View Full Version : Is PPJN dead?

El Capitano
20th Dec 2021, 14:32
Is the job pool PPJN dead. When I open the website there are no job updates since the 2th of november.
Anyone knows what has happened with PPJN?

20th Dec 2021, 21:42
Anyone know what's happened to Jethros?

21st Dec 2021, 05:25
PPJN updates are dependent on people sharing information. And quite honestly we've become a bit pathetic compared to 10 years ago in this regard. We keep our cards close to our chests not sharing the latest recruitment news or Ts and Cs even when it doesn't impact our own opportunities.

Having said that, the site owner does not update sometimes for months at a time. Eventually you will see a bulk update of many airlines happening at the same time.

Jethro's moved to his own server. Update your bookmarks:

7th Feb 2022, 18:05
Is the job pool PPJN dead. When I open the website there are no job updates since the 2th of november.
Anyone knows what has happened with PPJN?

Looks like the website is down now.

Sad day,

19th Feb 2022, 00:56
Quite frustrating indeed, this website was of great help
Do we know why it is down ?

I have built websites before
If PPJN is not coming back, I can try making a new one providing the same service, if that is of interest to anyone ?

19th Feb 2022, 05:49
Quite frustrating indeed, this website was of great help
Do we know why it is down ?

I have built websites before
If PPJN is not coming back, I can try making a new one providing the same service, if that is of interest to anyone ?


it always have been a great tool to figure out what is on offer in other airlines.

19th Feb 2022, 08:09
pilotbase.com are doing this right now. It's been a few months in the making. I think the PPJN owner might have advised them ahead of time (feels like it)

20th Feb 2022, 14:39
It's a shame, ppjn is offline and there's no backup for it? Had a look at pilotbase, but it's not offering the full database as PPJN. Lots of valuable info on it, eventhough not always updated. Any web gurus able to rebuild the same? Perhaps the moderator of pprune can add a section where pilots can share info concerning TC's? tia

20th Feb 2022, 16:08
It's a shame, ppjn is offline and there's no backup for it?

Wayback Machine :-)

20th Feb 2022, 21:08
Wayback Machine :-)
Tried a cache search, no luck. Any thoughts?

21st Feb 2022, 01:36
I have had a look into pilotbase, you have to register to see the salary info and it is not organized as well as it could be

I will start building a new website tomorrow, similar to PJN with few design improvements
Should be able to make it online by Wednesday, I will keep you posted

21st Feb 2022, 08:15
I've been using PPJN since it was launched. With all due respect, 50-60% of what was posted on PPJN was either emotionally charged nonsense or 7+ years old. PPJN gave the illusion it had a lot of current and up to date information but it was mostly out of date and/or inaccurate given the many different types of contracts and agency employers. To create the platform/website is the easy part. Getting people to hand over information is the hard part. Good luck though! If the pilotbase.com guy is reading this I agree with the above. He will likely fail in his mission too if he's expecting people to register prior to divulging confidential details about what's in their contract. Even PPJN's anonymous posting platform couldn't achieve this in recent years.

21st Feb 2022, 10:05
Tried a cache search, no luck. Any thoughts?

Website snapshot from Feb:


22nd Feb 2022, 21:44
Thanks RogueOne, This helps al lot. Do you see any chance to keep this alive and going in a different format for the pilot community? If I were a web guru i would offer to rebuild the databasa, but unfortunately not.

23rd Feb 2022, 13:34
Thanks RogueOne, This helps al lot. Do you see any chance to keep this alive and going in a different format for the pilot community? If I were a web guru i would offer to rebuild the databasa, but unfortunately not.

​cockpitdoor is on it I think. But for now, the waybackmachine has archived salaries etc which is useful.

The beauty of PPJN was that it was a text based list. Easy to navigate, no complicated menus.. a Ronseal website

25th Feb 2022, 01:34
Yes still working on it gents, took a bit of delay with recent events, but it will be up at some point this weekend

We can definitely source back some data through wayback machine. Although for many airlines, info were missing or dated, so I would rather not automate this process and deal with this on an individual airline basis

I will add a very simple airline info submission form, so people can engage easily and share data with no wasting of time

25th Feb 2022, 14:15
Seems to be back online again today.

Flying Clog
25th Feb 2022, 17:23
PPJN back online, but most recent submission is still the 2nd of November...

26th Feb 2022, 11:33
PPJN back online, but most recent submission is still the 2nd of November...

Lets get it updated!!

26th Mar 2022, 08:56
Is the new PPJN (pilotbase) paying options only?

Brian Pern
26th Mar 2022, 10:01
Hi All,
As some of you have spotted, we're trying to build a database of pilot Ts and Cs at Pilotbase.
We only launched the 'airline profiles' a few weeks ago and the information is coming in from various sources, but obviously it's a bit of a slow process. PPJN is a resource I've used in the past, but as you've mentioned, a lot of the information is outdated or incorrect. The database is large, but very little of it is accurate. Also, for those thinking of scraping PPJN data into a new site, that's against their terms and conditions and there's a chance you could be in a bit of legal hot water.

cockpitdoor We're always trying to get better, and would love to hear your feedback about which areas you're finding not to be well organised, and any suggestions for improvements.

I have just joined and tried to look at more than one airline profile, the website has stopped me asking me to upgrade, which starts at £4.99 per month and allows me to look at 5 company profiles....if I pay you £6.99 per month then I can look at any. Your website is in its infancy, it wont last if you insist on charging. PPJN will still be more valuable.

26th Mar 2022, 15:32
I have just joined and tried to look at more than one airline profile, the website has stopped me asking me to upgrade, which starts at £4.99 per month and allows me to look at 5 company profiles....if I pay you £6.99 per month then I can look at any. Your website is in its infancy, it won't last if you insist on charging. PPJN will still be more valuable.

Essentially the pilotbase parasites are hoping people update the info on the company they work for, for free. Then PB charges the mugs out there for this information.

hans brinker
26th Mar 2022, 16:09
It costs money and time to run a website, and if ads don't pay for it the people wanting said information have to pay for it. Having said that, there is no way I would pay for what they offer right now.

Brian Pern
26th Mar 2022, 17:49
I could not agree more guys

4th Apr 2022, 14:50
So it seems Pilotbase is dead before it has even started ...

18th Apr 2022, 15:20
Absolutely tragic that this sort resource provided for free by members is being charged for - (with nothing gained for those volunteering it)

19th Apr 2022, 13:13
Absolutely tragic that this sort resource provided for free by members is being charged for - (with nothing gained for those volunteering it)

All that’s needed to view each airline is a new email address. Make of it what you will but it doesn’t require a validation link so you could likely put any old rubbish in and just view all of them, hypothetically.

pilot freak
23rd Jun 2022, 21:24
PPJN is still dead :(

11th Jul 2022, 18:02
Looks like it's alive and kicking!

..& being updated with new info.

12th Jul 2022, 14:30
Great news! PPJN is back!!

12th Jul 2022, 14:38
Great news! PPJN is back!!

20th Oct 2022, 08:37
No update since 19th Sep