View Full Version : UAE Expat pilots Living in France and Tax

Plank Cap
25th May 2021, 21:45
Hi All,

Anyone know if the French tax authorities allow for mitigating / reducing / alleviating income tax payments in France if flying in the Middle East? UAE specifically, for those spending the majority of the year out of France. I believe there is a dual taxation agreement France and the UAE, and have been lead to understand there may also be income tax alleviation for workers in maritime, oil and gas and aviation sectors.

All info appreciated, particularly with documentation reference if possible.

26th May 2021, 19:11
try this. Note, it is not www.
It's a while since I have had need to use it was exactly what you needed to know direct from the EU.

27th May 2021, 03:04
If you can read french, the UAE-FR convention is here (https://www.impots.gouv.fr/portail/files/media/10_conventions/emirats_arabes_unis/emirats-arabes-unis_convention-avec-les-emirats-arabes-unis_fd_2138.pdf)

Desert Mole
10th Jun 2021, 06:41
You present a fairly specific set of circumstances in your opening message here, but the website below contains a useful, relatively easy to follow, guide to taxation in France, in english, and might be a useful starting point:

Uh Oh! - "You are not allowed to post URLs until you have at least 10 posts"
True I am not a regular poster in here at all, maybe you can add the necessary standard prefix to the above line?!

Plank Cap
10th Jun 2021, 10:54
Thanks all for the replies.