View Full Version : Easy Jet Swiss based

23rd Jan 2022, 14:37
Hi All,
Anyone would like to share info on payscale and working conditions for TOPSWISS easy jet?
Is it possible communiting or do you have to live in Basle or Geneva and if so how far? What would be a good location?

Thank you for info.

23rd Jan 2022, 16:23
Hi All,
Anyone would like to share info on payscale and working conditions for TOPSWISS easy jet?
Is it possible communiting or do you have to live in Basle or Geneva and if so how far? What would be a good location?

Thank you for info.

maybe a Swizz colleague can answer this but until then; generally good conditions, high pay and quite busy rosters normally. Lots of Geneva based pilots live outside Switzerland like Annecy for example..
One of the top jobs in Europe if you can get it. Good luck👍

23rd Jan 2022, 16:40
I know of EZY colleagues living in my local area. All depends on how long it takes you to get to the airport within their calling you out on standby!

23rd Jan 2022, 17:36
As long as you can be at security in 90 minutes on a sby, nobody cares where you live

Banana Joe
23rd Jan 2022, 17:41
I heard easyJet are starting new MPL programs. Are they going to recruit also experienced captains and first officers both rated ad non-rated? Any inside info about the close future?

23rd Jan 2022, 18:47
I heard easyJet are starting new MPL programs. Are they going to recruit also experienced captains and first officers both rated ad non-rated? Any inside info about the close future?

it is not unlikely we’ll be seeing direct entry captains eventually in Spain and Portugal. These will be seasonal contracts to start with however but I couldn’t give you any sort of timeline for this recruitment happening🤷‍♂️

23rd Jan 2022, 21:15
I would be very surprised if they will hire DECs this year. With the internal rules changing for the command base allocation, they are forcing new upgrades in those seasonal bases, and there are plenty of senior FO ready.
This week they are finalizing the training of those MPLs that had the training suspended due to covid, but many more are on the pipeline, so I wouldn’t hold my breath for DEFO soon either.
It all depends on future expansion, but the company is not growing as much as in the years leading to this crisis.
Everything is subject to changes of course.

20th Mar 2022, 12:05
I heard easyJet are starting new MPL programs. Are they going to recruit also experienced captains and first officers both rated ad non-rated? Any inside info about the close future?


20th Mar 2022, 14:22
maybe a Swizz colleague can answer this but until then; generally good conditions, high pay and quite busy rosters normally. Lots of Geneva based pilots live outside Switzerland like Annecy for example..
One of the top jobs in Europe if you can get it. Good luck👍

IMHO quite hostile management and separate from the mainline, but it helps if you are Swiss. Most colleagues are nice to fly with. Pay is ok, but Switzerland is very expensive, especially GVA.

Surely better to join easyJet in France or Italy, UK if you have a chance. Quite difficult to transfer out to the mainline.