View Full Version : CAA Medical Department

7th Mar 2021, 20:19
After many long months and two specialist referrals, the AeMC are finally ready to send my file to the CAA.

​​​Got my fingers firmly crossed that they'll grant my Class 1 and I can start training.

Anyone know how long it's likely to take them to review the information that my AME provides and make their decision?

8th Mar 2021, 14:50
It hasn't ever taken more than a couple of weeks for me.

8th Mar 2021, 20:33
Great, thank you!

The whole process has taken ages as I had to have a consultation with a psychiatrist as I had depression for a while a few years ago.

AME has said the CAA might want to have me see their psychiatrist, even through I've had the all clear from an independent one. Just wondered if it was going to delay me much.

8th Mar 2021, 20:58
I had to go through a similar process when I got my class 1 medical. From what I recall, I heard back from the CAA within a week or two inviting me to an appointment with their psychiatrist who was a lovely gent; he puts you at ease as soon as you walk through the door. I think I had to wait for about a month to get an appointment with him. I saw him for an hour or two and got a final decision back a couple of weeks later. So the end-to-end process from my AME sending off the details was around 2 months. I don't know how much COVID has affected the processing of these things, but hopefully my experiences give you some idea.

9th Mar 2021, 19:56
Thanks for your advice mate
​​​​​Can't wait for this whole circus to be over to be honest, regardless of the outcome!

AeMC go awol every time I email them, they're taking weeks just to reply to emails, I'm having to chase them on absolutely everything! Really hoping the CAA are more efficient!


9th Mar 2021, 22:26
No worries; I hope it all works out for you. The CAA have been really quite swift in my experience with them and I really can't fault them. I don't know what your timescales are for getting your PPL done but I'd definitely make the most of the summer if you can. The likelihood of weather-related cancellations is considerably higher between October and February.