View Full Version : Any European ATCO with a current EASA Flight Licence in here?

16th Feb 2022, 17:21
Hi to everyone.
According the object I'm looking for some European ATCO with a current EASA Flight Licence.
The matters is the Language Proficency Check (ICAO LEVEL).
The question: your country Aviation Authority (supposing is the same were youre ATCOs and FlightCrewLicence are based) recognizes you the same Language Proficency for both licences or you need to obtain (and be current!!) for TWO separate Language Profincency, one as a ATCO and one as "pilot"????
Tks in advance for aswering

20th Feb 2022, 11:08
Hi to everyone.
According the object I'm looking for some European ATCO with a current EASA Flight Licence.
The matters is the Language Proficency Check (ICAO LEVEL).
The question: your country Aviation Authority (supposing is the same were youre ATCOs and FlightCrewLicence are based) recognizes you the same Language Proficency for both licences or you need to obtain (and be current!!) for TWO separate Language Profincency, one as a ATCO and one as "pilot"????
Tks in advance for aswering
My CAA accepted my ATCO LP level 6 which was put onto my license with no expiration date. A few years ago regulations changed and I had to renew my LP for my ATCO license....level 6 again, surprisingly. I know of other guys who only had the ATCO LP accepted after a lengthy process. Itīs totally nuts to even think youīd need two different ones for ATCO and Flight License. I donīt have a clue how we survived before these regs were implemented.

20th Feb 2022, 14:05
That's the point!
Untill some yars ago my CAA recognize my ATCO LP in my FCL... now they say not!
From my point of view that's crazy!!!
Unfortunatly I'm not LEVEL 6 in any lanugages (...also in my mothertongue! :ugh: ...I'm joking :) ).
They give as reference me Easa reg. 2015/340-pg.63/23-(ATCO) and Easa reg. 1178/2011-pg.90-(FCL).
And More, only the ICAO LEVEL 4 has a different validy: 3 years as ATCO, 4 years as pilot in FCL (not for 5 and 6, same validity). Absolutley I N S A N E ! ! ! !
Any advice/suggestion, maybe for different explanation in other UE/Easa country, to break down this wall????