View Full Version : Fundings for Pilot - 2021?

Mike Loh
19th Aug 2021, 13:28
I'd like to ask whoever is familiar with the (very limited) ways to fund pilot training if there are any new routes here in 2021?

My knowledge comes from 2016 where you had only 2 ways: self-funding, and cadet programmes in your country (as almost all programmes are nationality-tied).
Would love to hear any input, as I am currently in my 2nd-year degree to take an FAA A&P but I didn't do my homework enough and now I regret it, I originally wanted to work in Europe and around Asia as an AME until I can fund my ATPL. But everyone knows once you get an FAA, you're doomed to the US; and I don't really want that. My end goal is still to become an airline pilot as aviation runs in my family history.

Thank you so much for your time!