View Full Version : Getting married while flying

Nurin Jalil
16th Jan 2022, 06:34
Hey guys, it has always been my dream to be a cabin crew, especially with Emirates. Before this, I wasn’t even thinking of building a family because the only thing i want was being Emirate’s cabin crew.

However, things went differently and before i was able to join Emirates, i got engaged! My fiancé is still very supportive of me wanting to fly with the airline. But now I am wondering, how will things work if i were to get married while flying with Emirates. Will i be able to bring my husband to stay with me? Or do i have to do the long distance relationship with him?

Would be glad if anyone could share their experiences or know the answer to this! Thank you ☺️

Capt Scribble
18th Jan 2022, 11:28
I would not consider a long distance relationship in a new marriage. You will always be wishing you were somewhere else. Are there not cabin crew jobs around the Singapore region that might suit you better. I do not know the rules on spousal visas in the ME.