View Full Version : Working at 2 operators

8th Jan 2022, 14:36
Good day everyone.

I'm working in one cargo company as pilot and received job offer at another airline, passenger transportation on same type.
Job condition much better there, but I'm afraid that COVID may strike again and I will loose that job, that why I don't want to leave my current company.

So question is, according to EASA rules, is it allowed to work at 2 different airlines at the same time?

8th Jan 2022, 15:00
Don’t know. However, from a Part A

When undertaking duties for more than one operator:

Inform anyone who employs his/her services as a Flight crew member of all flight times and flying duty periods undertaken, whether professionally or privately, except for flying in aircraft not exceeding 1,600 kg maximum weight and not flying for the purpose of public transport or aerial work. Aerial work includes flying instruction for which the crew member is remunerated. It is also aerial work where valuable consideration is given specifically for flying instruction, even if the crew members receives no reward.

Crew members shall maintain his/her individual records regarding flight and duty times and rest periods as referred to in the applicable FTL requirements; and

Provide each Operator with the data needed to schedule activities in accordance with the applicable FTL requirements.

So probably providing compliant with this and each operator’s training/recently/qualification etc requirements

8th Jan 2022, 15:51
Assuming both operators would agree to this and there would be issues with FTL (rest periods, cummulative duty times, etc.), the main obstacle would be recurrent training and checking in accordance with ORO.FC.230.

Basically, everything you have to do now on a yearly basis (2x OPC in the sim, line check, CRM, ESET and all of the CBTs) - you are looking at repeating all of this again for the second operator, every year, even if the exactly same type/variant of aircraft flown.