View Full Version : CAP 393 aka The Air Navigation Order 2016 and Regulations

21st May 2021, 15:49
While preparing for an Audit I discovered that CAP 393 has been changed as is now "Regulations made under powers in the Civil Aviation Act 1982 and the Air Navigation Order 2016" and no longer includes the ANO. On checking the CAA website for CAP 393 there is a link to the current version of the ANO, apparently originating from a commercial company not the CAA or Dft!

Had previously held a subscription to the CAA publications service which was superseded by Skywise. Have never seen any Alert on Skywise relating to a CAP 393 change, has anyone seen a formal announcement of the change, or is it something that the CAA expect you to know but don't actually tell you about it?

With a change of document name why was a new CAP number not allocated, any clues?

21st May 2021, 17:31
It was wrapped up in all the Brexit information the CAA published at the end of last year. It must have been reasonably well known as I recall annoyed commercial drone operators moaning that they had to rewrite their Ops Manuals to change the references just after they'd rewriten them to refer to changes in applicable legislation.
The definitive ANO should be in Legislation.gov.uk and there is little point in the CAA publishing it separately and lots of possibility for it to get out of sync with the actual thing if they do so long term it's a sensible move. Unfortunately with all the legislation changes at that time the definitive source could no longer be guaranteed as definitive so for the time being the CAA appears to have come to an agreement with one of the companies that specialise in legal reference libraries to make their marked up version of the ANO available free of charge on the CAA website.

21st May 2021, 18:48
Thanks, appreciate the advice, but still cannot understand why it was not highlighted on Skywise which many AFIS Units use to detect changes and why with a change of title it was not allocated a new CAP number.