View Full Version : Aviation Business

20th Dec 2020, 23:50
hello all
covid has been rough and I need to get a second job. I was thinking of starting a business related to aviation.
I wanted to get a temperature check from you guys on whether or not I'm going down the right path? and does the world need another aviation business?

what I'm thinking off is an online ecom store for all things aviation (gift) related. so all gifts related to flying, pilots etc..
continue? waste of time?

would appreciate your feedback

21st Dec 2020, 00:09
Unless you can offer really unique items I’d say you’ll be wasting your time and money and efforts.
A google search will literally give you 100’s of returns.

21st Dec 2020, 09:03
A friend of my father's retired from the military and made his living selling boats and coffins.

There was always a market for one...

My advice, and it's worth precisely what you paid for it, is to choose a completely different market, so you’re not dependent totally on aviation. No, I’m not trying to reduce the competition - but I wish I’d followed this advice for my career backup!

Good luck.

Dread Pilot Roberts
21st Mar 2021, 21:17
Your target market "pilots" are in my opinion not spending much money these days on random gift purchases and such I won't be a big seller. If you could maybe do some hustling of goods dropshipping on ebay you might stand a chance but others have said its pretty saturated.