View Full Version : Flying the Oinks

21st Aug 2002, 13:46
I was having dinner a little while ago in a quiet establishment in Antigua, and at the bar was a captain and an FO who, being a bit in the sauce, were loudly discussing the diminishing quality of the punters they transported around, and the subject of air rage.

What they were discussing in their plummy tones, was rather than having to land and let the authorities deal with abusive/menacing passengers, pilots should be armed and be allowed them to despatch them with "one to the back of the head".

They went on a bit more about these "earring wearing, tattooed oinks", who scam the gov't for their dole money tickets etc etc etc.

Now being a bit of a tattooed oink with a few holes in my lobes, not to mention being an aircraft captain myself, I started wondering about a few things.

1. Was it appropriate for these fine upstanding aviation professionals to be having such a loud public discussion?

2. Do they realise, that, unfortunately, it is upon these same "oinks" that they rely for their rather large income.

3. That anyone who heard could have tracked them down and taken follow up action in the form of a complaint to their company. Might have been a "News of the World" or Sun reporter there.

Just a thought...............

PS Apologies to all concerned 'twas a momentary lapse in reason. The semantics escaped me...to rephrase..."OIKS"

Captain Stable
21st Aug 2002, 13:55
By "Oinks" did they mean our friends, the domestic pig, provider of much bacon, pork, sausages, ham, etc., or did they perchance mean "Oiks"? ;)

21st Aug 2002, 14:55
1- Who cares !

2-Apparantly you did care, but didn't go and talk to them. Why not?

3-Come to switzerland, where it is normal for cockpit staff to wear earrings.:D I think it looks ridiculous...

21st Aug 2002, 15:18
Now you know just WHY the FAA is so dead-set against pistol packin' pilots....can you imagine pistols with America West guys?:eek: :eek:

21st Aug 2002, 16:06
And what are you gonna do if one of them tat havin oinks happens to grab that gun out of your hand and shoot you or some other pax? Where I live in Seattle, WA we just had a 10 year vetran police officer get into a wrestling match with some guy on the side of the street only to have his gun taken from him. The officer was executed POW style in front of a ton of people. By POW style I mean on his knees and taking a couple to the back of the head.

It doesn't take much guts to point a gun at somebody........It takes a whole lot more to pull the trigger. Terrible time to find out your yellow 35,000 ft in the air. No guns necessary, just 6-10 male pax beatin the tar out of him or her.:mad:

22nd Aug 2002, 13:42
Men wearing earrings. uuugh!!! Gives totally the wrong message and just spells w****r and h********l. Always has done and always will, regardless of age. And as for Flight deck personnel doing it ..I'd better stop there for fear of being called an unenlightened bigot.

Agaricus bisporus
22nd Aug 2002, 15:48
Moneyshot, the first one I saw one was unconcious beneath the bar, being the first male human being my Australian colleague had ever seen wearing earrings...he took a long while to be convinced it was regarded by some as "normal", and I fear he never really believed us.

Bless him. :)

ps, ain't the folks you mean called "Oiks?" Surely "oinks" are the noises made by pigs, (or unconcious oiks on the floor of a bar).

22nd Aug 2002, 20:46
Especially unpleasant when you think of the pittance the state condescends to give the unemployed....certainly no tkts to Florida, more like an extra can of no-frills beans.

compressor stall
25th Aug 2002, 16:29
What's an Oik? :confused:

25th Aug 2002, 17:17
oik: a derogatory term for a member of the lower classes (UK). From Greek oik sis, inhabitation, from oikein, to dwell, from oikos, house. See also: pleb, punter, shellsuit.

25th Aug 2002, 22:53
Beg to differ - Class doesn't come into it, it is all about behaviour.

26th Aug 2002, 02:58
As you say behaviour tells,and the destination indicates clientele..
Case in point ,weekend flts to Ibeza,compared to Faro..
As different as chalk and cheese....
Remember decorum and manners-gone the same way as Ethics,responsibility,and accountability .From the govt down, country still suffering from the THatcherite era...:rolleyes:
Not a UK problem alone,hence the Canadian reference to CHARTER TRASH.....

Still doesn't account for loud dissertations over a beer though!!

26th Aug 2002, 07:40
'Still suffering from the Thatcherite era', please explain, I thought that the plunge in morality, civility and simple manners accelerated with the previous occupant of the White House and continues with the current occupants of Downing St!