View Full Version : CAPA Members Condemn Cathay Pacific Management's Unprecedented Actions Toward Pilots

21st Aug 2002, 15:23
WASHINGTON, Aug. 21 /PRNewswire/ -- At the Association's monthly board meeting held in Washington, D.C. from August 5th-7th, the entire body of the Coalition of Airline Pilots Associations (CAPA), representing 21,000 U.S.-- based pilots, passed a resolution condemning the behavior of Cathay Pacific Airways management, for their unjust actions during the ongoing dispute with their pilot union, the Hong Kong Aircrew Officers Association (HKAOA). Specifically, the members of the board pledged to support the HKAOA in any means they deem necessary to solve this dispute with Cathay Pacific.

"CAPA members are joining the many other U.S. organizations such as Delta Airlines pilots, ALPA, and the AFL-CIO, to support the HKAOA during their long-winded plight with the management of Cathay Pacific," said Captain Bob Miller, President of CAPA. "We will support their continued struggle to obtain fair and equitable treatment from management," he added.

CAPA's support comes at the heels of a renewed sense of unity in the HKAOA, as Captain Nigel Demery was recently re-elected as union President.

"We appreciate the continued support of CAPA and the rest of the international labor community during this long-standing and painful dispute with the management of Cathay Pacific Airways," said Captain Nigel Demery, HKAOA President.

He added, "Cathay Pacific has said that they will meet with us once we stop our industrial action. Our hope is that management will we heed these most recent pleas from the U.S. for an open dialogue and agree to meet with us since we are currently under no industrial action, but only following the rules of our contract."

About CAPA

The Coalition of Airline Pilots Associations' 21,000 pilot members include: the Allied Pilots Association (American Airlines), the Independent Pilots Association (UPS), National Pilots Association (AirTran Airways), Southwest Airlines Pilots Association (Southwest Airlines), and Teamsters Local-1224 Airline Professionals Association.

About the HKAOA

The Hong Kong Aircrew Officers Association (HKAOA) was established in 1963 to represent the interests of pilots and flight engineers employed by Cathay Pacific Airways. Its objectives are to protect and further the interests of the aircrew profession and to safeguard and improve the interests and rights of members of the Association. HKAOA is the representative group for the 1,600 pilots of Cathay Pacific Airways.


Whereas the pilots who fly for Cathay Pacific Airways, represented by the Hong Kong Aircrew Officers Association (HKAOA), are involved in the longest running labor dispute in Asia's history with Cathay management, and

Whereas July 2002 marks the one-year anniversary of Cathay's unfair dismissal of 51 HKAOA pilots, and

WHEREAS the HKAOA has repeatedly asked management to discuss the unwarranted dismissals, as well as outstanding issues on duty-time practices, fairer pay and benefits, and improved standards comparable to other major airlines, and

Whereas Cathay Pacific has consistently refused to discuss these issues with union representatives including denying a recent request from the HKAOA in April 2002 to solve this dispute through the decision of an independent mediator, and

WHEREAS the international labor community in the United States and worldwide has expressed their concern over Cathay's actions towards its pilots including an investigation by the International Labor Organization (ILO), and letters of support from Delta Airlines pilots, American Airline Pilots, the American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), the International Federation of Airline Pilots Association (IFALPA), and the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF), among others,

Therefore be it resolved that the entire body of the Coalition of Airline Pilots Association (CAPA) including 21,000 pilot members of: the Allied Pilots Association, Independent Pilots Association, National Pilots Association, Southwest Airlines Pilots Association, and the Airline Professionals Association Teamsters Local 1224, condemn in the strongest possible terms the actions of Cathay Pacific Airways management, for their unjust actions during the dispute with the HKAOA, and specifically with the unwarranted termination of 51 Cathay Pacific pilots who have been denied due process, and

Be it further resolved that the entire body of CAPA asks Cathay Pacific management to respond to the HKAOA's repeated pleas for an open dialogue to discuss the termination of pilots and negotiate other outstanding contract issues, and

Be it further resolved that the entire body of CAPA will join the rest of the international labor community in a continued effort of total support for Cathay Pacific's pilots in their struggle to obtain a mutually acceptable contract with the company.

21st Aug 2002, 15:35
And you expect this to make a difference?:rolleyes:

21st Aug 2002, 18:37
So what's your point? Who cares.....well tippawhoopie:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

21st Aug 2002, 19:49
I wondered how long it would take the terrible twins to pitch up with their asinine comments:rolleyes:

21st Aug 2002, 20:46
From the article, Demery is quoted, "Cathay Pacific has said that they will meet with us once we stop our industrial action. Our hope is that management will we heed these most recent pleas from the U.S. for an open dialogue and agree to meet with us since we are currently under no industrial action, but only following the rules of our contract."

I'm interested in the opinions of people as to what then the hiring ban is considered? How many times have I read on this forum, comments in the vein of "It's the only tool/weapon we have against management?" Did ND really say that with a straight face? Granted the ban is no strike, or even that incredibly effective "go-slow" bs, but if it's not industrial action (in spirit if not in law) then I don't know what is...

And as far as CAPA's resolutions, were these made a year ago also? Or are they just jumping on the bandwagon a tad late? Curiouser and curiouser...

22nd Aug 2002, 04:55
Ironbutt, I find your new signature very apt, well chosen. You are full of p!ss and wind

Cpt. Underpants
22nd Aug 2002, 05:20
411A and sphincter-boy, arch-enemies of intelligence!

22nd Aug 2002, 05:35
I think it's fair to all parties to point out that none of the 49ers were "unfairly dismissed" as defined in Hong Kong Labour Ordinance.

22nd Aug 2002, 08:23
What the dickens difference will the support of CAPA mean in Hong Kong? If I were them I would be more concerned with my own backyard at the moment. Can't imagine anyone in CX losing any sleep over that monumental endorsement. Good points PZ, anyone care to comment on the 'no industrial action since October'.

22nd Aug 2002, 10:00
better than being full of something else...anyway, back to the TOPIC what exactly effect is this "support" supposed to have?

Piz Buin
22nd Aug 2002, 11:55
I don't see it stopping upgraders & new entrants!

22nd Aug 2002, 13:45
The only thing it's affecting is the ridiculous, but entertaining posts on Pprune....:D

22nd Aug 2002, 14:29
Well, it certainly looks like the CAPA action has rattled Cathay management's cage as well as the cages of the "usual suspects" on this forum!

It makes one wonder why?

22nd Aug 2002, 14:58
I have been in this company more than 20 years. I have seen what was and I have seen what is. My views have been expressed before, so I will not repeat them again.

I have also seen HK for more years than the 20+ in CX.

Many may have seen the references on BBC and whatever other news agency, Nothing more than sound bites on a gwailo TV station. Tomorrow's fish wrappers.Do we seriously think that Gov Chris Patten, the gurkhas and the corgis will come back to help.

The CAPA rhubard and the IFALPA rhubarb do one thing and one thing only...provide false hope to to those in the company that think it will actually achieve anything.

We are now in a commodity business. Negotiate with what we have and forget the dreamtime. CX and Swire have always shown a proclivity to share profits. The only way we can share is to get a seat at the table.

Shortly and I may disagree on a few things but we agree on most of the rest. The reason is that we have both been around for a long time.

If the AOA wants to turn the clock back and get a seat at the table they have to do the following:

1.Apologise for saying that Adrian is an unfit person to run the company.
2. Nigel has to go as nice a guy as he is. First, I guess he has to realise he is an impediment not a lightouse of hope. He has always said he would evacuate the premises if he thought he was in the way. Well if he can't get a meeting with DT in the next month...he is and he should.
3. Findlay has to go.

The 49'ers issue is a hugely uniting cause in the pilot body both with AOA members and non-members. The only serious way to resolve this issue and get a hearing is to show the other cheek. As I said before, the company fears a united body a whole lot more then a divided one. The other cheek is the best strategy.

23rd Aug 2002, 10:52

... and that's "Sir" Adrian to you, young fellow!

26th Aug 2002, 06:49

I think it has already done that.

With the ordnance currently in use, at best a couple of flesh wounds, assuming the target is actually hit!

26th Aug 2002, 08:56
Flesh wounds Traffic, I know who's bleeding and it isn't CX management. This sort of hopeful, optimistic belief in the septic tanks is understandable but sad really. CAPA, IFALPA, Uncle Tom Cobbly and all can posture and bluster till they are pink in the face and all it will do is prolong the pain here. This battle is lost, time for re-grouping and the salvaging of little pieces til next time.

27th Aug 2002, 14:10

How right you are. The ultimate irony is that there could be hundreds of American mercenaries and their a/c available in our part of the world come the autumn. Lots of nice rhetoric but come the gravy strokes they will be in the queu.

We had better get our house in order quick smart.

29th Aug 2002, 10:27
It is amusing to see so many minor managers from CX on Cprune duty, posing as pilots, interested in CX employment and perfectly willing to break a recruitment ban. You guys must be beside yourselves.
Then you have the nerve to say that CX management are not hurting. Well, some of you charming people will be going to jail after the impending court cases and there are so many!:D

29th Aug 2002, 11:02
Don't you mean Pprune little fella?

29th Aug 2002, 12:40
Dear Munchkin. Going to jail? I wouldn't mind a pint of whatever you are drinking. You want to hurt the middle managers who have so obviously blighted your thought processes? Answer is obvious, stop all action, become more compliant, show Swire once again how valuable we are to the bottom line and have a few more guys volunteer for management instead of feathering their own nests. Then progress would be made. We are the products of our own greed, well you are anyway.

29th Aug 2002, 14:02
... waiting with bated breath?

29th Aug 2002, 19:59
Waiting with bated breath!!!??? Won't be long now!!!??? Were'nt the same sort of statements being made in posts this time LAST year???!!

30th Aug 2002, 18:52
The whole industry has been hearing stories from the "harbour" for some time now...given the ex-pat legal status, it must be difficult for the union to "put it's money where it's mouth is" so to speak....we all under stand this predicament.....so boys.....put up, or shut up...you want support?, let the new hires join your "union" and help you out...or bend over and take what you have coming to you...either way...make a decision and live with it.....suspect too many of you on this page are are eighty-whiners.....so lets hear it from the real cx pilots....:confused: :confused: :rolleyes: :D

31st Aug 2002, 01:15
Cprune - Pprune, what's the difference Shortly or should i say Shorty. Your postings were just as repugnant to the membership there as here.
You management toadies do not have long to go.
As for the rest of you who wish to start with CX when 49 + good pilots have been fired for 'no particular reason', or should i say, to force others to sign a contract that nobody wanted - you do not have and never will have a career in CX until this is resolved. Nobody's job is safe until managment are made to do a deal. (There is a good article outlining their revolting management style in the recent BALPA mag The Log.) That will happen when they want to deal with the rest of the world, starting with America.
In the meantime you have been invited to phone the AOA directly and get yourselves listed. If you choose to ignore all this, you will be lepers amongst the other pilots as many have tried to tell you on this site. You will represent all that is bad and corrupt in CX and believe me, there is plenty of that. The bad one's need to go to bring a breath of fresh air to this sad company.
Many people want to work and get on and i do sympathise as i have been in that position a few times myself, but very few would roger their grandmothers to get it, except CX Management i suppose and they are going the way of the dodo.