View Full Version : Singapore Storms Back Toward Pre-Virus Levels of Air Traffic

24th Oct 2021, 08:24

This is what happens when a scientific govt gives support to their airline. If only by then we have enough pilots to run the show.

"By January, Singapore is poised to reach 84% of the weekly flights to Europe as it had in March last year, before the clampdown on travel. And there’ll be 1,519 flights from the financial hub to elsewhere in Asia, compared with only 194 in May 2020, data from aviation analytics firm Cirium show. "

Flying Clog
24th Oct 2021, 09:22
Yes, yes, but it will never catch on in Hong Kong.

It's game over. I don't think you quite understand the politics behind it if you think, oh, all we need to do is open up and we're back to normal in HKG. That's not on the agenda. EVER.

Sam Asama
24th Oct 2021, 10:11
I couldn't agree more with Flying Clog. What happens in Singapore, Japan, Thailand or anywhere else in SE does has NOTHING to do with what will happen (or not) in Hong Kong. And it's not about CX, or their management. It's simply because Hong Kong has now finally been swallowed whole by PRC. Pre-Covid, my business took me back and forth from North America to SE Asia 10 to 12 times a year. For many reasons, our most common routing was via HKG. We are starting to ramp up again but we are no longer inputting HKG, or the major mainland Chinese transit hubs, as options for our business travel. A year from now, it will be interesting to compare international transit pax figures through HKG (and the major mainland PRC transit airports) with 2019 figures.

24th Oct 2021, 12:14
yes but what are the actual numbers? Bums in seats on SIA...?
anyone can just launch their entire fleet around the world empty and say look at me we're back to normal!

I think CX management must have cracked open some Champagne and patted themselves under the table when they got 1,000 pax in a day, hopeless manaaaagment.

24th Oct 2021, 12:20
Indeed. There is ZERO chance of HKG opening up before China does. It would be a massive loss of Face otherwise. So it's not about vaccination rates or case numbers or anything else unfortunately. While most of the rest of the world is now open, the status quo will remain in HKG for all of 2022 I'd say.
HKG is not unique however. The NZ/OZ govts and it's sheeple, for example, have absolutely lost their collective minds over Covid. Full on lockdowns, police ramming cars off the road, your opinion is no longer of any concern to your govt. These supposed bastions of freedom are now police dictatorships.
What a fascinating modern age we live in.

24th Oct 2021, 14:05
But how could a country not suffer the consequences of massive delays in imports and supply chain for instance when they turn away the whole cargo ship of goods just because of one positive sailor? Or these truck load of coal trying to enter China, esp when winter is approaching. How does the zero covid policy not cost anything?

24th Oct 2021, 20:35
I was living in HK pre covid overlooking a major police station. In the middle of the night I saw the police reinforcements coming from mainland china in plain windowless vans. These guys had full kevlar, shields, big guns and looked more like a soldier than a copper.

Meanwhile in Oz for 20 months Ive had 3 weeks of lockdowns where you can still exercise outside 2 hours a day and go shopping when you want. Rest of time life is normal except no travelling. At least here we have stood up to the PRC. So your representation of NZ/Oz is incorrect.

25th Oct 2021, 00:07
SIA flights are operating but the loads are very low, mostly double digit numbers, but you can afford that when you have the level of government backing that they do. The idea seems to be to have the network maintained and ready for the recovery. The demand is certainly there, but regional rather than long haul is likely to bounce back first.

Most countries seem to have abandoned the zero COVID strategy, unfortunately HKG will have to go along with the mainland. The Chinese vaccine whilst having a similar level of protection against serious illness is far less effective in preventing someone from getting infected and adding to the number of cases.

25th Oct 2021, 03:24
I understand the waning vaccine efficacy, and also politically not to be aligned with the western ideology of living with virus and costing thousands of lives. You can read all these from Global Times or China Daily. But I'm just wondering from an economical point of view, even with some growing domestic consumption, how is PRC not being affected by turning away all their ship load and truck full of goods and coal, just because of one positive case on board etc. And multiple businesses finding hard to travel to China and relocating else where. Not forgetting there will also be a big group of overseas Chinese in the millions, living life normally together with covid, and wishes to travel home to China for visit or study etc. Their sentiments and such.

25th Oct 2021, 10:34
Victoria holds the world record for most days in lockdown. Last time I looked it was part of Oz, nevertheless, happy to be corrected for any flaws in my geography.
You also need to check out the police brutality in Victoria with respect to the protests. Google is your friend. Suddenly, HK ain’t all that bad.

25th Oct 2021, 12:09
Their death rate and ICU rate is increasing.

25th Oct 2021, 12:41
But you could say the same to influenza and cancer.
Btw, whatever happened to zika?

25th Oct 2021, 20:13

If you want to keep making sweeping claims then yes your geography is wrong. Melbourne has the record but often Victoria outside of Melbourne was not in lockdown whilst Melbourne was. And lockdowns have ended anyway. Australia is a big country and most of us do not liive in Melbourne. And how the police there handled a thousand looney anti vaxxers does not make it a police state. I was in HK when over one million protesters were in the streets and there was industrial quantities of tear gas deployed. Do not compare Australia to HK. I still have many friends and ex colleagues in HK but it will be a very long time if ever before I return there.

Dingleberry Handpump
26th Oct 2021, 03:20
Victoria absolutely was a police state, and the police were an outright cancer. The footage of dozens of police brutality events was absolutely awful. Rugby tackling middle aged women for not wearing a mask, FFS. As most Australians like to pretend they’re part of the free world, I’m surprised that you’re not absolutely damning of how your government handled the last 10 months.

PS. You don’t need to come to HK to experience being under Chinese rule. It’s quickly coming to you!

26th Oct 2021, 04:27
I already thought Victora and Western Australa we're already Special Autonomous Regions of the PRC some would argue DPRK though...

26th Oct 2021, 06:18
I was in HK when over one million protesters were in the streets

Where these 1 million gone?

26th Oct 2021, 08:42
back to work probably. The bills won’t pay themselves

26th Oct 2021, 08:43
If I had the IT skills I'd post the Obi-Wan Kenobi clip about millions of voices crying out in terror and suddenly being silenced.....

26th Oct 2021, 09:05
I guess a small number are in jail and the rest including cabin crew and pilots are keeping quiet as they dont want to also be in jail.

29th Oct 2021, 16:44
Singapore's come back.

These are cases recorded at Hosp and clinics. Not self tested cases on home recovery.

29th Oct 2021, 17:34
Everyone will get covid eventually, anyone thinking otherwise, is kidding themselves.
People will die, mostly the weak and old, but due to the high vaccine rate in Singapore, this will be greatly reduced.

Dingleberry Handpump
30th Oct 2021, 02:10
who cares? Are they all seriously ill/dying?

thought not.

30th Oct 2021, 02:34
Spreading fear again.
Remember those videos being sent around in the beginning of the Virus of people collapsing in the street? mmm odd as we never saw this in any other country but China - spreading fear, masters of manipulation.

Thats the way they have controlled all of this nonsense. Good luck with keeping the lights on while the rest of the world start to realise the real truth.

30th Oct 2021, 03:02
What we all need to understand is that USA, China, Europe, and all countries are sending misleading information out there too spread fear.
People are buying into it and reading their news at fakenews.com and believing videos.

Just use some common sense people.
That graph of Singapore's cases is not fake news, but the person putting it up on this group is just trying to show one side of the story... counting cases.

30th Oct 2021, 04:19
why does it matter anyway? You can shout and scream all you want but the restrictions won’t change and neither will the current direction of cx, regardless of the fake news and misinterpreted data.

30th Oct 2021, 05:02

Total deaths for Oct is 302.

Dingleberry Handpump
30th Oct 2021, 05:48
so no, they’re not.

275 people a day die in SIN. Of the 10 C19 deaths, how many of those were out of the blue, one wonders?

1st Nov 2021, 00:40
So what? Sooner or later everyone will have COVID. I hope to get it soon, as I am fully vaccinated with a highly effective vaccine and I am in good health and there are adequate ICU beds should I need one (before they fill up with the un-vaccinated scum).

Locked borders give a country time to vaccinate, increase ICU bed numbers and stock up on antivirals. Once these measures are in place the borders can be opened. HKG is squandering its time of low case numbers and closed borders as it blindly follows what the CCP wants.

The good news is that COVID will do its own thing. One day it will leak and spread in HKG and the mainland and both areas will be forced to accept it as endemic and adjust to the new reality. The sooner this happens the better.

1st Nov 2021, 08:46
Singapore COVID situation as at 31 OCT 12:00pm:

1672 in hospital
284 on oxygen
69 in ICU closely monitored
61 in ICU critically ill

In the last 28 days:

98.7% of cases have no/mild symptoms
0.8% require oxygen
0.3% in ICU
0.2% died

Daily new cases running about 3500, if you catch COVID you'll more than likely be told to recover at home. Almost all deaths are unvaccinated senior citizens with underlying health conditions, the death rate is similar to that of pneumonia.

If you're under 60, vaccinated and generally healthy then there isn't much to worry about.

1st Nov 2021, 08:54
Which any sane individual without an agenda related to world domination by the CCP would agree with.

2nd Nov 2021, 07:50

Absolute nonsense of course but unfortunately the gullible and HK haters here will believe you.

2nd Nov 2021, 14:16
Krismiler, loads are low because the govt has a quota on the incoming numbers like 2000-3000 (tel:2000-3000) a day on vaccinated travel flights from all 8-10 countries. Imagine if the quota limit is to be gone!