View Full Version : Temp Bases

15th Nov 2021, 18:24
Pilots aren’t welcome in Hong Kong anymore.

Who’s interested in taking a temp base so Debs and her ilk can secure their Christmas bonus?

mngmt mole
15th Nov 2021, 22:42
The irony of the company now suggesting (effectively) bases for their crew just highlights how terminally dysfunctional CX has become. Temporary airline job...perhaps. Career...forget it. Turn out the lights.

15th Nov 2021, 22:48
Will those who take the deal have to pay HK tax? HK doesnt deserve the tax money.

16th Nov 2021, 00:26
Imagine that... I remember before I took VSS( glad I did) many including myself proposed reverse rostering or just pile us up anywhere else and operate in the meantime all this C19 bipolar rules settled... CK and others replied on the bluebag : NO CANNOT
or let me operate, and finish duty out of HK so I can spend the 2 weeks anywhere else to see family, plus us AL and then come back and operate the loop cycle...: NO CANNOT...
imagine if CX still had some bases elsewhere to rapidly maintain the freight ops! Is this made up or what?

viking avenger
16th Nov 2021, 00:38
I’m sure the pilots from the closed bases who lost their jobs and were not allowed to return to hkg for lack of work visas might put. Up a bit of immigration and tax authority resistance to this TERP proposal

16th Nov 2021, 01:04
Which is probably why they’re only suggesting temp bases in jurisdictions where they haven’t closed bases.

But, yes, the irony of it all…

viking avenger
16th Nov 2021, 01:06
And why would anyone vote for continued 1/2 pay on the one remaining base that has yet to close? Vote to stay home on full pay.

16th Nov 2021, 01:09
Or get yourself a 320 rating quick if you are a Brit


Will IB Fayed
16th Nov 2021, 02:09
As someone who was unceremoniously dumped from the base this year, would love to know the details of exactly what they are suggesting with temp bases? Not because I'd think about going back for a second. So happy I pocketed a payout and left. Such a toxic place, HK AND CX. More for a bit of schadenfroude.....:}

404 Titan
16th Nov 2021, 02:59
For CX crew that aren't a US citizen or hold the appropriate visa, buyer beware. There are serious questions regarding immigration requirements and income tax in the US that need appropriate legal advice.

Dingleberry Handpump
16th Nov 2021, 04:01
I suspect most are going to go with the “we’ll get away with it” option. Hard to prove you’re living there if you’re bouncing in and out on a C/D visa.

Very grey.

16th Nov 2021, 05:09
and how has “grey” worked out in the past😂

16th Nov 2021, 07:57
It's like an Alchemist and a Rainman incharge of a madhouse.

ron burgandy
16th Nov 2021, 08:50
I think you’ll find the DFO’s yammer post last week was a fantastic own goal, and pushed a lot more people to resign, on top of an already steady stream.

They haven’t been able to offer a “temp base” or reverse roster for years, it’s always been a cannot. As late as a few days ago a manager on Yammer again said cannot.

Now, all of a sudden, they can facilitate it! And I n 6 weeks time no less!

This is a desperate attempt to stem the exodus and plug the flood gates which have opened as the world reboots and jobs for ex-CX crew abound.

At this point, for many, it’s not even about the money, it’s about not being treated with contempt at every turn by every manager in :mad: city, and getting out of a city that now sees and treats us worse than criminals.

16th Nov 2021, 08:51
Will IB Fayed

2-4 months operating out of the USA, in hotels with allowances. Can be cancelled at short notice, no other details re tax, visas etc. Expressions of interest.

16th Nov 2021, 09:21
ron burgandy

Apparently someone spat on a crew member whilst they were making their way to work this morning.

I know it will never happen, but even if we went back to COS08, I wouldn't stay here after all of this. The true colours of the organisation and the city have been shown and I don't need that in my life.

16th Nov 2021, 09:33
The yellow yoke is finally spilling over? It took a long, long time for most of you blokes to face who you´re working for and the superficial toxic air of HK. In fact, it took the crises of the China Wuhan virus for the true colors to finally shine through and make it clear what a bunch of clowns that you´re working for. The only good thing out of HK is the PR card - it´s worth something. Glad I left the circus 12 years ago - It was already a circus back then!

17th Nov 2021, 02:33
Company asking for more cargo crew volunteers for Closed Loop. I suggest we should ALL withdraw from Closed Loop, forcing the company to establish Temp Bases.

It would work for the company and certainly work for us.

Company must commit to pay accom HKG and Temp Base, living allowance for additional food costs if unable to make own meals, cover all medical expenses, pay a 'duty' pay if grounded due covid (likely once in a base area, living a normal life) and meet all tax obligations.

17th Nov 2021, 02:46
You forgot the part about the guarantee to keep the one remaining base open under current CBA as replacement workers are brought in. And to bring the partial pay 777 drivers on the base back to full pay and get them current as soon as possible as replacement temp base workers are brought in. I know you meant to include that but it slipped your mind.

As far as the part about being "likely" to get COVID, you really crack me up. I live in Florida. No one in my family there has had it. Schools open since September 2020 and most restrictions off since summer 2020. PT all over the place, no COVID. My family in upstate NY HAS had it, despite the draconian restrictions that existed in that state last year.🤷‍♂️

17th Nov 2021, 05:00
These temp bases are a real kick in the teeth for us based guys (or formerly based...)... to think that management refused all of our efforts to fly and relieve the pressure off the HK guys...

Dingleberry Handpump
17th Nov 2021, 05:14
You have my sympathies. I would hazard a guess that these new rosters being US-based is because they haven’t shut the US bases. Well, that and everything else being turn-around-able.

TERP out of FRA or YVR or [insert abandoned base here] would be a lawsuit waiting to happen.

17th Nov 2021, 06:12
These bases are just a carrot to dangle in front of the naive crew so that they perform during the holiday rush.

There is no way any company tax lawyer has, or will, approve this setup. It is highly illegal given the closure of bases, and as stated, the fact that we have US based pilots.
I can guarantee you that the IRS has already been informed, and they are standing by to issue fines.

17th Nov 2021, 07:15
we have to pay tax in the USA now anyway, I doubt we would get fines on top of that.

17th Nov 2021, 09:30
This is all smoke and mirrors and a sign of complete desperation. Legal issues aside, which country is going to allow HK PR's to come and reside temporarily for work, even if they hold a passport? Most people can't even get into their home countries or reunite with loved ones who are marooned overseas. The Penny Bay Roster is going to be the final nail in the coffin. For every hour of stick time, you do an hour getting your cranial cavities swabbed and then 21 days in a container for good measure. I think I would rather be in a Uiighur concentration camp.

17th Nov 2021, 10:15
It's a monolithic organisation that has become reactive in business planning. For decades it has has had government support and a monopoly, how else could you create the Swire Prince's rotation management? Beverage executives becoming airline executives, where else in the world does this happen?

Please show me any proactive management this company has demonstrated in a crisis other than staff cuts and slashing staff conditions? Another Al Dunlap approach to management... We all know how this ended, you even have a DFO who thought he could run down protesters at HK airport, that is a special manager.

17th Nov 2021, 11:05

In the immortal words of Sir Humphrey Appleby..."I couldn't agree more but I will certainly try".

17th Nov 2021, 22:24
Maybe some people won't come back and instead take up the USA's offer of resident visas for HK card holders. Back door way of getting a green card.