View Full Version : Treatment of Scarred Retina

9th Jun 2021, 23:42
Hi guys,

Was wondering if anyone would know of a doctor that can fix a scarred retina for a friend who lost his pilot's license because he couldn't pass the medical.
He had a neovascularization and then an apparent bleeding in the choroidal mass. The blood then seeped thru his retina damaging it.
He is located in the Philippines. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Loose rivets
10th Jun 2021, 22:35
It used to be that if you already held a licence, the loss of one eye might not cost you your medical. The fact that the affected eye can still see substantial areas surely must be better than zero, though I can imagine reasons that might not be so.

10th Jun 2021, 23:03
I have had the privilege of flying with a Captain with vision in only one eye and training several PPL students with the same.
Now…caveat is that these where all on a FAA special issuance medical aka SODA.

11th Jun 2021, 00:19
At this time, the CAAP was only able to give him a class 2 that can be used to teach ground school. Nothing else. He can't fly. Although he's eval with the opthalmologist puts him on a 20/20 with both eyes.

11th Jun 2021, 00:24
hi Loose rivets, his peripheral vision is still quite good but his central vision is reduced to just about 20%. Although his opthalmologist evaluated him at 20/20 on both eyes. His depth perception though is not good caused by just having one good eye. They did give him a class 2 for teaching ground school, but that's about it.

Loose rivets
11th Jun 2021, 22:58
I flew with the UK's ninth one-eyed pilot ~ 1963. Well, more correctly he became one-eyed after Channel Airways DC3 days. He passed the medical but became a tax inspector.

When I was 60 I flew several times with a one-eyed pilot. He'd not long had a licence when he had an accident. If it had happened before obtaining the licence he would never have been able to qualify. He has still I believe, a command on a substantial aircraft. He is or was a full training captain.

12th Jun 2021, 12:40
The son of my grade 8 teacher and subsequently owner of the flight school where I got my PPL lost an eye when a child.

He eventually obtained a Category I medical and CPL, I believe the first in Canada, back in the '60s.