15th Aug 2021, 15:46
Recently, the RAF seems to have awarded squadron status and all that entails, to an organisation which does not seem to meet the previous criteria.

However the air force has consistently refused to grant the privileges which squadron status affords to a unit, which has probably been deployed consistently longer than any other in the RAF. The unit is the Tactical Supply Wing (TSW), based in Stafford. The supposed reason for not awarding the Wing its just deserts is that it is not a flying unit.

Formed in 1970, it has been on almost continual deployment somewhere in the world, ever since. It has an enviable reputation and to ignore its claim when lesser units are given the honour is indefensible. I venture to suggest that there is not a single flying unit (except transport) that can match TSW.

Old Duffer

15th Aug 2021, 16:00
Catering have a mobile Sqn, what do they cook flying wise? it’s prepped on the ground and doughed out by loadmasters or stewards..

Two's in
15th Aug 2021, 16:19
Maybe it's because Tiswas have been supporting us Rotary types over the decades, nothing as glamorous as an FJ.

15th Aug 2021, 16:25
In GW1, the RAF mobile catering folk at KKIA were brilliant. So good that the Army banned their people from using the RAF facilities because the Army's cooks were underused and there was a risk of some of their perishable food stocks spoiling.

Although we did get a bit bored with chicken. It being Saudi, there was little else.

I'm told that after the South Atlantic conflict, there was a unit which rather grandly termed itself 'Tactical Admin'. Presumably with DPM (as it was then) typewriter ribbons?

15th Aug 2021, 16:56
Catering? … who could forget SAS Det, the “Soup and Sandwich Detachment” of Cat Sqn at Stanley?

And what about Tac ATC? A small group of ATCOs and Techies among the first in to a remote location?

15th Aug 2021, 17:17
As well as their amazing deployment performance, don't forget TSW's 24/7 fuel service at Stafford. Give 'em about 10 mins notice and the game was afoot!

Saved many a rotary mate embarrassment......



15th Aug 2021, 17:50
If its already a Wing, then how can it be made into a Squadron?

15th Aug 2021, 17:53
If its already a Wing, then how can it be made into a Squadron?Pedant! 😀

Make it a Group, then. I’m sure there’s a spare Numberplate gathering dust somewhere in the ashes!

15th Aug 2021, 17:58
I remember some member of the two winged master race telling me how he and his mate were the first into somewhere other I asked him what the food was like. Apparently it wasn't bad. The mobile caterers were on our slop chit from HQSTC. A fine body of men and women (am I allowed to say that?). I seem to recall they had a field kitchen built into a converted container that could be wokka'd into position and be doors open and operating in minutes few.

Then there were the TSW lads who wanted to be able to do anti-ambush drills so they could fight their way through - in fuel bowsers.

Heady times.

15th Aug 2021, 18:11
I think Tac Comms Wing have been first into more places than the above.

15th Aug 2021, 18:47
I think Tac Comms Wing have been first into more places than the above.
And the Royal Engineers even more I daresay,

15th Aug 2021, 20:00
... so they could fight their way through - in fuel bowsers.

The Red Bull Express !! :):)


Easy Street
15th Aug 2021, 20:48
The obvious parallel is to 42 ESW at Wittering, which has existed since 2007 (thereby refuting the OP's suggestion of elitism in favour of flying units). If that can get a number and a badge, then surely TSW can as well?

15th Aug 2021, 20:57
As an old TCW tech, I spent about 3 months in UK out of a 3 year stint.


15th Aug 2021, 22:33
is the Mobile Met Unit part of Tac Comms Wing?

The ones I knew had more gongs than Idi Amin, they must have deployed rather often.

15th Aug 2021, 22:44
I used to parent some SUs out of Gütersloh, would they have been part of the organisation?

15th Aug 2021, 22:58
is the Mobile Met Unit part of Tac Comms Wing?

The ones I knew had more gongs than Idi Amin, they must have deployed rather often.



Tom Sawyer
16th Aug 2021, 00:25
In GW1, the RAF mobile catering folk at KKIA were brilliant. So good that the Army banned their people from using the RAF facilities because the Army's cooks were underused and there was a risk of some of their perishable food stocks spoiling.

Although we did get a bit bored with chicken. It being Saudi, there was little else.

Oh yes, I remember that in the unfinished terminal, especially the donuts which they made. Seem to remember it was 24/7 as well. Great scoff all round. Made a change from the 5 star catering we had been putting up with in the hotels of Muscat and Riyadh up to that point!!!!

16th Aug 2021, 01:41
Odi’s field kitchens were great in the 70-80’s, the airman’s mess however wasn’t, often wondered how they could produce brilliant food in a tent but buggered it up in a purpose build building.

16th Aug 2021, 11:43
I used to parent some SUs out of Gütersloh, would they have been part of the organisation?

72 ish we deployed to Belize with an Army SU as part of 38 Group. we all needed to pack up our boxes and depart at high speed on occasion, cover provided by 2nd Bat Grenadiers.


16th Aug 2021, 20:11

I'm told that after the South Atlantic conflict, there was a unit which rather grandly termed itself 'Tactical Admin'. Presumably with DPM (as it was then) typewriter ribbons?

Tis true. Formed at Scampton by a Wg Cdr Admin who had been appointed as OC Admin (Desig) of the new RAF Stanley. The scribblies involved got very macho and warry over their intended role and submitted a wish-list for kit that would have had Rambo shaking in his boots including the ultimate weapon of a 4-drawer filing cabinet painted in IRR green (I jest ye not).

Mr N Nimrod
16th Aug 2021, 20:42
Tis true. Formed at Scampton by a Wg Cdr Admin who had been appointed as OC Admin (Desig) of the new RAF Stanley. The scribblies involved got very macho and warry over their intended role and submitted a wish-list for kit that would have had Rambo shaking in his boots including the ultimate weapon of a 4-drawer filing cabinet painted in IRR green (I jest ye not).
tactical shinies, you’ve got to love that idea

17th Aug 2021, 01:53
Why is just about everyone of your posts derogatory Nimrod?

Mr N Nimrod
17th Aug 2021, 06:40
Why is just about everyone of your posts derogatory Nimrod?
hmmm, laughing at the thought of tactical admin, you mean you’re not?

and I questioned your daft idea about some sort of kill device in vehicles. I didn’t answer that question in that thread because it was the wrong place. There is a reason so called kill devices are not fitted in critical systems. It is because designers and engineers are generally averse to introducing another failure mode into such critical systems. Customers seem strangely averse to it to.

You seem to post more rubbish than most, so I guess it’s just the odds!

17th Aug 2021, 08:21
In the days of the Cold War, we had a lot of “Tac Admin”. The air head of 1BR Corps (aka RAF Gütersloh) was held and defended by clerks, cooks, accountants etc. The ground defence of the Sqns and the RAF MOBs themselves was run by administrators. Couldn’t have been that bad, we tended to score highly in TacEval.

17th Aug 2021, 08:30
In the days of the Cold War, we had a lot of “Tac Admin”. The air head of 1BR Corps (aka RAF Gütersloh) was held and defended by clerks, cooks, accountants etc. The ground defence of the Sqns and the RAF MOBs themselves was run by administrators. Couldn’t have been that bad, we tended to score highly in TacEval.

...although there was a TACEVAL at Lossie back in the day with OC Admin running the show over the night shift. He got wind that there were going to be lots of intruders over the first night so he ordered that turnround of aircraft was to cease and all personnel were to be used to guard them. Next morning, the intruders had not got through, although the Station was unable to fulfil its flying commitments for several hours! Crewroom gossip was of OC Admin being invited to the Stn Cdr's office to be reminded of the purpose of an airfield.

17th Aug 2021, 09:03
I had the reverse on my unit. Under heavy nighttime attack, I wanted to know which HASs had assets and which were empty so we could put our limited resources where they were needed most. Ops refused to tell us. Apparently, although we were there just to keep them operating, we did not need to know. I was not allowed on the Ops bridge except for prayers and never knew what they were trying to do. The door between the Ops Bridge and the Ground Defence command centre was always locked.

17th Aug 2021, 12:07
Tis true. Formed at Scampton by a Wg Cdr Admin who had been appointed as OC Admin (Desig) of the new RAF Stanley. The scribblies involved got very macho and warry over their intended role and submitted a wish-list for kit that would have had Rambo shaking in his boots including the ultimate weapon of a 4-drawer filing cabinet painted in IRR green (I jest ye not).
Ah, I remember Admin HQ at Stanley in 83. Very warry. The Portacabin frontage decorated with white posts, strung with white cord, to keep visitors off the grass! All that was missing was some white plastic planters filled with plastic flowers. 😎

17th Aug 2021, 12:14
Ah, I remember Admin HQ at Stanley in 83. Very warry. The Portacabin frontage decorated with white posts, strung with white cord, to keep visitors off the grass! All that was missing was some white plastic planters filled with plastic flowers. 😎
Standards, dear fellow, standards! :)

17th Aug 2021, 12:23
Standards, dear fellow, standards! :)
hahaha … at least in ATC we had a flushing toilet!

17th Aug 2021, 12:53
hahaha … at least in ATC we had a flushing toilet!
By the time my son did his ATC tour there, I think the number of flushers had improved!

17th Aug 2021, 14:10
By the time my son did his ATC tour there, I think the number of flushers had improved!We were grateful to a colleague who carried out some Tactical Under-Water BDR by plugging Mogwi’s bullet holes! Infinitely better than the Sapper Crapper across the road! Thanks again for doing the repairs, Guy!

17th Aug 2021, 18:50
hahaha … at least in ATC we had a flushing toilet!
Doubtless came in useful after scoffing all that Argentine chocolate discovered and eagerly devoured. I understand that was when they found out the Spanish for Ex-Lax…..

18th Aug 2021, 06:25
Referring to ORAC's story. A chap I knew was so popular with his team that when he went north, he was given a box of chocs and waved off - YES they were laxatives! I think he was sitting on the dinny most of the way Ascension. He was so effective in his next tour, working with me, that I can't even remember his name!