 2022, 14:24
NATS looking for an ATCO with ADI for Barkston Heath


4th Jul 2022, 16:20
NATS looking for an ATCO with ADI for Barkston HeathWasn't that one that safeskies had? Whatever happened to him/them?

5th Jul 2022, 14:49
IAA recruiting direct entry ATCO's...... details on the IAA.ie website (won't allow me to post the link)

5th Jul 2022, 18:33
IAA recruiting direct entry ATCO's...... details on the IAA.ie website (won't allow me to post the link)

That's great to hear thanks. Been a while since they've done any direct recruitment. See link below for anyone who's interested.

6th Jul 2022, 08:39
HIAL recruiting Ab- initios various locations


6th Jul 2022, 10:32
Exeter looking for an ATCO


6th Jul 2022, 12:29
Wasn't that one that safeskies had? Whatever happened to him/them?
After 'gisajob's' operation 'SafeSkys' merged with Air Partner, the new people don't seem to be bothered with ATS contracts.

9th Jul 2022, 13:47
Copenhagen are recruiting TWR/APP if you have or able to obtain a Danish language level 4


22nd Jul 2022, 09:14
Gloucestershire looking for an ATCO with ADI/APP

https://uk.indeed.com/m/viewjob?jk=00496179eda8def0&from=serp&prevUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fuk.indeed.com%2Fm%2Fjobs%3Fq%3DAtc%26l %3D%26ts%3D1658393858341%26pts%3D1658340881539%26from%3Dsear chOnHP%26rq%3D1%26rsIdx%3D0%26newcount%3D13%26fromage%3Dlast

28th Jul 2022, 08:21
Land's end looking for an Atco with ADI

https://uk.indeed.com/m/viewjob?jk=252b43d4a544c0f7&from=serp&prevUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fuk.indeed.com%2Fm%2Fjobs%3Fq%3DAir%2BT raffic%2BController

30th Jul 2022, 23:37

Never mind your standard routine atc jobs, what you really need is a CEO role! Form an orderly queue please.

31st Jul 2022, 08:13

Never mind your standard routine atc jobs, what you really need is a CEO role! Form an orderly queue please.
Why should people get these massive bonuses simply for doing the job for which they have been contracted? This guy is just a businessman and has never (as far as I'm aware) been a controller).

31st Jul 2022, 08:22
While the merit of such a bonus is one issue, the quality of writing in that article is quite another.

1st Aug 2022, 17:28
anyone knows about saerco? No open position on the website but if you are qualified you can send an email to hr. they also provide atc in norway

3rd Aug 2022, 20:28
ANS looking for an ATCO for Cambridge.


4th Aug 2022, 09:23
Hello, does anyone has applied with skeyes for experienced atco? If yes do you already have received any response?

sent you a P.M.

9th Aug 2022, 11:10
NATS looking for an ATCO with ADI for St Athen


9th Aug 2022, 14:49
NATS looking for an ATCO with ADI for St Athen


Not real NATS, their LCC NATS Solutions.

11th Aug 2022, 06:58

13th Aug 2022, 07:44
Any contacts in the ME for Tower jobs would be greatly appreciated if it could be sent via PM.

Does anybody have general package ideas for Hamad, AUH, DWC, Bahrain, DXB etc?


ATCO Hamad Package

All figures quoted in Qatari Riyals. At time of writing exchange rate is around 4.52 QAR - £1

45k pcm rising to 50k upon validation with an additional 5k pcm shift/tech allowance.

Housing provided for free or monthly allowance of 3k/6k if single/married respectively.
Utilities allowance of 450 pcm if in company provided free accommodation; not applicable if in receipt of housing allowance.

School fees of up to 50k per child per annum for up to max of 3 children.

52 days leave per year.

Standard 6/4 work pattern.

18th Aug 2022, 05:07
More Tower jobs in New Zealand...


22nd Aug 2022, 10:18
GANS on a big recruitment. Looking for tower and approach atcos as well as instructors


22nd Aug 2022, 12:06
LFV are looking for triple rated ATCOs In Sweden

23rd Aug 2022, 08:11
FISO job going at Netheravon

26th Aug 2022, 14:13
NATS looking for controllers both tower and approach for airports including the following: Heathrow, Gatwick, Manchester, Glasgow, Stansted, Luton, Bristol, Belfast...


26th Aug 2022, 14:22
SATCO job going at Middle Wallop


lord of the zones
27th Aug 2022, 18:29
NATS looking for controllers both tower and approach for airports including the following: Heathrow, Gatwick, Manchester, Glasgow, Stansted, Luton, Bristol, Belfast...


14 units specified in the Ad for vacancies?
from an outfit that not only has its own training facility but also subcontracts its trainee programme out to third party providers?
i heard the saving of binning the 122 trainees during covid was under 200k so.
Now they’re looking to recruit at least 14 and probably more if you read the media reports about shortages at certain units. each on a minimum (assuming the Bottom band three salary) of £57688 each, no idea what a trainee salary is once posted maybe less than half of this?? but seems like stopping training perhaps wasn’t the smartest move!!
how many trainees are back and being posted right now? Are they feeding into the airports at all?

28th Aug 2022, 10:09
Trainees slowly being fed into the NATS training process. However massive retirement bulge rapidly approaching, never been a better time to apply.

29th Aug 2022, 15:02
NATS looking for controllers both tower and approach for airports including the following: Heathrow, Gatwick, Manchester, Glasgow, Stansted, Luton, Bristol, Belfast...


This advert either is inaccurate or else I am reading it wrong, happy to be corrected either way. Some of those units mentioned are Solutions units yet a few lines down they are referred to as Band 2 or Band 3 units. It also refers to NATS DC pension scheme, the outsider looking at this advert will assume it is the 9 - 18 scheme? I don't see any mention of Belfast City at all, perhaps they are fully staffed now?

Regarding the NATS trainees and feeding them into airports as needed, I have posted before about this not being an option for Solutions branded units. Someone working for NATS Solutions is very much part of a different company in terms of pay, terms and conditions, career progression etc. Yet this advert seems to imply all the units listed are all the one big happy family - interesting.

Somewhere In Time
1st Sep 2022, 09:12
Would NATS accept any nationality as long as they have relevant experience?

1st Sep 2022, 12:32
Would NATS accept any nationality as long as they have relevant experience?

Nationality is irrelevant but they are very unlikely to hire anyone who does not have the right to live and work in the UK.

mike current
1st Sep 2022, 16:57
Would NATS accept any nationality as long as they have relevant experience?
..and eligible for a UK working visa...

1st Sep 2022, 18:30
I really hope area opens up at NATS as well…

2nd Sep 2022, 06:54
I really hope area opens up at NATS as well…
You'll need to apply to NATS as a 'controller' and the recruiter will decide if you're better suited to Area or Terminal.

mike current
2nd Sep 2022, 09:01
You'll need to apply to NATS as a 'controller' and the recruiter will decide if you're better suited to Area or Terminal.

The advert clearly states

We are looking for both Tower Only or Tower & Approach controllers to provide a safe and efficient aerodrome and approach radar services (depending upon the specific Airport requirement) across all NATS UK Airports & Gibraltar.

14th Sep 2022, 10:45
Assistant job at Edinburgh with ANS

26th Sep 2022, 12:06
Redhill looking for an ATCO
https://uk.indeed.com/m/viewjob?jk=b8cbf4b2821377d7&from=serp&prevUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fuk.indeed.com%2Fm%2Fjobs%3Fq%3DAir%252 0Traffic%2520Controller%26l%3D%26ts%3D1663920921370%26pts%3D 1663844422270%26from%3DsearchOnHP%26rq%3D1%26rsIdx%3D0%26new count%3D8%26fromage%3Dlast

26th Sep 2022, 17:36
NATS recruiting for Swanwick and Prestwick Centre..... Area and Approach. Details on NATS website... won't let me post the URL - remove the space to get it.

www.nats.aero /careers/vacancies/v/268775/

Somewhere In Time
2nd Oct 2022, 06:20
NATS recruiting for Swanwick and Prestwick Centre..... Area and Approach. Details on NATS website... won't let me post the URL - remove the space to get it.

www.nats.aero /careers/vacancies/v/268775/

Have NATS started interviews yet?

3rd Oct 2022, 07:40
GANS looking for more staff for an upcoming project including controllers, managers and instructors. Unsure if they are just readvertising the positions they had previously.
Anyone have any info on where the posts are based? I heard they were in for the Afghan contract which would make sense if they are needing that number of staff

mike current
3rd Oct 2022, 11:33
Have NATS started interviews yet?
I know a few who have submitted CVs and so far no even an acknowledgement apart from an automated email reply.

3rd Oct 2022, 18:04
I know a few who have submitted CVs and so far no even an acknowledgement apart from an automated email reply.

Standard NATS then........:bored:

4th Oct 2022, 10:25
Leeds Bradford is hiring controllers again.

13th Oct 2022, 14:35
NATS after more controllers for Belfast City

13th Oct 2022, 19:02
NATS Solutions after more controllers for Belfast City

Fixed that for you, that particular detail is very important! As I've posted before, those that would love to work for NATS might not be so keen for the Solutions version.

19th Oct 2022, 17:41
Any words from NATS to anybody regarding the Area positions?

27th Oct 2022, 14:21
Babcock looking for an ATCO at RAF Wittering

28th Oct 2022, 08:34
ADI ATCO job going in Alderney


28th Oct 2022, 11:50
Babcock looking for an ATCO at RAF Wittering
Controllers there are mixed civil/military.

Somewhere In Time
28th Oct 2022, 16:06
I know a few who have submitted CVs and so far no even an acknowledgement apart from an automated email reply.
Can anyone confirm that NATS are open to non brits?

Somewhere In Time
28th Oct 2022, 16:39
Can anyone confirm that NATS are open to non brits?

I think I found the answer to that. You can apply using the skilled worker rules. NATS is on the list of approved sponsors. These rules no not specify nationality of applicant.

28th Oct 2022, 17:23
Yeap. ATCO is on the list of skilled workers - actually almost everything on the list😁

Somewhere In Time
28th Oct 2022, 19:09
Yeap. ATCO is on the list of skilled workers - actually almost everything on the list😁
I wonder how long NATS will take to get back to people that have applied

28th Oct 2022, 19:15
We will see😁

3rd Nov 2022, 11:16
Land's End advertising again for an ATCO


5th Nov 2022, 16:36
Can anyone confirm that NATS are open to non brits?
Note that for ATCO roles you'll need a UK or EU license though. Others can't be easily converted. I understand you basically need to do a whole UK rating course.

13th Nov 2022, 09:10
Wondering which country...


13th Nov 2022, 10:27
Wondering which country...

I would guess it's Kabul.

13th Nov 2022, 10:31

Andy Mayes
14th Nov 2022, 03:54
Fusion had/have a contract to recruit for Doha recently although I’m not 100% this particular advert is for Doha.

Wondering which country...


14th Nov 2022, 07:22
Doha sounds better than Kabul :D

14th Nov 2022, 08:15
Doha sounds better than Kabul :D
GAAC has ATC contract with Taliban https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20220908-uae-firm-to-manage-air-traffic-over-afghanistan

18th Nov 2022, 09:51
DSATCO job at Middle Wallop

22nd Nov 2022, 10:18
Exeter looking for an ATCO

22nd Nov 2022, 18:08
ANS looking for ATCOs at Edinburgh


Short Approach?
24th Nov 2022, 14:07
ANS looking for ATCOs at Edinburgh


Would anyone care to share the salary package for a app/twr rated atco with 12 years of experience from a top 10 euro-airport? Thx!

24th Nov 2022, 15:30
Would anyone care to share the salary package for a app/twr rated atco with 12 years of experience from a top 10 euro-airport? Thx!
It'll be APS plus ADV/ADI ratings not app/twr.

mike current
24th Nov 2022, 15:44
It'll be APS plus ADV/ADI ratings not app/twr.
TWR is a rating endorsement specific to ADI under EASA / EU 340

Short Approach?
24th Nov 2022, 15:57
It'll be APS plus ADV/ADI ratings not app/twr.

Sorry APS and ADI. Do you have the numbers? :-)

29th Nov 2022, 18:56
Isle of Man looking for an ATCO


30th Nov 2022, 14:27
Derry looking for ADI/APP controllers

1st Dec 2022, 19:19
London heliport looking for an ATCO

1st Dec 2022, 19:25
Lighting panel operator at Gatwick

Buster the Bear
3rd Dec 2022, 21:26
'Lasham Radio' (2Excel Engineering) looking for a 'radio operator'. Cannot be many airfields in the UK where airliners operate under the watch of an ROCC (air/ground) ticket. Ignore the link title, click and it'll take you there.


4th Dec 2022, 10:28
'Lasham Radio' (2Excel Engineering) looking for a 'radio operator'. Cannot be many airfields in the UK where airliners operate under the watch of an ROCC (air/ground) ticket. Ignore the link title, click and it'll take you there.

The radar expired some time ago so the unit is unlicensed; Talkdownman can tell you more.

4th Dec 2022, 15:25
The radar expired some time ago so the unit is unlicensed; Talkdownman can tell you more.
what is the relevance of this comment - did anyone mention radar?

As for the job, I can see the appeal for some people.

4th Dec 2022, 16:12
what is the relevance of this comment - did anyone mention radar?

Excuse me he used to work at Farnborough for over 30 years and they do not make them as good as him anymore.;)

4th Dec 2022, 16:56
Excuse me he used to work at Farnborough for over 30 years and they do not make them as good as him anymore.;)
Thank you Rwy1234. I should add that my good friend Talkdownman operated Lasham Radar for many years part time but was made redundant in spite of the fact he still had an ROCC; he worked at Farnborough and Heathrow.

4th Dec 2022, 19:34
I'm well aware of the history of Lasham and the radar, and of Talkdownman (and have great respect for his skills - there aren't many of us left who've done half-milers on a 424). But Lasham are currently looking for a radio operator; what is the relevance of of bringing up a now defunct radar? All it might do is unnecessarily raise the hopes of someone struggling in the very early stages of their career.

This debate does not contribute anything to the thread so I'll leave it at that.

5th Dec 2022, 15:39
Damn I do miss 1/2 milers in the clag. Great fun. Especially when they made it in :eek::E

5th Dec 2022, 15:53
We used to do PARs and had an entry in our MATS Pt 2 saying we could do them to touchdown if necessary.

5th Dec 2022, 16:08
The radar expired some time ago so the unit is unlicensed; Talkdownman can tell you more.

I strongly suspect BTB knows far more about contemporary Lasham ops than most.

5th Dec 2022, 16:15
Damn I do miss 1/2 milers in the clag. Great fun. Especially when they made it in :eek::E

6th Dec 2022, 07:37
LFV looking for an ATCO for Visby


12th Dec 2022, 07:38
Anybody got an APC with the GCAA (Abu Dhabi)?

13th Dec 2022, 11:19
Still waiting. A good few of my colleagues have been called for them in January and the rest of us haven’t. Can only hope there is more planned for 2023 but I fear not. Can only wait..
there also doesn’t seem to be any structure to the recruitment. The most recent guys to send in applications were the ones called.

22nd Dec 2022, 09:03
I wonder how long NATS will take to get back to people that have applied

Did anyone ever get any job offers from the NATS recruiting round?

23rd Dec 2022, 00:01
Anybody got an APC with the GCAA (Abu Dhabi)?

Any chance for contact info? :)

23rd Dec 2022, 03:45
Did anyone ever get any job offers from the NATS recruiting round?

Not even a phone interview… status is still “application under review”

23rd Dec 2022, 08:16
HIAL looking for an ATCO for Benbecula


23rd Dec 2022, 09:27
Head of air traffic services job going at Edinburgh


26th Dec 2022, 19:58
Talkdownman operated Lasham Radar for many years part time but was made redundant in spite of the fact he still had an ROCC; he worked at Farnborough and Heathrow.
Not relevant.

'Lasham Radio' (2Excel Engineering) looking for a 'radio operator'. Cannot be many airfields in the UK where airliners operate under the watch of an ROCC (air/ground) ticket

I understand that the post has been filled, and by an A/G operator from a fairly local aero club

29th Dec 2022, 08:22
Birmingham looking for an ATCO


9th Jan 2023, 17:23
SATCO job going at St Athen

Somewhere In Time
10th Jan 2023, 16:38
Not even a phone interview… status is still “application under review”
This is getting ridiculous. 3 months and no reply or follow up of any kind. I thought the UK were short staffed. Obviously not short staffed enough to bother replying to applicants.

11th Jan 2023, 08:03
This is getting ridiculous. 3 months and no reply or follow up of any kind. I thought the UK were short staffed. Obviously not short staffed enough to bother replying to applicants.

After the autoresponse it happens at all ANSPs then one day you get your call... Keep your patience, you cannot really do anything else :D

11th Jan 2023, 09:16
Teeside looking for two ATCOs and two assistants
https://www.teessideinternational.com/careers/ (https://www.teessideinternational.com/careers/air-traffic-control-officer-x2/)

13th Jan 2023, 09:55
Airways NZ looking for Area and Oceanic controllers

18th Jan 2023, 14:59
This is getting ridiculous. 3 months and no reply or follow up of any kind. I thought the UK were short staffed. Obviously not short staffed enough to bother replying to applicants.

Apartantly they've started getting back to people now so hopefully you'll hear something soon.

18th Jan 2023, 21:03
Newcastle looking for ATCOs


Somewhere In Time
19th Jan 2023, 18:30
Apartantly they've started getting back to people now so hopefully you'll hear something soon.
Yup. But yet to hear of anyone being offered anything

19th Jan 2023, 20:00
HR works with different timeframes, hard to understand for ATCOs😀

21st Jan 2023, 08:38
HIAL extended the closing date for Benbecula ATCO

31st Jan 2023, 08:12
SATCO job going at Inverness


1st Feb 2023, 16:32
Lands End looking for someone with ADI only.

10th Feb 2023, 09:40
Isle of Man looking for two ATCOs

10th Feb 2023, 15:03
East Mids looking for an ATCO

15th Feb 2023, 15:38
Note that for ATCO roles you'll need a UK or EU license though. Others can't be easily converted. I understand you basically need to do a whole UK rating course.

What about the CTC checks? I am a EU citizen with a EU license looking for a TWR job but I haven't lived in the UK for the past 3 years. Is there a way around this?

15th Feb 2023, 15:51
What about the CTC checks? I am a EU citizen with a EU license looking for a TWR job but I haven't lived in the UK for the past 3 years. Is there a way around this?

Not entirely sure you even need a CTC check in the first place, a CRC should be enough (the old DBS check). That should be part of the process when applying for your skilled worker visa anyway. Your employer-to-be aka sponsor will probably arrange that for you.

15th Feb 2023, 16:30
This is what I get when applying:

https://cimg0.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1080x846/whatsapp_image_2023_02_15_at_17_29_24_5ec99d1b98f363da7be75e 4cc661cf46482b6a41.jpeg

17th Feb 2023, 11:44
HIAL looking for an Ab initio ATCO for Benbecula. Good chance for someone to get the foot in the door if they are interested - seems to be a decent training salary.


20th Feb 2023, 20:11
Norwich looking for an ATCO

22nd Feb 2023, 07:17
Bournemouth looking for an ATCO


22nd Feb 2023, 07:20
Norwich looking for an Air Traffic Services manager


23rd Feb 2023, 18:47
Humberside looking for another ATCO

24th Feb 2023, 12:23
SERCO looking for an ATCO for Sharjah

28th Feb 2023, 19:26
Anyone fancy up to 60k to operate some lights at Heathrow? If so NATS looking for a lighting panel operator


2nd Mar 2023, 22:06
If you fancy life on an island and have ADI and APS experience, Jersey Airport are looking for a qualified ATCO;

Jersey ATCO - Closes 31st March 2023 (https://ports.pinpointhq.com/en/postings/d4ef3809-ff81-421b-ac34-b5c322452b61)

16th Mar 2023, 10:10
Southend looking for an ATCO and offering up to £100k in the first year apartantly!


20th Mar 2023, 21:06
Hawarden looking for ADI-only.

21st Mar 2023, 14:54
ATCO job going at Wattisham

24th Mar 2023, 13:12
ATCO job (ADI/APS) in Jersey
https://uk.indeed.com/m/viewjob?jk=339c44a34264d24d&from=serp&prevUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fuk.indeed.com%2Fm%2Fjobs%3Fq%3DAir%252 0Traffic%2520Controller%26l%3D%26ts%3D1679480603852%26pts%3D 1678812132988%26from%3DsearchOnHP%26rq%3D1%26rsIdx%3D1%26new count%3D12%26fromage%3Dlast

24th Mar 2023, 21:11
Does anyone know if NATS are likely to advertise for Trainee ATC positions in the near future? I’ve been watching their website regularly but it has been saying that the application window is closed for some time now. I would have thought that with air travel returning to pre pandemic numbers that they would be looking for more ATC positions.

25th Mar 2023, 12:38
There are strange things going on there for sure…

25th Mar 2023, 14:24
Does anyone know if NATS are likely to advertise for Trainee ATC positions in the near future? I’ve been watching their website regularly but it has been saying that the application window is closed for some time now. I would have thought that with air travel returning to pre pandemic numbers that they would be looking for more ATC positions.
NATS will no doubt suddenly panic and launch a 'trawl' of qualified controllers to try and make up any deficit.
Looking at your age, I have to ask if you have any prior ATC or FIS experience; they obviously can't refuse an appllication from you.

27th Mar 2023, 05:46
I don’t know how many they took in the last round (area) but it didn’t seem they wanted to take a single soul…

27th Mar 2023, 07:35
NATS will no doubt suddenly panic and launch a 'trawl' of qualified controllers to try and make up any deficit.
Looking at your age, I have to ask if you have any prior ATC or FIS experience; they obviously can't refuse an appllication from you.

Thanks. My son is interested in applying. He is 18.
I would love to be an ATC but I think I'm a bit too old for that now.

mike current
27th Mar 2023, 08:44
NATS will no doubt suddenly panic and launch a 'trawl' of qualified controllers to try and make up any deficit.
Looking at your age, I have to ask if you have any prior ATC or FIS experience; they obviously can't refuse an appllication from you.

Nats launched their biggest 'trawl' for experienced controllers in over a decade at the end of 2022.
The process is ongoing, selection takes time but plenty of job offers have been made and start dates given.
There's only so many people that can be put through the training system, which is already clogged up with a massive backlog.
I think you need a bit more than FIS experienced to be considered...

1st Apr 2023, 20:42
Liverpool ADI/APS


5th Apr 2023, 14:50
ATCO job going at Gibraltar (ADI/APS)


6th Apr 2023, 15:57
Does anyone know if NATS are likely to advertise for Trainee ATC positions in the near future? I’ve been watching their website regularly but it has been saying that the application window is closed for some time now. I would have thought that with air travel returning to pre pandemic numbers that they would be looking for more ATC positions.

Keep checking back, I understand this will be opening soon...

6th Apr 2023, 16:32
Keep checking back, I understand this will be opening soon...

Thank you. I will do.

7th Apr 2023, 07:41
ATCO job going at Gibraltar (ADI/APS)

Would they notice if I lied about my age?

11th Apr 2023, 14:04
NATS TATC recruitment now open:


11th Apr 2023, 15:02
NATS TATC recruitment now open:


Thanks for the update. Its much appreciated.

16th Apr 2023, 07:09
East Mids looking for an atco
https://www.google.com/search?q=east+midlands+airport+air+traffic+controller+job&oq=ea&aqs=chrome.5.69i57j69i65j69i60l3j69i59.4552j0j4&client=ms-android-google&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=tldetail&htidocid=bWfuaPpIyY4AAAAAAAAAAA%3D%3D&htiq=east%20midlands%20airport%20air%20traffic%20controller% 20job&htivrt=jobs

23rd Apr 2023, 09:35
ATCO job going at St Mary's, Scilly Isles


2nd May 2023, 13:52
Newquay looking for another ATCO. With that salary in that part of the world it's hardly surprising.

https://uk.indeed.com/m/viewjob?jk=b08fe0d15f6fc727&advn=9286130268242003&adid=364946758&ad=-6NYlbfkN0BLS_GasxAXOxOH94pKZRWo9a6cbzxBipUIkUv2nUk1M5P95gEnz QzoqAZ8IXuUIk7j3t5ngnZ_kDWD11UJubzoBwFXm3rErbSiz-XJjU6Rm9f8uN4dNLxDF8cH5pI5OPbbVuJUETO2-t9grTRy4OkeAhdDP8GtP3_alC2j3lwsfRcnqNco_iaBxJKJsUB9Bkfx5kPKP sekinhG9xeW7y-pvGjsTF7BrvxreNPDsAOxdoZs9xznzfYieVkd2v7z_SInvuemuSMQtdfUsDs TI31Na3G5WqShiDW3T9BplM4n5fFjxUiW3F_JSwv9ipFDw2nQ-WOsamHFDbrpSLIeVUG960OuRPj5kiwGeQ9vqCCR9Ubj4gHm1PuLmVqASHwLF GLNDisSL6gyFpH8fDyAam3QP0HoVXxWP-qAdIIT-j8AGe9fNezfWOYm7vPLeXcjGrEPM5uqRPBnlfIg6t77kG1wOsqbnqdMKdl5Q b9q5eTtg2nMXw5LiIa5fMGPPx_4itI%3D&from=hp&dest=https%3A%2F%2Fekzo.fa.em2.oraclecloud.com%2FhcmUI%2FCan didateExperience%2Fen%2Fsites%2FCX%2Fjob%2F1743%2F%3Futm_med ium%3Djobboard%26utm_source%3Dindeed&desth=9b233d200f3a705a726f08bd910dff3b&prevUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fuk.indeed.com%2Fm%2F&tk=1gvebmd79i80q801&dupclk=1&acatk=1gvebmlqgg3kt800&pub=4a1b367933fd867b19b072952f68dceb&xkcb=SoD_-_M3QufWaiRZXh0LbzkdCdPP&vjs=3

3rd May 2023, 17:16
Teeside looking for an ATCO ADI/APS

https://uk.indeed.com/m/viewjob?jk=0cf4dc88f962fe53&from=serp&prevUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fuk.indeed.com%2Fm%2Fjobs%3Fq%3DAir%252 0Traffic%2520Control%26l%3D%26from%3DsearchOnSerp%26sameL%3D 1

4th May 2023, 07:16
Leeds Bradford looking for a watch manager

https://uk.indeed.com/m/viewjob?jk=28dd09fbdfa8bd1a&from=serp&prevUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fuk.indeed.com%2Fm%2Fjobs%3Fq%3DAir%252 0Traffic%2520Control%26l%3D%26ts%3D1683134118840%26from%3Dse archOnHP%26rq%3D1%26rsIdx%3D1%26newcount%3D35%26fromage%3Dla st

9th May 2023, 01:34
Anyone have an idea of the compensation package offered for this? I've heard mixed things about the job itself, so I'm curious about the compensation

SERCO looking for an ATCO for Sharjah

9th May 2023, 21:27
BAE Systems at Warton looking for ADI & APS (or either).

10th May 2023, 15:46
It's unusual for LBA to recruit externally for this sort of position. Historically, WMs and the old Watch Supervisors came from within the ranks.

Roadrunner Once
11th May 2023, 18:23
NATS - St Athan - ADI
Liverpool - ATCA

26th May 2023, 20:46
Birmingham after dual or single-rated controllers

Hawarden looking for an ATSA

1st Jun 2023, 12:04
Prestwick looking for ADI/APS

21st Jun 2023, 16:54
Airways looking for an ATCO for Auckland Tower


mike current
23rd Jul 2023, 09:46
Nats looking for a Tower / Approach ATCO at Manchester


7th Aug 2023, 11:26
Quite a few ATCO jobs out there at the moment

Cranfield Airport (and also an assistant vacancy)
St Mary's- Scilly Isles
Penzance - Lands end
Gloucester - Staverton

Bournemouth ATC assistant vacancy

18th Aug 2023, 20:16
NATS again:

Southampton ADI/APS

Whitely OJTI/STDI (ADI/APS) with ACS (??? the wording of the ad is confusing…)

Wattisham ADI/APS

24th Aug 2023, 18:26
Newcastle are looking for a SATCO with ADI/APS

26th Aug 2023, 19:20
Liverpool - ADI/APS


19th Nov 2023, 20:07
AirNav Ireland recruiting again for direct entry Trained Controllers and those with a Student License already.


19th Nov 2023, 20:35
AirNav Ireland recruiting again for direct entry Trained Controllers and those with a Student License already.


Do you have any info regarding the working conditions, morale etc.? I've heard not so good things recently but I don't know how objective was that opinion. Do you think IAA will be out of the woods "shortly" (2-3 years)? ADI/APS wise, is this recruitment for Dublin Tower only (I've noticed it says Dublin Air Traffic Control Terminal Service Unit but I'm not familiar with the structure over there) or other towers are included as well? Thanks.

20th Nov 2023, 06:23
Give it a try, that doesn't hurt... But don't get too upset if the offer is half what you earn now :D :D :D

21st Nov 2023, 08:17
Steer well clear of airnav. Absolutely awful company to work for.

mike current
22nd Nov 2023, 01:58
Steer well clear of airnav. Absolutely awful company to work for.
What is the alternative if one lives and/or wants to work and live in Ireland?

22nd Nov 2023, 06:09
If you're prepared to put up with no leave, horrible rosters, mandatory overtime, confrontational management and a mediocre pay scale where increases will only be given if the postmen, forestry workers and train drivers get one too then go for it. Otherwise I'd find an alternative.

22nd Nov 2023, 07:51
Steer well clear of airnav. Absolutely awful company to work for.
Any connection with SERCO; sounds very similar.

23rd Nov 2023, 18:13
AirNav Ireland is the new Irish state ANSP, late of IAA ATC.

A la NATS from CAA.

28th Nov 2023, 16:21
I don't know why they even bother to AD this package.

29th Nov 2023, 22:19
NATS Airports (https://krb-sjobs.brassring.com/TGnewUI/Search/home/HomeWithPreLoad?partnerid=30041&siteid=5720&PageType=JobDetails&jobid=2119968) external recruitment open again, all locations.

There’s never been a better time for external candidates to get in to NATS, it seems - apart from the company-wide trawls, there are regularly ads for specific airports.

confused atco
5th Dec 2023, 17:05
What is the alternative if one lives and/or wants to work and live in Ireland?
Donegal Airport
Sligo Airport
Knock Airport
Kerry Airport
Waterford Airport
Weston Airport

8th Dec 2023, 17:49
Airways NZ is looking for both APP and ACC controllers...


11th Dec 2023, 20:58
Looks like Muscat, Oman is now looking for experienced area controllers. Applications close on the 24th of December and you can send a CV to [email protected] A local friend "believes" that the salary is RO4000 a month but that is not verified. I couldn't find the ad on the CAA website but I have been seen it from the Omani friend who works there. It's a great place to work and live.

12th Dec 2023, 03:15
Here is the ad for Oman

1st Jan 2024, 14:27
Does anyone have any experience with Abu Dhabi recruitment? The wheels seem to turn very slowly in the Middle East…

Memento Mori
8th Jan 2024, 19:11
Does anyone have any experience with Abu Dhabi recruitment? The wheels seem to turn very slowly in the Middle East…

Did you do/pass the assessment? I know someone who passed that one and is now waiting for them to offer a spot and contract.

8th Jan 2024, 23:36
Does anyone have intel on the outcome of NATS' external area recruitment posting from last year? Is there any word on whether another opening will come in the near-ish future?

9th Jan 2024, 01:58
Anyone aware of any experienced openings at the moment outside of HK and Dubai? No EU passport sadly. ADC or ACS. Wife and I are ready for a move for something different.

10th Jan 2024, 11:59
Anyone aware of any experienced openings at the moment outside of HK and Dubai? No EU passport sadly. ADC or ACS. Wife and I are ready for a move for something different.
Didn’t hear anywhere other than HK and Dubai which recruit openly in regular basis or large-scale one time recruitment. There are only some small scale recruitment which take up one or two controllers mainly NZ or UK.

Memento Mori
16th Jan 2024, 20:00
NATS external recruitment open again, all locations.

There’s never been a better time for external candidates to get in to NATS, it seems - apart from the company-wide trawls, there are regularly ads for specific airports.

I applied, but after the confirmation HR remains silent and you don’t see any status update… Do you have more (inside) info?

Memento Mori
16th Jan 2024, 20:03
Is there anyone here who has (inside) info about Abu Dhabi TWR?

Is there an opportunity to be expected soon for candidates who passed the assessment succesfully?

Tired ATCO
19th Jan 2024, 06:15
They’re waiting to see if they get a contract….

QUOTE=Memento Mori;11577442]Is there anyone here who has (inside) info about Abu Dhabi TWR?

Is there an opportunity to be expected soon for candidates who passed the assessment succesfully?[/QUOTE]

19th Jan 2024, 12:47
Anyone applied to Ireland and what was the outcome?

Somewhere In Time
26th Jan 2024, 07:06

26th Jan 2024, 13:04

Now is the time for salary rise. :}

30th Jan 2024, 15:19
This stinks.

18th Feb 2024, 05:35
Stornoway looking for an ab initio


23rd Apr 2024, 13:00
Hey guys, I'm an EU2015/340 licensed controller for APS and ADI but I have no operational experience. Does anyone know if there is an ANSP hiring?

Somewhere In Time
28th Apr 2024, 15:22
Hey guys, I'm an EU2015/340 licensed controller for APS and ADI but I have no operational experience. Does anyone know if there is an ANSP hiring?
Try Airnav Ireland

Memento Mori
28th Apr 2024, 17:51
Hey guys, I'm an EU2015/340 licensed controller for APS and ADI but I have no operational experience. Does anyone know if there is an ANSP hiring?

Send me a PM, might be able to give you some info.

1st May 2024, 12:08
Try Airnav Ireland
Thanks! I already contacted Airnav Ireland. They currently do not have any open positions but would contact me if opportunities arise. Sadly, my student controller license has an expiration date.....

25th Jun 2024, 12:22
I can't send you a PM because you don't have 3 posts or more..

26th Jun 2024, 10:54
Yeah sorry I did not notice that that was a requirement. However, this should be my third post. So if you know of any insider information that might help me please send me a personal message. Thanks!

26th Jun 2024, 20:39
I’ll send you a PM!

Random ATCO
29th Jun 2024, 10:36
Airways NZ looking for Area and Oceanic controllers

Just had a look at Airways NZ and apparently they require applicants to have the right to work in NZ. Do they ever waive this?

I mean, that excludes pretty much all international applicants.. does it make any sense?

29th Jun 2024, 14:24
Just had a look at Airways NZ and apparently they require applicants to have the right to work in NZ. Do they ever waive this?

I mean, that excludes pretty much all international applicants.. does it make any sense?Well, if they are trying to recruit people to work in NZ and someone doesn't have that right, it would be a bit silly to offer them a job. If the national rules don't permit foreigners to work as a controller, there's not much Airways NZ can do about it - even if there is a way to get an exception made, it will almost certainly involve considerable effort and will only be possible if absolutely all potential avenues to recuit a local have failed. Does that make sense?

29th Jun 2024, 20:05
Just had a look at Airways NZ and apparently they require applicants to have the right to work in NZ. Do they ever waive this?

I mean, that excludes pretty much all international applicants.. does it make any sense?

We have lots of non-NZ national controllers. They just get a work visas.