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Brian Pern
27th Jun 2021, 11:33
Thanks to the latest UK Government Green list, it looks like they well need it. After talking to a few friends at Jet2, they don't have any info on return to service. Mushrooms and Dark places comes to mind.

27th Jun 2021, 15:20
There may be company's faring worse than j2 and some better, but all are doing better at communicating with their employees. That's according to employees in various departments that I've spoken to recently. The silence is deafening apparently.

Strange that a company that's built a reputation for customer relations doesn't seem to treat its staff in the same way?

27th Jun 2021, 15:41
Well the Sim complex is going full tilt in Bradford so it looks like plenty are in the know. And looking at the prices for flights next week to Ibiza they seem to be able to charge a small fortune.

27th Jun 2021, 16:34
Every sim building in the country is going “full tilt”. That’s what happens when there are so few pilots flying they need simulator sessions just to stay current.

I too have spoken to friends at Jet2 who are speaking a lot less positively of the company than many of the Pprune fanboys. But what would they know.

Brian Pern
27th Jun 2021, 18:02
Out of curiosity how many sims are there in the J2 Training centre? I believe 3 at last count, but stand to be corrected, of course they have 3 types of Boeing's, crew will need to alternate between the Classic and NG, then there is the 757.

Lets face it every sim in Europe is going full tilt and has been for several months now. I should know I spend a large amount of my life in various 737 sims around the UK and Europe, for example the Irish lads have 6 or 7 sims in STN alone plus a couple of Max's, several at East mids and several centres booked up around Europe for their crew, but they do have 5 times as many aircraft, so their need is higher, its a shame because I have been unable to gain sim time for my students in various sim centres.

All the airlines are charging a small fortune, it means nothing in the great scheme, after all Jet2 dont get the customers money until they have flown, according to many on here.

Johnny F@rt Pants
28th Jun 2021, 11:49
It’s years since you counted then Brian. There are 3 B737-800’s, 1 B757 and 1 B737-300, there is also an A321 sim housed currently at Gatwick.

Brian Pern
28th Jun 2021, 11:56
Yep a very long time ago. Thanks for the update. Glad to see they are in use, wishing everyone a speedy return to the skies, whoever you fly for

28th Jun 2021, 14:36
Well no idea who's in the sims, as skippers and FO's not heard a dickie bird since last year, seriously they appear to have a load of crew needing to get back current.

Wish they will hurry up as I need a break this autumn and they are my preferred airline. Come on white rose men.

28th Jun 2021, 16:34
No point in trying to get all the pilots in the sims at the moment, as the routes are just not there to keep everyone current. It will be a slow wind up culminating in a very busy winter programme to all the winter sun and ski destinations.

Johnny F@rt Pants
28th Jun 2021, 18:41
Those in the sims are the ones selected to be required to support the restart. Hopefully more will follow as things start to get more up and running.

as for those saying comms have been lacking, well at first that was definitely the case, but this last few months has been far better, I really don’t know what else your friends expect?

Rt Hon Jim Hacker MP
28th Jun 2021, 19:50
I quite like the way that Jet2 communicate. They are straight talking with no BS. Having spent years listening to corporate crap at my previous outfit it’s rather refreshing.

Too Few Stripes
29th Jun 2021, 22:02
They may be great at communicating with their customers, perhaps less so with their pilots -

(from BALPA)Dear Colleague

No doubt, you would now be aware of what many are calling a complete betrayal of pilots.

It was brought to our attention late yesterday that other groups of employees within the company are getting their pay increased towards pre-covid levels. This is despite the Company Council being told that there is no further funding available for us to increase from 70% for the foreseeable future.

It means that, for instance, all managers will be on 90% of their pre-covid salaries, engineers 92% and cabin crew on up to 100% which will push them towards a second officer’s current salary.

To add further insult, these increases will be back-dated to 1st June.

It is extremely frustrating that we closed the ballot on Friday, advised the company of our acceptance on Friday afternoon and then on Monday (the next working day) hear of pay increases to most other groups of colleagues. Certainly not negotiating in the spirit of good faith - during our negotiations we were continually asked to trust the company which ‘wanted to increase pay but couldn’t’.

30th Jun 2021, 01:16
I think the bit that has been missed out was the pay increase towards but still not at pre covid pay is for those that have been taken off furlough. I understand the predicament - but we could have all just been paid 80% furlough / max £2500 per month and reducing. The company gives us a pay rise every year when the going is good - so only fair we give some back when the going is tough - I know I would be willing to take a longer pay cut in order to save my job and get us through to next summer and help us be in the best position possible.

Too Few Stripes
30th Jun 2021, 07:49
We all want to save jobs of course, but where do we draw the line ?
many pilots have been working full rosters for the entire Covid period but they have not seen any increase in pay, is that fair? Management pilots, already on higher salaries, were never on 70%. They were on 80% and now 90%, is that fair when others who are working (on lower salaries) see no uplift? It’s a difficult balancing act for sure but Jet2 have hit and missed on this one. There is no unity, no leading from the front, no communication, no fairness, no team spirit.
if one were being cynical this could be seen as an opportunistic land-grab at pilots Ts&Cs.

30th Jun 2021, 09:54
The issue of trainers working full time rosters is one that should be addressed, but there is a problem with the increase of pay for line pilots being taken off furlough. Despite what the pilot group was told last year, who flies and who doesn’t appears not to have been based on experience or years in the company, but by some random selection process probably based on whose ratings were still current at the end of the first lockdown. There has been no transparency from the company as to who was selected, who will be selected, or any time scale, and no word about moving people in and out of furlough to get more people flying, so it would be very unfair to have some line pilots on lower salaries through the whim of the training department.

The other topic, of pay returning to pre Covid eventually is another issue. The current 70% is now almost exactly where the full salary was in 2015. Since then the company has given year on year pay rises not through any form of altruism, but simply because people were leaving, and with expansion and the supply of pilots generally pay had to increase to attract and retain people. Sadly, for the next few years that is unlikely to be the case, and I’m planning my finances with a view to having this sort of income for a couple of years, assuming I’m lucky enough to have a job when the furlough scheme ends.

30th Jun 2021, 11:45

I really hope so, but it's a long time between June and November, long enough for a couple of new "variants of concern", a (would it be?) 4th wave, a bit of pressure developing in the NHS from a double whammy with seasonal flu and I can see the government re-imposing restrictions, and perhaps restrictions on British travellers not being relaxed quite as we may wish by foreign governments.

It isn't over until the fat lady sings, and she hasn't really cleared her throat yet. Fingers crossed though, the airline and foreign travel industry surely can't withstand much more of this.

Brian Pern
30th Jun 2021, 17:52

Of course, you are assuming that there will be somewhere on the UK green list to fly to this winter. So far the only place's that Jet2 fly to on the Green List are the Balearic Islands, Malta and Madeira. Of those the Balearic and Madeira are on the watch list, so could go to Amber at any time, bit like Portugal really and Malta you need a hard copy of your vaccination status supplied from the NHS directly, not a pdf copy. Then there is the politics that Merkel and friends are planning over letting UK passengers in to Europe.

I would not bank on anything substantive this winter happening for any British airline, if you look around Europe, flights are returning to normal and passenger levels are increasing, of course that won't help Jet2, other airlines that are UK based have Europe to help them, TUI and Easy for example.

Jet2 who in the past have had a exemplary customer service department are increasingly under fire, a quick look on Jet2's twitter feed and other social media shows many customers getting rather fed up.

I hope I am wrong, but I cannot see anything improving this year for the UK Aviation industry, its going to be a long cold winter.

30th Jun 2021, 21:29
Engineers have worked painstakingly since the beginning of covid to make sure aircraft are kept to a top level of airworthiness. Even when in storage. All have been on reduced salary of different levels, and are absolutely shattered after the constant physical work, and mental battering during the pandemic. Now that things seem to be slightly easing, it ramps up again.

Might be worth taking off the rose tinted aviators and see there may be logic behind departments getting some relief before others......

Too Few Stripes
30th Jun 2021, 21:51
True, SOME engineers have. However, with clear aviators applied I can assure you that sim trainers have been working harder than pre-Covid times throughout the entire lockdown period. I don’t understand your aggressive reply, this is about everyone being treated equally, quite rightly the engineers deserve an increase but so do the pilot trainers that have been flat out. Perhaps you should apply some eye-wash to remove that skydrol that’s clearly affecting your vision :)

1st Jul 2021, 06:16
Some positions going forward will be harder to fill in the current climate so the company wants to keep those people, others are going to be easier to fill and pilots are probably one of those so you can see from the company position why they may be doing it this way.

1st Jul 2021, 06:56
Trouble at mill.

Brian Pern
1st Jul 2021, 06:59
Of course Stonejo it could all depend on what the requirements for Pilots will be in the near term. If Jet2 were to rid themselves of the remaining 7 or so 73 Classics and the 757's, they would need a lot less crew. Of course it would dent their expansion plans, but after the last 15 months or so, who could blame them for taking a very conservative approach

1st Jul 2021, 10:00
Fortunately for everyone except Brian, who does appear to wish jet2 troubles despite his declaration, there is no indication that they are accelerating plans to retire the 757 or 733, and instead have been investing in fitting satcom, ACARS etc for when they start operating them again. Reduction in capacity has occurred by not having the normal summer leases from companies like Titan, Airtanker, etc.

That doesn’t mean that they won’t be making more reductions of fleet or staff, but there is no sign of it at the moment, and they have made a large investment in staff by making up salaries during the pandemic so far, which would be odd if down sizing was the aim.

1st Jul 2021, 10:21
To me J2 have just been going with the flow. When the government is picking up the salary they can just breeze along. Now that furlough is being reduced we may see some inevitable reductions in staff, sorry to say. One can show a positive view but let's not kid ourselves there is more pain for us in aviation.

1st Jul 2021, 11:16
I only have figures for the salary of a captain, because that’s what they pay me, but the government furlough money (which is capped at £2800) is significantly less than they have been paying me to do nothing for the last fourteen months. I wouldn’t be surprised if they try to reduce salaries further for crew who aren’t flying over the winter once the government money stops, but if they seriously believe, as they say, that next summer will be busy then redundancies at the end of September make no sense; by the time they have a 30 day consultation period and then four months notice it will be the end of February, and then they would have to be hiring and putting people through OCCs and attending a shed load of tribunals. It might happen, but let’s hope it doesn’t, and let’s also hope it doesn’t at Tui, EasyJet, Ryanair, Virgin etc etc as well.

1st Jul 2021, 13:41
Well said Excrab, completely agree.

1st Jul 2021, 16:15
I would comment that any talk of pay rises, however deserving they may be, during a period in which airlines are fighting for their very survival, belong in cloud cuckoo land.

Brian Pern
1st Jul 2021, 21:16
So that's me told then, excrab, no I don't wish any ill to anyone, but for those of us who don't live in the peoples republic of Yorkshire or God's Country, as some call it, everything is not rosy, in fact it is damned well precarious.
As overheard in a Washington DC Bar. "Truth is like poetry.....and most people hate poetry"

I wish you well, I remember the Channel Express days well, they were fun, but I am very glad I left that all behind many years ago.

3rd Jul 2021, 10:48
Jet2 are clearly looking to the future with one new arrival to the fleet (G-DRTP) and another due (G-DRTP).

4th Jul 2021, 07:45
Unless I am mistaken, isn't that the same one?

4th Jul 2021, 08:23
Oops, my bad the second is G-DRTJ

4th Jul 2021, 09:31
I think one of them was supposed to read G-DRTJ (ex TUI BE OO-TUX?)

28th Jul 2021, 16:23
EXCLUSIVE Jet2 eyes switch to Airbus in new plane talks -sources | Reuters (https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/airbus-front-runner-talks-supply-new-jets-jet2-sources-2021-07-28/)

28th Jul 2021, 16:41
A few A321neo options to replace 757 and A320neo for core fleet, however A220 could be a good outside bet!

Modular Halil
28th Jul 2021, 17:27
I struggle to see where they fit in, maybe the routes into Jersey?

28th Jul 2021, 18:20
Jersey route is doing really well with all the new destinations this summer with Jet 2 , the B738 performance on the route is fine even turned off taxiway F after landing on runway 08 the other day

Ivan aromer
28th Jul 2021, 18:29
Sound like the Jersey papers in the Electra.

30th Jul 2021, 20:52
Does anyone know why there are regular arrivals at Leeds from Manchester and Newcastle? Are the aircraft picking up pax at Newcastle and Leeds or just positioning? There's several on Saturday on the Leeds arrival board

30th Jul 2021, 21:05
Lots of combined flights as loads are poor.

30th Jul 2021, 22:53
Makes sense to combine to achieve a decent load

31st Jul 2021, 17:36
Combined flights from Edinburgh and Glasgow also taking place.

31st Jul 2021, 17:41
I'm surprised that they are looking for so many new planes given that there must be plenty nearly new/not very old models available at the moment and previously owned is true Jet2.
​​Buf not surprised at the move to Airbus given that the A321 is the ideal replacement for the 757s and the A319 could replace the 733s.

31st Jul 2021, 21:47
I doubt many low cost operators would take any sort of brand new A319 model nowadays…

Modular Halil
31st Jul 2021, 21:55
Anyone know if these short Jersey flights are seasonal? Just for this covid period? Or are jet2 considering them the bread and butter routes..

Skipness One Foxtrot
1st Aug 2021, 01:58
Do Jet2 have any engineering hangars at LBA?
Can't be good for the stored B737-300s to be out in the open for so long in such a soaking wet environment!

1st Aug 2021, 05:09
or the Airbus hype could be smoke and mirrors....

1st Aug 2021, 07:32
Absolutely, comes across as easy/free PR/ positive spin over the financial situation. Every airline is still haemorrhaging cash right now.

Albert Hall
1st Aug 2021, 08:59
I don’t think you are factually correct in making sweeping statements like that. There are some UK airlines holding their own. I can’t say whether Jet2 is one of them, however.

Bradley Hardacre
1st Aug 2021, 09:34
Surely now would be a good time to re equip and type rate pilots

1st Aug 2021, 10:25
They got 34 brand new 737-800NG's back in 2015 at no doubt a decent price, since they were approaching the end of their production cycle, while the order book for most others consisted of the 737MAX. While ordering new aircraft now may seem ambitious, many are cancelling/deferring orders that were part of their expansion strategy and putting downward pressure on pricing. Jet2 however are in need of a fleet renewal, and that's crucial longer-term if they are to emerge from the pandemic as a successful, competetive carrier. I wouldn't be so quick to rule out a potential order from them- Airbus or Boeing.

1st Aug 2021, 18:14
Skipness One Foxtrot

Yes. Two bays side by side at the south side hangars, suitable for a pair of 738s (one nose-in, the other tail-in) but it is a tight squeeze with not much room for the winglets. A third bay is available on request in the Multiflight hangar next door. They are very much maintenance hangars and not for long term aircraft storage. The 733s are currently jammed into a corner of the apron around stand 21C. I'll be surprised if they fly passengers for Jet2 again.

Skipness One Foxtrot
1st Aug 2021, 23:23
Ah that makes sense, I saw them getting soaked the other night but one was missing, so I assume it would be have been hangared! Thanks!

2nd Aug 2021, 12:17
Subject to the whatever the government announces about foreign travel next month some still appear to be planned to be flying in September. Just because they’re parked in the rain doesn’t mean they won’t fly again. Almost every airliner in the world lives outside in the rain, whether it’s flying or not.

Skipness One Foxtrot
2nd Aug 2021, 13:47
There's a VERY good reason aircraft storage is in the dry of the Arizona and California deserts. Historically, even aircraft which are stored in dry climates are often hangar queens on their return to service. Extended storage in the climate in Yeadon is sub optimal.

2nd Aug 2021, 15:39
733 in the circuit at LBA as I write. Was out over the North Sea earlier.

2nd Aug 2021, 19:51
The 738 isn’t a competitive aircraft though, when compared to the 737max and the 320NEO. The problem Boeing have is that the Max is the end of the 737 line, and it’s very difficult to multi type pilots on the Boeing fleets. Where Airbus have cornered the market in this respect. The 320 type rating takes you from a 318 to a 321, and with a short differences course you can fly the A330 and A350 all at the same time. Where you can’t fly a b737, b757 and a Dreamliner at the same time.

2nd Aug 2021, 21:19
I'm booked on the 733 in October (specifically because it's scheduled both ways as a 733) so I'm very much hoping that things pick up and that goes ahead.

2nd Aug 2021, 21:26
Most of the B733 flights that were due to operate from LBA during August have been removed from the website today, the flights have either been replaced by B738 or cancelled.

2nd Aug 2021, 21:54

Certainly some at TUI rated on 738 and 787. 757 increasingly unnecessary to be multi rated on esp by time anything new delivered

4th Aug 2021, 20:05
Thats where Airbus wins though. With Airbus, one type rating and a CCQ and you can fly the entire 2 engine fleet one after the other. With the Boeing fleet, it’s just nowhere near as easy. And until boeing ditches the 737 model that’s not going to change,

Rt Hon Jim Hacker MP
31st Aug 2021, 11:47
Jet 2 confirms an order for 36 A321 Neo's. Options for up to 60.

Modular Halil
31st Aug 2021, 11:48
any idea whats going to happen with the non neo?

31st Aug 2021, 14:43
There are still plans to add further A321 ceo's to the fleet, so as with the B737-800's, they will have a mixture of new and old.

Brian Pern
31st Aug 2021, 15:01
Along with the 34 NG's bought off Boeing in the last 6 years or so looks like they are looking forward until 2040 or later. Interesting though, having a mixed manufacturer fleet.

Modular Halil
31st Aug 2021, 15:02
Also interesting to see a relatively big purchase during current times

31st Aug 2021, 17:32
You can be pretty sure they got a very good deal to make that kind of Airbus commitment at this time.

31st Aug 2021, 18:10
Wow, really surprised they moved for the Airbus. Definitely going to be a challenge to integrate mixed fleet. Maybe they know something we don't. Most overriding issue is they have faith in our industry for the future.
Also heard that MOL is bartering with Boeing over a further 250 max over the next five years. Fleet could be 450 plus Max. Another good sign.

31st Aug 2021, 18:34
I'm not surprised as Jet2 have had a mixed 737/757 fleet for years. Going to a mixed 737/A32x fleet makes sense as they can also pick up used A32x planes (CEO and NEO)
​​​​ to add to the fleet when they become available at a suitable cost for them.

31st Aug 2021, 19:34
How much longer can Boeing continue giving away 737s at knockdown prices?

1st Sep 2021, 04:53
Until the FAA say enough is enough....

Lets face it, without the FAA, the Max wouldn't exist.

7th Sep 2021, 10:37
Are they planning on increasing the fleet size next year? Or they just staying as is until the NEO orders start arriving?

7th Sep 2021, 16:25
I believe that another 2 A321ceo are due to join the fleet plus one 738 listed as due on planespotters.

7th Sep 2021, 21:59
wonder the running cost of A321ceo vs second hand 738

8th Sep 2021, 17:43
​​​I'd assume roughly similar although there A321 has a higher capacity so perhaps lower cost per seat. Guessing that purchase/lease prices are low due to the lack of demand as a result of the Pandemic.

14th Sep 2021, 09:23
Is this in addition to the only one they have now?

Or are you saying there is a total of 5 for nest year?

14th Sep 2021, 12:42
There is 1 flying already and another 2 ceo coming so 3 altogether until the new neos come

14th Sep 2021, 13:23
Ah ok, thanks.

5th Oct 2021, 16:17
Further 15 A.321NEO's orderedJet2 PLC said Tuesday that it has agreed to purchase 15 new Airbus A321 neo aircraft.

The airline said the agreement is in addition to a deal for 36 aircraft orders, together with the flexibility to extend up to 60, it announced on August 31.

The 15 additional aircraft will be delivered between 2026 and 2029 and at current prices represent a total value of around $2.0 billion. Jet2 said it has negotiated significant discounts from the list price.


Modular Halil
5th Oct 2021, 16:20
Jet2 takeover has begun...

5th Oct 2021, 20:49
... or makeover. :)

5th Oct 2021, 21:15
Modular Halil

Care to elaborate…

Modular Halil
5th Oct 2021, 21:35
I dont see anyone else expanding at the rate of exs...

5th Oct 2021, 21:38
Who says it's for expansion?

5th Oct 2021, 21:45
Miss read your post. Do apologise :ok:

Modular Halil
5th Oct 2021, 21:46
share your thoughts, its always good to hear.

5th Oct 2021, 21:59
Well they have 38 aircraft in their fleet today that will be over 25 years old by 2026. I'd imagine the majority of these deliveries will be replacements, not for expansion.

5th Oct 2021, 22:11
I think we flew home with Jet2 on a 31 year old 737 a couple of years back, Jet2 make the most of their frames

6th Oct 2021, 09:30
There are 5 737-800s in their fleet that are older than all their remaining -300s. You wouldn't know it though. All are in very clean, tidy condition. I suspect the new order fits in well with B757 retirements then upgrading -800s which will then backfill -300s as they are retired. Then they can balance the fleet with early -800 retirements as they need to to manage fleet size. I suspect even though the new ones are coming, other than 737 and -300 retirements, the eventual fleet size is anyone's guess....

Chesty Morgan
6th Oct 2021, 16:48
Who says it's for expansion?
Mr Meeson.

Bam Thwok
7th Oct 2021, 11:15
Lots of internal “buzz” around the bases and a general feeling that there’s definitely something brewing over in J2 HQ as to expansion from next year.
Don’t rule out a possible order for Max’s too !

Looks like 2 ATr A330’s to be based at MAN next summer again (May-Oct).

7th Oct 2021, 16:39
Showing on Jethro`s Additional 15 321`s ordered

7th Oct 2021, 18:48
As the Pandemic comes under control due to the vaccine rollout and restrictions ease there will be a huge surge in pent up demand to travel...and a reduction in capacity Jet2 will be well-positioned to expand. Look at what they originally had planned for 2020 following the demise of Thomas Cook, and their track record on refunds will have won them many extra customers.

7th Oct 2021, 19:03
Jet2holidays is licensed to sell 3.75m package holidays as against 3.9m in 2019. Granted this is the holiday company as opposed to the airline but it doesn’t suggest to me there is major expansion planned for S22.

7th Oct 2021, 19:06
I understand that the number of holidays they are licensed to sell determines the amount they have to pay into the ATOL protection scheme and they reduced accordingly last year, they will increase if and when they need to.

8th Oct 2021, 17:24
Conversely anyone who has tried to contact their Customer Service team by phone or email has probably sworn never to use them again.

8th Oct 2021, 19:35
Funnily enough I have had cause to contact their customer services by phone and I would recommend them to anyone.. Helpful kind and professional but then I didn't have any axe to grind.

8th Oct 2021, 20:40
I might have agreed with you a couple of years ago but not in recent times. If you phone any of their numbers you are automatically put on indefinite hold to listen to the likes of Abba, Katy Perry etc. No clue given as to how long you will have to wait, no clue as to position in queue, or even if anyone there. I have spent hours trying to get through recently, at various times of the day. If you email them you get an automated response to the effect that they might not be able to respond within 21 days. They are hopeless.

8th Oct 2021, 21:30
Oh well moving on , think everyone has had some sort of issue with an airline at some point , suggest you try another platform where people are interested…

8th Oct 2021, 21:33
And what would you like them to do?

The demand, for SFQ (stupid ******* questions) is probably through the roof, along with general queries. Sadly they probably have to answer to idiots more than they do genuine customer queries. As some people want the answer given to then rather than doing their own research.

Tried doing online chat with them?

8th Oct 2021, 21:34
Does anyone know why some of Jet2 flights to TFS today have been between 4-6 hours late departing UK.

I have family returning tonight/ now tomorrow morning to NCL and they received a text from Jet2 stating volcanic action as the cause of the delay. I know La Palma volcano is currently active but of around 50 flights today from Europe by numerous carriers to TFS, only BFS, EMA and NCL had these long delays (bar 1 from Ein).

Are they telling porkies ?

8th Oct 2021, 21:44
Volcanic ash -both Tenerife airports have suffered today

8th Oct 2021, 22:29
EDI is showing a ryanair flight running two hours late.

8th Oct 2021, 23:05
A basic check of FR24 shows there are other long delays and this evening in particular every airline seems delayed. A BA overnight to tomorrow. A load of domestics delayed up to 3 hours.

9th Oct 2021, 00:53

This response comes across as harsh and dismissive of customers' reasonable concerns. Many readers here work in the industry, and answers re covid rules may be intuitive to them. But to the public at large, the various covid restrictions applying both in the UK and at destination seem complex and bewildering, and the penalty for misinterpreting them is substantial financial loss and / or denied travel. I really think we need to make allowances for customers who need reassurance on these issues.

The complexity and stress implicit in covid-era overseas travel is the product of government officials, not "idiot" customers. Remember that many of these people lend their loyalty to Jet2 precisely because they trust them more highly on customer support and reassurance. If Jet2 staff lose sight of this and disrespect their customers' concerns, they stand to undermine one of the company's standout selling points in the marketplace. These customers aren't "idiots". They're reasonable (often older) clients who just need a sympathetic hand to guide them through the minefield of multinational covid regulations. A bit of understanding for those keeping our jobs relevant, please.

Flying Wild
9th Oct 2021, 08:06
Probably something to do with the call volume. normally expect ~25k calls per week, but receiving upwards of 90k calls. People have been retasked onto the phones, but it’s still a lot to deal with, then as in the social media queries which is in itself a full time job for that team, and you could understand why it takes a while. Granted, they could probably outsource to an Indian call centre, but they’re trying to keep people who can actually help at the other end of the phone, rather than people operating off a script.

Flying Wild
9th Oct 2021, 08:09
The ash forecast for yesterday afternoon had it sitting right over Tenerife before moving round to the south of La Palma as the day progressed. Airlines have to go with the information they’re given and plan accordingly. They could have flown on time and ended up diverting somewhere else, with all the hassle that involves, or just opt to delay back in the UK.

9th Oct 2021, 08:37
Thanks for the replies.

9th Oct 2021, 16:18
Earlier today I flew Jet2 from Spain to the UK
I tried to check in online, but Jet2's website wouldn't issue a boarding pass until I had shown my UK PLF at a checkin desk and more importantly, checkin agent had manually typed the PLF reference number into their system

Is this just a Jet2 thing ? Or do all airlines now have to record the PLF number ? Or is Jet2 just part of a test with a view to all airlines having to record PLF reference numbers ? Or is this just a backside-covering process so Jet2 can argue why they shouldn't be liable for fines over carrying thousands of potentially rabid pax across borders ?
A few days ago on another flight from the EU to the UK, visual sight of a PLF was enough for airline/handling agent employees

Do public health bodies get full access to Jet2's reservation systems under this scheme ? Do Jet2 get access to the contents of the PLF database ? Seems a bit big brother-ish if either is true

9th Oct 2021, 16:29
Travelled back from Naples with BA on Wednesday and the check- in at Naples had to record details of the PLF/day 2 test code onto their system. Conversley, this meant no delay at Heathrow ....going straight through the Passport machines in less than 5 minutes. Exactly the same when travelling BA from Malaga two weeks earlier.

9th Oct 2021, 16:49
There is no need for it to be done at check in. BA and most airlines allow you to submit that info in advance - either using VeriFLY or their website.

We used VeriFLY when flying to LHR last month and had no wait at check-in where they saw the tick and just printed the boarding passes.

The E gates are now able to match your passport to your PLF. the delays come about when there are lots of families (as under 12 cant use the egates) or when the system goes down (which seems to be a weekly occurrence at the moment). We had this and it took around two hours from landing to exiting baggage reclaim.

9th Oct 2021, 16:52
I suspect that, like other bits of immigration and related stuff the government have effectively sub-contracted document checking to the airlines with fines if they let an improperly documented person on board.

9th Oct 2021, 16:52
Airlines don’t get access to the data in the form. They have to check that you have the required documents but that’s it. Some are happy to just see it others request it to be verified. It has seemed that UK airlines are more vigorous while foreign carriers just see it and carry on.

9th Oct 2021, 21:31
TUI require the PLF reference number to check in for the return they also check it on check in in resort. They annoying thing is that you have to enter your seat number but unless you’ve selected your seat you can’t enter this so can’t complete the form. You enter a fake seat to complete the form to enter into the TUI system to then check in. You are then supposed to complete another PLF as the seats have changed. This generates a new PLF ref but no way of entering this into the TUI system! There must be a better way

10th Oct 2021, 08:40
Just don't enter the seat number. Never have, never had a problem. The PLF is a box ticking exercise run by the department of health. The airline and border force just need to see it's been completed. If Test & Trace really wanted to know your seat number, they'd call you and ask once you're back in the UK. In reality, they won't.

10th Oct 2021, 12:12
You have to enter a seat number. It doesn’t let you leave it blank. But as everyone has said just put anything in it.

10th Oct 2021, 14:07
You don't need to enter anything and it will let you leave it blank.

Most recently I filled out a form on Thursday to confirm this.

10th Oct 2021, 14:50
A colleague just returned from holiday and was contacted by test and trace as there was a positive case on the flight. He was told passengers 2 rows fwd and aft were contacted. He hadn't filled his seat in as he didn't know it. So track and trace can certainly get the info should they want it and not from the passenger.

11th Oct 2021, 13:40
How are Jet2 crewing the Bristol flights? I assumed there was a base at Bristol but it seems the crew I had on a recent flight were Leeds based and doing stints presumably out of a hotel in Bristol.

11th Oct 2021, 15:58
Perhaps this is something to do with having experienced crew onboard at a new base? I know that when I flew out of Stansted in Jet2’s early days we had some northern crew onboard that were there whilst the base was setting up.

Only a guess however.

Johnny F@rt Pants
11th Oct 2021, 20:25
Exactly that.

There is a base there but there will be crews returning after furlough that can’t operate together due to recency so other crews are helping out whilst the locals regain their recency and become self sufficient again.

16th Oct 2021, 08:28
On Jet2.com EMA flights to ALC are showing 2 weekly but on the Jet2 holidays showing 6 weekly and have noticed the same with other routes. Does anyone know which schedule is correct, thanks

16th Oct 2021, 08:38
The Holidays one is correct. I believe Jet2 are making a number of their flights available to Jet2Holidays passengers only

19th Oct 2021, 17:26
Jet2 Summer 2023 has launched from Manchester and Stansted. Birmingham and East Midlands will follow in a few days on 20th October followed by Belfast and Bristol on 21st October.

Just done a dummy search and picked a random Manchester - Palma flight in September 2023 and these are being operated on a wide body. Anyone have any ideas on the carrier please? Looks to be an A330 with 45 rows.

19th Oct 2021, 17:39
Air Tanker?

19th Oct 2021, 17:52
looks like they may indeed be leasing the air Tanker again. Just found an old seat map and it looks the same

https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/928x296/seat_map_and_seating_chart_airbus_a330_200_jet2_8163238eff3e 1e45d8f453ef78aacf368b5e5429.jpg

19th Oct 2021, 18:53
They are…..

20th Oct 2021, 12:22
Having flown back to Manchester from Turkey on Friday with TUI I can confirm they do record the PLF number at check in, but that we were not at any time asked to show we had completed it in resort.

20th Oct 2021, 12:56
Sorry should have worded it better. Needed for online check in and checked visually at bag drop in the overseas airport. I didn’t mean the resort where the hotels are

21st Nov 2021, 14:08
Noticed the two A321s (G-HLYA & G-HLYB) what where due to join the fleet a year ago have been up on test flights from St. Athan the past month using leasing company registration OE-IOV & OE-IOJ. Are they finally joining the fleet?
Will they also add more 2nd hand A321s now that they are getting new A321neos from 2023?

21st Nov 2021, 15:17
Both aircraft are due to join soon - (1 entry into service in December and the 2nd January - end) All 3 are to be based in MAN for S22 according to current plans

21st Nov 2021, 15:41
Thanks! Good to see them finally joining Jet2.

Flying Hi
25th Nov 2021, 21:07
Maybe not those 'on order' but the A330s could do it.

Modular Halil
28th Dec 2021, 12:11
Anyone know why jet2 haven't started routes towards Egypt? They pretty much cover most Greece and Spain, so why don't they tamper with Egypt ect. Or could the 321's open those doors for them ?

28th Dec 2021, 12:20
Egypt seems to be less politically stable than Greece... it's caused an awful lot of problems for the like of Monarch and Thomas Cook. Perhaps one to be wary of, at least while demand for more reliable bets like Greece and Spain remains lower than 2019 ?

28th Dec 2021, 13:10
I don't think they have ventured into Tunisia or Morocco either...both popular holiday destinations from the UK....both served by TUI.

28th Dec 2021, 13:26
Jet2 used to go to Egypt and Tunisia, but in recent years political instability and terrorist attacks made them too dangerous. They are not prepared to put their customers in harms way.

28th Dec 2021, 13:42
Jet2 used to go to Egypt and Tunisia, but in recent years political instability and terrorist attacks made them too dangerous. They are not prepared to put their customers in harms way.

Oh please. You’re just as likely to be in a terrorist attack in Manchester or Liverpool than Egypt and Tunisia.

The FCO doesn’t advise against travel to these destinations, so they’re deemed as safe as anywhere else.

28th Dec 2021, 13:50
Oh please. You’re just as likely to be in a terrorist attack in Manchester or Liverpool than Egypt and Tunisia.

The FCO doesn’t advise against travel to these destinations, so they’re deemed as safe as anywhere else.

Due to high profile attacks both have suffered a fall in demand. Egypt was also on the red list at one point which probably hasn’t helped also.

Flying Hi
28th Dec 2021, 13:51
Oh please. You’re just as likely to be in a terrorist attack in Manchester or Liverpool than Egypt and Tunisia.

The FCO doesn’t advise against travel to these destinations, so they’re deemed as safe as anywhere else.
Ya reckon?
Until the next time. Then 'lessons will be learned'. Yeah, right.

28th Dec 2021, 14:15
Jet2 used to go to Egypt and Tunisia, but in recent years political instability and terrorist attacks made them too dangerous. They are not prepared to put their customers in harms way.

Yes, stupid answer! Jet2 is smaller in the big picture. Why don't they do Cape Verdi, Croatia, Morocco.
With TUI you have a choice of 5 airports to Italy whereas I think Jet2 offer Rome only. Perhaps that is because other parts of Italy are unsafe!

28th Dec 2021, 14:23
Yes, stupid answer! Jet2 is smaller in the big picture. Why don't they do Cape Verdi, Croatia, Morocco.
With TUI you have a choice of 5 airports to Italy whereas I think Jet2 offer Rome only. Perhaps that is because other parts of Italy are unsafe!
Jet2 to Dubrovnik & Split in Croatia
And in Italy they fly to Naples, Pisa, Rome, Olbia, Catania, Turin, Verona & Venice !

28th Dec 2021, 14:59
Yes, stupid answer! Jet2 is smaller in the big picture. Why don't they do Cape Verdi, Croatia, Morocco.
With TUI you have a choice of 5 airports to Italy whereas I think Jet2 offer Rome only. Perhaps that is because other parts of Italy are unsafe!

With a fleet of close to 90 aircraft and a substantial order book, I'd say nothing small about Jet2!!

Flying Hi
28th Dec 2021, 15:05
Wouldnt Jet2 need 757ish type aircraft for Cape Verdi?
just enquiring?

28th Dec 2021, 15:13
Wouldnt Jet2 need 757ish type aircraft for Cape Verdi?
just enquiring?

Or a fleet of A321neos, which they have recently placed an order for.

28th Dec 2021, 15:34
Yes, stupid answer! Jet2 is smaller in the big picture. Why don't they do Cape Verdi, Croatia, Morocco.
With TUI you have a choice of 5 airports to Italy whereas I think Jet2 offer Rome only. Perhaps that is because other parts of Italy are unsafe!

They fly to Croatia. And plenty of airports in Italy. They are the third largest UK scheduled airline.

In the past they have flown to Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt among other destinations. I assume these didn’t perform as well as others hence they were dropped and replaced.

28th Dec 2021, 15:52
Does anyone fly to Rimini?.... used to be a very popular area for UK tourists....with loads of IT flights from UK provincial airports......seems to have fallen out of favour.

(apologies for being off-topic)

Flying Hi
28th Dec 2021, 16:05
Or a fleet of A321neos, which they have recently placed an order for.
But until that happy day - -?

28th Dec 2021, 16:12
They fly to Croatia. And plenty of airports in Italy. They are the third largest UK scheduled airline.

In the past they have flown to Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt among other destinations. I assume these didn’t perform as well as others hence they were dropped and replaced.

As far as I am aware they have never flown to Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt

28th Dec 2021, 16:28
As far as I am aware they have never flown to Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt

Egypt: Sharm el Shiekh https://www.jet2.com/News/Low_cost_flights_to_Sharm_El_Sheikh_on_sale_now!!/

Article on them suspending the flights: (https://www.jet2.com/News/Low_cost_flights_to_Sharm_El_Sheikh_on_sale_now!!/)https://www.google.se/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-12416303.amp

Morocco: Marrakesh https://www.jet2.com/News/Jet2holidays_REVEALS_MARRAKECH,_ICELAND_AND_ST_PETERSBURG/

Tunisia: Enfidha
There was at least a weekly Leeds-Enfidha flight.

There are also pictures and other articles regarding Jet2 operating to those countries.

28th Dec 2021, 19:14
Does anyone fly to Rimini?.... used to be a very popular area for UK tourists....with loads of IT flights from UK provincial airports......seems to have fallen out of favour.

(apologies for being off-topic)

Rimini priced itself out of the UK IT business twenty years+ ago. None of the major tour operators were willing to pay the daft rates the hoteliers wanted and they still won't.

Indeed TUI and the remains of Thomas Cook don't offer it anywhere in comparable EU markets either.

Right now the place an unpleasant crime ridden hole dominated by Eastern European and Russian criminals with a pretty boring beach and a €15.00 charge for a desk chair.

The only carrier offing direct flights from anywhere in the UK are Ryanair from Stansted a couple times a week in high season.

Its a busted flush; in the seventies the airport handled around 1.2million whilst even before COVID that had declined to under 400,000 per annum.

28th Dec 2021, 19:32
Not like Malaga at all

29th Dec 2021, 09:07
As far as I am aware they have never flown to Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt

Used to fly to Sharm, Taba and Hurghada regularly.

Started Tunisia and Morocco just before the Arab Spring uprising and stopped immediately.

29th Dec 2021, 11:34
With a fleet of close to 90 aircraft and a substantial order book, I'd say nothing small about Jet2!!
I didn't say they were small, just UK centric, TUI can funnel customers from Germany, Belgium, Netherlands (usually) as well as UK and in fact within UK are using Easyjet alot (certainly to Egypt).
Economies of scale, as I type there are 3 Max's on the way down to SSH and I suspect a few TUI customers on the EZY flights from BRS & LGW today so demand is around.
Jet2 seem to be sticking to traditional bucket & spade routes which is fine if that is where the money is for them.

30th Dec 2021, 08:55
Can one of you friendly people check to see if Jet2 have plans to use SmartLynx out of STN next year? Thank you!

no plans for smartlynx - possibly Titan but not smartlynx out of STN.

30th Dec 2021, 09:07
(very much)

30th Dec 2021, 11:59
I think it is time for Jet2 to start thinking ahead on fleet and destinations and not trusting in the EU summer and winter destinations, times are changing and I think the destination choices should too.

I think it time for Jet2 to think about Orlando, Las Vegas, Niagra Fall, Toronto To name a few.

30th Dec 2021, 12:19
USA and Canada is a difficult market at present as can be seen from Virgin and US Airlines

30th Dec 2021, 12:33
I think it is time for Jet2 to start thinking ahead on fleet and destinations and not trusting in the EU summer and winter destinations, times are changing and I think the destination choices should too.

I think it time for Jet2 to think about Orlando, Las Vegas, Niagra Fall, Toronto To name a few.
Not sure what EU has got to do with it. The UK status with the EU is the same its relationship with any other country nowadays.

If however Jet2 wish compete at the cheap end of the package holiday market 'reinventing' Romania and put more resources into Bulgaria, Turkey etc.

30th Dec 2021, 12:41
You are reading to much into it, the EU, I was using it as a geographical area not politically I should have said Europe.

what I’m saying is times are changing and lots of individual restrictions and alert levels all over your flying program is causing havoc, people are looking further a field for their holiday and with Ryanair flying people all over Europe for peanuts something will have to give or change.
yes virgin offer flights but I’m talking about a big move by a charter holiday airlines inti this market.

30th Dec 2021, 12:44
It would be a big move - like buying more aircraft

30th Dec 2021, 12:58

I did get the wrong end of the stick.

Florida, particularly the Orlando region is a strange one. Having 'done' them twice I don't see the attraction, and certainly not in stifling summer humidity!

Between them TUI and Virgin Holidays really have that market sewn up from London, Manchester and Scotland. Perhaps Jet2 could build a market from the likes of NCL, LBA, EMA and BRS but would that give them a big enough presence to do decent deals with hotel and car rental companies?

30th Dec 2021, 14:48
Don`t forget Aer Lingus UK is In Florida market as well so if another it would be a blood bath

Travel Agent
30th Dec 2021, 16:00
Package holiday destinations lost when TCX went bust would be the first port of call if they were to do it, however why break something that's not fixed?

I would love to see Cuba (Holguin, Cayo Coco), Mexico (Cancun), Jamaica (Montego Bay), Dominican Republic (Punta Cana), Goa and Gambia during the winter - can't see it happening anytime soon though! . Plus they would then need a serious amount of change within the airline in terms of long haul frames, pilots, cabin & ground crews and tour operations would need to do a hell of a lot of contracting before they even start... we can dream!

Happy new year all!

30th Dec 2021, 16:00
I think it is time for Jet2 to start thinking ahead on fleet and destinations and not trusting in the EU summer and winter destinations, times are changing and I think the destination choices should too.

I think it time for Jet2 to think about Orlando, Las Vegas, Niagra Fall, Toronto To name a few.

Wouldn't they need 321NEO LRs or 330s for that? Is their Airbus Order flexible in that way? I think the market is still too risky for such a venture.

Just seen an advert on UK TV by AirTransit for Canadian Holidays so they see a market but.....an existing LH operation using existing equipment to service a leisure demand is very different from something from scratch.

30th Dec 2021, 16:06
TUI already have the market to ORLANDO and CANCUN sewn up from NCL.

30th Dec 2021, 16:39
I think in the current climate they'd be much better advised to stick to what they know works for them.

30th Dec 2021, 16:47
There were already operators on lots of the routes Jet2 serve but they have still managed to expand. Allegedly because they have great customer service with reps etc.

Their CEO did also mention recently that he was interested in the prospect of long haul expansion.

If Jet2 can go in with a better offer then they can easily force weaker operators out.

30th Dec 2021, 17:06
TUI already have the market to ORLANDO and CANCUN sewn up from NCL.
I would have thought that Orlando (although calling Melbourne Orlando is almost 'Ryan-esque') is hardly sewn up at 1 x weekly and 1 x fortnightly given the catchment of NCL.

30th Dec 2021, 17:12
I’m not suggesting stopping what they are good at and yes that would be madness but the following and loyalty Jet2 has would easily carry them smoothly into the long haul holiday market and run along side the European network.

Key would be to offer the routes from Most of their bases and not stick to Manchester.

30th Dec 2021, 17:49
You are reading to much into it, the EU, I was using it as a geographical area not politically I should have said Europe.

what I’m saying is times are changing and lots of individual restrictions and alert levels all over your flying program is causing havoc, people are looking further a field for their holiday and with Ryanair flying people all over Europe for peanuts something will have to give or change.
yes virgin offer flights but I’m talking about a big move by a charter holiday airlines inti this market.
They have a very different business model compared to the Ryanair race to the bottom approach. I'm pretty sure that they will come out of the pandemic in a stronger position compared to others due to the way that they have treated their customers and partners.

They have said never say never when it comes to long haul but I doubt that now is the right time.

30th Dec 2021, 18:53
You are reading to much into it, the EU, I was using it as a geographical area not politically I should have said Europe.

what I’m saying is times are changing and lots of individual restrictions and alert levels all over your flying program is causing havoc, people are looking further a field for their holiday and with Ryanair flying people all over Europe for peanuts something will have to give or change.
yes virgin offer flights but I’m talking about a big move by a charter holiday airlines inti this market.

Without a cruise contract and deal with a major theme park (Both covered by VS and TUi) Florida would be a disaster for the likes Jet2 .
Travel to Toronto has declined as the gradual VFR traffic has diluted for twenty odd years.

Now as for travel to the EU, it remains price, accommodation and convenience driven right now - the last is about to change and few realise it !

2022 summer will be the last opportunity for FREE unfettered access for British passport holders because as a third country we will soon have to apply for and book in advance on the ETIAS programme something similar to the US ESTA and a charge will be made said to be in the region of £7 to £20 per person . They will be valid for up to 90 days with unlimited entry/exit during that time. however remember you can only stay for a maximum of 90 days in any one 180 day period . Forget the idea of a November to end of March vacation in Paphos !
You already need a minimum period of 6 months your passport before expiry.

Forget that overnight trip to Paris or the sudden Hen/Stag party a few days before without checking your guests ETAIS status !

As for longer haul either means fewer more spaced out holidays , or indeed remains the focus for more wealthy travellers period stop

30th Dec 2021, 18:59
Goa, Holguin, Cayo Coco were once or twice weekly routes at best and often with a premium in fares to subsidise. They would not be the routes to go after (by anyone, let alone J2)

30th Dec 2021, 19:02
Now as for travel to the EU, it remains price, accommodation and convenience driven right now - the last is about to change and few realise it !

2022 summer will be the last opportunity for FREE unfettered access for British passport holders because as a third country we will soon have to apply for and book in advance on the ETIAS programme something similar to the US ESTA and a charge will be made said to be in the region of £7 to £20 per person . They will be valid for up to 90 days with unlimited entry/exit during that time. however remember you can only stay for a maximum of 90 days in any one 180 day period . Forget the idea of a November to end of March vacation in Paphos !
You already need a minimum of 6 months before expiry.

Thanks - must admit I hadn't heard of this. All you need to know on the link below!


30th Dec 2021, 19:04
Without a cruise contract and deal with a major theme park (Both covered by VS and TUi) Florida would be a disaster for the likes Jet2 .
Travel to Toronto has declined as the gradual VFR traffic has diluted for twenty odd years.

Now as for travel to the EU, it remains price, accommodation and convenience driven right now - the last is about to change and few realise it !

2022 summer will be the last opportunity for FREE unfettered access for British passport holders because as a third country we will soon have to apply for and book in advance on the ETIAS programme something similar to the US ESTA and a charge will be made said to be in the region of £7 to £20 per person . They will be valid for up to 90 days with unlimited entry/exit during that time. however remember you can only stay for a maximum of 90 days in any one 180 day period . Forget the idea of a November to end of March vacation in Paphos !
You already need a minimum of 6 months before expiry.

Forget that overnight trip to Paris or the sudden Hen/Stag party a few days before without checking your guests ETAIS status !

As for longer haul either mean fewer more spaced out holidays , or indeed remains the focus for more wealthy travellers period stop

Its really not going to cause that much trouble. The 90 day rule has already been in place a year now. And according to most reports it will be valid for two to three years similar to a US ESTA which hasn’t dampened demand to the states.

99% of people will be able to get one in 2 mins on a website just like they can for the US.

Edit: The link posted shows it will cost €7 and be valid for three years. Hardly going to kill demand.

30th Dec 2021, 19:27
Thanks - must admit I hadn't heard of this. All you need to know on the link below!

I searched your posts for the word "Brexit".
It yielded "About 99 results".
How can anyone post so many times using the word "Brexit" in a post and not know the above

30th Dec 2021, 19:33
ETIAS is another (dubious) benefit of the debacle beginning with a 'B' and one that the overwhelming majority of the British will be oblivious to until it hits them in the wallet.

Not onerous, just another inconvenience.

30th Dec 2021, 19:35
I searched your posts for the word "Brexit".
It yielded "About 99 results".
How can anyone post so many times using the word "Brexit" in a post and not know the above

And I thought I had too much time on my hands... :rolleyes:

Haven't travelled to the EU for a number of years and unlikely to be going in the near future. Brexit has had a huge work impact though nothing to do with moving prople - thank you for asking :ok:

30th Dec 2021, 19:57
ETIAS is another (dubious) benefit of the debacle beginning with a 'B' and one that the overwhelming majority of the British will be oblivious to until it hits them in the wallet.

Not onerous, just another inconvenience.
It will be a major inconvenience without a public information campaign .

BA mini bus I wouldn't be so flippant, is saying it won't dampen demand . It will for last minute trips when people find out they have to go to web site register input details and receive a code and authority to travel beyond Dover !
As for the validity period I believe this has yet to settled within the Schengen member states that include two EEA states and Switzerland.

Funny this Europe thing isn't it .
Can be a member of Schengen and not be in the EU
Can be in the single market and not be in the EU
Can be in a customs union, and Schengen have a multitude of bilateral trade agreements and still not be in the EU !

30th Dec 2021, 20:25
Could I very gently suggest moving discussion of ETIAS to a separate non-Jet2 thread ?
Once the UK Govt starts talking to the masses about the need for ETIAS to visit the EU, there will indeed be some raised eyebrows, and it will create a fair bit of media activity, along with related impact on flying and many many airlines. It's very much worthy of discussion on this website and I would like to take part in that debate... but the Jet2 thread is maybe not the optimal place for that discussion

30th Dec 2021, 20:34
Funny this Europe thing isn't it .
Can be a member of Schengen and not be in the EU
Can be in the single market and not be in the EU
Can be in a customs union, and Schengen have a multitude of bilateral trade agreements and still not be in the EU !

Are now, which is the UK, remind me

30th Dec 2021, 20:43
Are now, which is the UK, remind me

Ha Ha as a Simpsons character might say .

30th Dec 2021, 20:44
Could I very gently suggest moving discussion of ETIAS to a separate non-Jet2 thread ?
Once the UK Govt starts talking to the masses about the need for ETIAS to visit the EU, there will indeed be some raised eyebrows, and it will create a fair bit of media activity, along with related impact on flying and many many airlines. It's very much worthy of discussion on this website and I would like to take part in that debate... but the Jet2 thread is maybe not the optimal place for that discussion

Agreed well worth an independent thread

30th Dec 2021, 22:08
If Jet2 can go in with a better offer then they can easily force weaker operators out.

And who exactly are the “weaker operators”?

Any thoughts of Jet2 doing long haul is pure cuckoo. Flying half empty aircraft across Europe is one thing, flying half empty aircraft across the Atlantic is another altogether. Suicide

31st Dec 2021, 05:20
And who exactly are the “weaker operators”?

Any thoughts of Jet2 doing long haul is pure cuckoo. Flying half empty aircraft across Europe is one thing, flying half empty aircraft across the Atlantic is another altogether. Suicide

Jet2 have beat TUI in Europe (ended up being bigger from the UK market) so they can do it long haul.

They have experience with some long haul with their New York Christmas flights. A few A330s which would allow long haul flights and extra Europe capacity when needed wouldn’t be too much of a stretch.

The argument that the market is already full would mean we’d never see any changes. The Europe market was booming when Jet2 entered with dozens of charter operators and low cost carriers yet they have still managed to grow well.

31st Dec 2021, 07:59
Jet2 have beat TUI in Europe (ended up being bigger from the UK market) so they can do it long haul.

They have experience with some long haul with their New York Christmas flights. A few A330s which would allow long haul flights and extra Europe capacity when needed wouldn’t be too much of a stretch.

The argument that the market is already full would mean we’d never see any changes. The Europe market was booming when Jet2 entered with dozens of charter operators and low cost carriers yet they have still managed to grow well.

Not a convincing argument. Much of Jet2’s recent growth has been due to the failure of other operators.
The current business model works well so why change it?

I am amused by those posters who constantly demand new routes and new aircraft without any knowledge of the economics involved. They then take great delight in criticising those very plans. Oh the delight of armchair CEOs.

31st Dec 2021, 09:32
@daz411, you have generated much debate, suddenly Jet2 are flying to the US with A330s where the Executive Chairman states in the Interim Report only "to the Mediterranean, the Canary Islands and to European Leisure Cities." in is latest update in Nov 2021 which now even seems outdated!
Then they were talking about capacity increase for S22 vs S19, I wonder if this will still be true?

31st Dec 2021, 10:11
And who exactly are the “weaker operators”?

Any thoughts of Jet2 doing long haul is pure cuckoo. Flying half empty aircraft across Europe is one thing, flying half empty aircraft across the Atlantic is another altogether. Suicide

At this present moment I agree. It's absolute banana's to even think about flying anything other than what they know. If we have some proper world leadership rather soon which is "lets just crack on" and stop testing every man and his dog, Long Haul Travel and Short Haul will return in an abundance.
But pre-covid, the airline had a high load factor and operated with full flights, or 80+% load factor (even 90%+) on most flights on most routes throughout the whole year. Just look at their accounts to find out the LF%.

Whilst Long Haul, and subsequent operations for Holidays, are different, one thing Jet2 are not afraid of is meeting the challenge head on. Now there is no TC in the market, Jet2 have that part of the market to tap into. Offering a different product to TUI and been a competitor to them. After all Jet2 are not daft and would probably get, somehow, some cruise liners involved to make it viable also.

I’m not suggesting stopping what they are good at and yes that would be madness but the following and loyalty Jet2 has would easily carry them smoothly into the long haul holiday market and run along side the European network.

Key would be to offer the routes from Most of their bases and not stick to Manchester.

Exactly this. I also agree - MAN, BHX, STN - will be the 3 main long haul bases. Offering it from EMA, NCL, GLA/EDI, BRS, would be also a good shout. If they would make it work in LBA, and LBA's infrastructure can handle long haul, then LBA would also be a good shout.

31st Dec 2021, 10:26
Jet2 would have to be brave to go into cruise ships right now...

5th Jan 2022, 20:07
Hello my friends have just booked to fly MAN-ACE, the seat plan is the B752, I know some of the window seats just before the wing don’t actually have a window, does anyone know what number seats these are.
many thanks in advance.

5th Jan 2022, 23:51
None of the 75's have seats without windows.

Enjoy your flight - and the view!

9th Jan 2022, 19:43
Daz, it's the 737-800 that don't have windows at some of the seats. This is due to the uprisers from the air conditioning packs under the floor. There are two blank window spaces on the left and one on the right, I've sat there once but I can't remember which row it is. Either way you can still look out the one in front or behind from that seat. The 757 is laid out differently so doesn't have this issue.

10th Jan 2022, 08:07
https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1748x844/4b2d5f21_9701_4265_b74c_15ab38fc35b9_e31cb24bb0bdae99e21485a 7d74a5ca2dc0ade91.jpeg
So are there no seats behind these gaps, maybe it’s the partitions 🤔

21st Jan 2022, 18:16
Jet2 Airbus A321-211, G-HLYA, performed it's first revenue flight today from Man - Tfs(LS755) at 11:15.


Karl Denton
25th Jan 2022, 11:05
Air tanker A330 just gone into Manchester as RRR860. Wonder if this is one of the ones for Jet2 ? Would have thought it would have been a G-VYG reg though but it was ZZ337

26th Jan 2022, 07:13
Air tanker A330 just gone into Manchester as RRR860. Wonder if this is one of the ones for Jet2 ? Would have thought it would have been a G-VYG reg though but it was ZZ337

May be wrong but with a RAF callsign and registration I would doubt it is.

Karl Denton
26th Jan 2022, 07:55
May be wrong but with a RAF callsign and registration I would doubt it is.

Yeah it left an hour or so after. Hopefully Jet2s here soon

The Flying Stool
26th Jan 2022, 08:41
Jet2s /Air Tanker A330s will be civilian registered. Probably G-VYGL and G-VYGM that were previously used as they have a Jet2 interior.

26th Jan 2022, 21:56
Can one of you friendly people check to see if Jet2 have plans to use SmartLynx out of STN next year? Thank you!
I know you asked about SmartLynx & STN, well you will see them at LGW for S22 but operating for EZY.

26th Jan 2022, 22:27
I know you asked about SmartLynx & STN, well you will see them at LGW for S22 but operating for EZY.

The last time I checked BHX has a 220 seat aircraft based per the seat-map for a several flights in summer - Jet2, Titan or SmartLynx?


27th Jan 2022, 15:44
A321's planned at present:-

Birmingham will have 1 or 2 SmartLynx A321's.

Stansted will have 2 Titan A321 and 1 HiFly A321.

The 3 Jet2 A321's will be Manchester based.

27th Jan 2022, 17:52
I presume Jet2 are no longer bringing in their remaining 321ceos that they planned for in 19/20?

Were they not planning on 7?

The Flying Stool
27th Jan 2022, 20:40
The in house A321 fleet was reduced to 3 aircraft from the original 7 and are all now Manchester based. However, with the order for up to 75 A321NEOs and the first arriving in early 2023, they could be based anywhere really.

Flying Hi
28th Jan 2022, 10:58
Jet2 Airbus A321-211, G-HLYA, performed it's first revenue flight today from Man - Tfs(LS755) at 11:15.

Same for G-HLYB. First revenue service today 28/01 MAN - TFN LS755.

28th Jan 2022, 12:28
The in house A321 fleet was reduced to 3 aircraft from the original 7 and are all now Manchester based. However, with the order for up to 75 A321NEOs and the first arriving in early 2023, they could be based anywhere really.

apparently the “in house” A321 fleet to rise to 5 this summer. The two additional currently showing based at BHX

Flying Wild
28th Jan 2022, 17:22
apparently the “in house” A321 fleet to rise to 5 this summer. The two additional currently showing based at BHX

Up to 4x A321 this summer at BHX but ACMI rather than Jet2. Also up to 14x B738.

29th Jan 2022, 00:33
apparently the “in house” A321 fleet to rise to 5 this summer. The two additional currently showing based at BHX

This is what I'm seeing now aswell, looks to be very up in the air with alterations being made daily. There was a prior confirmation of 4x Smartlynx 321's but that seems to have maybe changed now to 2x in-house and 2x ACMI. If & where the other 2 company Airbus are coming from is yet to be seen.

29th Jan 2022, 16:13
Up to 4x A321 this summer at BHX but ACMI rather than Jet2. Also up to 14x B738.

Not sure what your source is but that would take Jet2 up to 18 aircraft for BHX making them the 2nd largest base. MAN the biggest - 3 A321, 11 B737-800, 7 B757-200 and 2 A330(from Tanker) (23 operating aircraft) and I doubt we'll see that large of a jump at BHX especially as this could be classed "as first season back" - all things been normal.

18 in a few years to come - can see it.

Also where are Jet2 getting extra 737-800's from? I don't see any extra additional ones to take them up to 14 737-800's at BHX. Between MAN/BHX they'd have 25 737-800's which is nearly 40% of their current fleet.

29th Jan 2022, 16:53
Not sure what your source is but that would take Jet2 up to 18 aircraft for BHX making them the 2nd largest base. MAN the biggest - 3 A321, 11 B737-800, 7 B757-200 and 2 A330(from Tanker) (23 operating aircraft) and I doubt we'll see that large of a jump at BHX especially as this could be classed "as first season back" - all things been normal.

18 in a few years to come - can see it.

Also where are Jet2 getting extra 737-800's from? I don't see any extra additional ones to take them up to 14 737-800's at BHX. Between MAN/BHX they'd have 25 737-800's which is nearly 40% of their current fleet.

There are no more than 14 units at BHX in S22, hope to be proven wrong ?

29th Jan 2022, 17:08
I’m sorry in advance, I can’t give you my particular source, and everyone here has different numbers at the moment because of all the changes to the plan, but this is what I can see planned (and it has changed over the past week)

In regards to the post I made recently about BHX, the particular time period was early may and it was a based fleet made up of at least 12 units - 8x738, 2x321 (company), and 2x ACMI/Smartlynx. This is obviously not than peak summer, but doesn’t seem unrealistic either. We shall have to wait and see.

On the same days, there are 3x company A321’s scheduled out of MAN which suggests a company 321 fleet of 5. as well as the Tankers and 752’s. I didn’t count the total, but it’s a lot more still.

29th Jan 2022, 18:01
This is what I'm seeing now aswell, looks to be very up in the air with alterations being made daily. There was a prior confirmation of 4x Smartlynx 321's but that seems to have maybe changed now to 2x in-house and 2x ACMI. If & where the other 2 company Airbus are coming from is yet to be seen.

will probably be the originals GHLYD and GHLYE that were suppose to come. Currently there is 13 based units planned - 11 800’s and the 2 a321’s - no smartlynx showing at present.

29th Jan 2022, 20:47
I am curious to know if anyone has any insight, on whether jet2 will have standard bulk holds or containerized holds the new 321 fleet?

Thanks for any information.


The Flying Stool
29th Jan 2022, 21:01
They're bulk loaded. Same as the 737s and 757s

Buster the Bear
29th Jan 2022, 22:01
New fleet, which one? The new 'old' or the brand new Neo?

29th Jan 2022, 23:59
New fleet, which one? The new 'old' or the brand new Neo?

The new NEOs when they begin to arrive, I know it's a while off.


30th Jan 2022, 08:23
will probably be the originals GHLYD and GHLYE that were suppose to come. Currently there is 13 based units planned - 11 800’s and the 2 a321’s - no smartlynx showing at present.

Those were took by Norwdind & Vietravel

30th Jan 2022, 10:30
There are no more than 14 units at BHX in S22, hope to be proven wrong ?

Based on the Jet2 timetable taken from their website, and aircraft types from Google flights, BHX for summer 2022 is showing 2 A321's (with sharklets), and a maximum of 10 B738's based, some mornings are only showing 6-8 B738s required, so the Jet2 schedules must still be work in progress.

30th Jan 2022, 13:54
It wouldn’t surprise me if Jet2 don’t get the Neo’s sooner since Airbus cancelled Qatar’s order.

30th Jan 2022, 15:25
It wouldn’t surprise me if Jet2 don’t get the Neo’s sooner since Airbus cancelled Qatar’s order.
oh yes, a brand new Airbus customer is going to get preferable delivery slots over long standing customers. More like anyone who will take them with zero discounts which I am sure there are a few.

Flying Wild
30th Jan 2022, 20:53
Based on the Jet2 timetable taken from their website, and aircraft types from Google flights, BHX for summer 2022 is showing 2 A321's (with sharklets), and a maximum of 10 B738's based, some mornings are only showing 6-8 B738s required, so the Jet2 schedules must still be work in progress.

There will also be standby aircraft out of BHX this summer.

1st Feb 2022, 20:16
Are Jet2's 733's back to work this year?

I booked AGP-LBA for 30/3 and noticed the seatmap is for that type. Quite surprised.

1st Feb 2022, 20:30
Are Jet2's 733's back to work this year?

I booked AGP-LBA for 30/3 and noticed the seatmap is for that type. Quite surprised.

Yes, as it stands the 300s are back and will see action on a number of routes out of LBA. Timetable shows them doing quite a bit but of course if demand really picks up the 800s will be swapped in as required. Catch em' while you can

2nd Feb 2022, 12:49
Also where are Jet2 getting extra 737-800's from? I don't see any extra additional ones to take them up to 14 737-800's at BHX. Between MAN/BHX they'd have 25 737-800's which is nearly 40% of their current fleet.
I believe they've taken on one or two second-hand ones over the last year. Also, as things stand, it doesn't look like any of the overseas bases (ALC/PMI) are opening this Summer, which frees up 3-4 frames.

Flying Hi
5th Feb 2022, 10:37
Just spotted G-GDFK en route from Almeria LEI to, possibly Leeds.
I guess they're coming back from Storage now.
Is the Plan to use them again n 2022 or are they going ex-Fleet?

5th Feb 2022, 11:59
Just spotted G-GDFK en route from Almeria LEI to, possibly Leeds.
I guess they're coming back from Storage now.
Is the Plan to use them again n 2022 or are they going ex-Fleet?

See post #473

5th Feb 2022, 12:18
I believe they've taken on one or two second-hand ones over the last year.
Confirmation required that one of them is EI-GYE (A6-FEH) currently at Shannon.

Flying Hi
5th Feb 2022, 12:34
See post #473
Thanks - I missed that one. :ok:

10th Feb 2022, 19:48
Anyone know what routes the A321, 733s and 752s are due to operate this summer?

10th Feb 2022, 20:17
75's/A321s -
All 4 Canaries, Mainland Spain, Late Aft Balearics, Greece, All Turkey, Paphos.

733's -
City routes, Balearics, Italy, Some Greek, Believe 1/2 Canary Islands, Mainland Spain/Faro.

12th Feb 2022, 11:39
Presumably the 733s from Leeds and A321s from Manchester.

What about the 757s; from both or just Man?

12th Feb 2022, 13:50
I think as last few years just Manchester based

Johnny F@rt Pants
13th Feb 2022, 06:43
Presumably the 733s from Leeds and A321s from Manchester.

What about the 757s; from both or just Man?

Jet2’s A321’s are MAN for S22, there are damp lease A321’s allocated to BHX and STN. The B757’s are all now MAN based.

19th Feb 2022, 21:00
Anyone know what was wrong (if anything) with DRTB? Arrived from MAN on the 13th and only today departing as EXS53YB to BRS. Why would it spend 6 days on the ground at TFS? I know they used to have a spare based there didn't they?

19th Feb 2022, 21:04
Anyone know what was wrong (if anything) with DRTB? Arrived from MAN on the 13th and only today departing as EXS53YB to BRS. Why would it spend 6 days on the ground at TFS? I know they used to have a spare based there didn't they?

As you said, they have a standby aircraft there in the winter months. They had about 18 flights to TFS today, the largest UK operator to the Canaries.

TB will have been doing a stint as the standby unit and they rotate the aircraft regularly. Unless of course its actually launched to recover something. You will probably find the aircraft that came in from BRS has taken its place and will remain in TFS

24th Feb 2022, 20:34
There must be a big question over Airtanker A330 operations for Jet2 this summer now.
I would imagine the RAF is going to be exceptionally busy conducting fast jet AAR over NATO Baltic States and covering for potential extra Russian probing closer to home.
I wonder if the MOD will trigger the recall of these two planes??

25th Feb 2022, 09:14
There must be a big question over Airtanker A330 operations for Jet2 this summer now.
I would imagine the RAF is going to be exceptionally busy conducting fast jet AAR over NATO Baltic States and covering for potential extra Russian probing closer to home.
I wonder if the MOD will trigger the recall of these two planes??

I very much doubt it..These two are part of the `Reserve Fleet` and are Passenger/freight orientated. I don`t believe they are equipped for AAR

25th Feb 2022, 09:46
Could be called back for Passenger/freight duties to release others that AAR equiped from these roles

25th Feb 2022, 13:18
I very much doubt it..These two are part of the `Reserve Fleet` and are Passenger/freight orientated. I don`t believe they are equipped for AAR

All 14 aircraft procured by Airtanker have an AAR capability fitted. Parts may be disabled or ‘boxed off’ when flying civil, but I understand it is days of a job to revert to a military specification.

25th Feb 2022, 17:01
All 14 aircraft procured by Airtanker have an AAR capability fitted. Parts may be disabled or ‘boxed off’ when flying civil, but I understand it is days of a job to revert to a military specification.
I thought I'd read up to 6 months for conversion.

25th Feb 2022, 21:04
What is the point of it taking that long to convert back when all the cable and wiring is already there

25th Feb 2022, 21:23
I thought G-VYGJ, GK, GL, GM were for additional revenue services for the company "Air Tanker". Considering it's only just 2 A330's I very much doubt they will be pulled back into RAF business.

This could change if the Chinese decide to invade Taiwan. Which given the fact the Chinese are dangerous thugs of the world it is likelihood.

26th Feb 2022, 10:47
I thought G-VYGJ, GK, GL, GM were for additional revenue services for the company "Air Tanker"

They are the "surge fleet" of Airtanker, so used for revenue-generating ops when not needed by the military is my understanding.
They are also used (mainly VYGJ) for the South Atlantic airbridge

4th Mar 2022, 12:54
Engine choice for the A321neo confirmed as CFM LEAP-1A - for up to 75 aircraft (150engines) plus spares and a maintenance support package.

6th Mar 2022, 07:27
I’m sure there was a time when the new build 738s were deployed only at specific airports or only on the longer routes potentially because they were more efficient.

Is it now the case that all the 738s, old and new, are used randomly across the 738 network?

6th Mar 2022, 12:33
I’m sure there was a time when the new build 738s were deployed only at specific airports or only on the longer routes potentially because they were more efficient.

Is it now the case that all the 738s, old and new, are used randomly across the 738 network?

It's quite spread now. The original new 738s delivered to them have the short field performance package. Ideally yes you would put newer, lighter aircraft with more efficient engines and better fuel burn on the long routes but equally you sometimes see a 20+ years 738 doing a PFO from the North.

Each base has a mix of new and midlife 738s now, the newer tails usually do more challenging fields like SZG and INN.

BHX and STN had exclusively new 738s during the first 2 years of operation but they too have a mix now.

6th Mar 2022, 23:03
It's quite spread now. The original new 738s delivered to them have the short field performance package. Ideally yes you would put newer, lighter aircraft with more efficient engines and better fuel burn on the long routes but equally you sometimes see a 20+ years 738 doing a PFO from the North.

Each base has a mix of new and midlife 738s now, the newer tails usually do more challenging fields like SZG and INN.

BHX and STN had exclusively new 738s during the first 2 years of operation but they too have a mix now.

EDI and GLA are normally new-build 738s only but occasionally see an older aircraft and all other bases seem to have a mixture.

8th Mar 2022, 13:51
Jet2 are temporary suspending operations to KRK from March 21st to May 27th from BHX, LBA, MAN & NCL bases, GLA suspended until September 2nd.

8th Mar 2022, 14:08
Jet2 are temporary suspending operations to KRK from March 21st to May 27th from BHX, LBA, MAN & NCL bases, GLA suspended until September 2nd.

Where's this info come from?
Man-krk is still bookable. Even as close as this Thursday and no info on the Jet2 website

8th Mar 2022, 14:36
Where's this info come from?
Man-krk is still bookable. Even as close as this Thursday and no info on the Jet2 website

Try book flight only on jet2.com, as I'll think you'll find the last MAN-KRK operates March 21st, then restarts May 27th. Nothing available in between them dates now.

8th Mar 2022, 14:46
Jet2 are temporary suspending operations to KRK from March 21st to May 27th from BHX, LBA, MAN & NCL bases, GLA suspended until September 2nd.

NCL doesn't op until September

8th Mar 2022, 15:38
Try book flight only on jet2.com, as I'll think you'll find the last MAN-KRK operates March 21st, then restarts May 27th. Nothing available in between them dates now.

Must have updated since