View Full Version : EC120 crash in French Alps

Tartiflette Fan
3rd Mar 2021, 09:15
March 2nd about 14:30 an EC120 crashed in Les Gets, Haute Savoie. There were 5 occupants and only one was slightly injured in the crash. The pilot reported a technical problem shortly after take-off before making an emergency landing which destroyed the aircraft. Witnesses report that it touched an electric- cable.

John R81
3rd Mar 2021, 10:16
Hi - EC 120 in the title and 130 in the text. Can you edit?

Thank you for the clarification.

3rd Mar 2021, 10:24
F-HPIC according to this.


Tartiflette Fan
3rd Mar 2021, 10:47
"15h45 : Un hélicoptère (EC120) avec à son bord 5 personnes, s'est crashé vers 14h40 alors qu'il décollait d'une zone de décollage sur la commune des Gets.

Les cinq personnes à bord sont sorties d'elles-mêmes, l'une d'entre elles est "

I took my information from the local paper -Le Dauphiné Libéré

JohnR81 - duly edited, thanks for noticing.

old,not bold
3rd Mar 2021, 10:58
"...........Les cinq personnes à bord sont sorties d'elles-mêmes, l'une d'entre elles est ........."

Est quoi? Légèrement/gravement blessée; enceinte; très en colère?

Tartiflette Fan
3rd Mar 2021, 11:02
" Légèrement blessée " as expressed ( slightly injured ) in initial post.

3rd Mar 2021, 11:34
enceinte; très en colère? ==>Brilliant :)

4th Mar 2021, 01:11
Originally Posted by old,not bold View Post (https://www.pprune.org/rotorheads/639010-ec120-crash-french-alps.html#post11001002)
enceinte; très en colère?
maybe both?