View Full Version : Employment of Non-US citizens

11th Sep 2021, 17:45
Hi folks

Now that US Airlines are struggling to find pilots, does anyone know which airlines, are giving sponsorships to foreign pilots, so they can get legal papers, to fly with them?


12th Sep 2021, 02:25
During upgrade class yesterday we were told by the head of ground training that PSA Airlines is now accepting applications from overseas pilots. He wasn't very clear if they're sponsoring visas, but he told me to get my Oz compatriots over here in droves. PSA wants as many pilots as they can get, for themselves and to eventually flow to AA. They want to start 2 newhire classes every two weeks, each with 30 pilots.

Large bonuses now being offered when you upgrade and eventually go to AA, totalling up to $150,000. $30k when you upgrade + $70k when you go to AA + an extra $25k when you go for each year where you're available for 900 hours of work for (maximum of two years). 900 hours is the min guarantee per month anyway so easily achieved just by being on reserve, and includes other qualifying activities such as annual leave/vacation etc.

19th Sep 2021, 07:10
It would be great, there are many pilots with airline experience trying to be sponsored by an US airline. That's my case particularly....looking forward for this matter.

30th Sep 2021, 07:52
Didn’t Oz and the US have a special deal for work visas that isn’t applicable to the rest of the world?

30th Sep 2021, 16:45
Heck - I'm based in South Asia . Call me any day ! :D

24th Oct 2021, 01:11
Atlas is obviously starting to sponsor foreign pilots.

24th Oct 2021, 23:49
Atlas have hired a few foreign pilots but at the moment it's a tiny amount. There is no need to go through an agency you can apply directly. Gecko have no official link to Atlas. Just another agency trying to get money from you.