View Full Version : BA38 ATC Interview with NATS

A320 Glider
13th Feb 2022, 13:55
2 weeks ago NATS posted a video on their Youtube page.

LHR controller is joined by ATC Greg and ATC Supervisor Adam who were both working the crash of BA38 back in 2008 at LHR.

Very interesting to listen to and much appreciate them by speaking about this.

I have never heard their side of the story before and it goes to show what a tough job ATC have! Much respect.

Link to video podcast:

Brian 48nav
14th Feb 2022, 08:39
Blimey! I wouldn't have recognised Greg - when I got my 'early go' in 2000 he still had hair! A nice bloke, good ATCO and IIRC an Arsenal fan as well. By the way Greg, if you read this, my hair looks just the same as it did in 2000 - not bad for a 75yr old.

Don't know the other 2, after my time, but whenever there's a TV programme about EGLL ATC Ady always seems to be in it. Must be his 'good looks".

As a matter of interest my No.2 son and his wife ( both ATCOs at Swanwick ) met the skipper of BA38 on a flight to Malaga some 8 or 9 years ago - they stayed in touch for a while which was good for upgrades. And further interest, the First Officer of BA38 had been head boy at my kids school.


14th Feb 2022, 09:30
I wonder if they'll make a similar video about the BA pilot that went through the windscreen of the BAC 1-11 out of Birmingham.IIRC,that happened before we got training for emergency situations ?

22nd Feb 2022, 17:04
I wonder if they'll make a similar video about the BA pilot that went through the windscreen of the BAC 1-11 out of Birmingham.IIRC,that happened before we got training for emergency situations ?
It was over 30 years ago, I imagine most, if not all, of those who recall it have retired.

22nd Feb 2022, 19:02
There are a couple of reconstructions on YouTube, I don't know whether they include any interviews.

22nd Feb 2022, 19:31
This one on BA5390 has some interviews with crew and ATCO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SI2V_DbCTw