View Full Version : Korean Air and Asiana fleet merger?

14th Nov 2021, 23:56
Since KA bought Asiana, anybody want to take an educated guess as to what the plans will be?
Separate operating certificates for now I’m guessing but how about the aircraft fleet?
Early retirement of the Asiana 380’s?
Sale of KA 74’s?

15th Nov 2021, 22:53
Change the thread title, Ariana is an airline in Afghanistan.

16th Nov 2021, 16:39
Change the thread title, Ariana is an airline in Afghanistan.

…..and the title says?

16th Nov 2021, 23:25
The original thread title said "Ariana" , either you mistyped or the autocorrect did it. Unfortunately I didn't take a screen shot or I would put it upon.

17th Nov 2021, 01:06
Definitely OZ's 767 777 350 380 out the door since KE doesn't want any RR engines.

Keeping OZ's 320 321 330 and may be 747F (since its BDSF, not BCF)

KE will be retiring 380 and 748 in the next few years but will keep 748F.

Who knows if Boeing will offer 748 BCF in the near future.

The merged KE/OZ will keep 320/321 to themselves and redistribute 737 to the merged Jin Air or keep 737 and send all 320/321 to Jin Air. Nothing decided yet but KE new hires are being trained on 737 and 220. Furloughed local new hires during covid are being recalled, a new recruitment is in the process to hire ROKAF and KAU CFIs.

Upgrade will take 13+ years for new hires, probably 15 years. KE and OZ union fighting each other for the merged seniority since OZ upgrade time was shorter than KE.

Hostile working environment is definitely guaranteed.

17th Nov 2021, 01:24
Who knows if Boeing will offer 748 BCF in the near future.

It's a pretty solid bet that they will. How quickly it happens depends on how many 747-8 passenger aircraft return to normal service and how many remain parked once international traffic returns to some level of normalcy. But it will happen - especially now that new production of the 747-8F is coming to an end.

Rabbit 1
17th Nov 2021, 04:21
The original thread title said "Ariana" , either you mistyped or the autocorrect did it. Unfortunately I didn't take a screen shot or I would put it upon.

Here you go, Krismiler!

https://cimg0.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1734x642/screen_shot_2021_11_17_at_12_18_35_pm_010d03f67c99a240c31898 5a37433972bfce3ffc.png

17th Nov 2021, 04:45
Thanks for that.

Mergers or take overs are seldom fun for those involved, I knew a DC10 Captain who went back to the right seat and spent the next 10 years there following a take over.

With the reduction in the A380 fleet, many pilots will be downgrading to other types and many F/Os will be anxiously watching their place on the upgrade list.

The unofficial seniority list will need to be redrawn as well amongst the ex airforce pilots to see which copilots outrank Captains based on the position held when they leftover the military. In Korean culture a Captain who left the airforce at a relatively junior rank is in a uncomfortable position with a copilot who left at a more senior rank.

Hopefully the horrendous accident rate suffered by Korean Air in the past won't be returning.