View Full Version : Proper phraseology to request deletion of SID and 250/10k speed constraints?

19th Feb 2022, 02:41

Very basic question. Assume a heavy jet needing 280 knots to fly with flaps fully retracted (Vcl) after takeoff. What is the proper phraseology to use if you want relief from all SID speed restriction, including 250 KIAS below 10,000 ft/FL100, in situations where such a restriction is depicted on the SID chart and/or required by the nation you are flying in? Also, assume the pilot doesn't want to climb at Vmo/Mmo (I've heard controllers assume VMO, 330+ KIAS if "high speed" is granted).

Request Speed 280?
Request Free Speed?
Request High Speed?
Request No (negative?) Speed Restriction?
Request Normal Speed?


19th Feb 2022, 21:26
First three would work for me! But do remember if approved it doesn't lift level restrictions!

19th Feb 2022, 21:35
In the UK there is specific phraseology to be permitted to exceed the procedure speed. Can't remember the details now but it includes a reference to configuration and is in CAP 413. No ATCO can tactically exempt you from the airspace speed limit in the UK or in the EU, it's an Annex 11 Standard. The aircraft type might be exempt though.

19th Feb 2022, 22:28
Request 280kts (operational necessity)…

Yes it sounds pompous but I’m partial to that one.
We fly a big plane we fly big boy speeds.

blind pew
20th Feb 2022, 09:43
Used to just ask if there are any ATC speed requirements which allowed us to accelerate up to VMO to pass under the Biggin hold and get further climb clearance. Not strictly kosher but we weren’t a UK AOC holder. Saved us several minutes block time and probably some fuel.

21st Feb 2022, 01:21
ICAO Annex 10 Vol II Ch 5 does not provide any guidance, so looking now to ICAO Doc 4444 PANS-ATM we have


This is also published in AIP GEN 3-4.

So although ICAO/AIP does not actually say so explicitly, the corresponding pilot initiating phraseology would logically be "REQUEST CANCEL SID SPEED RESTRICTIONS" or even more specifically in your case "REQUEST CLIMB AT 280KT". This will also indicate to ATC that it is only for the climb phase of flight, not the rest of it, and takes away any ambiguity about cruise and descent, IAS vs Mach etc.

A contributor above refers to the Brit CAP 413, which provides different phraseology:
"Wrayton Control, BIGJET 347, request (number) knots due configuration"
"BIGJET 347, (number) knots approved",

HOWEVER, CAP 413 does not correctly reflect the 2016 ICAO changes to SID/STAR phraseologies (CLIMB VIA SID etc), and the UK has not nominated this as a difference from ICAO.

21st Feb 2022, 13:43
Hint:- If you're flying a military aircraft in UK airspace, there is no speed restriction.

2 sheds
22nd Feb 2022, 05:55
Hint:- If you're flying a military aircraft in UK airspace, there is no speed restriction.

chevvron - what is the justification or relevance of that statement in this context?

2 s