View Full Version : UK CAA medical system CELLMA

5th Apr 2021, 10:38
Anyone successfully used this new system?
I just tried to submit my details for the next medical and it errors with "It appears that you have tampered sensitive data. Your request could not be saved...."
and dumps all the entered data......
And they charge £14 to use the (compulsory) system!
Only the UK CAA could bring in a new system over an extended Bank Holiday and have no help line in any case !

5th Apr 2021, 18:01
I registered the other day to look at the progress of my initial class 1 which I started in November. Couldn't find any of the reports submitted by the AME so phoned the CAA who said they couldn't find them and they needed sending again. AME did that, but they're still not there!

According to Cellma, I have an invoice for £14, which apparently is a result of me clicking on the button to apply for a Class 1 to see if it was the right option...​​​​​

6th Apr 2021, 10:43
I've set up my account with no apparent hassle - however, after the "you will be notified in due course*" screen, no email confirming the fact, or suggested process timescale, or action to take should there be no reply after the expected period. This is basic customer relations stuff; whoever designed the system needs to go back to school.

8th Apr 2021, 12:01
This new system is hilarious.

I need to prove my address to renew a medical. But I don't need to prove my address to change the address on my licence.

Signed up. 8 days later approved. Totally unclear what to do, several options all seem to be the same. No instructions.

Clicked on Class 1. Charged 14 quid. Now it says "Insufficient privileges". Several calls being bounced between two numbers. Sent an email telling me to clear my cache (like what is that meant to do? lol). Now, no response to emails. Back into the call-tree I go. £14? For what?

Wait until they get my ££££ invoice for time wasted on this.

9th Apr 2021, 14:39
Hi JuicyLucy,

I'm applying for my class 1 revalidation on Cellma. I'm getting the same error about tampered data. Did you manage to find a solution? I suspect it needs a specific format in some of the boxes. The help icon is absolutely useless! It just states the bleeding obvious and doesn't give an example of the format to insert the information. Praying you can offer advice otherwise I'll have to call the useless regulator on Monday. I wonder how much it cost to implement? It probably doesn't bear thinking about. Did they not user test it?

EDIT: Tried using Safari on the iPad and it seemed to work fine. Maybe it only likes some browsers?

10th Apr 2021, 10:47
I tried Edge and Chrome, will try Safari and see if it’s any different.
Some of the English in the system makes me think it was either outsourced from the UK or written by a non- native speaker - maybe ELP level 4 😊
The CAP that goes with the system is just about good enough to light a fire, certainly doesn’t help !

10th Apr 2021, 11:09
Safari also bombs out with “it appears you have tampered sensitive data”
Like many CAA website offerings in the past - pretty pathetic

10th Apr 2021, 13:03
I managed to log in and register a couple of weeks ago, but only after about half a dozen rejections, for reasons I didn’t quite understand.

10th Apr 2021, 20:39
I've had no trouble using Cellma, asides from the random £14 invoice that appeared the second I pressed the "class 1 application" button by mistake, and which I can't seem to cancel... I use Chrome/Edge on a Windows 10 PC, and Chrome on an Android mobile.

Regardless of the new system, the CAA seem to be pretty slow and inefficient at the moment... My AME sent in my referral over three weeks ago and I still haven't been contacted by an assessor!

November Charlie
11th Apr 2021, 09:39
Yep- same here- "tampered sensitive data" etc. Anyone have any joy in moving it on?

30th Apr 2021, 06:58
Cellma seemed to be working quite well for a couple of weeks (although it still wouldn't let anyone book an appointment) but now it won't let me login at all! Just says I've got the password wrong!

Anyone else still having issues with this absolute farce of a "system"?

5th May 2021, 22:52
Is anyone able to help me deal with this absolute joke of an "organisation"?!

It took five weeks for them to accept the medical records from my AME and process them. They told me about three weeks ago that I need to be assessed in person, but they couldn't book me an appointment because their system wasn't working.

Now they're telling me that they are able to offer appointments, but something has gone wrong AGAIN and I can no longer login to accept one! Apparenty it's impossible to override the computer and book me an appointment by phone!

It's incompetence beyond belief and I've absolutely no idea what to do!

6th Sep 2021, 08:22
What a disaster the UK CAA is. The website interface looks like some school project by a 16 yo.

Contact Approach
6th Sep 2021, 14:00
Do yourself a favour and just go to the IAA instead. The UK CAA are as incompetent as it gets.

10th Sep 2021, 07:20
Worked alright for me.

11th Sep 2021, 00:47
Yeah, it’s a clunky and dated system for sure, but even I managed to get it to work the end, but had to download the google browser (Chrome) in order to get it to accept the extortionate £14 ‘admin’ payment (but I’m having to do all the admin myself now, apparently?!). It really doesn’t like the world’s second most popular web browser (after Internet Explorer), Apple Safari!

1st Oct 2021, 16:07
I see the CAA have done absolutely nothing to improve the dreadful CELLMA web portal….
Still takes you around in circles and unusable from Safari.
Do they have any idea of how to implement and test technology?..😡

1st Oct 2021, 19:20
I just had an email this week to say there was a new document on Cellma for me to view.

I signed in to find out they had finally read and uploaded my email to them in JULY!

Ironically, that email was a formal complaint about their incompetent and disastrously slow handling of my assessments!

10th Nov 2021, 15:51
Exactly what demented muppet signed off this Cellma system as even remotely fit for purpose?

Off to recover in a dark room due to high blood pressure and sudden onset Tourette’s!

love flying
25th Jan 2022, 12:40
I'm just so furious at having to put up with such poor IT from the CAA. I don't really know where to start, I just hope someone at the CAA watches Pprune and has an internal explosion.
My AME doctor just told me she had put her fees up because of the additional admin caused by Cellma. It has also taken me hours to register and use. When I called CAA I was put on hold for ages because of "too many calls" - I am not surprised!
They said I had to restart my computer, delete all cookies and use a different browser. I mean really come on.
The "Report an issue" link doesn't work.

25th Feb 2022, 20:52
I've just tried to go about booking a medical renewal and wanted to take a rarely available slot with my AME early next week.

Having signed in, with CELLMA I clicked on the medical section link to go about the process as per last time. I immediately received a message telling me that the system required to send me a text message code to verify who I am.....but surely, haven't I just done that by getting access and being recognised? Obviously not.

The message showed my old mobile phone number, to which I no longer have access. I tried to go back (strangely enough by clicking on the "BACK" link) to update my personal details but it wouldn't let me, displaying an error message, telling me that I had to log in (I still was logged in).

I had to log out and then log back in to access the personal details page. Having done that, I typed in my new phone number. Job done thought I, carry on as before, book the medical, pay the fee.

Instead a message screen popped up telling me that I now have to be "verified" which will take up to five working days.

Who designed this illogical rubbish?

26th Feb 2022, 00:22
Occasionally the uselessness of the CAA's computer system comes in handy...

8 months ago I withheld a £400+ payment for various reasons, including the incompetence of the people operating their IT system... They still haven't even sent me an invoice!

4th Apr 2022, 09:49
It also is symptomatic of how seriously the U.K. and CAA take aviation in the great scheme of things. I notice the payment system works very well.

14th Apr 2022, 11:05
For my last renewal i tried multiple times to fill in the application on CELLMA.

Contacted the helpline and they still could not make it work. They told me to get my AME to manually force it into the system - which he did and issued me my medical. (Whilst graciously not charging me for the extra hour it took him to achieve this)

three days later i got an invoice from CAA for the 14 quid admin fee despite the fact that they had not actually done anything.

Cheeky F£$%@s