View Full Version : Initial Class 1 - What can I do if my AME refuse to reply me

4th Jan 2022, 23:29
Hey all. So I've taken my initial class 1 examination around September 2021, according to all the reports and tests I have passed everything including spirometry with over 90%, but I have disclosed I had childhood asthma over 10 years ago, so AME referred my class 1 and advised me to get a doctors report to proof I don't have asthma for the last 5 years, which I did and sent everything back to him within weeks. It's been almost 4 months and I haven't heard anything since.

However for whatever reason, he's/his AeMC now pretty much refused communicate with me at all when I enquire about wait time and when can I expect to have my class 1 issued etc.

So what can I do in this situation? Call CAA directly and have them to look at my case? Since all the reports and documents are on cellma so would that be a good option for me?


24th Jan 2022, 11:47
Can't help with your situation I'm afraid, but have sent you a DM to find out how you got on.

25th Jan 2022, 09:18
Just FYI you've exceeded your private message storage limit so my reply can't reach you.

25th Jan 2022, 09:20
Just FYI you've exceeded your private message storage limit so my reply can't reach you.
Yep I've just cleared my PM box so please try agian :)