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13th Jan 2021, 09:34

1st May 2021, 09:09
Is MCO ever going to go this summer? now out to July at earliest.
Presumably the Disney school run is where most of the money comes from on this route so hopefully they can capitalise later.

1st May 2021, 10:57
Things are looking more positive from the UK-end with travel to the US well-placed for government approval (subject to C-19 tests etc.). But right now, UK travellers are still on the banned list from the US perspective. Given the success of the UK vaccination programme and the rapid fall in infection rates, I'd consider the odds of the US easing restrictions on UK visitors by July to be pretty good. Apprehension concerning the 'Indian variant' seems to be key. But the airlines will need some reliable advance notice of government plans if they're to take on the risk of running Summer programmes. The nightmare would be more ruinous last minute bans and restrictions being imposed by squeamish cowardly politicians.

1st May 2021, 11:31
Interesting post until the unpleasant last line. Avoiding unnecessary deaths is neither squeamish nor cowardly.

1st May 2021, 16:07
That is job done re C-19 in the UK. It is no longer even close to being the number one risk to life. Now it is time to accept the rewards we have earned and reopen the economy ... we've all made the sacrifices required to make that possible. And speaking of unnecessary deaths, this whole exercise has been a risk-reward trade-off between COVID-19 on one hand and legacy medical conditions on the other (cardiac, strokes, cancer, mental health issues etc.). A heavy price has been paid by many to place emphasis on C-19 mitigation. That was the right thing to do at the time, but circumstances in the UK have changed now. 'Avoiding unnecessary deaths' now means prioritising those conditions which have been neglected for well over a year. Opening up normal life and ceasing to demonise having fun are part of that process. Travel between safe jurisdictions is a good thing. And yes - some, not all - politicians are cowardly in facing up to decisions on this.

1st May 2021, 18:06
Well said Ozzy. I for one agree with you.

1st May 2021, 18:23
Seconded. Very well put post.

southside bobby
1st May 2021, 18:27
Quote..."That is job done re C-19 in the UK"...&c.

Deary me...Have a care matey & behave.

1st May 2021, 18:33
The topic of this thread is Virgin Atlantic

There is a separate thread on Coronavirus in Jet Blast - https://www.pprune.org/jet-blast/629061-coronavirus-thread.html

1st May 2021, 21:26
And a third from me for good measure...

Life is never zero risk...and we're fools to think we can make it so from any particular disease.

And to return to the thread, AFAIK VS have now cancelled the planned BFS-MCO flights for this season. As we only had a short seasonal schedule, there may be more hope for LHR and MAN, perhaps GLA. In any case, it's likely to be 2022 before a trip to Mickey's place looks more like the pre-Covid version, so it would be interesting to see what pent-up demand there would be for this year. Personally, I'm tempted to look to Jan/Feb 22...generally the quieter time of year, and still good weather.

1st Jun 2021, 20:36
, perhaps GLA. In any case, it's likely to be 2022 before a trip to Mickey's place
Indeed, GLA now being loaded for 2022, with the Saturday direct service now bookable from April 2022. 1120 dep. Listed as A330-200. I had thought they would have left the fleet by then.

31st Jul 2021, 19:45
Using the VS website to try and book for the first time in nearly two years: Still difficult. I did not expect to be able to find points upgrades as flights are now filling so rapidly. But the site still seemed very poor at indicating where and how to seek for upgrades/companion etc. This included getting a 'ERROR: We cannot handle this request. Try Later." I paraphrase, but it was one of those automated banners like the old '404'.

After doing some other research esewhere, I returned to check prices and options again (LHR-ANU) and the price had increased by £700 for the two of us in the space of 45 minutes. You could say I was not impressed. Following an instruction to ring in with the question, I found an extremely helpful agent (as always) and got matters sorted.

Now I get the standard email: How would you rate your overall experience with our Customer Centre?
In short - I should not have had to cal the call centre!

Is it just me or has the VS website not improved in the last few years? Simple example, top right keeps saying 'Log In' when I am already logged in. This is lazy on their part. More irritating, I find the site does not work well on Firefox and I have to use Edge.

Other views?

31st Jul 2021, 20:17
BA is the same. Endless issues. The site jumps between different versions and often can’t do the basic tasks it’s supposed to.

1st Aug 2021, 18:14
What amazes me is that, the Virgin Group used to be far ahead on websites. They understood the importance and made them fun and easy. The move to the Delta system saw the change. Not that anyone in VS will admit that (at least, not publically).

2nd Aug 2021, 11:21
V-Flyer, years ago had dozens of complaints about the Virgin website, and its functionality or lack of!

4th Aug 2021, 13:17
As publicised by VS
Virgin launch Nassau (https://www.virginatlantic.com/gb/en/blog/OurPlaces/it-s-better-in-the-bahamas.html)
After originally planned for 2009!
789 ex LHR W21

4th Aug 2021, 13:28
Relaunch. Virgin flew to Nassau before with a 747-400. Ended March 2007.

7th Aug 2021, 18:31

“Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Atlantic Airways is plotting a surprise flotation on the London Stock Exchange as it pins its hopes on a rapid rebound in transatlantic travel.”

7th Aug 2021, 18:52
Raising finance on the stock market rather than by using leverage is a good plan, if there is confidence in the business model then it's a no brainer

7th Aug 2021, 19:37
And if there is no confidence he is exposed,
how many of us, personally, would invest any of our money now, in an airline, especially one that had trouble making a profit in the good times.
Any money made in a sale, goes to Branson with no guarantee it will be invested back in the airline.
With Virgin Galactic being loss making and bills to pay, it smacks of desperation given he turned down Air France’s bid for his share in Virgin Atlantic a few years ago.
Time will tell...

11th Aug 2021, 08:08
VS to launch EDI to MCO and BGI.

- MCO will launch 2 weekly from April 2022

- BGI will be 2 weekly from December 2021

Link Kilo
11th Aug 2021, 08:45
Is EDI-MCO in addition to GLA-MCO or instead of?

Plane mad 134
11th Aug 2021, 08:51
EDI-MCO is replacing GLA.

11th Aug 2021, 08:53
Replacing, Glasgow PAX will need to connect thru Dubai.

Joking, perhaps Tui will do Gla-Mco

Skipness One Foxtrot
11th Aug 2021, 11:14
Glasgow-Florida is a strong point to point leisure market in itself but the end of the B744 doesn't mean both couldn't be served. It does make sense for some routes to be across both, as United and Air Canada both did well and Air Transat stayed West.

2nd Sep 2021, 17:49
‘The Booth’ on the pack em’ high leisure config A351 sounds a waste of time / space.

2nd Sep 2021, 18:13
is it not in a space which otherwise can’t be used like the lounge? If they can upsell experiences - champagne afternoon tea or something for an hour a time at say £100-£150 there are probably plenty of holiday makers who would pay it on special trips. A 8-10 flight can easily add £1000+ which they otherwise wouldn’t have had.

22nd Nov 2021, 21:38
Another £400m needed to get through winter 2021-22


30th May 2022, 22:04
When the A350-1000 was introduced, I understood that it was intended to operate the JNB route and the 787 CPT in the southern summer. Naturally, everything has changed since then but I see that the 787 is still on the JNB run. Does anyone know if this is to continue, or will the 350 take over this route?

31st May 2022, 08:12
Cuba axed before it started, due to "unique complexities".

Virgin Atlantic cancels planned Havana resumption – Business Traveller (https://www.businesstraveller.com/business-travel/2022/05/27/virgin-atlantic-cancels-planned-havana-resumption/)

31st May 2022, 08:22
Cuba axed before it started, due to "unique complexities".

Virgin Atlantic cancels planned Havana resumption – Business Traveller (https://www.businesstraveller.com/business-travel/2022/05/27/virgin-atlantic-cancels-planned-havana-resumption/)
Hopefully I'm not the only one wondering what the "the unique complexities of Cuban operations" actually are?

31st May 2022, 11:54
Delta wanting the airframes to support their network more closely? Delta not wanting to be associated with an operation into that 'commie country'?

31st May 2022, 12:55
Delta wanting the airframes to support their network more closely? Delta not wanting to be associated with an operation into that 'commie country'?

The US is looking to reopen links with Cuba. https://www.travelpulse.com/news/destinations/biden-administration-seeks-to-expand-authorized-travel-to-cuba.html

it is probably more to do with an anticipated lack of profitable demand that the decision has been taken. When you look at fleet redeployment you always drop the least profitable routes to free up airframes and/or staff resources to concentrate on more profitable markets. If Delta are permitted to take non-US citizens on these reintroduced Cuba flights they might be able to offer connections but I recall last time that there were some restrictions on who could use them.

31st May 2022, 14:12
AFAIK, Delta own less than 50% of Virgin Atlantic and does not claim to have full control of VS. Any flights operated by VS involving Cuba will be from London, without a stop in the USA. Even if DL were to put their code on these flights, I think there would be very few people booking the flight as a DL ticket rather than a VS ticket, so presumably easy just not to put a DL code on the flights at all - similiar to JetBlue not putting their code on Emirates flights flying in Iranian airspace
Airlines in Canada and Mexico seem to send their aircraft to Cuba without a problem. It should not be difficult for a VS LHR-HAV flight to avoid US airspace if this were to prove necessary

So why would US sanctions cause a problem on a VS LHR-HAV route ?

31st May 2022, 17:45
I know that Delta own only 49% to meet international rules but ... after they bought their shares, many things changed. From a pax perspective one of the irritating ones was the website being hosted in the USA and the changes in it.

One simple example, having broken the BA + SAA hold on JNB + CPT, they then dropped CPT. With SAA imploding, this left BA a wide open target. Now they only serve it CPT the southern summer. Again, leaving BA to milk the route.

Thats life.

1st Jun 2022, 21:09
How did the first month of MCO-EDI do- Full to the gunnels with all the pent up demand ?

1st Jun 2022, 23:27
Today, their booking system was on form:

We had booked to go to ANU.
Had to postpone as it then coincided with the exact week we were moving house.
Accepted a voucher and got all the emails to confirm.
We were due to leave yesterday, 31st May.
1st June, I get a text (SMS) msg telling me that I can now check-in. The same message also tells me that check in will open in 5 days time.
They wonder why do not trust them or their computer systems.

29th Jul 2022, 18:26
Perhaps unsurprisingly HKG relaunch been put back again for 6 months until Spring 23..

30th Jul 2022, 18:02
Trying to ascertain the validity time of a voucher. When logging in, the voucher screen appears to show 31st March 2023. I say appears because the screen is laud as if travelling from VOU to CHR. But all in very pale grey text, rather than clearly set out.

Anyone have knowledge on this? Cheers.

24th Aug 2022, 16:17
Have just managed to rebook a voucher with them, through online chat but - what an age. To rebook: Changing destination and one name; agreeing costs and ionfo about seats - took 75 minutes.

A phone call could have dealt with it in a max of 15 minutes. Based on the very long wait between responses from the Agent - I'd say they were having to handle 2 or 3 other bookings at the same time. If they were only handling me - then it is the most inefficient agent I've ever had!

This way of doing things might gets folks 'answered' faster but makes the process very much longer. So, what is the real customer experience like?

Correct me if you think I'm wrong.

Level bust
25th Aug 2022, 09:43
Luck of the draw, I phoned them on Monday at about 1000 and got through in 10 minutes. Better than BA, you can't get hold of them at all, but that's another story!

28th Aug 2022, 13:21
Both their phone and Chat systems announce they are prioritising those who are travelling within the next two weeks. Clearly done to dissuade you phoning.

12th Sep 2022, 08:17
What's next for Virgin at Heathrow? With services resuming to Hong Kong, Shanghai and Cape Town and with the addition of Tampa, what other routes would be viable for them to operate here? Heathrow seems to be their focus after they up and left Gatwick during the pandemic.

Would also be good to see them grow their presence at Manchester to operate some more American routes and maybe even a Far East route or two.

12th Sep 2022, 13:16
Further route development at Heathrow will be limited by the size of their slot portfolio. That is why over the longer term I can see a return to Gatwick for some leisure heavy services if they
wish to increase the variety of more business focused routes at LHR. In my opinion they would be unwise to leave it too long with BA and Norse particularly expanding their long-haul presence at LGW after the pandemic.

12th Sep 2022, 14:37
Further route development at Heathrow will be limited by the size of their slot portfolio. That is why over the longer term I can see a return to Gatwick for some leisure heavy services if they
wish to increase the variety of more business focused routes at LHR. In my opinion they would be unwise to leave it too long with BA and Norse particularly expanding their long-haul presence at LGW after the pandemic.

I'm glad to see Virgin sticking with the Orlando route from Heathrow, as I think it was a route which was needed from here and glad to see BA have returned to serve Orlando from Gatwick rather than Heathrow to give them some breathing space, so it can be served from both airports. Unsure on how some other leisure focused routes are doing from Heathrow and whether they will be kept here or not. I'm unsure as to where Virgin can expand to out of Heathrow next if they had the slots needed.

12th Sep 2022, 18:24
I'm glad to see Virgin sticking with the Orlando route from Heathrow, as I think it was a route which was needed from here and glad to see BA have returned to serve Orlando from Gatwick rather than Heathrow to give them some breathing space, so it can be served from both airports. Unsure on how some other leisure focused routes are doing from Heathrow and whether they will be kept here or not. I'm unsure as to where Virgin can expand to out of Heathrow next if they had the slots needed.

Yes but Virgin used to be up to 3 daily to Orlando from Gatwick during the summer peak and at least daily or more throughout the year. With just one daily from Heathrow they have surrendered market share to BA. BA have up to 11 weekly this winter with at least 13 weekly next summer from Gatwick. Virgin don’t have the slots at LHR for that frequency without reducing something else. Plus the increased operating costs. I don’t think BA took Orlando back to LGW to help Virgin out,but rather it was a commercial decision based on higher profitability on that route from LGW. Likewise for Bridgetown. BA use slots at Gatwick to increase frequency in the busy winter months as well as the daily from LHR. Virgin is not doing this at the moment.

Skipness One Foxtrot
13th Sep 2022, 10:51
Virgin are currently twice daily on LHR-MCO, A330 and A350 mix on VS091 and VS135.

13th Sep 2022, 11:02
Virgin are currently twice daily on LHR-MCO, A330 and A350 mix on VS091 and VS135.
Apologies for this oversight. However, my view that the expansion of the Virgin LHR network in the future is limited unless more slots are acquired is still correct.
It is daily from December.

Skipness One Foxtrot
13th Sep 2022, 14:22
Apologies for this oversight. However, my view that the expansion of the Virgin LHR network in the future is limited unless more slots are acquired is still correct. It is daily from December.
Virgin are a mature long haul carrier with a strong US partner, expansion has been slot limited since they got LHR access 31 years ago. I suspect Tampa is made possible only with Delta feeding the US end and being sold to LHR rather than LGW. I'm not convinced HKG and PVG will be back for the "long haul", they might be, but I suspect that just like BA, they'll focus on where they do best, and that's working closely with a US partner across the North Atlantic. Orlando is currently scheduled for 2 x daily for Summer 2023 out of LHR.

13th Sep 2022, 15:11
Virgin are a mature long haul carrier with a strong US partner, expansion has been slot limited since they got LHR access 31 years ago. I suspect Tampa is made possible only with Delta feeding the US end and being sold to LHR rather than LGW. I'm not convinced HKG and PVG will be back for the "long haul", they might be, but I suspect that just like BA, they'll focus on where they do best, and that's working closely with a US partner across the North Atlantic. Orlando is currently scheduled for 2 x daily for Summer 2023 out of LHR.

Apologies for this oversight. However, my view that the expansion of the Virgin LHR network in the future is limited unless more slots are acquired is still correct.
It is daily from December.

I was looking at the current Virgin network from Heathrow and seeing, if slots allowed, where Virgin could serve next that would be viable. Is there anywhere else in the US they could serve using their DL ties? Or anywhere else in the Far East? Don't Virgin have a lengthy history at both HKG and PVG?

Skipness One Foxtrot
13th Sep 2022, 17:26
It's not about "could be viable" it's all about where your expensive airliner drives the biggest bang for your buck. Remember they also served DXB, NRT and SYD as part of the ambition to compete with BA worldwide but having a strong US partner may well mean an additional LHR-DTW/MSP/ATL rotation may well be more profitable. They're not niche exactly, just more properly focussed than before.

Travel Agent
13th Sep 2022, 21:16
Would love to see them return to Las Vegas from Manchester... surely someone could give it a go when you consider TCX & VS used to go head to head on the route

13th Sep 2022, 21:42
Would love to see them return to Las Vegas from Manchester... surely someone could give it a go when you consider TCX & VS used to go head to head on the route
but with yields in the basement?

14th Sep 2022, 05:26
but with yields in the basement?

Any evidence that they were?

Mark J Bowcock
14th Sep 2022, 07:23
but with yields in the basement?

How do you know that? Weren't they upping the frequency before covid struck!

14th Sep 2022, 07:47
Wasn't VS MAN-LAS cut before Covid struck?

14th Sep 2022, 10:00
I believe Manchester-Las Vegas was last served in April/May 2020 by VS.

I could see a return to Las Vegas, but I think Los Angeles would also be a really good route for them from Manchester. Capture some of that traffic currently connecting with BA at Heathrow and through other European hubs.

I think if they are stumped for growth at Heathrow and aren’t returning to Gatwick, Manchester should see some decent route growth and development.

14th Sep 2022, 10:25
I believe Manchester-Las Vegas was last served in April/May 2020 by VS.

I could see a return to Las Vegas, but I think Los Angeles would also be a really good route for them from Manchester. Capture some of that traffic currently connecting with BA at Heathrow and through other European hubs.

I think if they are stumped for growth at Heathrow and aren’t returning to Gatwick, Manchester should see some decent route growth and development.

I do hope we see some growth by VS to the USA and elsewhere. Prior to the pandemic they were operating seasonally to LAX and had announced service to Delhi. They were well-advanced with a plan to create a hub at MAN involving feed by FlyBe, but we all know what happened there. MAN is currently without domestic service to EDI or GLA, which would be an important source of feed to long-haul, however northern England and the midlands is a pretty large catchment in itself.

Mr A Tis
14th Sep 2022, 14:18
I do hope we see some growth by VS to the USA and elsewhere. Prior to the pandemic they were operating seasonally to LAX and had announced service to Delhi. They were well-advanced with a plan to create a hub at MAN involving feed by FlyBe, but we all know what happened there. MAN is currently without domestic service to EDI or GLA, which would be an important source of feed to long-haul, however northern England and the midlands is a pretty large catchment in itself.

I'm not sure that argument of hubbing via MAN holds water. Edinburgh has flights with Delta, United, American, Air Canada & I think Westjet. Why would anyone want to connect with the sprawling disjointed airport of Manchester.? Any Virgin flights from MAN would have to be able to stand alone without any significant reliance on connections. The two main long haul destinations unserved from MAN remain Bangkok & Delhi, with the recession looming, I don't see any carrier having the appetite for major expansion (with Ryanair being the notable possible exception)

14th Sep 2022, 17:13
I'm not sure that argument of hubbing via MAN holds water. Edinburgh has flights with Delta, United, American, Air Canada & I think Westjet. Why would anyone want to connect with the sprawling disjointed airport of Manchester.? Any Virgin flights from MAN would have to be able to stand alone without any significant reliance on connections. The two main long haul destinations unserved from MAN remain Bangkok & Delhi, with the recession looming, I don't see any carrier having the appetite for major expansion (with Ryanair being the notable possible exception)

The thing is that it was already happening in 2019 prior to the pandemic and my retirement from MAG when I was working on MAN-TP and the hub proposal. There were in that year substantial volumes connecting between Jet Airways Mumbai service and VS flights to JFK, LAX and ATL. Volumes were growing too across FlyBe on to both VS and TCX, plus surprisingly quite a lot from EI to VS, especially when seasonal peaks differed between Eire and the UK, and with Florida being poorly served from DUB. It was acknowledged that there's a good deal of work to do make MAN a better transfer experience and to get reliable minimum connecting times. That work was well progressed when Covid hit. Having now retired I am unable to say whether the transfer hub project is still extant.

Skipness One Foxtrot
15th Sep 2022, 00:44
Jet Airways also had substanial volumes on their own scissors hub at BRU but again, lost money, and they've since gone bust. Classic example of connections being done at a loss would be the once great British Midland who became the ***** of every STAR ALLIANCE codeshare carrier possible and still couldn't make real money.

MAN is not a natural hub, it lacks an anchor network carrier, (not a criticism of MAG). So any Pakistan/Indian traffic VS could feed onto it's US services would be arguably cannibalising their own LHR base. I think there's scope for a point to point holiday network to LAS/BOS/LAX or SFO in summer but not sure that'd scale up to year round, could be done with one based aircraft, 2 x LAS, 2 x BOS, 2 x LAX/SFO?

27th Sep 2022, 09:31
Just announced that VS are joining SkyTeam in 2023

27th Sep 2022, 12:41
Virgin also said today no return to Gatwick 2023 to 2025 but new routes from Heathrow in 2023. I wonder where the slots will be coming from. They recently said they couldn’t expand at Manchester owing to lack of pilots but can at Heathrow! Also in 2021 they said they may need to use Gatwick slots, as they will have too many aircraft for just their Heathrow slots! What does one believe?

Skipness One Foxtrot
27th Sep 2022, 12:55
Virgin also said today no return to Gatwick 2023 to 2025 but new routes from Heathrow in 2023. I wonder where the slots will be coming from. They recently said they couldn’t expand at Manchester owing to lack of pilots but can at Heathrow! Also in 2021 they said they may need to use Gatwick slots, as they will have too many aircraft for just their Heathrow slots! What does one believe?
Remember that DL/VS are in a JV so they can mix and match slots. I suspect they may not be in any rush to go back to PVG or HKG and may refocus on feeding the North Atlantic.
With 14 A339s coming and 3 A359s, how many of the A333 are staying?

27th Sep 2022, 13:11
Remember that DL/VS are in a JV so they can mix and match slots. I suspect they may not be in any rush to go back to PVG or HKG and may refocus on feeding the North Atlantic.
With 14 A339s coming and 3 A359s, how many of the A333 are staying?

I think Weiss said that once all of the A339s have been delivered the fleet will be 10% larger.

Skipness One Foxtrot
5th Oct 2022, 11:39
Being reported today that Virgin are dropping Hong Kong, will Shanghai be next?

5th Oct 2022, 14:52
Being reported today that Virgin are dropping Hong Kong, will Shangai be next?

Bloomberg specifically mentioned Shanghai is staying. Apparently it’s profitable (although it’s only once a week at the moment isn’t it?) and with the Skyteam membership it will link with China Eastern’s hub.

5th Oct 2022, 17:09
‘DELTA (operated by Virgin Atlantic). This is is where this is going…
Long live the red tail!

Skipness One Foxtrot
5th Oct 2022, 18:06
Bloomberg specifically mentioned Shanghai is staying. Apparently it’s profitable (although it’s only once a week at the moment isn’t it?) and with the Skyteam membership it will link with China Eastern’s hub.
Virgin operated Shanghai ended cargo ops in March, and China Eastern also fly LHR-PVG. So for Virgin, it may HAVE BEEN profitable pre COVID and with cargo only, but I don't see how it becomes profitable in the medium term with China still chasing zero COVID. Is there room for MU and VS and BA? Makes more sense for MU to be the Skyteam option IMHO.

5th Oct 2022, 20:22
For political reasons much of HKs financial sector has left, mostly to Singapore. I think traffic to HK is in longterm decline.

6th Oct 2022, 09:43
VS tend to leave routes when they can't make them work, but if it like Mumbai they will leave some kit there and come back if. They have left Mumbai twice and come back when the market is right.

HKG has changed dramatically and there probably isn't room for CX, BA and VS.

27th Oct 2022, 20:06
Virgin's first A339 (G-VJAZ) is on its first revenue flight this evening, LHR-BOS.

Bearing in mind the Neo's greater range than the A333's they are replacing, was wondering whether they will be deployed on some longer routes (which the A333's dont see) such as LAX, SFO, SEA, JNB etc?

18th Nov 2022, 21:54
Does VS have fifth freedom on West Indies sectors e.g. BGI-GND, BGI-SVD, BGI-TAB, etc.?

19th Nov 2022, 01:20

Virgin Atlantic are to start flights between LHR, London Heathrow and MLE, Male, Maldives and PLS, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos.

London Heathrow to MLE Male, Maldives commences 22 October 2023 three weekly seasonal Boeing 787-9.
London Heathrow to PLS Providenciales, Turks and Caicos commences November 15 2023 twice weekly year round Boeing 787-9.

When Virgin Atlantic recently announced that they were planning on obtaining new slots and announce new destinations from London Heathrow I wasn't expecting these two. I wonder if Virgin Atlantic will shortly announce the much speculated route from LHR, London Heathrow to ICN, Seoul Incheon, Korea.

19th Nov 2022, 21:27

Virgin Atlantic are to start flights between LHR, London Heathrow and MLE, Male, Maldives and PLS, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos.

London Heathrow to MLE Male, Maldives commences 22 October 2023 three weekly seasonal Boeing 787-9.
London Heathrow to PLS Providenciales, Turks and Caicos commences November 15 2023 twice weekly year round Boeing 787-9.

When Virgin Atlantic recently announced that they were planning on obtaining new slots and announce new destinations from London Heathrow I wasn't expecting these two. I wonder if Virgin Atlantic will shortly announce the much speculated route from LHR, London Heathrow to ICN, Seoul Incheon, Korea.

They've just received 3 new daily slot pairs at LHR for next summer (2 from KLM and one allocated) so I'm sure there will be an announcement for new summer routes soon. ICN and SLC have been strongly mooted.

19th Nov 2022, 21:47
They've just received 3 new daily slot pairs at LHR for next summer (2 from KLM and one allocated) so I'm sure there will be an announcement for new summer routes soon. ICN and SLC have been strongly mooted.

Given the CMA’s recent comments about the Korean Air/Asiana merger I wonder if Virgin will hold off launching ICN in the hope of getting remedy slots for free?

14th Feb 2023, 19:36
Virgin Atlantic will suspend all flights to Pakistan later this year:


A Virgin Atlantic spokesperson said: “As we continue to ramp up our flying programme in 2023, we’ve taken the opportunity to review our entire network and decided to make a few changes."

“Following this review, it is with regret that we’ve taken the difficult decision to suspend our services between London Heathrow and Pakistan. Since commencing operations in December 2020, we have been proud to offer choice for customers travelling between London and Manchester in the UK, and Islamabad and Lahore in Pakistan. During that time, we have also provided important cargo capacity, as well as delivering vital medical supplies."

“This is not a decision we have taken lightly, and we’d like to apologise for any inconvenience caused. We would like to wholeheartedly thank everyone in Pakistan; our customers, teams, partners and the authorities for their support over the past two years.”

Virgin Atlantic will continue to operate services between London and Lahore until 1st May and between London and Islamabad until 9th July.

It's plausible that the route suspensions will allow Virgin to launch a new route, possibly to a SkyTeam hub.

14th Feb 2023, 20:21
It’s no surprise really, they only started Pakistan because COVID meant they couldn’t fly anywhere else. Now the world has opened up again there are far more lucrative places to fly to. It’s perhaps more surprising they’ve lasted as long as they have.

17th Feb 2023, 09:25
I guess changing are slowly happening.

2nd Mar 2023, 19:01
Folks, a question for those who know...does Virgin's IFE (A330 to Orlando) allow you to plug in a USB bluetooth dongle for a headset? I have a good headset for work, but needs to be driven off bluetooth. I suspect the USB ports are just power ports, rather than outputs for the IFE, but can't confirm from the website. Thanks!

2nd Mar 2023, 21:32
Folks, a question for those who know...does Virgin's IFE (A330 to Orlando) allow you to plug in a USB bluetooth dongle for a headset? I have a good headset for work, but needs to be driven off bluetooth. I suspect the USB ports are just power ports, rather than outputs for the IFE, but can't confirm from the website. Thanks!

The IFE on the A330neos and newer A350s definitely allows bluetooth headsets to be connected directly to the system. I dont believe all the A330ceos have this system though.

2nd Mar 2023, 22:27
Thanks Cazza!

3rd Mar 2023, 18:09
Looks like a Seoul link could be one step closer after the recent announcement that the UK authorities have finally agreed to the Korean Air/Asiana merger. This announcement now leaves the EU and USA to come to their own conclusion before the merger finally gets the final go-ahead.

Mr @ Spotty M
3rd Mar 2023, 21:15
Yes but only after the end of the Ukraine/Russian war.

27th Apr 2023, 21:38
with Bangalore next on the cards, I was interested to think of some of the routes VS have done and then dropped?

27th Apr 2023, 21:58
In terms of India, they planned to launch BOM and DEL from MAN in 2020

28th Apr 2023, 09:15
If a route does not fit with Delta's plans? They the chances of it starting must be minimal.

The LHR-JNB route is a cash cow. Most nights, BA has a 777 + 380 and, some nights, double 380. VS? Just a 789 and CPT only in the southern summer.

28th Apr 2023, 10:02
The LHR-JNB route is a cash cow. Most nights, BA has a 777 + 380 and, some nights, double 380. VS? Just a 789 and CPT only in the southern summer.

I never ever understood as to why the LHR-JNB was never a double daily from almost the outset of starting on the route.
BA and SAA both had double 747's at that time.
I also never knew why a 747-400 was not a permanent feature on it too -
The A340-300 was far from ideal with the HGW's out of JNB (and also from CPT) which meant lucrative Cargo was left off, or could not even be booked.

I vaguely recall JNB did go double daily then Covid killed it off >??

I know why CPT was stop-start over the years - This was largely in part due to the corruption of 'local' ticket selling agents and Virgin unable to get their money in.

28th Apr 2023, 20:22
with Bangalore next on the cards, I was interested to think of some of the routes VS have done and then dropped?

Virgin Atlantic have dropped the following destinations from their network over the course of their history.

Aberdeen (Virgin Red)
Austin (ends 07 January 2024)
Belfast International
Dubai (resumes 28 October 2023)
Hong Kong
Islamabad (ends 11 July 2023)
London Gatwick
Moscow (fuel stop)
Port Harcourt (Virgin Nigeria)
Tokyo Narita

VS have often dropped routes and then restarted them. I wonder if one or two of the dropped destinations that I have listed above will ever return to the airlines route network.

Of note, I have re-edited the list to include the missing destinations of Chicago, Havana and Varadero.

28th Apr 2023, 20:36
You can add Havana to the list aswell.

28th Apr 2023, 21:53
I wonder if Virgin would ever consider bringing Little Red back. Then again, that would truly be the nail in the coffin for the MAN "hub" !!

28th Apr 2023, 22:20
I doubt it. They were well and truly burnt with Little Red, it hardly generated any connecting pax and had LF below 40%.

It must have haemorrhaged a lot of money for them.

28th Apr 2023, 22:23
Had Flybe survived, that would've been their feeder.. Imho they are well settled in with booking customers onto BA Shuttle flights rather than operating it themselves.

29th Apr 2023, 07:40
Had Flybe survived, that would've been their feeder.. Imho they are well settled in with booking customers onto BA Shuttle flights rather than operating it themselves.

Virgin/Delta combined with AFKL offer a multitude of connections via Schiphol and Roissy every day (and truly globally) and you might be surprised to learn inbound and on our flight to Orlando as well !

I can assure you putting their clients onto BA shuttles is NOT optimal and certainly not in the greater interests of the company.

BTW Little Red services to Manchester weren’t a part of the BMi remedial packages; more rather were slot sitting a few own and Delta slots at the time.

It was never a commercially viable proposition utilising Aer Lingus either, especially when it became clear the slots weren’t going to be allowed to be transferred to anything other than alternative EU/UK destinations and as designated in the agreement even beyond the six season use restriction period.

Effectively they became useless so Virgin Red gave up cut their mounting loses and handed them back early. (only Aer Lingus an IAG Group company made any money out of that venture and ultimately straight back into the same pot as if BA had retained them:bored:)

Evidence these remedial slots really aren’t worth the hassle with all the risk caveats and restrictions can clearly be sighted at the FAILURE of Flybe not once but twice, and in both cases the liquidator’s inability to gain any value out of them other than to hand them straight back to BA .

BA are under no obligation to provide workable and reliable slot pairs to a competitor. It’s pretty much a stitch up .

Loganair may have an advantage using the slots to the highlands and Dundee because they retain a long standing working relationship and interline agreement with BA that others haven’t had.

There is however a question; are Loganair really introducing the completion that these remedial slots releases were supposed to deliver - I am not sure to be honest.

29th Apr 2023, 09:25
One slight correction to the list of former routes above, Virgin never flew to Moscow. They did bid for the route authority but lost to bmi, and then easyJet (much to the annoyance of SRB).

29th Apr 2023, 10:34
One slight correction to the list of former routes above, Virgin never flew to Moscow. They did bid for the route authority but lost to bmi, and then easyJet (much to the annoyance of SRB).

Do I not recall they stopped in Moscow on route to Tokyo many many years ago prior to the formal opening of the Trans Siberian corridor?

29th Apr 2023, 14:08
You can add Havana to the list as well.

NAS too - short-lived at the time but has just restarted up.

VAR Varadero did not last long either

29th Apr 2023, 14:14
Do I not recall they stopped in Moscow on route to Tokyo many many years ago prior to the formal opening of the Trans Siberian corridor?

Yes the first NRT flights in 1989 from LGW VS901 was on a Classic 747 G-VIRG or VGIN and had to stop at SVO for fuel - No traffic rights on that sector.
2 more 747's were soon added obtained from SQ 747-212B's with PW -7Q engines that could do the flight non-stop so the SVO stop could be dropped. G-TKYO and G-VRGN

29th Apr 2023, 15:00
they also stopped/re started Chicago a few times

also Man-UVF

Was crew with VS 2004-2016 so I operated a lot of these routes, I think the plan was to return to Tokyo, but not Narita the other one.

29th Apr 2023, 22:17
You can add Havana to the list aswell.

I had completely overlooked Chicago, Havana and Varadero.

I am going to edit the list to include those three destinations.

Moscow as already stated by others was a fuel stop during the early day's of LGW-Tokyo-Narita.

29th Apr 2023, 22:39
they also stopped/re started Chicago a few times

also Man-UVF

Was crew with VS 2004-2016 so I operated a lot of these routes, I think the plan was to return to Tokyo, but not Narita the other one.

I was listing former destinations of which VS used to serve. I was not necessarily listing the actual routes. The airline currently serves UVF, albeit not from Manchester.

VS had indeed announced that a return to Tokyo would be to Haneda rather than Narita once their B787-9s entered service. But obviously this never materialised.

30th Apr 2023, 06:43
Although it was never flown, does São Paulo count as well?

30th Apr 2023, 08:24
Although it was never flown, does São Paulo count as well?

I was going to add that information at the bottom of the list but the route never materialised due to circumstances beyond the airlines control. With no VS Sao Paulo route ever starting in the first place I didn't count it as a former destination.

VS haven't mentioned anything regarding Sao Paulo since 2020 when the route was supposed to commence, but obviously it didn't due to the pandemic.

With the Brazilian airline AZUL expanding their European network may we see VS take another look at serving Sao Paulo. VS did have a tie up with the Brazilian airline GOL when they announced SaoPaulo. The airline has a large network which would have served VS well in the South American market.

10th May 2023, 13:28

"Virgin's 2022 results, published on Wednesday, showed the transatlantic-focused airline's recovery from COVID-19, which it only narrowly survived. Revenues recovered to 98% of 2019 levels and it reported a pretax loss before exceptional items of 206 million pounds ($259.99 million)."

Expect profitability in 2024.

17th May 2023, 06:40

17th May 2023, 07:47
‘Cosmic Girl’ is only going to one place… the wreckers yard.

1st Jun 2023, 08:52
Virgin announcing at least one new route today.

Sioltach Dubh Glas
1st Jun 2023, 10:16
Is that a New Route, or the reintroduction of one?

Either way it'll be a positive move.

1st Jun 2023, 10:24
Is that a New Route, or the reintroduction of one?

Either way it'll be a positive move.

MAN-LAS, last served up until Covid.

Not too sure on this but it could possibly more than just one, I’m told they “are announcing other things” too..

1st Jun 2023, 13:21
LHR-DXB is BACK! 4 times a week 787

also MAN-LAS

1st Jun 2023, 13:39
Back to Dubai too

1st Jun 2023, 13:49
Why is flying to Dubai going to be better for VS' bank balance this time compared to a few years ago when it was dropped ?
Not saying that VS won't make huge quantities of money on a LHR-DXB route - just that there needs to be a good reason for resuming a route that was previously dropped well before Covid

1st Jun 2023, 14:02
Also inter island Caribbean flying.

so basically selling tickets to fly between the islands

Skipness One Foxtrot
1st Jun 2023, 14:09
Is that a New Route, or the reintroduction of one?
Either way it'll be a positive move.
Great news but an expected resumption, it's no more a new route than LHR-PVG. They do love their PR though.

2nd Jun 2023, 07:13
Why is flying to Dubai going to be better for VS' bank balance this time compared to a few years ago when it was dropped ?
Not saying that VS won't make huge quantities of money on a LHR-DXB route - just that there needs to be a good reason for resuming a route that was previously dropped well before Covid

Im guessing that as it's just four flights a week and seasonal that a lot of the seats will be sold as part of a package via Virgin Holidays.

5th Jun 2023, 06:20
São Paulo and Bengaluru announced today as new routes!

5th Jun 2023, 07:48
São Paulo and Bengaluru announced today as new routes!
Ooft everyone soon going for a bit of BLR…

5th Jun 2023, 10:24
Does this mean that Virgin launching Heathrow to Seoul is off the cards for 23/24? I thought that due to the Korean/Asiana merger, they had to be another carrier on the route and due to Virgin joining SkyTeam, this was to be Virgin?

5th Jun 2023, 10:37
Will Virgin finally press ahead with plans and open the Manchester Clubhouse for Summer 2024? This could also act as a de-facto Skyteam lounge.

18th Jun 2023, 14:05
seems the sudden bandwagon panacea that was AUS is perhaps not as rosy as was expected. Summer increase scrapped, winter overall reduced.

18th Jun 2023, 19:50
seems the sudden bandwagon panacea that was AUS is perhaps not as rosy as was expected. Summer increase scrapped, winter overall reduced.

Always was going to be tricky with BA on the route and AUS being an AA focus city.

18th Jun 2023, 19:57
On the MAN Clubhouse, I'd be surprised if VS commit to the capital spend required.

As for AUS, BA is obviously well established on this route and has the benefit of AA's presence to generate outbound traffic. I think as far as inbound traffic to the US is concerned the weakness of the pound against the dollar and inflation makes the US is a far less attractive destination for UK travellers.

19th Jun 2023, 06:20
The fact that every US city is now a drug ridden homeless camp doesn’t help either

19th Jun 2023, 17:35
The fact that every US city is now a drug ridden homeless camp doesn’t help either
Seems a little harsh. I have been to some lovely US cities…

19th Jun 2023, 17:47
Once upon a time I do believe that the USA was worth visiting, but in recent years it has become, quite simply, a toilet.

Jet Set Willie
19th Jun 2023, 17:50
Seems a little harsh. I have been to some lovely US cities…

Have to agree though. Since Covid, some amazing cities have just become tent cities which just smell of weed the whole time. Really sad to see but with not feeling at all safe in some once fantastic cities, we have taken the decision to family holiday closer to home for the foreseeable :(

Level bust
20th Jun 2023, 09:44
There is more to The US than cities!

22nd Jun 2023, 21:58
Hi All,

I find myself in a bit of a crux at the minute, however by no means do I intend to come across as ungrateful or believing I have it worse than others.

I find myself unsure of what airline/ career job I want to take. For context, I’m a young(ish) FO who was made redundant twice from a certain poorly managed UK regional airline. I’ve got a start date at the end of summer with VAA SO, and currently have interviews lined up with TUI/DHL. I’m not sure if I’m just paranoid of losing my job again but I’m struggling to decide what the most logical, secure (term used lightly given the sh1thousery of the industry) and fulfilling job is out of the opportunities at present. I’m fully aware I’m lucky to even have a job lined up, that I’m not ungrateful for.

I find myself still unsure of VAA, given I never intended to go LH so early, would prefer a SH role and be home, but at the end of the day all I want is the most secure role. I’m not asking any thing directly but any honest insight/advice/feedback would be massively appreciated.

23rd Jun 2023, 14:17
I’d go to DHL to be honest.

23rd Jun 2023, 17:31
You are probably best to ask this in Terms and Endearment forum. With all due respect to the people that post in this particular forum, a lot are armchair CEOs and enthusiasts - a lot of pilots don’t make it down this far. Having previously lost my captain’s job, I feel for you and recognise your desire for stability. I haven’t flown for DHL nor VS, but freight didn’t suffer during Covid and has continued to boom, so I would go for DHL.
Hi All,

I find myself in a bit of a crux at the minute, however by no means do I intend to come across as ungrateful or believing I have it worse than others.

I find myself unsure of what airline/ career job I want to take. For context, I’m a young(ish) FO who was made redundant twice from a certain poorly managed UK regional airline. I’ve got a start date at the end of summer with VAA SO, and currently have interviews lined up with TUI/DHL. I’m not sure if I’m just paranoid of losing my job again but I’m struggling to decide what the most logical, secure (term used lightly given the sh1thousery of the industry) and fulfilling job is out of the opportunities at present. I’m fully aware I’m lucky to even have a job lined up, that I’m not ungrateful for.

I find myself still unsure of VAA, given I never intended to go LH so early, would prefer a SH role and be home, but at the end of the day all I want is the most secure role. I’m not asking any thing directly but any honest insight/advice/feedback would be massively appreciated.

27th Oct 2023, 17:02
Virgin Atlantic are to cease London Heathrow to Austin. Final flight from London Heathrow will be the 07 January 2024.

Virgin Atlantic started LHR-AUS in May 2022.

Virgin Atlantic will increase LHR-BGI between 10 January 2024 and 29 March 2024 from 11 to 14 weekly flight's.

Virgin Atlantic will increase LHR-MIA from 11 to 14 weekly flight's for the 2024 summer season.

Virgin Atlantic for the winter 2024/2025 season will increase LHR-DBX from four weekly flight's to daily.

27th Oct 2023, 17:08
Thanks Sotonsean. We see that Delta still hold all the cards and the highly lucrative South African market still left to VS' old friends ...

27th Oct 2023, 18:40
The Austin market was never going to support the sudden gold rush long term. Wont be the last AUS casualty (or VS one…)

28th Oct 2023, 07:34
Pity - it's a nice spot - best city n Texas fo' sure

28th Oct 2023, 08:50
Perhaps unsurprising given the tech slowdown and BA suspending LHR-SJC. From IAG's results, transatlantic traffic is being driven by outbound US leisure traffic, rather than UK point of sale.

I wonder where this leaves Virgin's network? It seems to switch between focusing on the US and broadening the network. Both CPT & DXB were reinstated having been suspended.

In the US, VS can't compete against the frequencies of rival alliances on LHR-EWR & ORD. I wonder how TPA is performing?

28th Oct 2023, 10:39
They restarted CPT but ONLY in the southern winter and only a single rotation to JNB year round. Meanwhile, BA run 777 to CPT every night of the year, sometimes two. JNB gets a 380 every night and sometimes an additional 777 or, at peak, a second 380!

This is easy pickings but Delta are not interested. Very strange.

29th Oct 2023, 21:00
News about a codeshare between VS and Vietnam Airlines on routes between Delhi/Mumbai and Hanoi/Ho Chi Minh City
I'm struggling to understand what sort of passengers would likely want a VS ticket on these routes or why VS and VN think this will do well. This codeshare seems to be Skyteam boxticking for the sake of boxticking. If I wanted to fly between London and Vietnam, changing aircraft in India at a nonhub city doesn't seem an obvious choice - with relatively low frequencies from both VS and VN on the respective sectors, there seems to be too much risk and downside to a passenger if things go wrong, along with little opportunity to fix issues due to Indian visa requirements

29th Oct 2023, 21:13
And a third BA several times a week from LGW during northern winter... 3 BA aircraft to CPT tonight

30th Oct 2023, 11:24
Yes VLCfkight As JNB/CPT are my most regular long haul [first trip Dec 1965 on a VC10!] I have followed this market for a long time and used many carriers, not to mention F&F. I am meeting a friend at LHR this weekend, who has used a cheaper route from CPT via ZRH.

VS had already established a good record in ZA from 1996 (I think. My first trip with them to JNB was '97). I accept they had to retrench at one stage but now? I cannot understand how Delta ignore this market as Delta already serve JNB and CPT to ATL (friends have used), so they already have infrastructure in place to handle more rotations. If I was a Delta shareholder I would be asking questions as this destination is wide open.

The real puzzle is that they let their old enemy have free rein. When VS introduced the A350, it was it was stated that this would take over the JNB run from the 789, thus far, it is mostly the smaller machine. Amusingly :hmm: Delta are running the A350 on both these routes! I'm sure that mgmt know what they are doing ...

30th Oct 2023, 21:26
VS en route to CPT tonight.... first flight of the Noerthern Winter schedules.

16th Nov 2023, 19:28
Virgin has delayed it's LHR - GRU route until the Summer of 2025.

16th Nov 2023, 19:53
Virgin has delayed it's LHR - GRU route until the Summer of 2025.

LHR-GRU was supposed to commence at the start of the IATA summer 2024 season which is the 31 March 2024.

LHR-GRU was originally announced in 2019 with a start date for March 2020. This was more or less at the outset of the covid pandemic but obviously it never materialised.

VS have now once again delayed commencing LHR-GRU until the summer of 2025.

It does make me wonder if LHR-GRU will ever happen.

3rd Apr 2024, 11:54
Profitability remains elusive for Virgin Atlantic with another annual loss. Net debt seems very high at £3 billion.


Virgin Atlantic Ltd (Virgin Atlantic) has released its annual financial results for the year ending 31st December 2023. Results reflect progress made in a year of sustained customer demand, as the airline capitalised on continued desire for premium leisure air travel and holidays. Virgin Atlantic reported record total revenue of £3.1 billion, up £265 million versus 2022.Continued cost discipline, combined with enhanced fleet utilisation, contributed towards record Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA) of £352 million. Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) of £80 million surpassed 2019 results, achieving a key milestone on the path to sustainable profitability. Losses before tax and exceptional items narrowed to (£139) million from (£206) million in the previous year and Virgin Atlantic is on course to return to profitability in 2024. Virgin Atlantic ended the year with a robust cash position of £406 million, up from £399 million in 2022.​​​​​​​


19th Apr 2024, 17:51
Rumours of a big pay deal for Virgin Atlantic pilots (29%).
Well done BALPA :D

20th Apr 2024, 07:30
"Profitability remains elusive for Virgin Atlantic with another annual loss"

Virgin are masters at Byzantine corporate structures - even the Economist couldn't figure out how the losses and gains flowed through it. Partly it was helped by the constituent companies having a wide variety of year end dates........................

20th Apr 2024, 08:13
Rumours of a big pay deal for Virgin Atlantic pilots (29%).
Well done BALPA :D

Not entirely true by a loooong shot

24th Apr 2024, 19:22
What do VS call the most senior cabin manager? They have changed the title over the years and I cannot recall. Thanks.

24th Apr 2024, 19:42
What do VS call the most senior cabin manager? They have changed the title over the years and I cannot recall. Thanks.
Currently: ‘FSM Flight Service Manager’

25th Apr 2024, 06:19
Used to be the IFS > inflight supervisor yonks ago.

3rd Jun 2024, 11:28
Virgin Atlantic will return to Tel Aviv from 5 September.

It also has new codeshare deals in place with El Al, Saudia and discussions are underway with SAS:


10th Jun 2024, 18:03
VS to start daily flights to Toronto from LHR from May 2025 using the A333/A339:


Skipness One Foxtrot
10th Jun 2024, 18:44
VS to start daily flights to Toronto from LHR from May 2025 using the A333/A339:

That seems *brave* IMHO given Air Canada's dominance and both BA and Air Transat competing!

10th Jun 2024, 19:13
one year wonder… blink and you’ll miss it

10th Jun 2024, 20:48
Good to see Virgin Atlantic giving Toronto another go. Hopefully this time round the route will be a success and remain within the airlines route network. This will be the first time that a Skyteam member airline has ever operated on LHR to Toronto. With VS now a member of an alliance then hopefully Toronto will be a success this time around. If so VS might even consider resuming Vancouver.

10th Jun 2024, 21:00
Good to see Virgin Atlantic giving Toronto another go. Hopefully this time round the route will be a success and remain within the airlines route network. This will be the first time that a Skyteam member airline has ever operated on LHR to Toronto. With VS now a member of an alliance then hopefully Toronto will be a success this time around. If so VS might even consider resuming Vancouver.

VS are expanding their relationship with WS which should also boost connectivity onto the route from their network through YYZ.

https://westjet.mediaroom.com/2024-06-10-WestJet-and-Virgin-Atlantic-announce-significant-expansion-of-codeshare-relationship-unlocking-further-international-connectivity-for-Canadians-including-multiple-points-in-India#:~:text=By%20summer%202025%2C%20WestJet%20will,WestJet %20announced%20the%20expanded%20relationship.

10th Jun 2024, 21:13
VS are expanding their relationship with WS which should also boost connectivity onto the route from their network through YYZ.

https://westjet.mediaroom.com/2024-06-10-WestJet-and-Virgin-Atlantic-announce-significant-expansion-of-codeshare-relationship-unlocking-further-international-connectivity-for-Canadians-including-multiple-points-in-India#:~:text=By%20summer%202025%2C%20WestJet%20will,WestJet %20announced%20the%20expanded%20relationship.

Even better.

Thanks for sharing the link.

This relationship with Westjet and the airlines extensive domestic network will give VS a good chance of success with the resumption of LHR to Toronto.

Not much in the way of Oneworld connections from Toronto and Star Alliance is well covered by Air Canada. With a Skyteam member now joining the other two alliances on LHR to Toronto and with the VS/Westjet relationship I'm sure that it will be more successful than the airlines first attempt.