View Full Version : Ideas for other uses for LYN

23rd Aug 2002, 17:19
Well with all this talk of the A400 not going to LYN people are signing the death warrant for the base.
So in the spirit of Survival can we see another use for the base along with retaining the J fleet?

I suggest maybe basing a fighter SQN down here so that the F3 jocks can have a base down south. It broadens their horizions beyond the Falklands and Scotland!

Maybe the Lords at be will give it to the Army. What better place to send 16AAB than to the home of the a/c they will be using..

Maybe theyll just sell the whole site off to Annington at a stupidly low price. They can then rip us off with some more cheaply obtained houses!!

Comments please............

Charlie Luncher
23rd Aug 2002, 17:32
Any room for 18 Nimrods MRA4

Go on you could squeeze us in, it gets too cold at Ice Station Kilo.:D

23rd Aug 2002, 17:52
The powers that be just want money for their budget. It will be sold for housing land. They could, of course, take the top soil and sell it for manure as there has been top grade bullsh$* sprayed on it by the inhabitants for a good deal of years.

23rd Aug 2002, 21:32
They could use it as a transport aircraft base if, of course there was the right infrastructure in place.....oh yeah, there is !

23rd Aug 2002, 23:59
With a cheap flights airline coming to EGQL maybe the F3's currently here might be down to see you in about 3 years:rolleyes:

24th Aug 2002, 07:21
Well, if the Lords and Masters are just interested in making some money out of it they could move everything at Farnborough, (or Northolt?), to LYN and sell Farnborough to the developers for a whole stack more.:(

24th Aug 2002, 10:07
How about a huge bonfire!


24th Aug 2002, 13:08

Ref your suggestion for Farnborough - you are about 8 years behind reality. Pay a visit sometime, you will not recognise the place. Lots of new office blocks sprouting on the airfield. Pity about all those other local office blocks with 'To Let' signs all over them. The flying activities centre on TAG Aviation's London Business Jet Airport project.


24th Aug 2002, 21:14
Not forgetting Gamma Aviation at Farnborough, recently moved from Fairoaks!!

Who'd wanna build houses on the wettest hill in Wilts anyway? The hill is subsiding as it is. Not long before Dauntsy Banks become part of the M4!!

Swindon'ites may have something to say about lots of F3's on Finals and ABurn takeoffs over he's houses!

Surely its indespensable anyhow... its been a Mil Diversion Airfileld for years now....not many other places are served with two runways after all....make good hardcore for housing foundations though!!!!

24th Aug 2002, 22:06
Ah, sunny Swindon...here's hoping we don't move far from there.

Where else will I go to on those terrible occasions when I have to remove dog excrement from the soles of my shoes?

As for Lyneham-on-the-Lump, if we do move away the airfield will become a waste storage facility for all the excess chip fat that drains out of Swindon.

It may have become apparent that I am not a major fan of Swindon.....:p

24th Aug 2002, 22:18
Send the movements school there so they can march around in their poofy dayglo jackets without irritating anyone. TCW would no doubt enjoy fitting 'council house tv' aerials on a new set of AMQs as well.

25th Aug 2002, 14:02
has brize got the room for 25 a4ooS, considering they dont like having fast jet visitors do they have sufficent ramp space? correct me if im wrong but if we get a400s well still have the c130s so im guessing lyneham will stay open.