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southside bobby
9th Nov 2020, 10:51
Newquay has closed its terminal to passengers for the time being in a short statement this morning.

10th Nov 2020, 22:38
Loganair seem to be increasing routes at nqy. The latest addition being MME

so loganair will operate MME and MAN in addition to eastern.

4th Jan 2021, 18:29

5th Jan 2021, 08:03
Not strictly true, the airfield would appear to be open just not the terminal for scheduled airline ops.

Martin the Martian
16th Jan 2021, 12:19
So Boris has just announced that the 2021 G7 summit will be held in Cornwall.

I should imagine that Newquay Airport management have just had a collective panic attack.

16th Jan 2021, 12:32
US government will most likely utilise the highly secure RAF Fairford for Biden visit as with Obama to Wales

16th Jan 2021, 15:41
Fairford is a long way from St Ives! (over 200 miles)

More likely they use NQY and bring a lot of security, or bring him over in something smaller (eg, 757, like Trump at SOU) that could use the Military security of Culdrose (longest runway 1800m)
which is pretty close.

NQY has a lot of space, plenty for the Govt widebodies and military accompanyment.

16th Jan 2021, 16:34
It's the 20,000 journalists who will be using Newquay......................

Did he say WHERE in Cornwall? There can't be many options........................

16th Jan 2021, 16:59
All the articles on G7 in Cornwall seems to have been pulled - a google search linked to a number of pages at different pages but they're all "not available"

Sounds like either someone mis-heard or they jumped the gun....................

Martin the Martian
16th Jan 2021, 17:03

Carbis Bay, near St.Ives.

Curious Pax
16th Jan 2021, 17:15
Actual venue seems to be where Mrs CP and I had our wedding reception 25 years ago! Nephew already had a visit to Carbis Bay booked for what I think is the likely week of the Summit. Told him driving from there to St Ives that week might be challenging! Assumes that we’re down to Tier 1 or 2 by then of course!

16th Jan 2021, 20:15
If its the Carbis Bay Hotel, it's a nice place (and not cheap), but big enough to host a G7?

17th Jan 2021, 05:01
G7: UK to host Cornwall seaside summit in summer https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-55678267

17th Jan 2021, 07:12
The venue mentioned is Tregenna Castle, which is a larger and more secluded location and makes more sense for security etc.

Martin the Martian
18th Jan 2021, 12:47
Tregenna would make a lot more sense, but it is indeed the Carbis Bay Hotel.

18th Jan 2021, 15:40
They're putting the media centre in the Maritime Museum at Falmouth

has anyone ever driven between there and St Ives? the highways and byways are going to be clogged solid..

and how the Beast will get around is anyone's guess - should open up a few roads tho'......

18th Jan 2021, 18:15
I have lived in this area for the past eighteen years so have a fair idea. Driving between Falmouth and Carbos Bay is not an issue, "The beast" is a minnow compared to a lot of traffic that will use these roads. Tregenna Castle will be easy for landing helicopters so wouldn't that be the most likely way VIP's would get in and out, probably flying back to St Mawgan, or, is even RAF Chivenor an option? What is likely to be more of an issue in Falmouth is finding beds for all of the media.
By coincidence I also happen to be a volunteer with D&C Police so will possibly be a tiny cog in the huge traffic flow and management task, should be really interesting!
Finally I hear there is a plan to try to launch the first space flight at the same time, Better get a bigger car park!!

18th Jan 2021, 22:31
How about using RNAS Culdrose , then helicopter to Carbis Bay.

19th Jan 2021, 09:15
Thinking about it, there should only be one movement in and one out of any leaders aircraft and apart from President Biden none will likely be using any aircraft needing massive runways. The biggest issue will be security whilst stored. To avoid turning NQY in to a fortress, logistically it would surely be far more secure to use an existing military base such as Culdrose, Chivenor or even Lyneham then simply helicopter to the golf course right by the Hotel. Lyneham is a long way away and I have no idea the range of helicopters that could fly to Carbis Bay quickly so that maybe not practical. Culdrose is about half the distance in road time from the Hotel than NQY so another reason it may be more suitable. NQY to Carbis Bay the access roads are arguably better but even from Culdrose they are not a problem.
There are many local rumours about making changes at NQY, spending hundreds on upgrades, but, these must surely be just rumours. Where NQY will of course stand to earn real extra revenue is from the hangers on, press, support teams who will be flying in and out commercially in thousands.
We will see what happens the only thing I would recommend is avoid taking your holidays that week.

19th Jan 2021, 11:09
It’s really not that big of an issue. These planes use commercial airports all the time.

as for the size of the aircraft Japan will also come by 777-300. Germany could use their A350. Korea has been invited so they would likely use their 747 too. Biden isn’t the only one with a big jet.

There is even a large chance they will go to London and then just use cars/coaches to go down to Cornwall. This is what has been done for State Visits by some leaders that have gone outside London.

19th Jan 2021, 15:56
I'm certainly no expert on the performance of the VC-25 (so fully expecting to be corrected!) but would they not be looking for a bit more runway to play with than either Chivenor or Culdrose?

19th Jan 2021, 16:32
If I remember correctly for the summit in Birmingham Air Force 1 dropped Bill Clinton off at BHX but he flew out of U.K. from Mildenhall

19th Jan 2021, 18:50
It's not all about the size of the runway. I was based at RAF Northolt and we handled lots of summits etc. The security services take in to account access for the motorcade, escape options for the motorcade in the unlikely event of an incident along with access to a large medical facility again in the unlikely event.

Curious Pax
19th Jan 2021, 19:21
They’ll be doing their nut if they need a motorcade from Culdrose to Carbis Bay! The A30 down from Newquay might not be too bad as long as they avoid the weekend!

19th Jan 2021, 19:24
Lots of heli activity then ..... the preferred option for most.

19th Jan 2021, 23:51
Surely if they're already in London they should travel down by train to reduce their carbon emissions

20th Jan 2021, 07:01
It's a great journey, but slow once past Exeter (although very scenic in parts). Biden is apparantly a bit of a rail geek ("Amtrak Joe") so might appreciate Dawlish, the "Devon banks" (some of the steepest mainline railway in the UK) and Brunel's bridge across the Tamar just after Plymouth. The branch line from St Erth to St Ives must be the prettiest in the UK - and is currently having it's track renewed (which Network Rail are saying is a coincidence of timing!)

20th Jan 2021, 07:01
Well 'Sleepy Joe' apparently favours the train to travel into DC from Delaware, so perhaps he'll be tempted by the delights of GWR....... then again, perhaps not!

20th Jan 2021, 07:58
Can you imagine the number of secret service that would be needed for train to be used, surely a helicopter is going to be used

20th Jan 2021, 08:20
I think there's more than an element of tongue stuck firmly in cheek here. Mind you Johnson could always beg loan of the Royal Train from Ma'am and pile all the leaders on to it, along with their entourages! All those leaders in such a confined space might actually lead to some real business being done, and some tangible results from this annual junket.

20th Jan 2021, 08:26
"There is even a large chance they will go to London and then just use cars/coaches to go down to Cornwall"

even going blues & twos that's a 4+ hour trip = helicopter wins

I read that they're starting work on the bit of the A30 N of Truro this spring.......... dualling it I believe

20th Jan 2021, 08:46
For security reasons alone, Biden will use Marine One from I would imagine either Fairford or St Mawgan and talk of travel by road or rail is an absolute non starter!

20th Jan 2021, 08:49
Aren't we all getting a bit ahead of ourselves here; if Covid-19 doesn't behave, then the G7 could just as easily be another Microsoft Teams meeting!!

20th Jan 2021, 09:37
Good point at nots- & don’t forget the quarantine period ! I will get my cost

20th Jan 2021, 09:38

Maybe, but this is a rumour forum and during these uncertain times for all, it’s nice to have a bit of harmless speculation and banter!

20th Jan 2021, 10:42
I read that they're starting work on the bit of the A30 N of Truro this spring.......... dualling it I believe

Indeed so, saw a press release on this a few days ago. It's one of the last bits of single carriageway on the A30 between Exeter and Penzance.

20th Jan 2021, 15:08
The local roads around the site of the conference aren't exactly decent - if you have several thousands media types (and the inevitable protestors) I think it'll be a zoo.................. one road into the site across the railway line......
https://cimg5.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1050x577/2021_01_20_160624_40dbfecf6b7ace8c1ffa4ba4c0c5bd1cda408919.j pg

21st Jan 2021, 08:38
Maybe Boris will cycle down?

22nd Jan 2021, 07:36
wonder if they'll shut down the railway line behind the hotel?

Trinity 09L
23rd Jan 2021, 11:08
The daily wail asking for road widening to accommodate the “beast”, looks like road closures as well. How about a ship to shore trip from an aircraft carrier? Good luck Cornwall.

23rd Jan 2021, 14:46
I hope the hotel isn't owned by a "friend" of Mr Jendrick................ it seems a very odd choice.

24th Jan 2021, 09:36
Do people really pay good money to buy papers that print such carp!
The beast is 5.5 metres long and 1.7 metres wide, my RV is far bigger than that and I get that down narrow Cornish lanes without blinking! The beast is a minnow..
I read in another story that NQY was to have all its taxiways widened for AF1, this for a conference that the way we are going will be held on zoom!

Trinity 09L
24th Jan 2021, 11:15
The comic is free at Waitrose. Will the Scarlet hotel be available to the secret service? I enjoyed this hotel stay.😎

25th Jan 2021, 08:31

Why widen the taxiways, for the amount of traffic that NQY gets, AF1 will be able to back track the runway. Money saved will be better spent on other airfield equipment.

25th Jan 2021, 08:34
Or fly in to a nearby airport and transfer by helicopter?

They didnt extend Perth airport when they had the G8 at Gleneagles!

26th Jan 2021, 01:03
They didn't extend the runway or widen taxiways at MME when Bush flew in! And they could of done with the taxiways being widened!
Bush used both the Beast and Marine 1, can't remember which way round but I think he flew to Blair's house and was driven back but could be wrong.

26th Jan 2021, 07:05
Teesside was fine and still is fine for 744 and AN 124 operations. Turn round and main taxiway no problem. Bush brought both 747s and flew to Blairs in the UH-60 marine one which was delivered by C-17 and guarded by some super stallions from Italy.

26th Jan 2021, 08:36
I said could of done with widening the taxiways.
The central taxiway at MME as you will know is an old runway, I was talking about the actual taxiways.
Newquays taxiways are 23m all the way round which I believe is just within for 744 ops! Likewise they have stored A330 which I believe are in the same category. MME on the other hand has taxiways of 10.5m 15m and 35m.
A problem with Bravo could of scuppered the whole visit!

Newquay, I'm saying appears perfectly capable in it's current form to handle and on paper is better suited in some respect than MME!

26th Jan 2021, 10:24
I see the Newquay runway is twice the width of Teesside. Presume the Japanese will also arrive by 747 so parking will have to be thought about.

southside bobby
26th Jan 2021, 10:44
Same same but different...Japanese Air Force One & Two are now B773`s.

26th Jan 2021, 11:07
And a few recently-arrived BA 744's also.

Whispering Giant
26th Jan 2021, 11:44
NQY can easily accept a 747, as they recently had 2x BA747’s in there for scrapping and they had no problem moving them around. They’ve also in the past had Emirates A340’s in there that were for scrapping and ex RNAF (Dutch) DC10 tankers in there for scrapping. Parking wouldn’t be a issue, they would just use the disused cross Runway and park them over on the Western side of the airfield which is easy to secure off and right next to the still active part of RAF St Mawgan.

26th Jan 2021, 13:00
As l mentioned earlier. Size isn't everything. The security services take in to account access for the motorcade, escape routes in the unlikely event that something may occur and access to a decent medical facility. More than likely the nearest RAF base will be used and the Principle VVIP etc will be taken to the event via helicopter. (ex RAF NORTHOLT dealing with numerous summits, State visits etc & liasing with relevant organisations).

26th Jan 2021, 13:48
Still reckon RAF Fairford with just over the hour flight on Marine One to St Ives, all COVID dependent of course!

Curious Pax
26th Jan 2021, 15:25
I understand the logic of that, but seen through the prism of Johnson’s normal “what will keep me in power” mindset flying the top brass in from outside Cornwall each day would negate a number of the PR reasons for having it there in the first place.

26th Jan 2021, 18:36
My earlier post said I had read a story about taxiways being widened, in the context of papers printing carp. Some seem to have taken it as a serious suggestion!

26th Jan 2021, 18:52
spending millions on a two day meeting that may end up on Zoom, lol!

26th Jan 2021, 19:26

Newquay's declared runway width is the same as Teesside at 45m. It just happens to have a lot more pavement on the shoulders outside the declared width. Either way both runways are suitable for B747 operations...

28th Jan 2021, 14:15
Latest hot story from the local news is the beast will not be deployed but replaced with an armoured 4X4 and a helicopter will be used to fly VIP's in from NQY.

Lyneham it is then....:)

Martin the Martian
30th Jan 2021, 15:27
Rather seems that AF1 will ge using NQY after all, then, if the local news is to be believed. Though I would expect it to reposition to Fairford or Mildenhall after Marine One is airborne.

30th Jan 2021, 18:59
If you believe the local news, which I dont!

2nd Feb 2021, 06:39
Airport website is indicating that BA will not return before July, but that "London" will operate with airline TBC from 28th March?

4th Feb 2021, 06:15
Have heard that EasyJet are planning to add the following destinations from NQY from late June

Glasgow - 2 x Weekly
London Gatwick - 3 x Weekly
Manchester - 5 x Weekly

4th Feb 2021, 07:20
Hoping to capitalise on what might be a staycation Summer I guess, as well as finding things for their fleet to do. Good to see though if true.

4th Feb 2021, 20:22
The EasyJet booking engine says that the Newquay to Glasgow and Manchester services are operated by a "partner airline". Would that be Loganair?

4th Feb 2021, 21:54
Certainly sounds like it.

5th Feb 2021, 11:41
No easyJet flights have been loaded yet. What's appearing on the easyJet booking engine is a flight through "worldwide". New routes are scheduled to be announced next week so will see then if they come to fruition.

14th Feb 2021, 19:34
Looks like LM operating the shortly to be announced NQY -LHR PSO service (and with rather inconvenient timing!) Though its PSO and not necessarily designed specifically for connections.

16th Feb 2021, 08:10
Any more details on this?

24th Feb 2021, 18:17
had a look at the fares to/from Glasgow today. It must be selling like hotcakes! Most flights have one-way fares above £60 one way and some are over £100. Encouraging signs.

25th Feb 2021, 12:32
More good news for NQY - just been reading that Edelweiss have filed for a weekly ZRH-NQY service July - Sept. Flights not yet bookable but fingers crossed.

As a regular visitor to Cornwall I was browsing for accommodation in either Newquay or Falmouth in May and June - no hope! Either no availability or sky high prices so clearly there is significant staycation demand - I'm not surprised the short season EasyJet flights are supposedly selling so well.

25th Feb 2021, 15:00
Loganair NQY-EDI start pushed back from March 28 to April 5, for now at least.

25th Feb 2021, 19:43
Two of the biggest Hotels along cliff road in Falmouth are now retirement homes and luxury flats, if you want to stay in that area you need a converted transit and a mattress!:*

25th Feb 2021, 19:52
Doubt there will be much relaxation in Cornwall this summer with hoards of tourists

25th Feb 2021, 20:05
Looking forward to locking the gates and going in to voluntary lockdown. Of course if it hisses down with rain all Summer that will be great for the airline industry as everyone remembers why they took holidays overseas in the first place.

Haven't looked at the detail but do I read the local Council has turned to Mr B's application for space tourism from NQY!

26th Feb 2021, 07:18
A lot of short-stay accommodation has disappeared from Falmouth over the last 5 years with the expansion of the Uni at Penryn - lots of the old B&B's have sold up . As Groundhog says there has also been a big expansion of retirement homes and second homes.

2nd Mar 2021, 18:32
All those plans about where AF1 will land, the beast and chaos....
Rumours have it Joe may not even be coming to the G7!
Sorry to disappoint the spotters

Curious Pax
2nd Mar 2021, 19:34
The face to face element for all leaders has to be debatable as different countries are at different stages as far as Covid is concerned. However in contrast a friend in Helston is telling me of firm plans for heightened security in the town while it’s on, and gave me the impression it was more than just rumour, although the local (non spotter) rumour mill translates into AF1 at Culdrose!

2nd Mar 2021, 23:33
I would love to see AF1 landing at Helston international 😂

back to reality. NQY-ISC resumes 1st may

3rd Mar 2021, 07:30
Remember AF1 is any plane the POTUS flies in, therefore it could be one of his 757’s. AF1 even came to SOU a couple of years back!

3rd Mar 2021, 08:20
Curious Pax

Even if Biden helicopters in from somewhere else there'll be vast herds of security, diplomats, media swilling about C Cornwall for about a month - all ned protecting - just think of the overtime bill for the police!! they probably can't believe their luck.

6th Mar 2021, 15:10
Eurowings have reinstated their Düsseldorf flight. Ops from 5/6 on a 319
Ryanair back up to twice weekly on Alicante for W21/22

23rd Mar 2021, 18:50
G7 summit: Newquay airport to get £7.8m for upgrades https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cornwall-56484551

any ideas ? What does £7.8 million buy at at airport ?

23rd Mar 2021, 21:05
A flat white and a double choc muffin

24th Mar 2021, 14:12
I might be wrong but there isn't much time to spend this on improvements to the hard infrastructure (eg, runways, taxiways etc), if that were needed surely it would have been thought about before now.

More likely this will cover the costs of bringing in more ground equipment, temporary buildings for crew use, facilities for security provision etc?

To update the above posted yesteday, there's a bit more info within the following ITV News (https://www.itv.com/news/westcountry/2021-03-23/cornwall-airport-newquay-to-get-78m-upgrade-for-g7-summit-2021)

You would think that 2.5 months is not a lot of time to complete the types of work mentioned, but we don't know how significant they need to be in reality.

31st Mar 2021, 19:14
Was Zurich operated to NQY before high summer at some point in past, or is the Edelweiss planned summer service brand new?

1st Apr 2021, 01:16
its defiantly operated previously. I want to say with Swiss ?

1st Apr 2021, 01:22


1st Apr 2021, 07:12
Surprised no one has picked up the old BHD route

1st Apr 2021, 13:05
Good news! Zürich - Newquay announced in the middle of a pandemic??
Edelweiss A320 ops Sundays July - September.
By my reckoning that’s 10 airlines serving Newquay this summer. Not a bad recovery from the flybe collapse.

13th Apr 2021, 11:43
No carrier found for London PSO route


15th Apr 2021, 07:30
Looks like we all need to avoid the area like the plague during the G7 summit - 5,500 extra police involved, rail line shut, serious road disruption for four days plus, nightmare


15th Apr 2021, 07:43
Will make a nice change for the Devon & Cornwall Constabulary catching the kids sniffing stuff behind the sheds in Camborne

22nd Apr 2021, 09:31
EIR have added BHD 3pw from 28/6
That’s the 2019 network almost complete.

22nd Apr 2021, 10:55
Easyjet announced 3rd UK domestic summer seasonal route from Newquay to London Gatwick, flights will operate 3x weekly (Tue, Thu & Sat)

22nd Apr 2021, 21:25
That’s the 2019 network almost complete.
Quote (https://www.pprune.org/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=11032216)
Apart from BHX I really miss this route,! Surely one for Loganair or Eastern?

29th May 2021, 07:44
Good to see scheduled ops at NQY starting to ramp up. London is the glaring gap at the moment, but EZY due to start in a week or so, then BA later in the month.

Noticed an Eastern ATR72 arriving (from SOU) last night, looks like it's operating to JER today - one-off/charter as no mention on the Airport schedules?

29th May 2021, 15:12
The Eastern ATR would have been taking the Cornish Pirates rugby squad to play Jersey Reds.

A320 Glider
29th May 2021, 15:23
I never realised NQY has a 2700m runway. That's longer than most in the UK!

29th May 2021, 22:21

Thanks for the info!

Pat UK
30th May 2021, 01:23
A320 Glider

But a burden upon the taxpayer, CAL has/had a 3,049m runway, more than they were ever likely to need or might only need once in a blue moon so not sufficient to financially support its existence, so they shut down around 40% of the runway to a more suitable length to reduce overheads, NQY remains with a full length runway!!

30th May 2021, 07:44
I thought the existence of such a long runway was one of the main reasons for selecting NQY as a UK Spaceport location.

A320 Glider
30th May 2021, 13:10
You can easily cut that runway in half!
EZY seasonals to LGW can do STOL ops.

TODR won't be an issue as the demand cannot be that high between LGW NQY for a full load on an A319/20.

Pat UK
30th May 2021, 13:55
Not half but certainly by 30%, Cotswold Airport gets by with 2,000m and around these times looks like this


4eyed anorak
2nd Jun 2021, 17:21
Can anyone enlighten me as to the Boeing 777-300 the landed at Newquay yesterday? Thought it looked like it was wearing a Biman livery!

2nd Jun 2021, 17:35
Japan Air Self Defence Force (JASDF) familiarisation flight.

2nd Jun 2021, 20:18
Apparently stopped for lunch and fuel before heading back east!

A few USAF C17's about over recent days also.

2nd Jun 2021, 20:49
any feeling for loads on new EZY GLA route? Fares pretty high for all the staycationers

9th Jun 2021, 08:34
G7. Delta A330 IAD NQY showing on Flightradar24 now.

Back at NH
11th Jun 2021, 17:29
Daily Mail reporting UK spent £8 million on a runway extension at NQY for AF1. Do we know what works were actually carried out?

willy wombat
11th Jun 2021, 18:24
So how busy is NQY today?

11th Jun 2021, 19:23
All I heard was the southside apron area was re-inforced/ re-surfaced for heavy aircraft.

11th Jun 2021, 20:58
Golden rule, never trust anything the Daily Fail reports as it's usually inaccurate or wrong!

This article from Simple Flying (https://simpleflying.com/newquay-air-force-one-cost/) seems to suggest that "...a large US military plane, carrying several Osprey aircraft" was accompanying POTUS.

According to RadarBox, x4 USAF C-17 Globemasters (03-3119, 00-0184, 07-7169 & 07-7176) landed at NQY between 6-7th Jun so perhaps the upgrades would have been needed in order to be able to handle these, as Dct_Mopas suggests?

11th Jun 2021, 21:19
willy wombat

24 ATM or thereabouts.

Pat UK
12th Jun 2021, 01:16

Not that there is any need for a runway extension but a dead giveaway would be if there have been any recent NOTAM's regarding WIP, ILS off air, approach lights inop etc. etc. etc.

Whispering Giant
12th Jun 2021, 09:01
Stobart Air ceases trading with immediate effect, that’s the end of Belfast and Dublin flights from NQY as they were operated by Stobart air, as Aer Lingus regional.

12th Jun 2021, 09:12
Be interested to see if Ryanair would try a twice weekly flight. Could work seasonally.

12th Jun 2021, 14:53
I would be surprised if EI didn’t have a back up plan. After all the regional contract was only due to run another 12 months or so before transferring to the new operator.

I would suspect mainline metal on some routes short term

and an early start date for the new entity ? Perhaps even taking on the STK leased aircraft and the crews ?

16th Jun 2021, 16:23
Cityflyer to BHD announced today. Starts 3rd. July.

17th Jun 2021, 01:54
Reading on the interweb that U2 have added some additional NQY domestic connections.

BHX starts 10/7
INV starts 11/7

17th Jun 2021, 14:00
Eastern Airways are increasing Newquay - Leeds route from 4x to 6x weekly, double daily Jetstream 41 flights on Monday, Fridays and single flight each on Thursdays and Sundays.

Curious Pax
16th Oct 2021, 21:25
Any indication on whether the PSO tender for London flights is likely to come to anything? Should be an announcement soon I thought?

21st Oct 2021, 16:27
On or before 24th Nov by all accounts…

28th Oct 2021, 14:09
Unconfirmed but Sean M on twitter who is very good with these things. Eastern Airways have won the PSO and will operate to Gatwick on the ATR 72

28th Oct 2021, 16:06
…mmm not sure thats what the locals will have wanted, but better than nothing

28th Oct 2021, 17:20
They can look forward to constant changes to the schedule, high fares and the ATR being subbed by the rest of the Eastern fleet. Such a shame BACF didn’t bid. I can’t see this serving the community well.

28th Oct 2021, 17:24
You forgot regular cancellations at short notice

28th Oct 2021, 17:31
I would expect the community to have specified a minimum standard of service in the contract.

28th Oct 2021, 17:34
How many flights per day was the PSO wanting to be undertaken.

28th Oct 2021, 17:39
And operating via god knows where! Probably VLY lol

14th Dec 2021, 17:39
Inaugural Eastern flight tomorrow Newquay-Gatwick.

If Flightradar is to be believed (...) the operating aircraft G-IACZ arrived at NQY tonight from, er, Biggin Hill.

14th Dec 2021, 21:08
Inaugural Eastern flight tomorrow Newquay-Gatwick.

Not a great time to be launching a relatively poorly advertised route. Lets hope they have some luck (and good reliability). Wonder what loads are like…

16th Dec 2021, 11:25


I wonder how many were on the flight versus how many of these mouth-breathers drove to the airport to stage their protest.

6th May 2022, 19:44
Anyone know out of interest how the loads on the new EI regional NQY/DUB are looking? Booked on it myself shortly.

7th May 2022, 01:50
Extra capacity and flights for Humberside.

https://cimg6.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/940x788/a9ed8de6_2b4b_471d_83a2_be13df37f24e_7b71a00013ecf40a1caba14 ec317d6f0f45a9bb5.jpeg

7th May 2022, 13:59
Dublin loads have been very good. Judging by the fares for flights in the next month, the route is doing very well.

7th May 2022, 18:23
Dublin loads have been very good. Judging by the fares for flights in the next month, the route is doing very well.
Thanks for the info

19th May 2022, 18:15
Good to see that easyJet will be back next summer on Manchester with an additional Sunday frequency from the end of March.Every little helps......

2nd Jul 2022, 15:53
The final tranche of summer services beginning this week: easyJet-Glasgow; BA – Heathrow; Edelweiss – Zürich. Also, Eastern have announced the PSO will increase to 17 per week from 11th July. Quite a contrast to almost total closure 16 months ago.

29th Aug 2022, 16:43
Loganair, the UK’s largest regional airline, has today announced that it will suspend operations at Cornwall Airport Newquay this winter. Daily services to Manchester and onwards to Aberdeen, together with non-stop flights to Edinburgh and Newcastle, will be completely suspended between November 2022 and March 2023. In all, almost 300 flights scheduled to Newquay over the coming winter season have been withdrawn from the airline’s schedule.

We’re most disappointed that short-sighted and short-term decisions by the airport’s management to incentivise unsustainable operations by other airlines leave no prospect of winter flights remaining viable, particularly against a backdrop of high fuel prices and rising inflation. In the meantime, we’ll be directing our efforts towards other UK regional airports such as Southampton, Exeter and Cardiff, where airport managements recognise and appreciate the enormous value that year-round, sustainable regional air services can bring to their communities and local economies.”


29th Aug 2022, 19:54
A typical response from Loganair when faced with any competition. Whilst I can understand the MAN route being withdrawn, the NCL/EDI routes are a surprise unless forward bookings are dire.The Bonds have always been hugely risk-averse and while there's no harm in that, it does make you wonder what the future holds for them in what is likely to become a much more competitive market. SOU in particular is likely to become a significant base for Flybe as new aircraft arrive and their Scottish routes are likely to come under even more attack from the new Flybe company. Loganair's success has been mainly predicated on carefully choosing non-competed PSO backed predominantly Scottish highlands and islands flying as well as the LDY PSO that they inherited after engineering the transfer from sister company BMI. I fear for the future of Loganair as the Bonds seem to be losing their appetite for bankrolling it and it's common knowledge in the airline community that they have been peddling it for sale for some time with no takers.

29th Aug 2022, 20:02
What about the situation at Newquay? We seem to be in the position that the airport (owned by the County Council) is offering inducements to an airline to compete against a PSO route that is being subsidised by the County Council?

29th Aug 2022, 20:43
A typical response from Loganair when faced with any competition. Whilst I can understand the MAN route being withdrawn, the NCL/EDI routes are a surprise unless forward bookings are dire.The Bonds have always been hugely risk-averse and while there's no harm in that, it does make you wonder what the future holds for them in what is likely to become a much more competitive market. SOU in particular is likely to become a significant base for Flybe as new aircraft arrive and their Scottish routes are likely to come under even more attack from the new Flybe company. Loganair's success has been mainly predicated on carefully choosing non-competed PSO backed predominantly Scottish highlands and islands flying as well as the LDY PSO that they inherited after engineering the transfer from sister company BMI. I fear for the future of Loganair as the Bonds seem to be losing their appetite for bankrolling it and it's common knowledge in the airline community that they have been peddling it for sale for some time with no takers.

Truly one of the most satirical posts on here for some time. If you're working for Flybe in some capacity or consultancy (or have an axe to grind post bmir) then it's normal to declare an interest btw.

Loganair has held out in competition to easyJet on MAN/NQY, MAN/ABZ and MAN/IOM and hasn't run away. It's not a "typical response".

An airline only needs bankrolling if it's losing money. That's more a question for Flybe than Loganair - Loganair doesn't need "bankrolling".

Any company is for sale if the price is right. You don't need to look too far back on the Flybe thread to see that Cyrrus were hawking Flybe around for sale before it had even flown a single passenger. No takers. Funny, that!

Leaving Flybe and Eastern to fight it out in NQY is a win/win for Loganair. Both will come off worse from the fight and Loganair won't have lost money watching from the sidelines so will be the strongest of the three out the other side. Leaves plenty of time before battle commences in SOU where the Loganair press blurb makes clear that ground will be defended. Especially so when you have a bunch of Loganair people still irked about the hit to their BRAL pensions from Flybe 1...and I can tell you for one that they're very real and very irked.

By all means post utter drivel if it helps you feel better, but it really is drivel.

29th Aug 2022, 20:50
Especially so when you have a bunch of Loganair people still irked about the hit to their BRAL pensions from Flybe 1...and I can tell you for one that they're very real and very irked.

You can't go bringing that up! It was all legal, just business... :rolleyes:

29th Aug 2022, 20:55
There is a very thin dividing line between legality and morality.

The fight will be just as much of a grudge match as the first round. I've no doubts as to who will win and that's assuming one of the two contestants even makes it through the next six months to the starting line.

29th Aug 2022, 21:44
Truly one of the most satirical posts on here for some time. If you're working for Flybe in some capacity or consultancy (or have an axe to grind post bmir) then it's normal to declare an interest btw.

Loganair has held out in competition to easyJet on MAN/NQY, MAN/ABZ and MAN/IOM and hasn't run away. It's not a "typical response".

An airline only needs bankrolling if it's losing money. That's more a question for Flybe than Loganair - Loganair doesn't need "bankrolling".

Any company is for sale if the price is right. You don't need to look too far back on the Flybe thread to see that Cyrrus were hawking Flybe around for sale before it had even flown a single passenger. No takers. Funny, that!

Leaving Flybe and Eastern to fight it out in NQY is a win/win for Loganair. Both will come off worse from the fight and Loganair won't have lost money watching from the sidelines so will be the strongest of the three out the other side. Leaves plenty of time before battle commences in SOU where the Loganair press blurb makes clear that ground will be defended. Especially so when you have a bunch of Loganair people still irked about the hit to their BRAL pensions from Flybe 1...and I can tell you for one that they're very real and very irked.

By all means post utter drivel if it helps you feel better, but it really is drivel.

Hardly drivel Saab 2000 Driver and as for declaring an interest then I'm assuming you're an employee of Logan? Don't seem to see a declaration there..

There's a difference between "Any company is for sale if the price is right" and the owners actively hawking the company. Perhaps you should ask your superiors and see what they say?

I'm not knocking Logans business model in terms of actively searching out non-competed PSOs and making profit out of them. Makes sound business sense. But they are massively risk-verse and hate competition.

Flybe have declared that they are looking to grow to 30+ aircraft by 2024 and become the UK/Europe's leading regional carrier and you can bet that there will be significant overlap and encroachment onto Logans current network.

It will be interesting to see if Logan stay and fight or run away.

29th Aug 2022, 21:50
What about the situation at Newquay? We seem to be in the position that the airport (owned by the County Council) is offering inducements to an airline to compete against a PSO route that is being subsidised by the County Council?

An assumption based on your own opinion? Flybe 2 has bought the brand and data accrued by Flybe 1. They will know how the route did previously and probably see Eastern as relatively easy pickings competition wise. It would be silly for NQY airport to offer incentives against their own PSO.
It's more likely that it's seen as a better use of LHR slots than LBA and with a sound knowledge of the historic market.

29th Aug 2022, 22:37
I dunno who the tagged Saab 2000 Driver is but as their profile says they're in Basel, probably nowt to do with Loganair :ugh: At least if you're the official Flybe mouthpiece on here as you seem to be then be transparent about it. Consulting gig after leaving the broker world is it?

You're right tho - there's a difference between a company being hawked around and being for sale only if the price is right. The first applies to Flybe, the second to Loganair!

Some of the Loganair PSOs are long long standing operations but a quick count says maybe 7 out of 44 aircraft on PSOs. One look at recent fleet changes will tell you all you need to know about where the real energy is going.

The stuff about LBA and NQY is a good laugh. If Flybe 2 "bought the brand and data accrued by Flybe 1" then it's made some piss poor decisions using it. If you had the data to show NQY was so strong then why the sit-com of LBA/LHR that we've all just watched? They must have spaffed at least a million quid up the wall in Leeds on a crap idea which turned out to be every bit as crap as most said it would be. Newquay is the saviour but you've had the data all along to show how good it was?

30th Aug 2022, 06:30
I dunno who the tagged Saab 2000 Driver is but as their profile says they're in Basel, probably nowt to do with Loganair :ugh: At least if you're the official Flybe mouthpiece on here as you seem to be then be transparent about it. Consulting gig after leaving the broker world is it?

You're right tho - there's a difference between a company being hawked around and being for sale only if the price is right. The first applies to Flybe, the second to Loganair!

Some of the Loganair PSOs are long long standing operations but a quick count says maybe 7 out of 44 aircraft on PSOs. One look at recent fleet changes will tell you all you need to know about where the real energy is going.

The stuff about LBA and NQY is a good laugh. If Flybe 2 "bought the brand and data accrued by Flybe 1" then it's made some piss poor decisions using it. If you had the data to show NQY was so strong then why the sit-com of LBA/LHR that we've all just watched? They must have spaffed at least a million quid up the wall in Leeds on a crap idea which turned out to be every bit as crap as most said it would be. Newquay is the saviour but you've had the data all along to show how good it was?

The line about the data has been mentioned before on the Flybe thread. As you said, it does make you wonder what the data shows if Flybe plumped for the Leeds route, which most often had less than 10 pax onboard, and two other Heathrow routes that the old airline never operated, ahead of Newquay.

Skipness One Foxtrot
30th Aug 2022, 10:41
But they are massively risk-verse and hate competition.
Flybe have declared that they are looking to grow to 30+ aircraft by 2024 and become the UK/Europe's leading regional carrier and you can bet that there will be significant overlap and encroachment onto Logans current network.
It will be interesting to see if Logan stay and fight or run away.
flybe fell out with Loganair when they didn't re-sign as a franchisee and as a result intentionally tried to kill Loganair stone dead. That always felt like a bad business decision and a personal one, which cost flybe a fortune, harmed Loganar and added nothing new to the marketplace. flybe had attacked Loganair on their home turf, and flybe2 seem to think SOU/NQY/BHD are *their* home turf to be taken back. I think NQY-LHR may have been a good move, but the wider strategy is baffling.

31st Aug 2022, 12:11
LM dropping NQY sends a clear message to the other regional airports it supports. For EXT and SOU dont forget that those are LM, GR and SI hubs where they work together. Kick one they all limp?

If you follow anyone from LM on Linkedin you'll end up seeing a lot of LM content, you'll also have then seen that they've been busy on the south coast sending their sales managers around, supposedly working with the Sales managers from both GR and SI also. They even ventured to the IOW. Either prepping for a fight or most likely... putting the leg work in to build a sustainable business. It comes across to me that Flybe just expected all their old pax to come back without putting in much effort to get them back.

20th Oct 2022, 18:09
Good news!
with apparently no press release at all, Emerald have put on sale NQY-BHD for summer ‘23. 4pw, the best - ever frequency to Belfast. Also, Edelweiss returning next year. With APD reducing in April, anyone for Ryanair back on STN?

20th Oct 2022, 22:29
Seems like BA have dropped the seasonal LHR.

Eastern have increased LGW to x17 weekly


21st Oct 2022, 00:29
In the past EZY done NQY from SEN , always good pax figs If EZY were to base aircraft at SEN next year they might want to pick that up

30th Oct 2022, 16:04
Faro loaded (but not yet on sale) at 3 pw for S’ 23. Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday. More to come?

1st Nov 2022, 09:39
Certainly was more to come.


Dublin 3xweekly starts 26th March
London Stansted 3x weekly starts 26th March
Malaga 2x weekly starts 4th May
taken from SeanM on Twitter

1st Nov 2022, 13:13
Fingers crossed this doesn’t throw EI off the Dublin


4eyed anorak
16th Nov 2022, 07:30
Courtesy of Sean M1997 on Twitter, Spaceport Cornwall have gain their license frpm the C.A.A. as a spaceport!

regards 4ea

16th Nov 2022, 08:17
Eastern add daily EMA on the bases ATR

from Feb


16th Nov 2022, 13:24
Another good sign. Humberside gains a Thursday rotation from May.Reported elsewhere that NQY-FAO has the highest operating margins of all Ryanair routes to the UK from Faro. Hence the third rotation when the route resumes next summer.

16th Nov 2022, 14:29
Another good sign. Humberside gains a Thursday rotation from May.Reported elsewhere that NQY-FAO has the highest operating margins of all Ryanair routes to the UK from Faro. Hence the third rotation when the route resumes next summer.

The Humberside route is doubling in frequency from 2x Weekly Seasonally this year to 4x Weekly Seasonally in 2023 (Mon, Thu, Fri & Sun)

16th Nov 2022, 19:36
Could do with LBA and BHX back now but all being told of loganair return the airport is looking pretty well set for summer 23 IMO.

has anyone done a day by day list of what NQY is getting ?


17th Nov 2022, 08:08
Could do with LBA and BHX back now but all being told of loganair return the airport is looking pretty well set for summer 23 IMO.

has anyone done a day by day list of what NQY is getting ?


NQY - LPL is also missing.

17th Nov 2022, 09:15
Interesting news about NQY - EMA. According to the ACL summer 23 slot report , Eastern had applied for daily slots BHX - NQY rumoured with the based ATR but I guess this won't happen now. Shame, it's a long drive from where I live in Warwickshire and the train service is awful. Loads on Flybe were always very good. I really wish BHX - NQY would return but think we've run out of airline options!

17th Nov 2022, 09:29
I really wish BHX - NQY would return but think we've run out of airline options!

Surely flybe would be the obvious; considering they've now re-established an operation at NQY and have an base at BHX. Even if low frequency, surely they could easily shake out a handful ot BHX-NQY-BHX rotations per week in summer?
You'd think the potential threat of flybe doing just this could be one reason why Eastern went for NQY-EMA iso BHX

17th Nov 2022, 09:46
LPL is a difficult one.

been tried on flybe and easyjet over last few years.

harsh competition to Manchester especially if Logan returns which would see
logan, flybe and flybe operating to MAN, saturdays would see x2 Logan, x1 flybe then daily logan, flybe and easy x5 weekly


17th Nov 2022, 10:00
LPL is a difficult one.

been tried on flybe and easyjet over last few years.

harsh competition to Manchester especially if Logan returns which would see
logan, flybe and flybe operating to MAN, saturdays would see x2 Logan, x1 flybe then daily logan, flybe and easy x5 weekly


are Loganair returning?

17th Nov 2022, 10:03
LBA is a no brainer for any airline - still unsure why it remains unserved.

17th Nov 2022, 11:22
Surely flybe would be the obvious; considering they've now re-established an operation at NQY and have an base at BHX. Even if low frequency, surely they could easily shake out a handful ot BHX-NQY-BHX rotations per week in summer?
You'd think the potential threat of flybe doing just this could be one reason why Eastern went for NQY-EMA iso BHX

I think BHX/NQY by Flybe is very likely, even if only 2/3 days per week.

It has got to be questionable as to whether a daily service between NQY and EMA is really justified. As for going for the full schedule from February? That is surely going to be challenging from a demand standpoint. But I guess Eastern has done their homework.

17th Nov 2022, 11:26
are Loganair returning?

good question

they still have the routes being sold


17th Nov 2022, 11:31
"LBA is a no brainer for any airline - still unsure why it remains unserved."

because they've done their research and realise it's a no-brainer?

17th Nov 2022, 11:39
LPL is a difficult one.

been tried on flybe and easyjet over last few years.

harsh competition to Manchester especially if Logan returns which would see
logan, flybe and flybe operating to MAN, saturdays would see x2 Logan, x1 flybe then daily logan, flybe and easy x5 weekly


Its too much from MAN really, but its the same for LBA to NQY as it is for LPL. Easyjet did LPL-NQY carried over 5K in summer months, so there is a demand.

17th Nov 2022, 11:54
good question

they still have the routes being sold


Loganair statement when they pulled out for Winter made it quitew clear they would be back in the summer on all routes except Teesside, and as stated above flights are on sale.

17th Nov 2022, 12:00
Looking at BE at the moment and their questionable decisions/ route operations.. yes they clearly haven't done any homework :)

18th Nov 2022, 09:55
Loganair will restart NQY-MAN from Feb 10th with a daily flight.

8th Dec 2022, 14:03
SAS returning with their CPH service for next year.


11th Dec 2022, 15:55
Unannounced by easyJet: Manchester increases to 6 weekly for S’23 (Full season) including double-daily on Fridays and Sundays. Seventh frequency ops in July and August.

30th Jan 2023, 13:20
Mr Gardner, who is a Newquay councillor as well as council portfolio holder for the economy, said the news was a "real shock to us". However, he added routes to London and to Manchester were still available. He said: "We were hoping Flybe was to increase operations but that's obviously not going to be the case now.

BBC - Flybe: Cornwall flight cancellations 'a real shock', says councillor (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cornwall-64437820)

Maybe they should have listened to Loganair?

​​​​​​​ “It’s with a heavy heart that we’ve taken the decision to withdraw our entire winter Newquay programme and to curtail our Summer 2023 plans too. Despite all of the challenges that the pandemic has delivered, we’ve worked incredibly hard over the last two years to build up our presence at Cornwall Airport Newquay. We’re most disappointed that short-sighted and short-term decisions by the airport’s management to incentivise unsustainable operations by other airlines leave no prospect of winter flights remaining viable, particularly against a backdrop of high fuel prices and rising inflation".


30th Jan 2023, 21:08
Maybe they should have listened to Loganair?

“It’s with a heavy heart that we’ve taken the decision to withdraw our entire winter Newquay programme and to curtail our Summer 2023 plans too. Despite all of the challenges that the pandemic has delivered, we’ve worked incredibly hard over the last two years to build up our presence at Cornwall Airport Newquay. We’re most disappointed that short-sighted and short-term decisions by the airport’s management to incentivise unsustainable operations by other airlines leave no prospect of winter flights remaining viable, particularly against a backdrop of high fuel prices and rising inflation".
https://www.loganair.co.uk/our-story...s-this-winter/ (https://www.loganair.co.uk/our-story/latest-news/2022/loganair-suspends-cornwall-aiport-newquay-operations-this-winter/)

Maybe you shouldn't be so gullible. Hinkles is great at the smoke and mirrors trick of promoting himself as the champion of the regions whilst fleecing customers. Look at the pricing. He gouges customers. He makes a big showboating play of withdrawing services only to quietly sneak back in on MANNQY in Feb well before Flybe went. It should noted that he had previously said he was taking his toys away for the winter but he knows there's a market there year-round. Hinkles and Logan are not your friends. They will fleece you at every available opportuity and bleat and whine whenever they get competition. Enjoy the high prices. It's what you wanted and asked for. Also take a closer look at whenever Hinkles posts on Linkedin. He's a master of the humblebrag and you all fall for it. Get your wallets out boys and girls, it's gonna cost you....

30th Jan 2023, 21:54
Maybe they should have listened to Loganair?

“It’s with a heavy heart that we’ve taken the decision to withdraw our entire winter Newquay programme and to curtail our Summer 2023 plans too. Despite all of the challenges that the pandemic has delivered, we’ve worked incredibly hard over the last two years to build up our presence at Cornwall Airport Newquay. We’re most disappointed that short-sighted and short-term decisions by the airport’s management to incentivise unsustainable operations by other airlines leave no prospect of winter flights remaining viable, particularly against a backdrop of high fuel prices and rising inflation".
https://www.loganair.co.uk/our-story...s-this-winter/ (https://www.loganair.co.uk/our-story/latest-news/2022/loganair-suspends-cornwall-aiport-newquay-operations-this-winter/)

Maybe you shouldn't be so gullible. Hinkles is great at the smoke and mirrors trick of promoting himself as the champion of the regions whilst fleecing customers. Look at the pricing. He gouges customers. He makes a big showboating play of withdrawing services only to quietly sneak back in on MANNQY in Feb well before Flybe went. It should noted that he had previously said he was taking his toys away for the winter but he knows there's a market there year-round. Hinkles and Logan are not your friends. They will fleece you at every available opportuity and bleat and whine whenever they get competition. Enjoy the high prices. It's what you wanted and asked for. Also take a closer look at whenever Hinkles posts on Linkedin. He's a master of the humblebrag and you all fall for it. Get your wallets out boys and girls, it's gonna cost you....

But maybe the reality is those higher prices are the only way the routes are sustainable. Flybe tried offering cheap prices and it’s bust.

Is Loganair perfect? No but they are still here and that’s a lot more useful.

Skipness One Foxtrot
31st Jan 2023, 01:29
TartinTon Loganair's schedule ops don't even break even. Even with expensive airfares, it's not like they're making a fortune, they get by and turn a profit when charters and cargo get thrown in. I believe it's a 3% margin.

They're so expensive because they fly prop aircraft on high frequency shedules to the Highlands and Islands and the regions, if they do too well on volume, Ryanair or easyJet swoop in and Loganair depart, but frequency falls to about one daily. Flybe had low fares and high costs and went bust twice. Loganair have high cost and high fares and are celebrating 60 years of (almost but not quiet, thank you British Regional Airlines) continuous operations.

31st Jan 2023, 05:50
As others have pointed out, flying small aircraft on thin routes is never going to be cheap.

Agree your point about the humblebrag, though. :ok:

willy wombat
31st Jan 2023, 06:04
Oh dear, TartinTon. I don’t know what Loganair’s done to upset you but you do come across as bitter. Loganair has a business model that works - smaller aircraft, higher frequency and realistic fares. Flybe one and two had a business model that didn’t work. Relatively small aircraft with high costs (from an economics point of view, give me an ATR72 over a dash 8 400 any day) but trying to offer fares more appropriate for 737/320 type aircraft. Combine this with a spider’s web type network and what did you expect? Einstein allegedly defined insanity as doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result, which would seem to apply to Flybe v2 vs v1.
If you look back over this thread you will see that I have been totally consistent in my view that Flybe v2 was simply a slot scam. However it appears (IMHO) that the management was too inept even to carry that out successfully.

willy wombat
31st Jan 2023, 06:49
Whoops. I thought I was posting in the Flybe thread so in fairness, in this thread you won’t find any claims from me that Flybe 2 was a slot scam but there’s plenty in the Flybe thread

31st Jan 2023, 07:06
As others have pointed out, flying small aircraft on thin routes is never going to be cheap.

Agree your point about the humblebrag, though. :ok:

Why shouldn’t he brag. Flybe1 tried to fight them and he won. Then Flybe2 came along with all the talk about enough money to fly empty for two years etc and again his business is still going and made a profit. At least he shows some personality and his staff seem to like him.

31st Jan 2023, 07:21
Why shouldn’t he brag. Flybe1 tried to fight them and he won. Then Flybe2 came along with all the talk about enough money to fly empty for two years etc and again his business is still going and made a profit. At least he shows some personality and his staff seem to like him.

That's not the point of the post being discussed, though. Most dictionary definitions define bragging with reference to arrogance and boasting - not really an appropriate tone in the circumstances

31st Jan 2023, 09:09
In relation to Newquay, Loganair might not be as cheap as Flybe but when compared to the rail options they're very competitive. Cheaper and much quicker.

If you book for two months ahead they're £60 one way from Newquay to Manchester which seems fair.

31st Jan 2023, 10:55
Tim Jeans was interviewed on Monday morning by BBC4 wake up to business. He failed to mention the airline taking on the Manchester route. Talk about missing an open goal.

10th Feb 2023, 07:36
Loganair NQY-MAN starts today.

In other news, RYR will be flying NQY-EDI twice weekly from the first weekend in June.
This is in addition to the previously announced NQY to STN and DUB, both 3 weekly from the end of March.

11th Feb 2023, 10:12
Anyone likely to take on LHR again, BA did it last summer from memory.

25th Mar 2023, 14:13
That’s some uplift in operations from tomorrow. Four Ryanair flights, including Dublin, Stansted and Malaga for the first time plus Faro restarts, easyJet, back on Manchester and Loganair Edinburgh. Finally back to pre-Covid levels, even with the demise of flybe, 2.0
Be interesting to see how many takers there are for a 0600 departure from Manchester!

25th Mar 2023, 22:11
A quick dummy booking shows 81 seats checked in or pre-booked for the morning so at this stage it’s unlikely many more will be added to that. And, it’s assuming everyone booked shows up.

6th May 2023, 23:22
Winter 23/24. Malaga, Faro and Alicante now operating year-round. That’s some uplift by Ryanair, Two weekly ops this winter, increasing to 6.

27th May 2023, 22:09
……. And now Ryanair Dublin is continuing through winter 23/4 with increased frequency to 4PW. No sign of Stansted though.

1st Jul 2023, 14:23
It’s getting lonely on this thread. So much good news in the last couple of months. Ryanair, Edinburgh in June and now the final starts of the summer this week. EasyJet, Glasgow; Edelweiss, Zürich and finally SAS Copenhagen. Imagine if this was the Teesside thread. The CAA stats for April show Newquay overtook Exeter for the first time in years. Am I alone in celebrating the return to pre-Covid traffic levels at an airport. That was closed this time two years ago?

1st Jul 2023, 14:36
Cornish Simon who used to keep up with NQY developments appears to have moved on.

The comparative numbers of postings between the MME thread and this one is remarkable given the progress NQY is making post covid compared to MME.

1st Jul 2023, 19:04
Have to agree, NQY has done incredibly well in the past 18 months and this summer looks like boom time despite the fact we are no longer tied down to the dreaded staycation!! It's a great airport to fly to / from and I hope it continues to see more growth. A route from my local BHX would be nice but sadly not likely given Eastern on EMA

Go Newquay! 💪💪

1st Jul 2023, 20:18
Cornish Simon who used to keep up with NQY developments appears to have moved on.

The comparative numbers of postings between the MME thread and this one is remarkable given the progress NQY is making post covid compared to MME.

Maybe because the more 'interesting' recent developments at NQY have been covered on other threads - and the MME thread (and SEN, LTN, SOU, BOH, etc) covers topics relating to the airport other than just airlines services

Skipness One Foxtrot
1st Jul 2023, 22:53
Cornish Simon who used to keep up with NQY developments appears to have moved on.
He got his dream route on BA to LHR then had it ripped from him! Poor chap!

15th Jul 2023, 20:59
He got his dream root on BA to LHR then had it ripped from him! Poor chap!

maybe he’s just fed up of the consistent bashing he gets from morons like you

poor chap my arse

14th Oct 2023, 12:05
Summer ‘24
The programme for next year is beginning to appear. EasyJet, reductions on Manchester. No second Friday flight and Wednesdays dropped. Hopefully this will encourage Loganair to go double-daily. Ryanair will be back on all six routes with Alicante up to 3 per week. (Faro not yet loaded.) July/August passenger numbers, 97.5% of the same months in 2019. Great result.

16th Oct 2023, 08:52
Summer ‘24
The programme for next year is beginning to appear. EasyJet, reductions on Manchester. No second Friday flight and Wednesdays dropped. Hopefully this will encourage Loganair to go double-daily. Ryanair will be back on all six routes with Alicante up to 3 per week. (Faro not yet loaded.) July/August passenger numbers, 97.5% of the same months in 2019. Great result.
Will both Ryanair and Aer Lingus continue to fly NQY/DUB?

16th Oct 2023, 15:05
Will both Ryanair and Aer Lingus continue to fly NQY/DUB?
Yes, Ryanair will operate three per week end EI daily.Ryanair have reduced the original schedule for 24/25 from 4pw to 3. Still a lot of seeds to fill.

16th Oct 2023, 15:06
Yes, Ryanair will operate three per week end EI daily.Ryanair have reduced the original schedule for 24/25 from 4pw to 3. Still a lot of seeds to fill.
Apologies. Should have read: 23/24.

16th Oct 2023, 19:34
Aer Lingus have loaded daily NQY/DUB and Ryanair have a 3 weekly (Tue/Fri/Sun) NQY/DUB loaded in their system for Summer 24

18th Oct 2023, 22:24
Genuine question.

When might EI consider double daily DUB at am and pm

same question for loganair MAN

19th Oct 2023, 10:58
Genuine question.e

When might EI consider double daily DUB at am and pm

same question for loganair MAN
With Ryanair also on the route my question would be when will one of them quit
For a route that I subsidise from my taxes I can't believe how expensive NQY/LGW is. I just looked at booking two flex returns in February and it is over £800. Even a normal fare with bags is over ,£350
I will still drive up.

18th Nov 2023, 14:20
Stansted returns.Without announcement or fanfare, Ryanair have put Stansted on sale from 17th December. (previously relaunch was at the start of the summer schedule). Thursday and Sunday. That’s now five year-round routes from Newquay. I stand to be corrected, but that is more than any other non--base airport in the UK. Well done team CAN!

1st Dec 2023, 12:32
Why are all the Ryanair flights diverted to EXT today? But everything else is operating normally? Plus some additional odd easyJet movements. What’s going on?

1st Dec 2023, 14:09
The easyjet movements may be training flights.

1st Dec 2023, 15:13
The EZY aircraft are doing circuits, touch and go for training.

1st Dec 2023, 21:03
Why are all the Ryanair flights diverted to EXT today? But everything else is operating normally? Plus some additional odd easyJet movements. What’s going on?

Lack of de-icing facilities at NQY apparently

10th Jan 2024, 13:59
Looks like Eastern have dropped both Humberside and East Midlands and SAS Copenhagen for S’24. Not significant in terms of seeds, but not great to lose three out of last years destinations.

10th Jan 2024, 14:00

10th Jan 2024, 15:38
Looks like Eastern have dropped both Humberside and East Midlands and SAS Copenhagen for S’24. Not significant in terms of seeds, but not great to lose three out of last years destinations.

Where has that come from? Eastern still selling HUY flight.

Kind regards


10th Jan 2024, 15:58
Still showing on the drop-down menu, but no flights bookable

10th Jan 2024, 16:02
I stand corrected! HUY, now showing as Monday/Friday. Was it yesterday when I checked.

10th Jan 2024, 17:01
That's Eastern you're dealing with - no wonder it gets confusing

15th Jan 2024, 16:23
Looks like Eastern have dropped both Humberside and East Midlands and SAS Copenhagen for S’24. Not significant in terms of seeds, but not great to lose three out of last years destinations.

NQY sent out an email advertising CPH with SAS so seems like it isn’t dropped.

16th Jan 2024, 18:19
Copenhagen, not on sale as of today.Let’s hope the airport are right and I’m not

16th Jan 2024, 20:47
Copenhagen, not on sale as of today.Let’s hope the airport are right and I’m not

It is available to book. At least on my SAS app. Operating every Monday and Thursday during summer. Operated by CRJ900.

17th Jan 2024, 09:34
You’re right. It’s there this morning (I must get out more!). 10 airlines operating from Newquay this summer is great for the airport and Cornwall. Half a million passages this year? 1989

26th Jan 2024, 14:15
Additional frequency to Alicante. 4th weekly flight commences 2nd July until end of S ‘24.Sorry to see that Jonathan Hinkles has departed Loganair. He was a great supporter of Newquay, especially immediately after the flybe collapse.

26th Jan 2024, 17:50
Sorry to see that Jonathan Hinkles has departed Loganair. He was a great supporter of Newquay, especially immediately after the flybe collapse.

Yes, I too am sad/surprised to see Mr Hinkles depart from Loganair so suddenly, however he's a shrewd businessman and must/will do whatever is right for himself; I believe that he's left Loganair in a far better condition than it was in when he became CEO and I have an immense amount of respect for him - unless anyone is willing to say something that would give me reason to think otherwise...!?

Specifically on the point of NQY though, he did have a bit of a rant when they allowed Flybe 2.0 to compete on the NQY-MAN route, which Loganair was already serving at the time.

26th Jan 2024, 18:14
Yes, I too am sad/surprised to see Mr Hinkles depart from Loganair so suddenly, however he's a shrewd businessman and must/will do whatever is right for himself; I believe that he's left Loganair in a far better condition than it was in when he became CEO and I have an immense amount of respect for him - unless anyone is willing to say something that would give me reason to think otherwise...!?

Specifically on the point of NQY though, he did have a bit of a rant when they allowed Flybe 2.0 to compete on the NQY-MAN route, which Loganair was already serving at the time.

He didn't just have a rant he had a full on hissy fit and pulled the service along with EDI before re-instating it 6 months later

Albert Hall
26th Jan 2024, 19:05
And with the benefit of hindsight, I think called it probably bang on. That route won’t support two airlines over winter, the relaunch date planned in advance predicted Flybe Mk2’s failure within a couple of weeks and it sent a clear message to Newquay Airport!

26th Jan 2024, 19:13
Anybody know how FR loads have been on the Stansted service?

4th Feb 2024, 21:40
Big step up for the Edelweiss service this summer. Season now starts in May and a second flight on Wednesdays is added from mid-June. I can’t think of a better example of how the airport is benefiting Cornwall’s economy.

19th Feb 2024, 17:41
Not such great news from easyJet. They’ve dropped all departures in October on Manchester, and the increased frequency in July/August is going too. If ever, there was an opportunity for Loganair to go double-daily, it’s now.

19th Feb 2024, 17:52
Not such great news from easyJet. They’ve dropped all departures in October on Manchester, and the increased frequency in July/August is going too. If ever, there was an opportunity for Loganair to go double-daily, it’s now.

Hopefully they redirect some of this MAN capacity to SOU

Albert Hall
19th Feb 2024, 18:27
This isn’t new - it was about three months ago that they cut back to twice weekly for the summer. Used to be five weekly in peak summer and now just Mon & Fri only.

19th Feb 2024, 18:49
Start a business route in July?
More likely that demand from their holiday division requires an additional flight somewhere.

19th Feb 2024, 19:46
There’s a huge gap in the market here ready for loganair to find a couple of frames to base at Nqy.

Manchester supports around 8k passengers per month during peak season. Shouldn’t be hard to run x3 daily with an early ex Nqy and late back with a middle of the day

open a base and run the other routes ex Nqy ? Add in LBA, EMA, AMS …..

19th Feb 2024, 20:59
There’s a huge gap in the market here ready for loganair to find a couple of frames to base at Nqy.

Manchester supports around 8k passengers per month during peak season. Shouldn’t be hard to run x3 daily with an early ex Nqy and late back with a middle of the day

open a base and run the other routes ex Nqy ? Add in LBA, EMA, AMS …..

Loganair aren't cheap..............

19th Feb 2024, 22:10
Loganair aren't cheap..............

oooooh I’m well aware.

but demand is there for Manchester. Loganair offer codeshares etc to connect at Manchester

it’s been a huge market for Nqy going waaaay back. Most recently loganair and Easy. Flybe. BMI baby. Air south west etc

19th Feb 2024, 23:56
Loganair aren't cheap..............

Neither is the train fare!

17th Apr 2024, 12:24
Stellar performance from the February CAA Stats. Nearly 23k passengers, 107% up up on February’23 - easily the best in the country. Rolling year is up to 424k passengers. New winter services to Stansted, Malaga and Faro, plus additional Dublin frequencies have driven most of the growth. Clouds on the horizon: easyJet pulling Manchester from the end of September; Belfast ending mid-September and no EIR Dublin on sale for winter 24/5.

30th Apr 2024, 18:01
Cornwall Council have announced they are seeking a "private sector partner" to assist or take over the running of the airport! Any takers?

30th Apr 2024, 20:55
That's a job for RCA, Regional and City Airports, who run airports such as NWI, I would say.

1st May 2024, 10:39
Interesting that they do not appear to be considering a sale of the site, which would almost certainly result in purchase by a developer who would permanently close it and build on it, be it houses or business facilities like at DSA. This seems to be a way of offloading it without losing the airport as a strategic asset.

1st May 2024, 12:20
Interesting that they do not appear to be considering a sale of the site, which would almost certainly result in purchase by a developer who would permanently close it and build on it, be it houses or business facilities like at DSA. This seems to be a way of offloading it without losing the airport as a strategic asset.
So glad they spent the 10 million on the plan by expensive consultants a few years back and kicked out the aviation museum plus the million or so given to Virgin
Shows money well spent.

27th May 2024, 16:40
The CAA stats for March make interesting reading. Newquay has moved ahead of both Norwich and Exeter for the year ended March’ 24. The short sectors that Ryanair have added: Stansted, Edinburgh, and Dublin have massively helped to close the gap on those two. There can’t be too many small regional airports in the UK where destination traffic is just as strong as originating.Good to see that Zürich is already on sale for next year with an earlier start date in April. I’m sure that Newquay could replicate the success. KLM have had in Inverness. You can, but hope…….

27th May 2024, 17:02
"There can’t be too many small regional airports in the UK where destination traffic is just as strong as originating."

there's little choice - if you decide to fly down you'll fly back - if you drive or train the same applies

27th May 2024, 17:02
The CAA stats for March make interesting reading. Newquay has moved ahead of both Norwich and Exeter for the year ended March’ 24. The short sectors that Ryanair have added: Stansted, Edinburgh, and Dublin have massively helped to close the gap on those two. There can’t be too many small regional airports in the UK where destination traffic is just as strong as originating.Good to see that Zürich is already on sale for next year with an earlier start date in April. I’m sure that Newquay could replicate the success. KLM have had in Inverness. You can, but hope…….
If you go back to 2015 even Sumburgh was beating Newquay. Chart below shows passengers for first quarter of each year.

27th May 2024, 19:34
"There can’t be too many small regional airports in the UK where destination traffic is just as strong as originating."

there's little choice - if you decide to fly down you'll fly back - if you drive or train the same applies
I think the point made was that NQY, unlike most UK regionals is a destination for inbound traffic rather than a gateway used by local people to escape such as is the case with the likes of BHX, EMA, LBA, NCL, LPL etc.

27th May 2024, 20:35
Why is NQY/LGW still a PSO route, the fares don't reflect any discount I and several of my neighbours still drive to LGW or LHR because it is much cheaper?

27th May 2024, 22:05
Why is NQY/LGW still a PSO route, the fares don't reflect any discount I and several of my neighbours still drive to LGW or LHR because it is much cheaper?

PSO routes aren't there to make things cheaper for the customer but to provide a service that, allegedly, wouldn't be economically viable for an airline to fly if the subsidies/charge reductions weren't there and are seen as a necessary link between the regions being supported that wouldn't be there if the underpinning wasn't in place.

That's the theory, anyway!

28th May 2024, 08:26
I stand to be corrected but if you go as far back as when BA dropped flying domestically NQY/LGW was the only profitable route they had. I fully understand why PSO routes are allocated, just have serious doubts NQY/LGW needs to be one of them.

Skipness One Foxtrot
28th May 2024, 13:44
I stand to be corrected but if you go as far back as when BA dropped flying domestically NQY/LGW was the only profitable route they had. I fully understand why PSO routes are allocated, just have serious doubts NQY/LGW needs to be one of them.
When they did a B737-500 season in 2008? Or the COVID summer season? Do you mean that all of the other BA domestics are money losers?
Oh wait you mean BA CONNECT?

28th May 2024, 14:48
No I mean WAY back, long before any of the above, don't remember the exact dates but would have been around 1970's or 1980's.
Unfortunately those of us old enough to remember are now forgetting anyway through natural processes.