View Full Version : Initial Class one

Errol the Hamster
22nd Sep 2021, 18:50
Would anyone in the know like Radgirl or anyone else be able to give their take on my situation.

50 ish years of age, looking to renew my UK ATPL. Long expired UK CAA class one medical (13 years or so) so I know I have to do a whole new Initial Class One. I've been flying for an overseas carrier obviously with another ICAO class one for some years for which my history includes, functional systolic ejection murmur, slightly enlarged left atrium (on ECG and Echo, but normal rhythm, and no AF), high cholesterol and whitecoat hypertension. Never been refused or delayed the issue of the certificate, and always assessed as fit without the need for OML. I'm on ARB's for the blood pressure and Statins.

My question is, do you think any of these would any of these be disqualifying for an Initial Class One?..I assume they'll want my past medical history and I assume they'll want me to have a Cardiac Review with various tests. Am I in for a long battle?

I pass my ICAO class one with no problem at renewals but Im concerned that the standards for the CAA Initial Class One are more stringent.

Thanks in advance

25th Sep 2021, 13:46

You need to get all your notes and results and ask the AME I am afraid.

The ECHO results in the presence of hypertension (you mention whitecoat but you are on drugs so presumably you do have 'real' high blood pressure even if it goes up further at the doctors) I suspect will need a referral for an initial but I am not an AME and I would need to see the actual measurements from the echo and your true blood pressure readings over time to understand their significance....

Good luck

Errol the Hamster
26th Sep 2021, 07:55
Thanks for the input Radgirl. Yes its all a bit complicated. I guess I'll just have to get together my reams of AME notes and trundle down to Heathrow and see what they say.