View Full Version : A320 Neo TOGA Thrust

Doors to Automatic
2nd Feb 2021, 20:48
I have been enjoying flying the A320 within the amazing new Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and have a question abount the maximum thrust setting.

This appears to have been derated in the last update and show 92.8% in the top right of the engine instruments screen. The target bug on the N1 gauge goes to 100% when TOGA is selected but only develops around 94% power at sea level on a standard day.

Is TOGA thrust something that can be altered by the pilot and if not do these settings seem reasonable?

Thanks for any help.

3rd Feb 2021, 12:36
TOGA is simply the max rated thrust under the current conditions, that does not mean 100% N1, but rather the max for the prevailing conditions (temperature, density etc). And no, pilots can not modify it, it is calculated by the FADEC.