View Full Version : B2L LICENCE

14th Mar 2021, 21:07
Does anyone have experience in applying for a B2L?

It appears to me that you have to apply for one of the subgroups i.e COM /NAV with the initial application is this correct?
Does anyone have any info on the actual acceptable experience requirements?

Any help or pointers welcome, it all seems a little Byzantine!!!!!

16th Mar 2021, 20:35
see AMC 66.A.45(d);(e)3;(f)1;(g)1;(h) Endorsement with aircraft ratings for the typical basic experience requirements in addition the same basic skills for a B2 would need to be demonstrated you can only certify Group 2 ,3 & 4 aircraft..
if it was me, I'd do the extra bit of work for the B2

What Authority would you be applying to ?

Edit : yes you need a minimum of at least one system rating for the type (or group) as applicable

17th Mar 2021, 16:20
Thanks for the info, very useful.
My problem is that although I have passed all the modules it is just impossible to get the full range of jobs together.
So I thought this route might get things in motion.