View Full Version : RAAF Pilot ROSO

Double Asymmetric
25th Aug 2002, 10:40
Anyone got any goss on the supposed reduction to 7.5 years...as stated in the DPE(?) website? Will it be retrospective? Supposedly a decision and implementation plan was to be announced by mid this year for action at EOY 02 - I guess the wheels of bureaucracy turn slowly....
Anyone got any saucy rumours? If not, Booger please give us one.

26th Aug 2002, 05:17
Saucy rumour only, and i stress that point. No idea of info source.

5 years from end of ADFA, (ie not end of pilots course as currently is) or 7.5 years from end of OTS. So you finish ADFA, sit in a holding pattern at ops for a year, got to pilots course for 18 months, sit in hold waiting for Hawk conversion, Hawks for 1 year (including tour at 76 OPS), then Hornet course for 6 months which gives you exactly 6 months of service in an operational squadron before your ROSO is over. Not that many FJ drivers would get out (if in fact any), but seems a little ridiculous. Go figure.

Double Asymmetric
26th Aug 2002, 10:47
We had some bigwigs come through our SQN a little while saying that they were going to reduce it for reasons of "through-put" and also for recruitment. Apparently these days trying to get the young 'uns to sign for a wopping (when you're in year 12) 12/15 year commitment just doesn't cut it, when stacked against the more flexible and changable workforce alternative. We are still getting the same number of applicants, but the quality has dropped off...not as many "sharks" applying as "catfish and eels" these days...
The through-put argument was that with ten years of ROSO, too many guys were in the system all angling for what are ultimately limited (and dwindling) hours on type. The flow on problem being slower development of guys, overall career frustration and more crappy jobs allround. Reducing the ROSO will naturally allow those guys who always wanted to go to clear the system so resources can be concentrated on the stayers, giving tangible career(or pure flying) progression and more resources for these guys. That's the theory anyway. At the end of the day when the airlines hire guys go anyway, and when the don't recruit, they stay. May as well tune the system so that those who are in get a better deal.
It's the issue of restrospectivity that is the most debated...

28th Aug 2002, 08:12
7.5 years hey...? Well DA, I guess we better hope for an extremely rapid improvement in the international airline industry: say, within 4 months!

As for rumours, take your pick:
1. Roll-in of flying pay to MSBS super calculations.
2. Booger to Seymour Johnson for F15E conversion in Jan03.

I'll let you decide on which is the most realistic.


28th Aug 2002, 22:33

considering the current F15E exchange guy is still on conversion at the moment, I think Jan 2003 is a bit early for your exchange. If you can wait till 2005 I'll see what I can do!:)