View Full Version : Hans Airways STN base

8th Dec 2021, 11:53
Hi all,

Couldn't find a previous thread on this sub forum so thought I'd start one.

I got an email yesterday stating they're starting ops in Feb out of STN and looking for people to start ASAP. UK licence and 330 rating required.

Anyone got some info on the company?

I got an info pack sent to me back in September time but other than that I know nothing about them.

If anyone could shed some light on them that's be greatly appreciated.


9th Dec 2021, 16:58
Try Hansairways.com in your friend Google....

9th Dec 2021, 19:17
Great I never thought of that :rolleyes:

14th Dec 2021, 07:24
More info would be good. The pack seemed to point to Birmingham, is that old news now then?

hans brinker
14th Dec 2021, 17:29
Interesting choice of name.