View Full Version : Interview requirement: PBN Endorsement

9th Nov 2021, 18:47
At some interviews, these days companies are requesting PBN endorsements, which are now not necessarily written on the revalidation page my ATPL licence, especially under austro control (A320 rating) Can anyone provide some details as to what I might tell the interviewers if they question where my endorsement is?

10th Nov 2021, 03:33


10th Nov 2021, 12:59
My authority also does not put the PBN endorsement on the licence, we were issued with a separate signed letter by an examiner stating that PBN competence has been checked.

However, for unrelated reasons I also got a licence verification letter from my CAA (for a fee of course!), which does include a "PBN privileges checked" note in the remarks section, which you should be able to get yourself if you need something concrete.