View Full Version : Jet2 Pilot Apprentice scheme 2021

9th Dec 2021, 19:41
I've been selected for the first stage video interview for Jet2 and wondered if anyone in the community has been through the recruitment process before, possibly sharing some tips on what questions to expect? Thanks in advance!

9th Dec 2021, 22:38
I did my online interview a few days ago, pretty run of the mill questions, why do you want to work for them etc nothing too strenuous. Currently waiting to hear about the next stage if I’m successful.

10th Dec 2021, 19:47
Hey I did my video interview a few days ago. Did you hear any response yet?

12th Dec 2021, 21:22
Did mine Thursday, was hoping to hear something Friday as it said the next stage if successful starts this week. Hopefully hear something tomorrow.

13th Dec 2021, 21:42
Pilotman14 Flyingmoir Mpilot01 - how did you get on? I completed mine on the Friday, but nothing back yet.

Fingers crossed!

13th Dec 2021, 21:45
Still no news.

15th Dec 2021, 08:17
Hey guys,

Anyone had anything back? Completed my video interview over a week ago and still nothing back.


15th Dec 2021, 10:39
Pilotman14 Flyingmoir Mpilot01 - how did you get on? I completed mine on the Friday, but nothing back yet.

Fingers crossed!

brocken_spectre i still haven’t heard anything either, I know they only ever take a small number on however I’m holding out that it’s just taking a while to get through all the applicants.

15th Dec 2021, 15:52
Hey guys,

Anyone had anything back? Completed my video interview over a week ago and still nothing back.


Nope, nothing here either. I guess they’re just taking time to go through the sheer amount of applications they’ve no doubt received.

16th Dec 2021, 20:24
I have heard people who had online assessments and interviews today and tomorrow. So unfortunately I am not feeling hopefull

19th Dec 2021, 18:03
I've heard nothing back from my videos interview questions either. It could be the sheer volume of applications or they are not communicating with unsuccessful applicants.

23rd Dec 2021, 23:23
Had an email late this evening to say they are still considering my application and should here more in Jan. Guessing they have had to reduce numbers in interviews due covid so taking longer to process.

24th Dec 2021, 07:44
Hey all, I also had an email last night saying that although some have had interviews already, they haven’t seen all the video question interviews yet and will update us in the new year.

30th Dec 2021, 13:12
Yes, I received the same email. Hopefully there's luck for some of us in 2022!

12th Jan 2022, 13:51
Hey all, it’s now halfway thru January and I haven’t heard anything back from Jet2 since the last message regarding some had been interviewed and the rest had to wait.

Knowing what I know, they have a history of interviewing until they have enough to choose from, then discard the rest without looking at them. I really hope the new recruitment team doesn’t do this.

15th Jan 2022, 06:17
I’ve heard jet2 have got there quoter for this application window. Assessments where given to successful candidates from pre covid recruitment. Which in my honest opinion is only fair. I’m sure with the predicated summer boom in holidays there will be another recruitment drive in the near future.

16th Jan 2022, 12:50
I’ve heard the same thing, the quota is full and sim checks were performed in the second week of January. I know 5 people who made it last time before covid struck and none of them reached the interview stage this time. I’ve emailed asking for an update, nothing yet and I don’t expect to hear anything. Looks like €4000 EASA conversion then €30000 buy in for the flying harp is the only realistic option at this time. Wizz have 20000 applicants to review, which could take a while…

2nd Feb 2022, 19:40
I've seen on social media that there's one person that's already been accepted onto the scheme and will start next month. Not sure what's going on here, I've not heard anything back and my application is still active. I guess this is just something we have to get used to applying for airline jobs :E

1st Mar 2022, 18:59
I received a call last Monday saying I would get an assessment early summer. Waiting on sim availability. Then got a call today saying they are going to do 2 lots of online interviews this month. 10th and 15th. I’m booked onto the the 10th.

14th Jul 2022, 17:36
Has anybody heard anything from the latest round of applications?

14th Jul 2022, 21:40
Unfortunately on another thread it seems people already have had interviews and they're ongoing. It seems to be a company of who you know - there was after all a section about who you know included on the application

19th Jul 2022, 16:50
Nothing yet - been "Under review" since 5th July

Chesty Morgan
19th Jul 2022, 20:14
Which is, after all, something to do with recommendations from current employees and not some underhand employment method.

15th Nov 2023, 08:46
Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone (current J2 pilots / colleagues etc) might have any info on the next iteration of the Pilot Apprentice Scheme? Been looking on their webpage daily for months!


16th Nov 2023, 20:43
Should be due to open soon. It's still a scheme they're very keen on.