View Full Version : The dirty side of Air Arabia

14th Jan 2021, 10:29
This is for Air Arabia Pilots

Lets discuss the dirty side of our company ... maybe we can make a change .

14th Jan 2021, 15:48
In my opinion the most important lesson an expat pilot can learn is that you are not there to change anything. It is not your country, not your culture, not your home country airline, etc... fly, save as much money as you can, keep looking for better places to work and when the time comes leave and never look back. Sad but true... nothing personal, just business as usual. The only way I could see changes happening in the Middle East is by the creation of unions and associations, which of course is impossible for obvious reasons.

14th Jan 2021, 16:18
Absolutely correct ... we are not there to make a change but I think this is in normal situation in a normal, ethical, and professional companies but not in a company like Air Arabia ... In Air Arabia there is no business ethics. they are just trying to save money in some crazy dirty ways ... they are trying to steal people's money ... First Officers are flying for free ... Imagine a second in command pilot living in UAE getting paid 2000 AED a month ? is this fair ? is this safe ?
Now we are flying with almost zero hours first officers .. They had terminated all first officers with from 1500 hours to 2500 hours ... we have only senior FOs with more than 3000 hours, Just released FOs and Poor SOs ..... Man can you imagine First Officer with 250 hours flying a safety pilot on SO with no experience ? imagine in case of emergency what will happen ... it will be a crash for sure.. and for your info FO and So and getting zero salary

blind pew
14th Jan 2021, 18:23
1972, two second officiers, one of which wasn't fully trained (nor legal).

14th Jan 2021, 19:53
I guess venting here will help, I do feel you since I've got close friends returning home after literally struggling to get a fair deal when trying to leave this particular company. The stories he tells make Qatar and EK to look like heaven on earth. Best luck thru these tough times, hopefully the tie will change soon and you can move from there.

White Knight
15th Jan 2021, 08:13
Not unlike Staines1972, two second officiers, one of which wasn't fully trained (nor legal).

Although in the ensuing forty-nine years the lessons of that accident have been learnt in most places!!!!

15th Jan 2021, 08:49
No wish to creap the thread but, for accuracy, weren't the two co-pilots in the Staines incident RHS checked ? Had to be in my day. Capt would designate who was to fly RHS & who was to fly as Panel Operator. Pure System Panel Operators were straight from Hamble or new on type & got RHS checked later. Capt Key decided on the first leg to put the much less experienced Guy in the RHS but he would have been RHS checked.

Back to thread though. Not just AA guys. Other threads have demonstrated the "wasta" & local preferences endemic throughout the ME. It will never change.

king surf
15th Jan 2021, 10:24
That's only Ģ400/ month!!

16th Jan 2021, 07:53
What is the salary after all allowance paid ? Which nationality has the most power?

18th Jan 2021, 12:01
Of course wasta is playing the most important rule in Air Arabia ... normal people got fired but people who are relatives to management are safe for sure ... I can count them for you if you want .:) simply disgusting

18th Jan 2021, 12:04
Pre covide 7000 to 10000 AED ... now around 2000 AED max 🤣

Captain Sham
19th Jan 2021, 21:34
“ In Air Arabia there is no business ethics.” Arabia and business ethics in the same sentence? Hahaha...

9th Apr 2022, 09:05
“ In Air Arabia there is no business ethics.” Arabia and business ethics in the same sentence? Hahaha...

CEO, during pandemic with people struggling to pay bills, he comes to work with a brand new Bentley. As soon as he could, he got employees working in the office full time work and full salary back, while flight crew were getting unpaid leave and their balance of leave days instead of days off. My personal view is that if the company is struggling financially, everyone should be helping and getting unpaid leave, from CEO down to cleaners, but then his big fat salary would be reduced and he wouldnīt be able to own 3 or 4 high end cars.

Captains are flying with some low hours, badly trained, pretty unskilled second officers which getting paid peanuts to be second in command of an aircraft full of passengers. Some of these SOīs freeze when something is out of the normal. God forbid something happens because there would be a very lonely overworked captain alone in the cockpit.

Scheduling is a joke. Flights on the schedule come and go, people are called on days off, rest days and all these while already having minimum days off. Schedule comes out the last day of the month, usually pretty late on that day, and usually just for a week. then eventually the rest of the schedule comes out.
Forget about swapping flights or getting a few days off in a row to travel or rest, thatīs just not happening. No bidding, no swapping.

Contract can be changed at their will. Air Arabia is trying to give pilots the minimum amount of days off possible and thatīs true for holidays as well.


5th Aug 2022, 09:40
Could you explain the salary part for the First Officers and the Captains as well?

Seems unreal that the first officers are getting AED 2000, are these pilots hired via the MPL streak?

5th Aug 2022, 09:43
CEO, during pandemic with people struggling to pay bills, he comes to work with a brand new Bentley. As soon as he could, he got employees working in the office full time work and full salary back, while flight crew were getting unpaid leave and their balance of leave days instead of days off. My personal view is that if the company is struggling financially, everyone should be helping and getting unpaid leave, from CEO down to cleaners, but then his big fat salary would be reduced and he wouldnīt be able to own 3 or 4 high end cars.

Captains are flying with some low hours, badly trained, pretty unskilled second officers which getting paid peanuts to be second in command of an aircraft full of passengers. Some of these SOīs freeze when something is out of the normal. God forbid something happens because there would be a very lonely overworked captain alone in the cockpit.

Scheduling is a joke. Flights on the schedule come and go, people are called on days off, rest days and all these while already having minimum days off. Schedule comes out the last day of the month, usually pretty late on that day, and usually just for a week. then eventually the rest of the schedule comes out.
Forget about swapping flights or getting a few days off in a row to travel or rest, thatīs just not happening. No bidding, no swapping.

Contract can be changed at their will. Air Arabia is trying to give pilots the minimum amount of days off possible and thatīs true for holidays as well.


Flying in the ME is almost the same everywhere. The entire region should be avoided. :)

7th Nov 2022, 10:33
Well the good news is that Fly Jinnah is off to a terrible start in Pakistan. Word is that they were unable to attract any real number of pilots (Capt.s and FOs) to join the company and such reputation usually spreads like wildfire. Many hidden clauses that scared off potential joiners. Pakistan currently has 3 private airlines that are doing fairly well so ample choices to pick from for experienced pilots.

Let's see what happens next.

13th Nov 2022, 01:47

Quite an attractive offer to be based in ME. Non-layover orientated good for family and one of the top payers. Would it be a good opportunity to move from EU operator?

15th Nov 2022, 21:00
Fly Jinnah based where ? Africans can apply in Pakistan ?

20th Nov 2022, 16:38
Fly Jinnah based where ? Africans can apply in Pakistan ?

Based in Pakistan.

They are only hiring Pakistani citizens.

21st Nov 2022, 09:36

Quite an attractive offer to be based in ME. Non-layover orientated good for family and one of the top payers. Would it be a good opportunity to move from EU operator?

Bit surprising to be attracted to any ME-based flying job. Esp if you are Swiss-based. Takes all sorts though. Good luck.

6th Jan 2024, 21:10
Hello there ,I want to know where I should get pilot training , I was planning to enroll myself in AIR AREBIA AVIATION (T3 academy) but after reading all above mentioned thing I am kind of scared now.. I am from India but currently living here in UAE ...plz suggest me

1st Jul 2024, 07:33
Hello there ,I want to know where I should get pilot training , I was planning to enroll myself in AIR AREBIA AVIATION (T3 academy) but after reading all above mentioned thing I am kind of scared now.. I am from India but currently living here in UAE ...plz suggest me

Stay away from that group.