View Full Version : Ryanair Sponsored APS MCC 2022 - Age Discrimination

15th Feb 2022, 08:57
Hi guys.
I have recently applied to the APS MCC Ryanair Mentored Programme, through one of their partner ATO (AFA - Airline Flight Academy). Although, my Cadet CV is fairly good, got rejected even to pass to the first interview (which is not live by the way).
So, I had to fill some forms and send some documents, but talked to no one, did no tests and answered no subjective questions. As far as a recruiter knows about me goes like this:
- 260h
- ICAO English Level 6
- All first passes (both theory and Skill tests)
- Integrated ATPL(A) average score 96%
- JOC and MCC on the 737NG
- Master's Degree in Aeronautical Engineering
- Previous PPL(A) holder
I also sent a copy of the passport, so they have seen a passport photo and my DOB.
This is ALL information they have, yet I have not managed to proceed to the next phase. :) Again, i must say again: no interview, no cut-e, no tests in any manner or form, no subjective stuff.
Now, at least 5 friends of mine have gone into this APS course and managed to be accepted, all of them Cadets with every single item of their CV worst than mine.
I'm 44 yo, and speaking to friends that are already there, the word is they are rejecting everybody above 39yo. I consider this to be unfair and illegal.
As anyone here gone through the same discrimination? Has this been reported to the competent authorities?

15th Feb 2022, 10:18
It wouldn't surprise me. But the key thing is, can you prove it? They could no doubt come up with enough of an argument if it ended up going legal, no one's going to admit that's the official policy. No one's going to force them to give you a slot on the course either.

Worth applying through another partner? Or chalking it up to experience and finding a better employer to work for?


15th Feb 2022, 11:02
Sorry to hear about this . Yes this has been going one for more than 10 years now . It's not only FR other operators too .

28th Feb 2022, 08:21
There appears to be an unwritten rule / perception that once you are 40+, you are too old to train on jets as your mental capacity etc has decreased, and you are deemed to be a “training risk”.
Why take that risk when we don’t have too, with a multitude of younger people queuing up to join says an employer.

Why is aged 65 the time when airline pilots must retire from carrying passengers, notwithstanding that they are medically fit to do so. An arbitrary figure based on statistics; the probability risk of curling up your toes….?

So at aged 44, your best bet might be to consider turboprop, prove yourself competent, and then apply to a more enlightened shiny jet employer.

28th Feb 2022, 10:42
Hi Parkfell, the 65yo age retirement thing stems from the car insurance actuaries. They have the accident rates and types to show that there could be an issue with cognitive decline and mental plasticity. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that our brains become more "crystalised" as we age. No, not physically per se but the way we process information, in particular, in novel situations. The decline begins during the 30s but there is an general acceleration from 65yo onwards. Sure, not for every one, but for the population at large.
Yes, people argue that they can pass a sim check, no arguments from me there. However, this is not a novel situation. You know it's a check, you know there'll be a V1 cut, etc. You can rehearse it etc. The issue is novel (aka new, unplanned, untrained) situations.
The notes on my HRT (hormone replacement therapy) says that it will not reverse the cognitive decline post 65yo.

Of course, there are individual differences. That's great. What a person of my age (56yo with 10,200 hours) can do is use previous experience to short cut the learning tasks. That's not novel learning. Learning brand new stuff as we get older is more challenging compared to a relatively "plastic" brain of a 25yo. It can be done, but it's a challenge. :)

15th Feb 2023, 21:15
Hi guys.
I have recently applied to the APS MCC Ryanair Mentored Programme, through one of their partner ATO (AFA - Airline Flight Academy). Although, my Cadet CV is fairly good, got rejected even to pass to the first interview (which is not live by the way).
So, I had to fill some forms and send some documents, but talked to no one, did no tests and answered no subjective questions. As far as a recruiter knows about me goes like this:
- 260h
- ICAO English Level 6
- All first passes (both theory and Skill tests)
- Integrated ATPL(A) average score 96%
- JOC and MCC on the 737NG
- Master's Degree in Aeronautical Engineering
- Previous PPL(A) holder
I also sent a copy of the passport, so they have seen a passport photo and my DOB.
This is ALL information they have, yet I have not managed to proceed to the next phase. :) Again, i must say again: no interview, no cut-e, no tests in any manner or form, no subjective stuff.
Now, at least 5 friends of mine have gone into this APS course and managed to be accepted, all of them Cadets with every single item of their CV worst than mine.
I'm 44 yo, and speaking to friends that are already there, the word is they are rejecting everybody above 39yo. I consider this to be unfair and illegal.
As anyone here gone through the same discrimination? Has this been reported to the competent authorities?

Sorry to hear that.

As this post was 1 year ago, what is your current situation? Have you been hired by any airline?

Thank you!