View Full Version : Global 5500

14th Mar 2021, 10:56
Hi all!

My boss is planning to buy Global 5500. Any experience about it? Does it have the same systems as in the older globals? Initial course is first for 5000 vision and then differences, right? Any recommendation where to do the initial? I was thinking Montreal or Dubai.


14th Mar 2021, 12:30
From my understanding, the 5500 differs from the 5000 VFD "just" in wings and engines, and the limitations that come with them. I'd usually suggest Montreal, because of the better quality of training, but due to COVID-19, you should also take entry and quarantine requirements into account.

14th Mar 2021, 19:00
Both are CAE facilities. The difference in "quality" should be negligible. However, Canada / Montreal is in lockdown. And it's very difficult to get all the necessary permits to travel to YUL. CAE does help but efforts are hampered by local authorities. Prepare to be in quarantine for 1 week before you can start the course (2 negative PCR tests required before you are allowed out of the hotel to CAE facilities). QoL is better in Dubai as long as COVID remains the dominant factor. 5500 course is "initial" 5000 with difference course due to slightly different characteristics (wing) and performance (engine).

15th Mar 2021, 10:32
Thanks guys!

16th Mar 2021, 01:39
From talking to an instructor at CAE YUL the only reason sim is required for the differences is for the M.90 cruise demonstration - don’t recall the specifics but only achievable in the low 30s with a notch of flight spoiler extended. Sounds practical for day to day ops. Otherwise I am sure differences could be done online.

16th Mar 2021, 21:43
As far as I have heard all CAE EASA training for Globals is currently only at the London or Dubai facillities. The initial, if not yet incorporating the 5500/6500 will require a Differences course. This is mainly due to the difference in Thrust between the 5000 vs 5500 (variations in Engine Limitations) and also upgraded Avionics features, like Combined EVS/SVS presentation. There is a redesign of flap trailing edge compared to the original Globals, but not measurable in the handling characteristics.
Very quick diff course, does not require simulator!
Enjoy the course, great Aircraft!
